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Tucker Carlson interviews Putin

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Courage? No other journalists were granted an interview.

"The American had touted his sit-down with Putin as a triumph for free speech, asserting that he was heading where no Western news outlets dared to tread.
That's untrue. The Kremlin is simply highly selective about who Putin speaks to. It will almost always choose someone who knows neither the country nor the language and so struggles ever to challenge him.
Putin probably doesn't grant interviews to journalists paid by the Sorosian framework.
And I said framework not to say something more offensive. :)

Carlson's claim also ignored the fact that Russia's president has spent the past two decades in power systematically stamping out free speech at home.
Most recently, he made it a crime to tell the truth about Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
Multiple critics - Vladimir Kara-Murza, Ilya Yashin and many more - are in prison right now for doing just that."

Tucker Carlson: Putin takes charge as TV host gives free rein to Kremlin
Zelenskyy stamped out free speech at home too.
That's why his citizens are abandoning him. They are fleeing to Poland and Germany en masse.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Delusional notion. He's never going to be interviewed by anyone that would hold his feet to the fire. And if they did, it would be the end of their freedom and possibly life.
No...I mean...some Sorosian media would have manipulated the interview by trimming and re-sewing the video...eliminating all the inconvenient truths.
Carlson recorded everything. Every word. Every breathe.
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Well-Known Member
Libya falls under our "geopolitical sphere of influence".
So it was none of America's business.

Gaddafi's victims say hello!



Woke gremlin
Courage? No other journalists were granted an interview.

"The American had touted his sit-down with Putin as a triumph for free speech, asserting that he was heading where no Western news outlets dared to tread.
That's untrue. The Kremlin is simply highly selective about who Putin speaks to. It will almost always choose someone who knows neither the country nor the language and so struggles ever to challenge him.
Carlson's claim also ignored the fact that Russia's president has spent the past two decades in power systematically stamping out free speech at home.
Most recently, he made it a crime to tell the truth about Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
Multiple critics - Vladimir Kara-Murza, Ilya Yashin and many more - are in prison right now for doing just that."

Tucker Carlson: Putin takes charge as TV host gives free rein to Kremlin
Even THE KREMLIN admitted this when it CORRECTED Tucker Carlson, explicitly stating that they DO receive requests from western media, but that they refuse to engage with them:

"Mr. Carlson is not correct. In fact, there’s no way he could know this. We receive numerous requests for interviews with the president, but mostly, as far as countries in the collective West are concerned, these are from major network media: traditional TV channels and large newspapers that don’t even attempt to appear impartial in their coverage. Of course there’s no desire to communicate with this kind of media."

It says a lot about your journalistic credibility when you are literally corrected BY THE KREMLIN. Tucker's not even competent enough to be a Russian propagandist.


Well-Known Member
I had always thought that Carlson is the best journalist in the world.

He had the courage to go to Moscow and to interview the most controversial political personality, according to the average American.

And I underline to the average American, because the average European respects Russian people and their president.


Putin is an artifact of the Old Soviet, where Russia once had a buffer from the West, after WWII, composed of wide range of Eastern European Counties, like Poland and Ukraine. After the Berlin Wall fell, due to the work of President Ronald Reagan and George Bush I, and after Eastern Europe became independent, Russia was made to feel very insecure, due to the NATO alliance still strong, but without the post war buffer Russia once had.

Putin's rise to power was connected to his hard line paranoia, about the spread of NATO, closer to the Russian Border. Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia were invited to begin accession talks at the Alliance's Prague Summit in 2002 and joined NATO in 2004. All seven countries had participated in the MAP. This was under President Bush II.

The West saw the growing NATO as peace keepers in Eastern Europe against Russian expansion, but Russia without a buffer, saw the writing on the wall of a NATO invasion due to its growth east.

Shortly after Obama became President in 2008, he and Hillary tried to open up a relationship with Putin. This was coined the Russian Reset, orchestrated by then Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. They all became such buddies for a short time; see below. I often wonder how thing got so bad, that the Putin is now sold as public enemy number, by the same Left, who once massaged his feet?

We don't have many happy Trump and Putin buddy pictures. But now the Left narrative is Trump and Putin had their own private reset button and are also close as white on rice. So what happened to the Obama, Clinton and the Putin honeymoon?


One of the early marriage problems, was connected to the Putin invasion of Crimea. Obama offered no resistance. Obama had no problem starting the Arab Spring War that empower terrorist groups to occupy a good chunk of the Middle East. Crimea almost appeared like a pacification effort for Putin, to offset his nagging complaint of the growing NATO alliance. Crimes is a peninsula below Ukraine in the Black Sea that has strategic value for Russian navel support within South Eastern Europe. Not a bad place to invade Ukraine.


