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Tucker Carlson interviews Putin

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
I have no doubts about that.
We Europeans see the NATO as the peacekeeping organization meant to prevent wars in the Western Civilization.

Many Americans, not to say most, see the NATO as the warlike, monstrous apparatus that will conquer Russia and dismember it.

Our visions are irreconcilable.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
For those who are interested in the interview
They can both choke to death a blue whale dick.

Not quite. Berlusconi was Italian as well.
You are still literally the only European I've talked to who has any respect for the man. Most I've talked to would probably rather see him scrubbing toilets and scooping animal poop, while chained close to the elephants butt.
I think (know) you're an outlier mispeaking for Europe.


Veteran Member
Oriana Fallaci wrote: Write always the Truth. It hurts as much as surgical instruments do, but it heals.
Too bad Tucker doesn't read.

In the interview there is Putin saying that he did ask in the early 2000s whether it was possible for Russia to join NATO, but some unspeakable and warlike élites in the US answered: no, it's not.
He's a liar and war criminal, why trust anything he claims?
So I blame these American élites for all this tension and all these wars, right now.
Which has no basis in fact.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I had always thought that Carlson is the best journalist in the world.
Being a good journalist requires being objective and possessing integrity. Carlson is trash.

He had the courage to go to Moscow and to interview the most controversial political personality, according to the average American.
There is nothing at all courageous about being a boot licking propaganda puppet.

And I underline to the average American, because the average European respects Russian people and their president.
Don't insult our intelligence. Nobody believes that you're in a position to speak for the average European. Most Europeans value human rights and abhor war crimes.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Honestly I believe that some liars and deceivers in the US have done nothing but imposing a false propaganda about the Ukrainian War...
and American citizens believed them.

That is, that Putin was interested in destroying Ukrainian people.
Actually it was the Ukrainians who harassed the Russians of Donbas. Putin sent his army to protect them.

So it's the Russians of Donbas the victims. Not Ukrainians.


Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Being a good journalist requires being objective and possessing integrity. Carlson is trash.

There is nothing at all courageous about being a boot licking propaganda puppet.

Don't insult our intelligence. Nobody believes that you're in a position to speak for the average European. Most Europeans value human rights and abhor war crimes.
I prefer the tsar, no matter of how controversial he is, he is blunt.
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Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Too bad Tucker doesn't read.

He's a liar and war criminal, why trust anything he claims?
So you are affirming that the NATO proposed Russia to join in, when Soviet Russia collapsed?

Please, don't plead the fifth amendment on this question.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Nothing wrong with hearing Putin's side of things. Otherwise all we end up with is anti-Russian/ pro-biden propaganda.
What the hell does Biden have to do with anything? This is about Ukraine; a sovereign democracy who was invaded without provocation and then subjected to heinous war crimes, such as the rape, torture, and trafficking of Ukrainian children by Russian occupiers. Yet, republicans try to paint them as the bad guys? Why? The only reason I can think of is because the likes of Tuck and Trump crawling on their bellies licking Putin's boots, so all of their supporter simps follow suit. The fact that they idolize a despot who has his critics and rivals assassinated tells you everything you need to know about their character and moral compass (that it's trash).
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Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
He would put you in the ground for being trans. Maybe you could share a mass grave with the dead Ukrainian children.
It's not about me, it's about the Donbas war.
I have nothing to do with Ukraine or Russia.

There must be a reason why Italian Nationalists sided with Putin, when the Donbas war started in 2014.
