It's distressing that those candidates were blithering idiots which royally ****ed up the system during their stay, but they were the 'lesser evil'.
But no, that we still have a system that is completely useless and was created to extend slavery is pretty bad.
Do you think slavery is currently being extended by the EC?
The Senate
Except, once again, they weren't. Federalists =! Republican. Democratic Republican = Republican.
This is to conflate 2 similarly spelled terms with different meanings.
While there were "republicans" then, the Republican Party (which later formed to oppose slavery) did
not yet exist. And again, the Democrats were the slavery party whom the EC would've benefitted.
I am a "republican" (lower case "r") because I favor a federation of states,
governed by a constitution with a bill of rights, & democratically elected leaders.
In that sense, even many Democrats are republicans.
Republicanism in the United States - Wikipedia
Perhaps I might even convert you, eh?
Yeah, history doesn't make any difference in considering law, ethics, et al.
Is this agreement or sarcasm?
(I thought I saw eye rolling.)
Is that why gay marriage was legalized by state regulation only eight times? And only three by popular vote? The vast majority were overturned by court. More were overturned by the supreme court ruling than popular vote and state legislation combined.
It was even worse for interracial marriage.
Having the states lead is a messy process. But their autonomy allows for more freedom
to experiment. Tis in the nature of leading a change, that not all are in the front, but they
nonetheless made it possible for the fed to reverse course.
Note that faux progressives Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, & Barack Obama only "evolved"
to accept gay marriage after political winds shifted at the state level. But even then, they
had to wait for real progressives like Dick Cheney & state voters to lead them.
Had the federal government been allowed central control with no separate rights for states,
it could've imposed its gay marriage ban on everyone everywhere in the country. Thus, I
prefer a constitutional republic over a monolithic top down authority.
Also lets not forget that those evil big governnent socialist Scandanavians beat us at pretty much every civil rights battle...
Scandinavia (which is capitalist, not socialist) doesn't look so attractive to me.
It's a very expensive place to live, & they take a back seat to some of our civil liberties, eg, free speech.
Anyway, any more tonight?
It's late morning here.
If you oppose the EC because it gave small states & slave states more power,
then would this mean you oppose the Senate for the same reason?
(After all, it too was part of the Great Compromise which created the EC.)
We could get by with just the proportionally representative House,
& ditch the Senate (created by those evil white male slave holders).