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Trump trial proves to be political after all

We Never Know

No Slack
The way that you posted that indicated otherwise. You may have pointed it out but when you are telling of an obvious lie of Trump's you need to make it clear that it was one due to conservative TDS. You may have to do the same thing with Biden's lies,, they are far fewer in number, but yes he lies too at times.
Lol. Maybe its your reading comprehension.

Lets see.... I wrote...

"Short of trying to kill him, though Trump claims they were going to."

-Short of trying to kill him -meaning they didn't try to

-though Trump claims they were going to. - meaning Trump claimed that were or wanted to

Its pretty clear. Nothing confusing there.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Fear mongering has always been a leftist tactic.
Ah, yes, of course. Let's look at all the "leftist" fear mongering:

Black men are raping white women, so let's ban drugs!
Critical Race Theory!
Immigrants are invading the country!
Immigrants are taking your jobs!
The war on Christmas!
Drag queens are coming for your children!
Trans people are going to assault you in the bathroom!

I'll stop there, but I could go on.

Wait. Those aren't "leftist". Sorry, I must have been looking at the wrong thing.
It's ain't working anymore, no matter how much you guys want to push the "Trump is Hitler" conspiracy theory.

1) That's not a conspiracy theory, even if you think it's wrong.

2) Trump isn't Hitler. He just uses similar tactics and language, and wants to be a fascist dictator.

3) Fearmongering unfortunately still works very well. Just look at you and other conservatives and the list above. Trump and republicans' entire platform is fearmongering and stoking outrage. And as we can see, it works all too well.
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Veteran Member
Of course! It's the only narrative they think people will fall for. Gotta use it! It's not like they can talk about any accomplishments biden has had over the past 4 years since he doesn't have any. ;)
Please. Anyone running for president against a guy on criminal trial(s) for a wide range of criminal misconduct, is going to use it against them in an election. They'd be stupid not to. And they should. A guy who routinely commits fraud, who has been found liable for sexual abuse and defamation, who surrounds himself with a bunch of criminals who are either already in prison or awaiting trial, a guy who fomented an insurrection because he couldn't handle losing an election is a person not fit for office. And the people running against him should absolutely point this out at every chance they get.

Why do you think Trump and his fellow Republicans keep trying to get the "Crooked Joe Biden crime family" narrative to stick, do you think? ;)


Veteran Member
He was probably wondering if Trump was talking to him.


I think Deniro has hated Trump ever since he stayed at a Trump hotel and found that they didn't have an equal number of blueberries in the muffins.
You win post of the day! I just spit my coffee out everywhere. Well done! :D


Veteran Member
Private citizens showing support is democracy.
A democrat president sending activists to his rival's trial shortly before an election is election interference, and very much political.
Sorry, how is it election interference, exactly? The guy is on trial for criminal misconduct. Are you trying to tell me that Biden shouldn't point this out every chance he gets?
Biden clearly knows the MSM will back him up. Too bad he's also counting on the citizens of this country to not notice what's really going on. No wonder Trump managed to draw a huge crowd of supporters (black and hispanic) at a New York rally. Even New Yorkers can see through the political crap from Biden and his judge friends.
LOL What's "really" going on? You don't really think Trump is going to win New York, do you?


Veteran Member
Why not? Isn't that what far leftists always do when the jury doesn't vote the way the leftists want?
If they say "Not guilty", the leftists will be saying, "That doesn't mean he's innocent!", and "Another rich guy gets away with a crime!"
Oh, you mean like how Trump supporters refuse to accept the verdict in the sexual abuse and defamation case? Like that?

Methinks though doth project too much. That's what happens when you constantly engage in whataboutism, I guess.


Veteran Member
Please. Anyone running for president against a guy on criminal trial(s) for a wide range of criminal misconduct, is going to use it against them in an election. They'd be stupid not to. And they should. A guy who routinely commits fraud, who has been found liable for sexual abuse and defamation, who surrounds himself with a bunch of criminals who are either already in prison or awaiting trial, a guy who fomented an insurrection because he couldn't handle losing an election is a person not fit for office. And the people running against him should absolutely point this out at every chance they get.

