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Trump is losing the debate acting like a raving lunatic


Veteran Member
I haven't read the whole thread, but I did actually watch the ... was that a debate? Whatever that was last night.

I'll be honest - I deliberately avoid exposing myself to dumpster fire as much as possible. So I went into yesterday uncertain I could stand watching the entire thing, and also uncertain that what I would see would really be as bad as some of the rumors suggested.

Dear. Lords.

I was expecting a pathological liar and con artist who spewed mostly crap and nonsense. What I got was someone who is literally insane. Like, literally bat $#@% insane. And I just about felt a small ounce of pity for the nut case, who clearly is in desperate need of extensive therapy and is getting none of it. It goes well beyond being a "weirdo" to say some of the things he said.

He's a mental case.

And I cannot believe he is an actual candidate for president.
Pretty much my thoughts, exactly.


Veteran Member
They both told fibs and avoided/danced around answering questions. If you believe that's wrong...

What was her answer for why they kept Trump's tariffs?
What was her answer on why they waited almost 3 1/2 years to do something about the border?
Both good questions.

The second one was not directly asked, as I recall. But the real answer is that their benefactors don't want a closed border. They want the cheap labor around keeping everyone's wages down.

The tarrif issue is trickier because it's not a binary solution. We want tariffs, but we have to keep them specific and reasonable or they will become just another excuse for every business in the US to raise prices, yet again, and pocket the profits.


ᛋᛏᚨᚾᛞ ᛋᚢᚱᛖ
I guess my main takeaway from the debate is that Trump is easily led around. She set the bait and he took it every time. Kind of scary to think about how easily he's manipulated when he'll be dealing with our country's adversaries



Veteran Member
What I got from the debate is, we still do not know Harris's policies. All she did was either attack, or say we need to get beyond the attacking, division and the past, then she would attack again. She seemed to be bi-polar with two personalities. She says I will heal the country with hugs and kisses; sweet Kamala, and then her inner witch would come out, and she would start nagging. Two facial expressions.

The very first question, she was asked is whether are we better off today? She skated around and never answered. I thought the moderators would ask again, but they gave her a pass, as though skating was OK. The moderators only fact checked Trump. They never fact checked Harris on many of her nags, attacks, lies; witch pole of her bi-pole. Her nice side was likable and was never negative. The lies, and the lack of moderator fairness in fact checking her, was designed to goat Trump on, having to defend the lies. The one that hit the most, was she said people at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, where Trump graduated, said they did not like him. That was just a dagger. That was the DNC strategy and seemed to get Trump defensive, against the slander. Without fact checking her, even on debunked stuff, was designed to spread the disinformation as fact to their base.

The moderators ask Harris about her change of positions, from liberal to more moderate, all of a sudden. She did not answer in a way that someone who had a sincere change of heart would answer. It was a lot of slogans. It was evasive with the moderators giving her a pass. This appears choreographed with the moderators knowing the lines, in each act of the play. But as a play, she did a go job with the script. But we still have no idea of her policies, other than nebulous hopes and dreams and the nagging dirt digging from 40 years ago.

One part I thought was good for Trump, was she; witch side, attacked Trump via hey-say from people in his past administration, who did not like Trump. Trump's comeback was all these people got fired for not doing a good job. Many went on to write books, which Trump said were only popular because these were attached to Trump. There are no Harris books even with 90% of her staff resigning. They saw the witch side too much. Them writing books would not be tolerated or published; rigged system. He also said, in spite of the Biden-Harris disaster, they still have not fired anyone, which means Harris, will still have the same loser advisers, so don't expect any change.

Trump did a good job, in his beginning and in his closing statements, reading off the negative facts of the last 3.5 years and why he is leading in polls on the main issues. It also said, she is making promise and is in office now, so why not make the changes you promise, now? Obviously, this all smoke and promises, since she will not act, upon, while she can or even in the future.
What is Trump's healthcare plan?


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
And that the race is essentially a toss-up. What does that say about such a huge chunk of the American people? I have given up trying to understand it.
Yeah, I know. It's almost like it isn't real. I usually do watch presidential debates - started watching them a bit before I came of age to vote. So about a couple decades now. This was just... legitimately nuts. It is actually insane that a moderator has to fact-check a presidential candidate about the fact that infanticide is legal in precisely zero states.

Not sure about insane, but he is of the opinion that the lies he tells are legitimate discourse in rallying people to his side and he does believe that he knows better than anyone how to run anything.
No, I'd definitely call it insane. I don't know what else to call quotes like this other than bat $#@% insane:
  • "The people that came in. They're eating the cats. They're eating -- they're eating the pets of the people that live there. And this is what's happening in our country."
  • "They allowed criminals. Many, many, millions of criminals. They allowed terrorists. They allowed common street criminals."
  • "Now she wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison."
Just... what the actual $#@%. He's literally bat $#@% insane. Delusional. In addition to being a pathological liar.

We Never Know

No Slack
Both good questions.

The second one was not directly asked, as I recall. But the real answer is that their benefactors don't want a closed border. They want the cheap labor around keeping everyone's wages down.

The tarrif issue is trickier because it's not a binary solution. We want tariffs, but we have to keep them specific and reasonable or they will become just another excuse for every business in the US to raise prices, yet again, and pocket the profits.

Yes the second one was asked directly to Harris. Don't know how you missed it unless you just weren't paying attention.

"DAVID MUIR: We're going to turn now to immigration and border security. We know it's an issue that's important to Republicans, Democrats, voters across the board in this country. Vice President Harris, you were tasked by President Biden with getting to the root causes of migration from Central America. We know that illegal border crossings reached a record high in the Biden administration. This past June, President Biden imposed tough new asylum restrictions. We know the numbers since then have dropped significantly. But my question to you tonight is why did the administration wait until six months before the election to act and would you have done anything differently from President Biden on this?


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
The pandemic made inflation a global problem. Biden did better than most nations in reducing inflation. Of course Trump was fired for mismanaging the pandemic, and most likely would have mismanaged the inflation that would have come to the USA if he was re-elected. The guy is an idiot.
So I was right thanks. Kamala is an idiot. So there!!!
Little difficult to see how that follows from what @Fifan wrote.


Well-Known Member
I guess my main takeaway from the debate is that Trump is easily led around. She set the bait and he took it every time. Kind of scary to think about how easily he's manipulated when he'll be dealing with our country's adversaries

It was frightening the last time he was led around and our adversaries have had another 4 years to work on strategies, beyond scary.