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Trump kicked off Colorado ballot


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Trump brought himself down. Recognizing his actions and applying the law is the consequence. You don’t seem to value the constitution or the law. Notice no other candidate is having any similar problems with law enforcement, or election boards.
To the contrary, I value the law and the Constitution and am speaking out against the Colorado Court that acted unconstitutionally. When Colorado gets reversed will you admit I was right?


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Thank you for confirming you care more about being Trump down than upholding the Constitution. Colorado got it wrong and you’re right, the system will correct.

I find it funny that you'd complain about others not wanting to uphold the Constitution when you're arguing for ignoring the 14th Amendment.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
There you go being partisan again. The dissenters in Colorado were Democrats. At least one legal expert has suggested the Supreme Court will rule 9-0 on this issue.

Calling the Court corrupt is more Khmer Rouge tactics.
Is everyone who disagrees with you the "Khmer Rouge" now? :rolleyes:


Veteran Member
To the contrary, I value the law and the Constitution and am speaking out against the Colorado Court that acted unconstitutionally. When Colorado gets reversed will you admit I was right?
That’s the nature of justices and interpretation. Have you noticed even the Supreme Court has disagreements? They even reverse themselves as we saw with Roe v Wade. The constitution is often vague and interpretation tends to follow personal beliefs. It’s no surprise that Roe got overturned after the Republicans confirmed three far right justices. Trump selected them for that purpose. So yeah, justices of Colorado will naturally reflect the liberal views of the state.

I have my own opinion and complaints about courts and the wide range of decisions. It’s political as hell. The Colorado decision has arguments for both sides, and the constitution is vague on what means what. So you can argue that the process sucks, but you can’t say it’s unconstitutional or undemocratic. Don’t forget the role of state’s rights and how they run their own elections according to their laws.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
That’s the nature of justices and interpretation. Have you noticed even the Supreme Court has disagreements? They even reverse themselves as we saw with Roe v Wade. The constitution is often vague and interpretation tends to follow personal beliefs. It’s no surprise that Roe got overturned after the Republicans confirmed three far right justices. Trump selected them for that purpose. So yeah, justices of Colorado will naturally reflect the liberal views of the state.

I have my own opinion and complaints about courts and the wide range of decisions. It’s political as hell. The Colorado decision has arguments for both sides, and the constitution is vague on what means what. So you can argue that the process sucks, but you can’t say it’s unconstitutional or undemocratic. Don’t forget the role of state’s rights and how they run their own elections according to their laws.
This is the best thing you’ve said so far. Yes- it’s up for interpretation. I believe the Colorado court misapplied the 14th amendment and acted unconstitutionally. We’ll see what happens.

As for States rights. The states don’t get to act unconstitutionally.


Well-Known Member
That being said, in my opinion, a trial with the right to counsel, accompanied by the right to appeal all the way up to the Supreme Court, satisfies any reasonable interpretation of "due process."
Due process involved a fair hearing, i.e. a hearing made without prejudice. Any hearing where the defendants are treated as persons is prejudical against their natural rights.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
This is the best thing you’ve said so far. Yes- it’s up for interpretation. I believe the Colorado court misapplied the 14th amendment and acted unconstitutionally. We’ll see what happens.

As for States rights. The states don’t get to act unconstitutionally.

You keep on saying that you think the Colorado court acted unconstitutionally, but so far, you haven't said what you think is unconstitutional about it.

You keep talking about "due process," but haven't said what process you think the constitution requires (or how that differs from what has happened so far).


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
You keep on saying that you think the Colorado court acted unconstitutionally, but so far, you haven't said what you think is unconstitutional about it.

You keep talking about "due process," but haven't said what process you think the constitution requires (or how that differs from what has happened so far).
We are, admittedly, in uncharted territory. The Constitution is full of ambiguities. I think it should take an act of Congress to determine what an insurrection is. Then the courts can apply the elements with the defendant having the opportunity to have a fair trial. If the elements are met, and, the apply the 14th. I think it’s telling that Trump wasn’t even a party initially in the Colorado court and he had to intervene. Time will tell what happens. Given the ambiguities, I might be wrong, but I’m pretty confident I’m right and the Supreme Court will reverse Colorado.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
We are, admittedly, in uncharted territory. The Constitution is full of ambiguities.

This is a bit of a different tune than you started with.

I think it should take an act of Congress to determine what an insurrection is. Then the courts can apply the elements with the defendant having the opportunity to have a fair trial.

"Should"? What you think "should" happen is irrelevant to whether what happened is constitutional under the actual Constitution as it exists today.
If the elements are met, and, the apply the 14th.

Where in the Constitution is this requirement?

I think it’s telling that Trump wasn’t even a party initially in the Colorado court and he had to intervene.

