Your math doesn't take into account the massive amount of money they have that is so massively more than the rest of the citizens. When i say fair taxation I mean rich people shouldn't pay a smaller percentage than the average middle class verson. Rememebr when Romney was running for president and it was revealed that his tax rate was vastly lower than the average citizen? Sure he paid more in total tax, but his wealth was so much more that it's an irrelevant point. When I say fsair taxation I mean the wealthy pay at LEAST the same percentage as the middle class. No fancy tax lawyers finding loopjoles, no tax shelters to hide money. No, if they benefit from the economy we all contribute to they should pull their weight for the massive financial gains they make.
Trump wants to keep his 2017 tax cuts, but Harris says no, let them expire and take the added revenue and help the middle class get ahead in the face of global inflation. The average citizens shouldn't stress out over higher food prices at the same time the rich are accumulating more wealth.