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Trump's strong support / Democrats' lack of support, by white women


Veteran Member
Yawn. The question was who kept more campaign promises. I don't care if you agree with what he did or not.

Specifically, you made this comment...

Why would you not choose the candidate who actually did what he said he would in many areas, regardless of his personality.

I linked to a source that showed which promises Trump made and which he fulfilled and which he didn't. It's not whether I agree or not. It's about factual statistics. Trump failed on far more promises that he fulfilled. The ones he fulfilled, like the massive tax cut, helps businesses far more than you. You were complaining about businesses and CEOs getting richer, so why give Trump back pats for helping that group?

His hot button issues before the election were "repeal ObamaCare" and "Build the wall". He failed miserably on both.

If you can't see that, you are intentionally ignoring reality.
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Veteran Member
You think I'm wrong? I can't explain the votes on this particular bill, although I think it would take more than one bill to prove me wrong.

My comment was in response to your...
Funny thing is, it would be so easy for the Democrats to put the Republicans away entirely in an election, if only they would stop sucking up to big business.
The point being that the Republicans have their heads up the asses of big business far more than the Democrats do.

So your comment about voters is nonsensical.


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My comment was in response to your...

The point being that the Republicans have their heads up the asses of big business far more than the Democrats do.

So your comment about voters is nonsensical.

Why do you think anyone who is not a billionaire would vote Republican at all?

If the Democrats supported a platform which advocates bigger paychecks for workers, free healthcare, lower housing costs, lower education costs, ending free trade, then I'm certain they would easily defeat the Republicans. Trouble is, they don't do that.

They lost with Hillary (who was shamelessly pro-business) in 2016 and barely won with Biden (who was also shamelessly pro-business) in 2020. Neither of them supported a pro-worker platform.

If they had nominated Sanders (or someone with similar views), they would have gotten a lot more votes, since there are more working class people than billionaires.

The problem with Democrats is that they worry too much about getting the billionaires' vote.

Here Are The Billionaires Funding The Democratic Presidential Candidates, As Of December 2019 (forbes.com)



Veteran Member
By the way, who cares about Hunter Biden? He wasn't running for President.
That doesn't mean information about him being concealed didn't influence the election.

Tech companies, actually shut down the account of one of America’s most-read newspapers to inhibit users from reading the story.

Twitter blocked users from sharing the URL to the Post’s story about Hunter and locked some users out of accounts for doing that, including high-profile ones belonging to the Post itself.


Veteran Member
You can't be serious.

Rudy Giuliani had every chance in the world to share the supposedly terrible intel he says he got from Ukraine and other foreign governments on Biden's son and never, ever shared a thing. Not. One. Thing.
Yet people still believe nonsense like "the other side literally stole the election by having social media conceal information on Biden and his son."

By the way, who cares about Hunter Biden? He wasn't running for President.
But that's just the tip of the iceberg. As the Times bragged later, spinning it as heroic:
"There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance from CEOs. Both surprises were the result of an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans. The pact was formalized in a terse, little-noticed joint statement of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and AFL-CIO published on Election Day. Both sides would come to see it as a sort of implicit bargain–inspired by the summer’s massive, sometimes destructive racial-justice protests–in which the forces of labor came together with the forces of capital to keep the peace and oppose Trump’s assault on democracy."

Ironic doesn't begin to cover it. A massive conspiracy to influence the election and stifle true freedom is boasted about.
Here's the clincher:

"They successfully pressured social media companies to take a harder line against "disinformation" and used data-driven strategies to fight viral smears. "
Uh- huh. That's election tampering on a huge scale and The Times is crowing about it.


Veteran Member
It's the left, with their constant push for tyranny. Mask mandates, vaccine mandates, always more control.
Intrusiveness as demonstrated by the (Republican Senator) Joseph McCarthy.

Intrusive tyranny laws like those prohibiting the manufacture and sale of alcohol. Pushed by Republican Andrew Volstadt whose name the bill took.

Intrusive tyranny laws like those prohibiting the sale and use of marijuana, certain mushrooms, cocaine. Sponsored by Repub Pres Nixon.

Let's not forget really intrusive tyranny - restrictive abortion laws pushed for and signed by Republican Governor Gregg Abbott.

Let's compound the problem by recognizing that these laws favor the beliefs of Christians thereby further eroding the separation of church and state.

