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Trinity - Fact or Fiction?

Trinity: Fact or Fiction!

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Active Member
Another trinity thread! What is surprising is the poll results, more who know the truth. LOL

Repeat; God is invisable(like the invisable man from old time TV, you could see him when he put on his overcoat)God is a "spirit" a "Holy Spirit". Yeshua/Jesus is the "second Adam" the image of God, sent into the world to save the world, sent by God, God is your salvation/Yeshua/Jesus, but salvation/Yeshua/Jesus is not God. The Torah is the word of God, Torah created the heavens and the earth and all that is in them, nothing was made that Torah did not make. Torah became flesh and dwelt among us, Torah was the first-born of all creation, Torah is the word of God. Torah/Yeshua/Jesus is the "Word."
God is "Eternal", Jesus was not, he died! God raised him and now he is eternal and those who are elected/chosen will become as he is at the end of the age/aionios/day of the Lord.

What are you talking about? The Torah is a collection of books, not God.


Active Member
To believe the trinity would be to understand, to doubt it, would be to not understand or to understand what one does not know.


Well-Known Member
What are you talking about? The Torah is a collection of books, not God.
It is the "Word of God! When Y H V H spoke Torah the Heavens and the Earth came into being. Yes, Torah is a collection of (five) books, it also is what Y H V H said "Berishis bara Elohim at-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And it was done!"Jn 1- 5 Berishis bara Elohim at----the word from aleph to tav was spoken and the word of god created everything that was made.
Col. 1:5 - Jn. 1:14 - Re 1:8.

Isn't that what your bible tells you?

That is what I'm talking about.



Well-Known Member
To believe the trinity would be to understand, to doubt it, would be to not understand or to understand what one does not know.

I think I got my head around that sentence! I understand the trinity - I even see where you come from sometimes, I still dont believe in it!


De 6;4 If you truely believe in christ, read his words at John 14:28, John 5:19 and notice what Jesus tought, the trinity is just the part of churches tradition.


thats some awesome teaching you have there man. where did you get it i never would have even though of that before!
like your logic on that.
you no a lot more than you are leting on. don't keep the cat in the bag to long.



Well-Known Member


Active Member
I understand the trinity and I don't believe it. I understand the trinity and I still doubt it..

I truly doubt you understand any of the mysteries of Christ. If you understood it, you'd profess it true, but you don't.

Ro 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools


Active Member
thats some awesome teaching you have there man. where did you get it i never would have even though of that before!
like your logic on that.
you no a lot more than you are leting on. don't keep the cat in the bag to long.


Who are you referring to?


Active Member
God said let us create man in our image, God appeared as Three men unto Abraham, God appeasred to Moses in the form of an Angel whom Moses called God also, Jesus is called God with us, Jesus is called the Godhead (God in blodily form), Jesus is said to be the Word of God, and The Wod of God is called God.

The Trinity

The Father (Judge), the Son ( One who carries out judgement), The Holy Spirit (the power by which it is done)

God is as the following

Space, Time, Matter- all three equal the universe

Present, Past, Future, all three are time.

The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit, all three are God

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
[quote=JayHawes;868673]I truly doubt you understand any of the mysteries of Christ. If you understood it, you'd profess it true, but you don't.

Ro 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools[/quote]

There is nothing mysterious about the Messiah Jesus. It is certainly your "opinion" that I don't understand the trinity....but I do....It's not a hard....or new....concept to wrap your mind around......but because I don't agree with it does not mean I don't understand it....You can streatch the scriptures to fit around the concept but it doesn't mean that those who don't agree with it are ingnorant of some supposed truth it's supposed to hold.


Well-Known Member
God said let us create man in our image, God appeared as Three men unto Abraham, God appeasred to Moses in the form of an Angel whom Moses called God also, Jesus is called God with us, Jesus is called the Godhead (God in blodily form), Jesus is said to be the Word of God, and The Wod of God is called God.

The Trinity

The Father (Judge), the Son ( One who carries out judgement), The Holy Spirit (the power by which it is done)

God is as the following

Space, Time, Matter- all three equal the universe

Present, Past, Future, all three are time.

The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit, all three are God

Male, Female and Homosexual.

Trinity is as phoney as a "Three Dollar Bill!"


Figures, don't lie, but Liars can figure!

There was no trinity until Man dreamed it up. Your only reward for believing in trinity is you are fully accepted as a Christian, which was put on people of the Way the same as "Indian" was put on the "Native American." A derogative term!

There is a SEVERE PENALTY for teaching FALSE DOCTRINE! So go right and try your luck! When The Messiah returns, he has your reward with him, so reduce his load, keep on with you phoney trinity, nowhere in simple terms in ANY TESTAMENT, only in CHRISTIAN LITERATURE!