... which makes sense. The case was only indirectly about Trump. The case was about what the Secretary of State of Colorado was required or prohibited from doing under the Constitution and relevant law.

Trump wasn’t under subpoena and wasn’t required to account for himself, but he was entitled to intervenor status if he chose to take it.

Time will tell what happens. Given the ambiguities, I might be wrong, but I’m pretty confident I’m right and the Supreme Court will reverse Colorado.

I think there's a decent chance that the Supreme Court will reverse the decision as well, not with a clear decision about whether Trump is eligible to be President again, but with a ruling about whether this should be decided at the state level.

The worst outcome for democracy, but an outcome I think has a decent chance of happening, is that the US Supreme Court will rule that the determination of Trump's eligibility has to be done by the joint session of Congress counting the EC votes via their process to challenge irregularities in the count.

In terms of the ideals of fairness and democracy, I think it's much better for ineligible candidates to be left off the ballot in the first place than for citizens' votes to be thrown out after the fact.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
I think it should ....
We need to deal with what the Constitution says, not what you think it should say.

It seems to me that when people say this ruling is unconstitutional what they really mean is they don't like it. But the reality is that this is perfectly constitutional whether you like it or not.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
As I noted before, all the attacks against Trump only helps Trump. It is the attacks that gives him the advantage.
My concern is that this 'kicking candidates off the ballot' thing will domino into a new weapon that both major parties will try and wield against the other when they don't think their candidate can win by a vote of the people.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
My concern is that this 'kicking candidates off the ballot' thing will domino into a new weapon that both major parties will try and wield against the other when they don't think their candidate can win by a vote of the people.
One need only look at impeachment's newfound popularity.

Wandering Monk

Well-Known Member
My concern is that this 'kicking candidates off the ballot' thing will domino into a new weapon that both major parties will try and wield against the other when they don't think their candidate can win by a vote of the people.
This is going through the legal process and is specifically about the 14th Amendment and insurrection. This is not just arbitrarily kicking people off the ballot for political reasons no matter what the right wing liars are saying.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
We are, admittedly, in uncharted territory. The Constitution is full of ambiguities. I think it should take an act of Congress to determine what an insurrection is. Then the courts can apply the elements with the defendant having the opportunity to have a fair trial. If the elements are met, and, the apply the 14th. I think it’s telling that Trump wasn’t even a party initially in the Colorado court and he had to intervene. Time will tell what happens. Given the ambiguities, I might be wrong, but I’m pretty confident I’m right and the Supreme Court will reverse Colorado.
Yes, the Supreme Court is likely to overturn this. But that is because they are a corrupt Republican institution right now. They have demonstrated that with various 9-3 decisions. There decisions have been politically based and not Constitutionally based.

But meanwhile you have as yet to show why they should not follow the Constitution besides you not liking it.


Well-Known Member
What kind of 'free' country does this?

It's really not about Trump, I'm not voting for him anyways, it's about a system where you can just throw any political opponent off the ballot on the basis of yet to be proven accusations and conjecture.

All this tells me is the left is centered on the big centralized state where not the people voting chooses who they want on the ballot in their state, but rather its the government who who decides whom can and cannot be on the ballot all on the basis of yet to be proven facts completely void of due process.

Talk about election interference.
Election interference and lack of due process are both Unconstitutional. That being said, should Trump have just gone along with the result of the 2020 election, even of the winner used unconstitutional methods? This is Trump's argument for Jan 6. He felt he had to speak out against the unconstitutional tactics and deem the election unconstitutional. The team that won in 2020 used Big Government to engage in unconstitutional Social media censorship, which violated free speech to cheat the election. The Hunter Biden Laptop was misrepresented by the swamp attacking the messengers of truth, with lies and lack of due process. The crooks are only starting to see some due process starting with Biden.

It all goes back to the swamp led Coup against Trump in 2016, connected to the fake dossier charge of Russian Collusion. Due process was also ignored by the Swamp. The crooks used government resources to railroaded many people as pawns to coup. There was also Watergate type spying by the Obama and Biden administration, and then going after political opponents.

Trump came to the conclusion the swamp will not self police or atone, and therefore he had no choice but to fight the result. The crooks are playing new games to rig the system. If they can prevent the leading candidate from participating, then Democracy is finished. Trump is fighting for Democracy, via the legal system.

If Trump wins, after all this dirty play by the Swamp, it will be almost like Israel needing to purge Hamas, which is the an Arab version of a swamp. Trump will need to do an Israel on the swamp and hunt them down. Unless you purge that cancer, it will try to regrow. It has no conscience or character.

The world does not want the destabilizing effect of the American Swamp able to control American elections. Then we become another Russia with billionaire Oligarchs. America is supposed to be a beacon of light and not swamp darkness.