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Today is the 6th Creative Day, Scripturally


Bible Believer
Originally Posted by Aman777
Dear idav, You have confused the evolution ot the sons of God (prehistoric people) with Humans. By the time you figure it out, I hope there is still time for you. All I can do is tell you, and I have done that. Good Luck and God Bless you.

Well I guess I will have to take my chances. Your Pascals wager type threats are not a concern for me. I would bet being an atheist better than picking the wrong god out of a million potentials.


Dear Readers, It seems that those who are afraid to try and defend the obvious False teachings of the ToE, will make up just about anything in order to hide their "willing ignorance" of God's Truth. They will accuse you of threatening them when you are doing everything you can to avoid telling them what really is going to happen to them. Unbelievers just can't handle God's Truth.

Allowing the free choice of believing or not believing God is how the sheep are separated from the goats, the wheat from the tares and the good from the evil. It's all a part of God's perfect plan. God Bless all of you.

In Love,


Readers, OP Is only posting to see what kind of reaction he gets.

Lets work with facts, not your biased opinion.

IAP - IAP Statement on the Teaching of Evolution

We agree that the following evidence-based facts about the origins and evolution of the Earth and of life on this planet have been established by numerous observations and independently derived experimental results from a multitude of scientific disciplines. Even if there are still many open questions about the precise details of evolutionary change, scientific evidence has never contradicted these results:
•In a universe that has evolved towards its present configuration for some 11 to 15 billion years, our Earth formed approximately 4.5 billion years ago.
•Since its formation, the Earth – its geology and its environments – has changed under the effect of numerous physical and chemical forces and continues to do so.
•Life appeared on Earth at least 2.5 billion years ago. The evolution, soon after, of photosynthetic organisms enabled, from at least 2 billion years ago, the slow transformation of the atmosphere to one containing substantial quantities of oxygen. In addition to the release of the oxygen that we breathe, the process of photosynthesis is the ultimate source of fixed energy and food upon which human life on the planet depends.
•Since its first appearance on Earth, life has taken many forms, all of which continue to evolve, in ways which palaeontology and the modern biological and biochemical sciences are describing and independently confirming with increasing precision. Commonalities in the structure of the genetic code of all organisms living today, including humans, clearly indicate their common primordial origin


Bible Believer
Commonalities in the structure of the genetic code of all organisms living today, including humans, clearly indicate their common primordial origin

Dear Readers, Only to Godless people who think they know more than God. God tells us He made Adam Billions of years BEFORE any other living creature. This also makes it Impossible for man to have evolved from the common ancestor of Apes as Godless Evols continue to force upon our little children in the Public Schools.

IOW, They are preaching the False Theory of Evolution as Fact, and totally against the Constitution, because it's important to them that they not be alone in Hades. All of their righteousnesses are as Filthy Rags to a perfect God. Isa 64:6 God Bless all of you, and keep you from Evol Evangelists.

In Love,


Premium Member
God tells us He made Adam Billions of years BEFORE any other living creature.
Oh did he now? There is no evidence of humans being on earth billions of years ago, but you already know that, so your claim is purely faith based. Don't wonder why they can't preach such a fact to students trying to learn truth.


Bible Believer
Originally Posted by Aman777
God tells us He made Adam Billions of years BEFORE any other living creature.

Oh did he now? There is no evidence of humans being on earth billions of years ago, but you already know that, so your claim is purely faith based. Don't wonder why they can't preach such a fact to students trying to learn truth.

Dear idav, This was BEFORE our Solar System was formed, and BEFORE our Sun lit. Adam was formed of the dust of the ground on the SAME Day as the Big Bang, Gen 2:4-7 which means that he lived with Jesus for Billions of years, but NOT on the present Earth. Adam lived and died on the first Earth, which was totally destroyed in the Flood.

