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Trump Assassination Attempt

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
On a TV news show this morning, I don't remember which one, but the CBS Sunday morning political show, it was said that early this morning Biden ordered his campaign to discontinue all campaign ads, print, commercials, ALL that have any kind of personal attack or derogatory content. I'm hopeful it will be mutual and catch on as a new popular way of campaigning.

It's a hopeful step in the right direction.
I do not agree. The truth is the truth and should be said, must be said. If the Biden campaign wants to hold off for a few days, that is fine, but not too long. Trump is still the same person he was yesterday, this event did not change anything. The Maga agenda is still the same, that has not changed. And the Biden campaign has to keep on pointing these things out, even more strongly.


Industrial Strength Linguist
I just have to notice this shooting appears to have been carried out by a 20 year old local resident with an AR assault rifle which is the very type of weapon the Democrats don't believe should be in the hands of regular citizens. Republicans oppose banning these assault rifles.

I'm with the Democrats (at least on this issue).

No it wasn't an AR assault rifle. You need to get the facts straight.

First you doubted he was a registered Republican long after it was reported as a fact by a great many news organizations. Now you are are denying it was an AR assault weapon after it has been reliably reported as a fact by many news organizations. Some are pointedly trying to call it a "semi-automatic rifle" rather than an AR 15 style assault weapon, although AR-15 style weapons are semi-automatic rifles. You need to get your facts straight. They reportedly used the weapon to help them identify the shooter.

AR style rifles are not assault rifles.

And here we go with the quibbling and caviling over definitions. They absolutely are assault rifles that have been designed and modified for sale to civilians. It is the weapon of choice used by mass shooters in our country. They are status symbols for gun lovers. I don't know why we don't have a public holiday to celebrate them. :facepalm:


Christian Evolutionist
With Ukraine part of Russia, NATO would be
next door. Would you approve conquering
more territory in self defense?
That was the point in my other post. Me, personally ... I couldn't answer, nor could I answer for Putin. We are wearing very different shoes. The aim was 1. Decrease the war effort or 2. Increase the war effort. I'm speaking of NATO involvement and inclusion, specifically. My guess it was an attempt to alter in such a way that the hostilities would decrease. We'll see how it plays out. The balance of power is in question and I'm unsure where it stands at this juncture.


Veteran Member
Who is your king? Is there a prime minister?
Ha ha, my king would put those letters in the dustbin (or order one of his staffers to), this is not a private forum and I am happy to vote against monarchy in any referendum on the subject. If I were in the US I would also happily vote against the Conservative Christian theocrat's god-child Trump.


The AR 15 is an assault rifle minus automatic fire mode. It's actually a variant of the M16.

AR style rifles are not assault rifles.
AR 15 is a trademark of Colt, however other manufacturers make nearly identical rifles that are often referred to as ARs. The patents expired in the 1970s, so they've been around a long time. They are a light-weight sporting rifle whose design is based off an M16. Yes, the firing mode isn't the same, which is why there's been such a controversy over bump-stocks that take the rifle closer to being automatic refire capable. Whether you want to consider them assault rifles or not, they can be dangerous in the wrong hands -- but so can any firearm.


Christian Evolutionist
Blame is being pushed toward many things from the dems, to someone hoping it starts a revolution and even Trump brought it on himself.

-When Kennedy was assassinated it brought the country together
-When Reagan was attempted to be assassinated it brought the country together
-Now that Trump has been attempted to be assassinated its tearing the country further apart.

Its a sad state of affairs that is going on in the US.
The partisan rhetoric has been more dividing, and our parties split more than I've ever seen in my entire life. This is likely less about Trump and more about the predominate two-party system and the collective satisfaction/dissatisfaction rating of our citizenship in terms of life quality. I'll agree it's a sad thing that we have become so divided as a nation. I try to see past the partisan politics and look deeper into our social dynamics as citizens.

We are a divided nation, but it isn't Trump or Biden that motivates this division.


I do not agree. The truth is the truth and should be said, must be said. If the Biden campaign wants to hold off for a few days, that is fine, but not too long. Trump is still the same person he was yesterday, this event did not change anything. The Maga agenda is still the same, that has not changed. And the Biden campaign has to keep on pointing these things out, even more strongly.
I haven't seen any of the campaign ads, so I can't speak directly to the issue other than I do strongly believe in the motto First Lady Michelle promoted . . .
Take the high road.
FACTS can be shared without demonizing the candidate, that I do feel he has earned, but that doesn't make it right to sensationalize his tactics. Stick with the facts, short and to the point, then get on the points of platform and the country's needs. NATO should be a huge campaign point for the Biden team.


Industrial Strength Linguist
The 20-year-old shooter was a registered Republican who donated $15 to a Democratic action committee "ActBlue" on Biden's inauguration day.

Minors can't donate to PACs

Good to know. Was he under the age of 18 at the time? Maybe they didn't ask him his age.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
I haven't seen any of the campaign ads, so I can't speak directly to the issue other than I do strongly believe in the motto First Lady Michelle promoted . . .
Take the high road.
FACTS can be shared without demonizing the candidate, that I do feel he has earned, but that doesn't make it right to sensationalize his tactics. Stick with the facts, short and to the point, then get on the points of platform and the country's needs. NATO should be a huge campaign point for the Biden team.
Take the high road, sure. But speak the truth. That is what taking the high road means.

We Never Know

No Slack
AR 15 is a trademark of Colt, however other manufacturers make nearly identical rifles that are often referred to as ARs. The patents expired in the 1970s, so they've been around a long time. They are a light-weight sporting rifle whose design is based off an M16. Yes, the firing mode isn't the same, which is why there's been such a controversy over bump-stocks that take the rifle closer to being automatic refire capable. Whether you want to consider them assault rifles or not, they can be dangerous in the wrong hands -- but so can any firearm.

Yes they are light-weight sporting rifles not assault rifles.
Then again any weapon can be used to assault, even rocks.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Only as BS political advertising. No one pays that stuff any mind except those who already believe in it. And they're nuts.

Our next door neighbor could get shot in the head and killed by some lunatic stranger and we'd forget about that, too, in a few weeks. The hyperbole train has been running so loud, fast, and furious for so long that it has no real effect anymore. We've heard it all before, and then saw that it amounted to nothing. And the more Trump and his minions try to make political hay out of it, the more boorish and dishonest they will show themselves to be.

A whole lot of our fellow Amercans suffered some very real and traumatic losses, yesterday. Donald Trump was very comparatively very fortunate.
This is a country that has for centuries prided its self on willful, deliberate stupidity and anti-intellectualism.


Not Religious
Or nJust for the record, how old do you think he was in 2021 at the time that Biden was inaugurated?
He was born Sept 2003. He was 17 when Biden was inaugurated on 1/20/21.
There's still no undeniable proof he was the one who made the donation.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
The AR 15 is an assault rifle minus automatic fire mode. It's actually a variant of the M16.

AR style rifles are not assault rifles.
AR-15 rifles are beloved by gun enthusiasts and despised by gun opponents; objects of both fury and fiction-frequently, mischaracterized as a military weapon and often wrongly called an assault weapon.
Only on day one....
Makes no difference. And wd all know he wont step down willingly.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
This wasn't the 6th of January.

Thirty people died in mass shootings in the U. S. in just the last few weeks. And no one even noticed outside their immediate locales. Already no one knows or cares about the innocent civilians that were shot instead of Trump at that rally.

Trump and his sycophants will be touting this as some sort of super-heroic feat. But Americans are getting shot and shot at every day in this country. And they aren't heroes. They're victims.
Even in gunless Europe PM Fitso was shot because he wants peace between East and West.

So...I guess the gun thing...doesn't really work.
This just show how desperate the devilish warmongering élites are. :)
Just that.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
First you doubted he was a registered Republican long after it was reported as a fact by a great many news organizations. Now you are are denying it was an AR assault weapon after it has been reliably reported as a fact by many news organizations. Some are pointedly trying to call it a "semi-automatic rifle" rather than an AR 15 style assault weapon, although AR-15 style weapons are semi-automatic rifles. You need to get your facts straight. They reportedly used the weapon to help them identify the shooter.

And here we go with the quibbling and caviling over definitions. They absolutely are assault rifles that have been designed and modified for sale to civilians. It is the weapon of choice used by mass shooters in our country. They are status symbols for gun lovers. I don't know why we don't have a public holiday to celebrate them. :facepalm:
Gosh why would somebody register Republican if it's not to get closer to your target, and please try to determine what the differences between style and the actual real deal. The argument might be easier for you if and when you do that.


Industrial Strength Linguist
He was born Sept 2003. He was 17 when Biden was inaugurated on 1/20/21.
There's still no undeniable proof he was the one who made the donation.

The contribution was legal at his age. Why are you making such a big deal of his age, and where did you get the idea that minors could not donate to a PAC? The rules for donations by minors were changed in 2005.

Check out Federal Register. Contributions and Donations by Minors.


The Federal Election Commission is amending its rules regarding contributions and donations by individuals aged 17 years or younger (“Minors”). These final rules conform to the decision of the United States Supreme Court in McConnell v. Federal Election Commission. In McConnell, the Supreme Court held unconstitutional section 318 of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002, which prohibited Minors from contributing to candidates and from contributing or donating to political party committees. Accordingly, this final rule amends the Commission's regulations to reflect the Supreme Court's decision by removing the regulatory prohibitions on contributions by Minors to candidates, and on contributions and donations by Minors to political party committees...

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.

Makes no difference. And wd all know he wont step down willingly.
I hope he dosent step down and for what I'm seeing so far he won't step down and for a good reason if recent events don't already illustrate it. I'm pretty sure people know who the bad guys are now.

I look forward to Trump and his inauguration in January provided another leftest assassin isn't already in the wings preparing something.

I trust the Secret Service is cognizant and vigilant enough now to prevent that from happening in the near future.


Industrial Strength Linguist
Gosh why would somebody register Republican if it's not to get closer to your target, and please try to determine what the differences between style and the actual real deal. The argument might be easier for you if and when you do that.

You seem not to be following the news at all. He registered as a Republican when he became eligible to vote, and he voted in the 2022 election. I don't think he was planning an assassination attempt back when he registered. His father, a registered Libertarian, bought the assault weapon about six months ago. As for how to tell the difference between style and the actual real deal, you can get a clue from the T-shirt the guy was wearing when he tried to assassinate Trump. It was from a popular YouTube site called DemolitionRanch. We are talking full-blown over-the-top gun nuttery here.
