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To Trump supporters


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I never claimed that he was destroying the constitution. That in fact was the claim of those complaining about the investigation into Trump. I asked for evidence for that and no Trump supporters were able to support that claim.

This is a mere strawman on your part.
Wrong. Look at post #9. Are you intentionally lying or do you suffer from memory loss?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Wrong. Look at post #9. Are you intentionally lying or do you suffer from memory loss?
So reading comprehension is your problem.

Here let me help you:

"How exactly have the investigators torn up the constitution? If anything I would think you would be complaining about Trump in that regard."

Please note, I pointed out that another made the claim that the investigators tore up the constitution. Do you understand that? I did not directly claim that Trump did, I pointed out that he should be complaining about Trump in that regard. Now how has Trump tried to "tear up the constitution"? I could point out the losses he has had in the courts when he made illegal orders.

Do you understand your error now?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
So reading comprehension is your problem.

Here let me help you:

"How exactly have the investigators torn up the constitution? If anything I would think you would be complaining about Trump in that regard."

Please note, I pointed out that another made the claim that the investigators tore up the constitution. Do you understand that? I did not directly claim that Trump did, I pointed out that he should be complaining about Trump in that regard. Now how has Trump tried to "tear up the constitution"? I could point out the losses he has had in the courts when he made illegal orders.

Do you understand your error now?
Now you’re backtracking and playing word games. Pathetic.

Kangaroo Feathers

Yea, it is written in the Book of Cyril...
Now you’re backtracking and playing word games. Pathetic.
If you can't answer his question, you are allowed to just say so. Or, heck, just don't say anything and ghost the thread until you think everyone has forgotten about what you were saying. That's what plenty of your fellows do.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Now you’re backtracking and playing word games. Pathetic.

No I am not. It is not my fault if you cannot understand a straight forward post. Look at the claim that I was responding to since you seem to be having so much trouble understanding this.

Once again, another made the claim that the investigators were "tearing up the constitution". Do you need me to quote that for you too?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
If you can't answer his question, you are allowed to just say so. Or, heck, just don't say anything and ghost the thread until you think everyone has forgotten about what you were saying. That's what plenty of your fellows do.

Oh it was Watchman that made the bogus claim first. Thanks for reminding me:

"You're basically telling me that it's OK, let's rip up the constitution because Trump might have done something. Sorry, I just can't get behind that. Not now, not ever. Even without a constitution, I'd be against this ethically."

A strawman argument and a claim that others are "tearing up the constitution". No wonder he wants to try to shift the burden of proof. I would have been embarrassed too.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
If you can't answer his question, you are allowed to just say so. Or, heck, just don't say anything and ghost the thread until you think everyone has forgotten about what you were saying. That's what plenty of your fellows do.
He’s the one who made an assertion. He has the burden. Thanks for playing, nosy.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
He’s the one who made an assertion. He has the burden. Thanks for playing, nosy.

No, I didn't. I responded to an assertion that you made. I can quote your post where you did so and my response to it if you would like.

You never supported your assertion. I did support my claim, though it appears that you missed it.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Oh it was Watchman that made the bogus claim first. Thanks for reminding me:

"You're basically telling me that it's OK, let's rip up the constitution because Trump might have done something. Sorry, I just can't get behind that. Not now, not ever. Even without a constitution, I'd be against this ethically."

A strawman argument and a claim that others are "tearing up the constitution". No wonder he wants to try to shift the burden of proof. I would have been embarrassed too.
Ha! Wrong again! I never said what you quoted. I guess it’s your reading comprehension that needs work after all! Or, you’re just a liar. Which is it? You’ve been busted multiple times now. I’d think you’d walk away at this point. Bye.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Ha! Wrong again! I never said what you quoted. I guess it’s your reading comprehension that needs work after all! Or, you’re just a liar. Which is it? You’ve been busted multiple times now. I’d think you’d walk away at this point. Bye.

I copied and pasted it from a post that you made with no changes at all. Here is a link to your post:

To Trump supporters

I do expect a retraction at the very least.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Pathetic! My name is Watchmen. The poster you’re quoting is Mindmater or some such. That’s not me! I expect a retraction at the very least!

Sorry, my error. Your posting style is rather similar and I conflated the two of you. But you are still wrong abut me lying. And you can see that another made the claim first. That was what I demanded a response to. By all rights Mindmaster needs to support his claim first. That is the way it works in a debate, but I did give you a freebie none the less.

By the way, a conflation between similar styles is not a lack of reading comprehension nor a lie. It is a minor error. You still owe me a retraction at the very least.