Adam was made to be perfect, to live forever, to be like Jesus, with the highest intelligence in Creation and that was like God's. Gen 3:22 Adam was unique because he was FIRST made and destined to have dominion or rule over God's Kingdom. Gen 1:28

Adam was made in the likeness of Jesus and like all Christians will be made in Heaven, with the ability to mount up his wings as Eagles, Isa 40:31 as we will regain at the Rapture. When you tell people who have always lived on Earth, that Adam lived for Billions of years, they are skeptical. When you tell people that we will live in Heaven for Billions of years, they believe. Adam was as we will be in Heaven, alive forevermore, in a perfect body, which will Never die, thanks to Jesus. God Bless you.

In Love,


Readers, OP Is only posting to see what kind of reaction he gets.

Lets work with facts, not your biased opinion.

IAP - IAP Statement on the Teaching of Evolution

We agree that the following evidence-based facts about the origins and evolution of the Earth and of life on this planet have been established by numerous observations and independently derived experimental results from a multitude of scientific disciplines. Even if there are still many open questions about the precise details of evolutionary change, scientific evidence has never contradicted these results:
•In a universe that has evolved towards its present configuration for some 11 to 15 billion years, our Earth formed approximately 4.5 billion years ago.
•Since its formation, the Earth – its geology and its environments – has changed under the effect of numerous physical and chemical forces and continues to do so.
•Life appeared on Earth at least 2.5 billion years ago. The evolution, soon after, of photosynthetic organisms enabled, from at least 2 billion years ago, the slow transformation of the atmosphere to one containing substantial quantities of oxygen. In addition to the release of the oxygen that we breathe, the process of photosynthesis is the ultimate source of fixed energy and food upon which human life on the planet depends.
•Since its first appearance on Earth, life has taken many forms, all of which continue to evolve, in ways which palaeontology and the modern biological and biochemical sciences are describing and independently confirming with increasing precision. Commonalities in the structure of the genetic code of all organisms living today, including humans, clearly indicate their common primordial origin


Bible Believer
Readers, OP Is only posting to see what kind of reaction he gets.

Dear outhouse, Of course. The only reason you post is to Spam the board with your foolish Theory which you CANNOT support because the last sentence is totally Refuted by the Facts of Science, Scripture, and History. I do admire your allegiance to this Satanic Lie. It tells us a lot about you.

IF you are waiting for me to post something which you can report, then you're in for a long wait, old buddy, old pal. By the time that happens Hades will be nothing but a burned out world, filled with "worms". Mar 9:44 God Bless you.

In Love,


Readers, OP Is only posting to see what kind of reaction he gets.

Lets work with facts, not your biased opinion.

IAP - IAP Statement on the Teaching of Evolution

We agree that the following evidence-based facts about the origins and evolution of the Earth and of life on this planet have been established by numerous observations and independently derived experimental results from a multitude of scientific disciplines. Even if there are still many open questions about the precise details of evolutionary change, scientific evidence has never contradicted these results:
•In a universe that has evolved towards its present configuration for some 11 to 15 billion years, our Earth formed approximately 4.5 billion years ago.
•Since its formation, the Earth – its geology and its environments – has changed under the effect of numerous physical and chemical forces and continues to do so.
•Life appeared on Earth at least 2.5 billion years ago. The evolution, soon after, of photosynthetic organisms enabled, from at least 2 billion years ago, the slow transformation of the atmosphere to one containing substantial quantities of oxygen. In addition to the release of the oxygen that we breathe, the process of photosynthesis is the ultimate source of fixed energy and food upon which human life on the planet depends.
•Since its first appearance on Earth, life has taken many forms, all of which continue to evolve, in ways which palaeontology and the modern biological and biochemical sciences are describing and independently confirming with increasing precision. Commonalities in the structure of the genetic code of all organisms living today, including humans, clearly indicate their common primordial origin


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Dear Kilgore Trout, Then TRY to refute me Scripturally, Scientifically or Historically. I welcome this since I always win the debate. Those who try to peddle the Snake Oil view of the False ToE, which tells us that there is one truth for Science and another for Scripture, better be prepared to be rebuked in EVERY way. Thanks for the reply and God Bless you.

