Your post raises a number of issues.
For starters, this is one of the many problems with the bible and the jesus myth. Being created by plagiarizing from so many pagan writings and then leaving in so many pagan references, that nobody knows exactly who or what they were referring to as to this "serpent" reference.
I dont agree there was plagurizing going on. In fact, i dont even agree there was synchronizing going on. I think these things wer real accross all cultures and thus every culture wrote an account. Some things are similar, some things are different. Sorta like if me and ypu told our life story....there would be similarities, yet differences, but no plagurizing.
And just where in the bible does it state in the bible that "seraphim is a flying fiery serpent or dragon like angel"?
I gave a reference, why didnt you look at it?
Then there's the claim that ALL Christians have the holy spirit that guides them to the ultimate understanding on what the bible means, yet here you are making all kinds of wild guesses. So is your holy spirit in the shop for repairs, or were you left out?
Its not a guess, i came to this conclusion based on study. Not just study of the bible, but theres other extra biblical sources that reveal the serpent was an angel.
Saraph - Hebrew Lexicon
Revelation 20:2 "He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years."
Revelation 12:7 "Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back."
Heres a extra biblical source that shows satan took on different forms, like angel, charub and in possessed the snake.
"44]16.4 The serpent said, 'In what way or how can we expel him from the Garden?' Satan said to the serpent, 'Be you, in your form, a lyre for me and I will pronounce speech through your mouth, so that we may be able to help.
44]17.1 Then the two of them came to me and hung their feet around the wall of the Garden. When the angels ascended to the worship of the Lord, at that time Satan took on the form of an angel and began to praise God with angelic praises. I knelt down by the wall and attended to his praises.
[44]17.2a I looked and saw him in the likeness of an angel; when I looked again, I did not see him.
[44]17.2b Then he went and summoned the serpent and said to him, 'Arise, come to me so that I may enter into you and speak through your mouth as much as I will need say'.
[44]17.2c At that time the serpent became a lyre for him, and he came again to the wall of the Garden. He cried out and said, 'Oh, woman, you who are blind in this Garden of delight, arise come to me and I will say some words to you'."
Also one more thing. Theres no need to mock the Holy Spirit either. Also pertaining to me, im neither left out or welcomed in. Its simply a matter of i study, and when i talk, its me using the brain God (Holy Spirit) gave me to use.
Now, the Holy Spirit does his own talking. I dont talk for him, nor does he talk for me. Wer both two different persons.