If you look at the theory of evolution, it involves natural selection and sexual reproduction to pass forward DNA. The DNA allows the advantage to move to the future. Conceptually, these dysphoria conditions, interfere with evolution, in the sense they eliminate the 2nd half or the reproductive ability to complete the evolutionary puzzle. That cannot be natural, unless the theory of evolution is wrong. Maybe those who work hard to support evolution can do the math for us.
You cannot have it both ways, which is common to the DNC. If a boy decided to become a girl; drugs and surgery, future reproduction is off the table, until science can game the system, that far. Science is not yet able to do the full game and make that illusion. Also, if it was not for science, to make the drugs and perform the new surgeries needed, this entire option would be a pipe dream; marketing brain wash. Without science, you cannot just undergo willful metamorphosis, in spite of your DNA. Gay and Lesbian became popular, before Trans science. They had to accept the physical reality of no metamorphosis. Therefore they adapt to their own physical and psychological reality.; dress up. They can still breed if they choose.
To me trans is free market driven. It is a perfect scheme to make long term money; drugs, off the ignorance of young people. Teachers had to sneak around behind parent's backs, since parents do not want the risk or the long term bill. Europe, which started this fad, is moving away, since the long term effect is not that bright. Children easily can get sucked into this fad and then latter in life, have regrets.
It is like getting a tattoo of you ex. After you separate, the tattoo starts to work against you, undermining moving forward. Be part of evolution, instead of unnatural selection, that voids evolution. Or change the Evolutionary theory to suit your needs.
If you look at Creationism, which is different from Evolution, Adam and Eve appear from nothing. They are created and did not evolve. They become the seed for the future of human evolution. This is closer to the medical induced dysphoria, since this fad is quite new and was/is a function of the state of the art in science. It was created by medical business people, because technology had reached a level, where it could be exploited to make money and create high paying jobs. Technology and money is the wild card left out of these discussions. It could not happen without these. It would stay a fantasy.
If we made the medical procedure illegal, hypothetically, all you would have is the dream of metamorphosis. After trying to meditate, and the change not happening, you would reach a state of realty check. Evolution is not about waiting for science to create something so a fantasy can become faux reality.