In Love,
"False Theory" is an oxymoron. a theory, by definition is true and provably so.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Then TRY to refute me Scripturally, Scientifically or Historically. I welcome this since I always win the debate.
That's hardly a feat. If you move the goalposts enough, you can pretend to win anything. However, since moving the goalposts represents cheating in sports and a logical fallacy in debate, you're disqualified before you even begin.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Dear Readers, Today is still the 6th Creative Day or Age because God is STILL creating Humankind in His Image. We live today at Gen 1:27 and we will NOT advance to the PROPHECY of Gen 1:28-31 until AFTER Jesus returns at the end of the present Age, in the Creation of the perfect Heaven. When He does return, EVERY living creature will be changed into Vegetarians. Isaiah 11

That is because Genesis Chapter ONE is an outline of ALL of the rest of the Bible, and we came in, in the middle of the story. When the present 6th Day is done, ALL Christians will be safely in Heaven, Gen 2:1 and God's work of creating will ALL be finished or brought to perfection. After that, NO man can be born again Spiritually.

The other benefit in knowing what Genesis is actually teaching is that God's Truth completely REFUTES the False Theory of Evolutionism, while totally agreeing with EVERY discovery of Science and History. God Bless all of you.

In Love,
God, your posts are entertaining. In a weird, sad sort of way. Completely misguided in the treatment of separate disciplines, and apparently you appear to be pleased with that, but entertaining.

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Bible Believer
God, your posts are entertaining. In a weird, sad sort of way. Completely misguided in the treatment of separate disciplines, and apparently you appear to be pleased with that, but entertaining.


Dear sojourner, It's not my story. It's what is actually written, which is WHY I always try to post supporting Scripture. Have you noticed that NO one has been able to refute me? It's because I stick strictly with the actual words written, and NOT with some mysterious, religious, view, which also requires BLIND FAITH to believe.

When you read Scripture for what it actually says, instead of what some ancient man thought it said, you will discover that the Supreme Intelligence of Creation is the Author. So, give the credit to the Holy Spirit who moved the men to write the words of the Bible from within them. 2Pe 1:21 God Bless you.

In Love,


Bible Believer
Yeah I explained why that is. It's because you are not engaging in possible other interpretation than your own.

Dear disciple, You are correct since I don't speak of flawed interpretations of Religionists who CANNOT support their views with Scripture. Can you?

In Love,


Premium Member
Have you noticed that NO one has been able to refute me?

Many have pointed out your refuted several times using your own scriptural standard. Imagination cant be refuted, not cause anything to do with god, cause you cant refute an invisible dragon in my garage cause god told me.


Bible Believer
Many have pointed out your refuted several times using your own scriptural standard. Imagination cant be refuted, not cause anything to do with god, cause you cant refute an invisible dragon in my garage cause god told me.

Dear idav, What you are seeing is disagreement but NO refute, since to refute someone Scripturally is to post Scripture which shows that their view is incorrect. A good example is the Scriptural FACT that Gen 2:4-7 tells us that Adam was made the THIRD Day, AND Gen 1:27 and Gen 5:1-2 show that Adam was "created" on the 6th Day, at the SAME time Eve was "created".

The answer is simple. Adam was first made physically, on the 3rd Day but was NOT created or born again Spiritually, until AFTER Eve was made, on the 6th Day. Since each of God's Days or Ages is some 4.5 billion years, in man's time, Adam lived with Jesus for Billions of years BEFORE Eve was made. IF that were untrue, then ANY Bible scholar could easily refute me but NONE does, because it's God's Truth. God Bless you.

In Love,


Bible Believer
Many have pointed out your refuted several times using your own scriptural standard. Imagination cant be refuted, not cause anything to do with god, cause you cant refute an invisible dragon in my garage cause god told me.

Dear idav, Then produce the Empirical evidence which agrees with your foolish opinion. You cannot but I can. Want to see? God Bless you.

In Love,


Premium Member
Dear idav, What you are seeing is disagreement but NO refute, since to refute someone Scripturally is to post Scripture which shows that their view is incorrect.

Yes, again that has been done. It has been shown that your wild imagination cannot be confirmed scripturally and that the texts make much more sense interpreted differently in light of facts you continue to deny.