If you build it they will come
Sorry, my error. Your posting style is rather similar and I conflated the two of you. But you are still wrong abut me lying. And you can see that another made the claim first. That was what I demanded a response to. By all rights Mindmaster needs to support his claim first. That is the way it works in a debate, but I did give you a freebie none the less.

By the way, a conflation between similar styles is not a lack of reading comprehension nor a lie. It is a minor error. You still owe me a retraction at the very least.

Really!! You made the error in your reading, you mistakenly confused two different posters, you falsely claimed he said it when he didnt and now you think he owes you a retraction! Get real dude. You show you are more and more trollish every time I am online. You messed up. Own up to it, apologise and move on.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Really!! You made the error in your reading, you mistakenly confused two different posters, you falsely claimed he said it when he didnt and now you think he owes you a retraction! Get real dude. You show you are more and more trollish every time I am online. You messed up. Own up to it, apologise and move on.

Please, earlier I pointed out that Watchmen jumped into the middle of a conversation and that I did not make a claim. I was correct. Unfortunately it was quite a while and I conflated two different posters.

I did make an errant claim. Though "false" it was clearly not lying. And yes he owes me a retraction for the false claims that he made.

Please note, I did admit my error. Watchmen is the one who has not admitted his. On a related note, this bears to my pointing out that Christians quite often break the Ninth Commandment in regards to the theory of evolution. They bear false witness against their neighbor by making false claims about them. That does not mean that they were necessarily lying since lying includes an intent to deceive. It is quite obvious that there was no intent to deceive by me.


If you build it they will come
Please, earlier I pointed out that Watchmen jumped into the middle of a conversation and that I did not make a claim. I was correct. Unfortunately it was quite a while and I conflated two different posters.

I did make an errant claim. Though "false" it was clearly not lying. And yes he owes me a retraction for the false claims that he made.

Please note, I did admit my error. Watchmen is the one who has not admitted his. On a related note, this bears to my pointing out that Christians quite often break the Ninth Commandment in regards to the theory of evolution. They bear false witness against their neighbor by making false claims about them. That does not mean that they were necessarily lying since lying includes an intent to deceive. It is quite obvious that there was no intent to deceive by me.

I can only go by the evidence. The evidence shows;
1. You made the error in your reading of posts.
2. You mistakenly confused two different posters.
3. You falsely claimed he said it when he didnt.
4. Someone else made the same mistake as you and you agreed with them and thanked them.
5 .I didn't say you lied.
7. I don't care what the commandments say.
6. Own up and move on.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I can only go by the evidence. The evidence shows;
1. You made the error in your reading of posts.

As did Watchmen.

2. You mistakenly confused two different posters.

Yes, and I admitted that.

3. You falsely claimed he said it when he didnt.

You are now repeating yourself, so this is not "3".

4. Someone else made the same mistake as you and you agreed with them and thanked them.

No, that was a response to Watchmen's earlier mistake. Once again I was correct from the beginning. Watchmen jumped into the middle of a conversation and falsely said that I made a claim.

5 .I didn't say you lied.

Correct, I never said that you did. Watcmen on the other hand did use that accusation in a false dichotomy.

7. I don't care what the commandments say.

I assumed that you were a Christian. You should still care about integrity.

6. Own up and move on.

I did. I do not need to so multiple times. It is Watchmen that has not owned up for his errors.


If you build it they will come
Pathetic! My name is Watchmen. The poster you’re quoting is Mindmater or some such. That’s not me! I expect a retraction at the very least!

Keep in mind he knew it was you, he quoted you, argued with you for several posts, even gave you links to the post, all just to find out he was wrong.
He has this same behavior on several threads. His favorite line is simply "its not me it's you". The evidence shows with everyone that's goes through the same shenanigans with him on other threads, the only thing in common is him.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Keep in mind he knew it was you, he quoted you, argued with you for several posts, even gave you links to the post, all just to find out he was wrong.
He has this same behavior on several threads. His favorite line is simply "its not me it's you". The evidence shows with everyone that's goes through the same shenanigans with him on other threads, the only thing in common is him.

I made one simple error that I owned up to. The bad behavior is not coming from me in this case.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I see your type all the time. No matter what happens, it isn't your fault because you think someone else was at fault.
You're the type of person that would shoot a robber and say its his fault because he tried to rob you but then when you tried to rob someone and they shot you you would blame them because they had a gun.
Its pathetic and sickening.
One more time. I admitted my error. Why the personal attack against me? Is it simply because when you and I debated you ended up looking bad? You should be going after the one that has not admitted his errors.


If you build it they will come
One more time. I admitted my error. Why the personal attack against me? Is it simply because when you and I debated you ended up looking bad? You should be going after the one that has not admitted his errors.

I'm not personally attacking you. I'm describing your type. You think its personal because it hits home.
We haven't debated. We discussed your mistakes.