Why do you think Trump and his fellow Republicans keep trying to get the "Crooked Joe Biden crime family" narrative to stick, do you think? ;)
There is polling that reveals quite a high percentage of voters do not access any news. There have been people who aren't even aware that Trump is being tried for crimes. The danger of a poorly informed population voting is real. So Biden and democrat pacs need to inform the public about Trump being indicted and facing three more trials. It is crucial info for voters. And remember, it doesn't matter what voters know in 45 states, only the five swing states. Our election is decided by 4-6 swing states, and the rest don't really matter as they fall into set voting patterns.


Veteran Member
He fit right into the Oval Office for 4 years just fine.
Good thing it's a huge office, with double doors. He could eat all the Big Macs he wanted and still fit, and get exercise by flinging ketchup on the walls as he threw tantrums when he didn't get his way. I wonder if that was the office where he signed those reinbursement checks to Cohen in a criminal conspiracy.

There were good reasons Trump was fired. There's better reasons for him to remain a criminal defenadant and be a professional guilty person. He's not fit for president.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
To be fair I think he just likes being worshipped and having people listen to his baby speak. The fascist dictator bit is just incidental, a possible end result of the endless idiocy of people unable to learn from history.
Yes, I agree. I think the worship and attention, along with his insecurity, leads him to want to be a strong man/authoritarian. This is why I think he's not exactly Hitler, but he does use similar language and tactics, because it works for what he wants.


Veteran Member
Yes, I agree. I think the worship and attention, along with his insecurity, leads him to want to be a strong man/authoritarian. This is why I think he's not exactly Hitler, but he does use similar language and tactics, because it works for what he wants.
Trump goes as far as he can, and seems content that he has the lead in many polls. It only matters in swing states, and that will be the focus in this election, and any election, until the Electoral College system is eliminated. Trump does have campaign managers who are more exprienced this time around, and do lead his rhetoric to be divisive and exploitive of emotions, but also know to not cross certain lines. The 2025 plan is published, but how many know what it says? Trump won't say much of it on the stump, but it's being discussed by pundits. And many won't hear what pundits say.


Not of this world
I asked you a question. The question showed that Biden was not the one that made it political.

Did you hear Trump complaining about the trial? By the way, you are aware that "Trump complaining" is synonymous with Trump lying?
Sorry, but I asked first, and the biggest rule of polite interoculating is to answer a question before you ask one of your own.
Do you recognize your error now?


Not of this world
My opinion of the US' government isn't that high, but even I think that the orange clown was much below par. Not as low as Bush Jr., but for different reasons.
He was very entertaining, we laughed all the way through - but that's not the job of a Prez.
Then why is Biden so good at making other world leaders laugh at him for being so "out of it"?
Why fall down so much?
Why gaffe his way through every speech?
If entertainment wasn't the president's job, it's currently up to Bite Me and Camel Hair to prove it.


Not of this world
Ah, yes, of course. Let's look at all the "leftist" fear mongering:

Black men are raping white women, so let's ban drugs!
Critical Race Theory!
Immigrants are invading the country!
Immigrants are taking your jobs!
The war on Christmas!
Drag queens are coming for your children!
Trans people are going to assault you in the bathroom!

I'll stop there, but I could go on.

Wait. Those aren't "leftist". Sorry, I must have been looking at the wrong thing.

1) That's not a conspiracy theory, even if you think it's wrong.

2) Trump isn't Hitler. He just uses similar tactics and language, and wants to be a fascist dictator.

3) Fearmongering unfortunately still works very well. Just look at you and other conservatives and the list above. Trump and republicans' entire platform is fearmongering and stoking outrage. And as we can see, it works all too well.
Leftist fear mongering:

Climate change!
You were born in the wrong body!
Don't tell your parents! They won't understand!
Trump is Hitler!
Israel is the biggest threat to humanity!
Trump is the biggest threat to democracy!
Your car is the biggest threat to the planet!
Someone called me by the wrong pronoun!
The police are out to shoot black people!
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