Dirty Penguin
Master Of Ceremony
I didn't realize there were so many threads on this subject so I apologize. However, maybe that stresses the issues with it? When I first discovered religiousforums.com, I thought myself, "this is incredible, finally I can discuss my passion of comparative religion and learn about others without being heckled by the secular". However, just about every thread I post in, I find an Atheist who is sitting there and just making fun of someone's understanding of God. It's a little disheartening and makes me realize that this forum was a bit of a pipe dream I suppose. I don't agree with all religions, but I don't put it out there every moment of my life. I step back to learn.
I can understand how you feel. When I engage in a debate about the historical Yeshua...I take the side of he never existed because from the way I view the current evidence that's what leads me to my conclusion....
When I engage in a biblical discussion about the life and times of the biblical Yeshua I approach it in a civil manner...with the understanding that we aren't discussing his existence but coming to a common understanding within that particular thread that he did exist and the discussion is about what he said, what he didn't say...maybe what he meant etc....
Not all of us care to treat religions in that manner......:sad: