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Trump Assassination Attempt

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Being Christian doesn't explain anything. You're using terms that don't mean what you want them to. "Godless" means a person without God, which would be an atheist, not a theist you disagree with. The terms you're using are confusing because they're inaccurate. It doesn't matter whether you'r Christian, atheist, Buddhist or something else.

The most absurd thing...which is also grotesque, not to say paradoxical...is that many leftists are playing the victims...
even if it's one of ours who has been attacked.
It's comical.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
The most absurd thing...which is also grotesque, not to say paradoxical...is that many leftists are playing the victims...
even if it's one of ours who has been attacked.
It's comical.
I don't even have any idea what you're talking about here. None of this relates to the post to which you replied. If you're referring to the assassination attempt on Trump, he is the opposite of a leftist. He is very much anti-left. Also, which leftists are playing victim? I'm having a very heard time figuring out what any of this is supposed to mean.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
When you make vile bigoted posts, expect criticism.
I was speaking of certain élites.
Leftists can insult Trump with the most offensive, with the dirtiest slurs, but I cannot use the perfectly elegant term "godless."

I see. Double standards.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
I was speaking of certain élites.
Leftists can insult Trump with the most offensive, with the dirtiest slurs, but I cannot use the perfectly elegant term "godless."
You can use the term "godless", just use it accurately. You're using it to refer to theists, which makes absolutely no sense, and so only confuses things. You also use it as a pejorative (which is its typical use), and that's wrong too. There's nothing wrong with not believing in God. It doesn't make the person bad or indicate anything bad about them. It's also not "perfectly elegant".

What people do to Trump is irrelevant. Just another one of your whataboutisms.
I see. Double standards.
Yes, I see your double standards too.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
You can use the term "godless", just use it accurately. You're using it to refer to theists, which makes absolutely no sense, and so only confuses things. You also use it as a pejorative (which is its typical use), and that's wrong too. There's nothing wrong with not believing in God. It doesn't make the person bad or indicate anything bad about them. It's also not "perfectly elegant".
But slurs against Trump can be used...I see.

The law is equal for all. Yeah...sure...in a parallel universe.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
But slurs against Trump can be used...I see.

The law is equal for all. Yeah...sure...in a parallel universe.
Try actually reading next time. Your use of "Godless" makes no sense. You use to to refer to theists, which is not at all what the term means. The other problem is that the term itself is denigrating toward atheists. It paints not believing in God as a bad thing and atheists as bad people.

If someone is using something like that for Trump, then the same thing would apply. But all this is is whataboutism again. We're talking about your use of this specific term. We're not talking about what people call Trump, especially since you didn't even offer any specifics.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Isn't Trump arguing that a President, in office, should be able to do whatever he or she wants, with impunity? I am not suggesting that Biden would orchestrate such an assassination, but just that Trump needs to think about the implications of his legal arguments.
Agreed. You and I discussed something very similar recently: United States Supreme Court Rules Donald Trump Is Immune For Official Acts And Is Not Immune For Unofficial Acts
Australian media is reporting that the killer was a registered Republican, that throws in a loop!! Washington Post has confirmed this
Even if true, that won't be believed by MAGA. They still claim that J6 was a false flag operation instigated by the FBI and the mythical antifa.
If you don't realize how these two old farts are dividing this country, you are part of the problem. Neither need to be president and they both need to go away.
This is an example of false equivalence in my estimation. Where's the evidenced argument that Trump or the Democrats are dividing the country? Trump and Biden couldn't be more different.

Nor the Republicans and Democrats. Trump is angry, vengeful, violent, and has no respect for democracy or the law. Biden is exactly the opposite. So why discus them as equivalent contributors to America's problems?
When you call someone a Nazi, Hitler, and also say that if Trump is elected it will be the end of Democracy in the U.S. one must assume that it might cause a person to take it upon themselves to attempt to insure that Trump will not be President.
That's no reason to stop hammering that message. Trump is fascistic (authoritarian, wants to persecute the media, wants to send political opponents to military tribunals, contempt for the law, promotes violence, and is a vocal enemy of democracy and the Constitution). The electorate needs to know. The Democrats are putting Project 2025 in the news, ads, and social media, and it's having an effect.

If repeating that message leads to Trump's demise in a country in which his party has done everything it can to keep America armed to the teeth and he has promoted stochastic violence, well, I know two expressions for my response to that, which I'' clean up: "Fool with the bull and expect to take the horn" and "Fool around and find out."
Only on day one
If Trump wins, it will take him longer than a day to become dictator, but if that were to happen, he wouldn't leave until he's carried out in a box. That's what J6 was all about. That's what dictators do. Lincoln and FDR also seized authoritarian control to some degree or another, but that was during a national existential crisis, and only to steer the nation more effectively - not for personal gain. Trump does nothing that isn't for personal gain.
Well all you have to do is show me where anybody in the right wing anywhere yelled fascism wins, unlike the solid proof that I can provide that socialism wins in the modern day voiced by a particular left-wing party member and you got a point.
That's your "test" for identifying fascism - yelling out "fascism wins," as if people aren't fascists until they mouth those words? Declaring that he will be a dictator works well enough for me, even though he didn't need to say so out loud. There is so much more to corroborate his fascistic tendencies.
The greatest threat to the lives of US citizens have never been Islamic terrorists or illegal immigrants. The greatest threat has been other psychologically disturbed US citizens with guns. Does anyone disagree?
Assuming you're referring to violent death, I agree, but would add that that is only a significant threat because of entities like the NRA and the Republican party. Other countries have the mentally ill, but they don't have American gun culture, which is the threat more than the shooters.
Make enough predictions and some of them will come true. People often remember the hits and forget the misses. The people that do this will often have two sets of predictions. Both pretty much the same one for each candidate. Do not take these seriously.
There was a prisoner some years back who scammed a few people outside of prison into sending him money using that technique. He convinced them he could forecast sporting events winners and was asking people to bet for him and split the earnings. Naturally, nobody did at first, but with each prediction, half got an accurate answer. Eventually, a few had seen him be correct several times in a row and took him up on it.
I remind you that the murdered persons were the rioters, not the cops, in January the 6th.
As you've been told multiple times, no rioter was murdered. One, Ashli Babbitt, was shot and killed participating in a violent invasion of a defended building.
But slurs against Trump can be used...I see.
Trump is a proven liar, grifter, serial adulterer (I know that you consider that a plus), adjudicated sexual predator (maybe that, too), stochastic terrorist, twice impeached, multiply indicted, convicted felon who is cognitively impaired, a malignant narcissist, banned from doing business in NY State, had a fraudulent charity hut down, and is fascistic.

Which of those is a slur to you? I say them as facts, not insults. You may disagree that they are facts, but I believe them to be accurate.

Trump slurs are the kind of comments about how bad he smells or comments about small hands and their sexual implications. None of the above are slurs even if they're words that trigger Trump and Trump supporters.
The wall to be on our borders ... I wonder the implication and why the reference to her husband.
That's just Trump being Trump, mocking the Pelosi's for having a wall when she opposed Trumps border wall plan. A good comeback might be, "I didn't work, did it?"

We Never Know

No Slack
Agreed. You and I discussed something very similar recently: United States Supreme Court Rules Donald Trump Is Immune For Official Acts And Is Not Immune For Unofficial Acts

Even if true, that won't be believed by MAGA. They still claim that J6 was a false flag operation instigated by the FBI and the mythical antifa.

This is an example of false equivalence in my estimation. Where's the evidenced argument that Trump or the Democrats are dividing the country? Trump and Biden couldn't be more different.

Nor the Republicans and Democrats. Trump is angry, vengeful, violent, and has no respect for democracy or the law. Biden is exactly the opposite. So why discus them as equivalent contributors to America's problems?

That's no reason to stop hammering that message. Trump is fascistic (authoritarian, wants to persecute the media, wants to send political opponents to military tribunals, contempt for the law, promotes violence, and is a vocal enemy of democracy and the Constitution). The electorate needs to know. The Democrats are putting Project 2025 in the news, ads, and social media, and it's having an effect.

If repeating that message leads to Trump's demise in a country in which his party has done everything it can to keep America armed to the teeth and he has promoted stochastic violence, well, I know two expressions for my response to that, which I'' clean up: "Fool with the bull and expect to take the horn" and "Fool around and find out."

If Trump wins, it will take him longer than a day to become dictator, but if that were to happen, he wouldn't leave until he's carried out in a box. That's what J6 was all about. That's what dictators do. Lincoln and FDR also seized authoritarian control to some degree or another, but that was during a national existential crisis, and only to steer the nation more effectively - not for personal gain. Trump does nothing that isn't for personal gain.

That's your "test" for identifying fascism - yelling out "fascism wins," as if people aren't fascists until they mouth those words? Declaring that he will be a dictator works well enough for me, even though he didn't need to say so out loud. There is so much more to corroborate his fascistic tendencies.

Assuming you're referring to violent death, I agree, but would add that that is only a significant threat because of entities like the NRA and the Republican party. Other countries have the mentally ill, but they don't have American gun culture, which is the threat more than the shooters.

There was a prisoner some years back who scammed a few people outside of prison into sending him money using that technique. He convinced them he could forecast sporting events winners and was asking people to bet for him and split the earnings. Naturally, nobody did at first, but with each prediction, half got an accurate answer. Eventually, a few had seen him be correct several times in a row and took him up on it.

As you've been told multiple times, no rioter was murdered. One, Ashli Babbitt, was shot and killed participating in a violent invasion of a defended building.

Trump is a proven liar, grifter, serial adulterer (I know that you consider that a plus), adjudicated sexual predator (maybe that, too), stochastic terrorist, twice impeached, multiply indicted, convicted felon who is cognitively impaired, a malignant narcissist, banned from doing business in NY State, had a fraudulent charity hut down, and is fascistic.

Which of those is a slur to you? I say them as facts, not insults. You may disagree that they are facts, but I believe them to be accurate.

Trump slurs are the kind of comments about how bad he smells or comments about small hands and their sexual implications. None of the above are slurs even if they're words that trigger Trump and Trump supporters.

That's just Trump being Trump, mocking the Pelosi's for having a wall when she opposed Trumps border wall plan. A good comeback might be, "I didn't work, did it?"
Just an fyi, when I get a notice you replied to my post and when I go look it opens up a book with multiple replies to multiple posters in it, I usually don't read it.
Didn't read this one. Just giving you a courteous reply.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
This is an example of false equivalence in my estimation. Where's the evidenced argument that Trump or the Democrats are dividing the country? Trump and Biden couldn't be more different.

Nor the Republicans and Democrats. Trump is angry, vengeful, violent, and has no respect for democracy or the law. Biden is exactly the opposite. So why discus them as equivalent contributors to America's problems?
Much of it is this fantasy that the economy is doing poorly and crime is on the rise. RW lies that people believe.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
"AR style" is likely correct.
"AR assault rifle" is extraordinarily improbable.
No kid would qualify for the $10,000 license
to own one.
That's like people trying to call into question the donation. You can't legally drink before you're 21, but I got the heavy drinking out of my system before then. That recent case if a cop around Portland I believe it was who shot a kid with an airsoft gun. He wasn't old enough to legally have them in that state. It wasn't legal for this kid, especially the gun, but it happened anyways.