Active Member
Male, Female and Homosexual.

Trinity is as phoney as a "Three Dollar Bill!"


Figures, don't lie, but Liars can figure!

There was no trinity until Man dreamed it up. Your only reward for believing in trinity is you are fully accepted as a Christian, which was put on people of the Way the same as "Indian" was put on the "Native American." A derogative term!

There is a SEVERE PENALTY for teaching FALSE DOCTRINE! So go right and try your luck! When The Messiah returns, he has your reward with him, so reduce his load, keep on with you phoney trinity, nowhere in simple terms in ANY TESTAMENT, only in CHRISTIAN LITERATURE!


We've been through this 50 times already.

1) The Bible says that there is one God.
2) The Bible claims that three persons are God.

Unless the writer of the Bible was an idiot, the Trinity is the logical conclusion.


Well-Known Member
We've been through this 50 times already.

1) The Bible says that there is one God.
2) The Bible claims that three persons are God.

Unless the writer of the Bible was an idiot, the Trinity is the logical conclusion.
The Bible claims that three persons are God. Only in your mind!!!

50 or 100,000,000,050 it remains the same the bible never says trinity, a good translation doesn't even have Father, Son and Holy Ghost! But your tampered bible complete with the whores name for your Bunny day has them all, but phoney as a "Three Dollar Bill."
Christian Literature is full of trinity! Implication is not saying three persons, again Figures don't lie, but Liars can figure! Re 21:8- Read it and weep!
1Jo 5:8 And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.

Go argue with a post!



Active Member
[quote=JayHawes;868673]I truly doubt you understand any of the mysteries of Christ. If you understood it, you'd profess it true, but you don't.

Ro 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools

There is nothing mysterious about the Messiah Jesus. It is certainly your "opinion" that I don't understand the trinity....but I do....It's not a hard....or new....concept to wrap your mind around......but because I don't agree with it does not mean I don't understand it....You can streatch the scriptures to fit around the concept but it doesn't mean that those who don't agree with it are ingnorant of some supposed truth it's supposed to hold.[/quote]

Only the Holy Spirit is able to reveal mysteries concerning the secrets of Christ, you know not of them because you do not have him, what you think you understand is only vauge unto you concerning Christ.

1 Timothy 3:16

And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.


Active Member
Male, Female and Homosexual.

Trinity is as phoney as a "Three Dollar Bill!"


Figures, don't lie, but Liars can figure!

There was no trinity until Man dreamed it up. Your only reward for believing in trinity is you are fully accepted as a Christian, which was put on people of the Way the same as "Indian" was put on the "Native American." A derogative term!

There is a SEVERE PENALTY for teaching FALSE DOCTRINE! So go right and try your luck! When The Messiah returns, he has your reward with him, so reduce his load, keep on with you phoney trinity, nowhere in simple terms in ANY TESTAMENT, only in CHRISTIAN LITERATURE!


What many dont understand is that the name God, is a title for Jehovah being. Jehovah reveals himself as three persons (Genesis 18:1), the Father is called God (by Jesus), Jesus ic alled God in Genesis and by THomas, and the Holy Spirit is called God throughout the book of Acts. God is a infinite being beyond our own universe, they are three being one.

It's not a false doctrine.


Active Member
The Bible claims that three persons are God. Only in your mind!!!

50 or 100,000,000,050 it remains the same the bible never says trinity, a good translation doesn't even have Father, Son and Holy Ghost! But your tampered bible complete with the whores name for your Bunny day has them all, but phoney as a "Three Dollar Bill."
Christian Literature is full of trinity! Implication is not saying three persons, again Figures don't lie, but Liars can figure! Re 21:8- Read it and weep!
1Jo 5:8 And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.

Go argue with a post!


Since when have the words father, son and holy Ghost (spirit) been remmoved from translation because "good" translations dont have them? That's stupid....they are simple words and titles, the greek and hebrew plainly means what they translate as.....stop making up stuff...


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Mar 3:28-30
(28) Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the son of man, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme:
(29) But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation:
(30) Because they said, He hath an unclean spirit


Well-Known Member
It took the church 300 years to come up with, and refine it's ideals concerning the trinity, seeing as it is not found in the Biblical text or traditions of the Apostles. Leave it to Rome to take the Jewish ideal of God and add things to which it didn't properly understand. Judaism+Rome do NOT mix...They had no knowledge of Jewish thought and thus made a man God, something that was quite common among the Romans...Something that was blasphemy personified by Judaism..Numbers 23:19 among others testify to this fact.