Your view of reality is truly shaped by your religion and, apparently, blogs and Facebook posts by like-minded characters. Facts mean nothing.
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Veteran Member
Pay attention to what politicians are pushing the lockdowns and mandates. It's mostly the left.
Florida and Texas have ultra-right wing Governors who made mask mandates illegal, even for schools and private businesses like Cruise ships in Florida.

Florida's DeSantis is going to introduce abortion legislation patterned after Texas'.

Florida and Texas have the highest rates of covid infection in September 2021. Pediatric hospitalizations and pediatric deaths from covid are high in both states.

Apparently, the Governors of Florida and Texas only care about "children" until they are born. Then they want nothing to do with keeping them safe from diseases.


Veteran Member
The problem with Democrats is that they worry too much about getting the billionaires' vote.

Here Are The Billionaires Funding The Democratic Presidential Candidates, As Of December 2019 (forbes.com)

How very interesting. You post a link to a Forbes article. You show a chart from the Forbes article. You and the Forbes article imply that billionaires contributed overwhelmingly to Democrats. However, the article is silent on donations to Republicans.

But more important than anything else is your omission of the following...

Forbes mined Federal Election Commission data for donations from billionaires and their spouses, searching for all itemized donations of at least $100. This chart represents how many donors we found for every candidate.
That disclaimer was right above the chart.

So, If Charley the billionaire donated $100 dollars to Joe Biden, that counts as a Billionaire supporting Democrats. Did Forbes do a similar article about billionaires donating huge amounts, directly and through PACs, to Republicans? Apparently not.

I'm sure you know that Forbes is a right-leaning organization interested in promoting Republicans.

However, your intentional omission of the qualifier about the $100 donations tells a lot about your views.
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Veteran Member
Florida and Texas have ultra-right wing Governors who made mask mandates illegal, even for schools and private businesses like Cruise ships in Florida.

Good for them.

You apparently missed this part intentionally ignored this part because it doesn't support your agenda.
Florida and Texas have the highest rates of covid infection in September 2021. Pediatric hospitalizations and pediatric deaths from covid are high in both states.
I guess you are OK with policies that lead to illnesses and deaths for children.


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However, your intentional omission of the qualifier about the $100 donations tells a lot about your views.

The fact that you're bending over backwards to defend shameless sucking up to billionaires tells a lot about your views.

Is there anything about the Democrats you find fault with? To me, at best, they're just the lesser of two evils, but you sound like a real cheerleader for that party.


Veteran Member
The fact that you're bending over backwards to defend shameless sucking up to billionaires tells a lot about your views.

Is there anything about the Democrats you find fault with? To me, at best, they're just the lesser of two evils, but you sound like a real cheerleader for that party.
How are Democrats evil in any way? Are you referring to policies, or politics? To my mind the Democrats are essentially moderates, and we as a rich nation should be going farther left, meaning taking care of the environment, equality, fair wages, fine our bad infrastructure, and especially healthcare. The GOP seems opposed to anything will help citizens going into the future.


Veteran Member
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How are Democrats evil in any way? Are you referring to policies, or politics? To my mind the Democrats are essentially moderates, and we as a rich nation should be going farther left, meaning taking care of the environment, equality, fair wages, fine our bad infrastructure, and especially healthcare. The GOP seems opposed to anything will help citizens going into the future.

As I indicated above, it would be so easy for Democrats to take away votes from Republicans, if only they'd stop sucking up to big business and support working people.

The question I asked above has been asked before, but can anyone really answer it? The question was: Why would anyone who is not a billionaire vote Republican?

If the Democrats offered a clear choice, siding with the 99% against the 1%, they would get a comparable share of the vote.

But as long as Democrats and Republicans keep falling over each other to appease the 1%, then nothing will ever really change.

I'm not saying the Democrats are evil, but they compromise with evil. If they grew a backbone and challenged big business with the same ferocity that they opposed Trump, a lot of problems could be resolved overnight.

That's what I see. Democrats certainly have the potential and the power to crush big business, but they refuse to do so. That's their choice, and I'm holding them responsible for that choice.


Freedom from Sanity
If they had nominated Sanders (or someone with similar views), they would have gotten a lot more votes, since there are more working class people than billionaires.
On the other hand - no working class people own newspapers, TV stations, or social media platforms, and therefore have a comparably very limited ability to shape public opinion and policy.