The other aspect of the decline in the Honeymoon, may have been connected to the Hunter Biden Family Business venture in Ukraine with Ukrainian Oligarch; Mykola Vladyslavovych Zlochevsky and his Burisma Energy company. Ukraine had had elections at that time, and the new President, who won had run on anti-corruption. He wanted Ukraine to become part of NATO.

My guess is the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, may have been provoked by a misunderstanding of VP Biden's connection to Ukraine. Was VP Biden part of a family influence peddling business, or was he really a double cross Agent of Obama, working to strike a deal with Ukraine, that would put Russia at even more risk? Nobody has considered this last point. Either way, any VP Biden involvement has been denied even with all the circumstantial evidence. It appears nothing is going to happen Biden, suggesting even the Republican House may be giving cover, using an in depth investigation, to coverup something else of National Security relevance.

I thought it quite interesting how bold President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy was in demanding money from Biden. What did he know that made him think he would be so bold? He would have been knowledgeable, either way, since Ukraine was and is known as a country of quid pro quo and influence peddling.

Below is a picture of the Russian Invasion which made good use of Crimea. What was the plan from step one?

None of this happed under Trump, which makes you wonder why he was not included; not part of the Swamp ploy. Putin may have been waiting out the clock to get back with his buddies who were offering the offset after the reset. Notice above the blue line seems to include Crimea as part of the invasion plan; Azov Sea and access to the Black Sea.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
They enabled the destruction of Libya.
We had told them: please don't do that. We need a stabilized Mediterranean, we need an ally like Gaddafi.

And yet they did do it.
We will never forget that. Not even if they apologize on their knees.
Oh. Right. I mean, wrong.

I wonder if you even notice how contradictory your expectations are.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Putin is an artifact of the Old Soviet, where Russia once had a buffer from the West, after WWII, composed of wide range of Eastern European Counties, like Poland and Ukraine. After the Berlin Wall fell, due to the work of President Ronald Reagan and George Bush I, and after Eastern Europe became independent, Russia was made to feel very insecure, due to the NATO alliance still strong, but without the post war buffer Russia once had.

Putin's rise to power was connected to his hard line paranoia, about the spread of NATO, closer to the Russian Border. Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia were invited to begin accession talks at the Alliance's Prague Summit in 2002 and joined NATO in 2004. All seven countries had participated in the MAP. This was under President Bush II.

The West saw the growing NATO as peace keepers in Eastern Europe against Russian expansion, but Russia without a buffer, saw the writing on the wall of a NATO invasion due to its growth east.

Shortly after Obama became President in 2008, he and Hillary tried to open up a relationship with Putin. This was coined the Russian Reset, orchestrated by then Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. They all became such buddies for a short time; see below. I often wonder how thing got so bad, that the Putin is now sold as public enemy number, by the same Left, who once massaged his feet?

We don't have many happy Trump and Putin buddy pictures. But now the Left narrative is Trump and Putin had their own private reset button and are also close as white on rice. So what happened to the Obama, Clinton and the Putin honeymoon?

One of the early marriage problems, was connected to the Putin invasion of Crimea. Obama offered no resistance. Obama had no problem starting the Arab Spring War that empower terrorist groups to occupy a good chunk of the Middle East. Crimea almost appeared like a pacification effort for Putin, to offset his nagging complaint of the growing NATO alliance. Crimes is a peninsula below Ukraine in the Black Sea that has strategic value for Russian navel support within South Eastern Europe. Not a bad place to invade Ukraine.

The other aspect of the decline in the Honeymoon, may have been connected to the Hunter Biden Family Business venture in Ukraine with Ukrainian Oligarch; Mykola Vladyslavovych Zlochevsky and his Burisma Energy company. Ukraine had had elections at that time, and the new President, who won had run on anti-corruption. He wanted Ukraine to become part of NATO.

My guess is the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, may have been provoked by a misunderstanding of VP Biden's connection to Ukraine. Was VP Biden part of a family influence peddling business, or was he really a double cross Agent of Obama, working to strike a deal with Ukraine, that would put Russia at even more risk? Nobody has considered this last point. Either way, any VP Biden involvement has been denied even with all the circumstantial evidence. It appears nothing is going to happen Biden, suggesting even the Republican House may be giving cover, using an in depth investigation, to coverup something else of National Security relevance.

I thought it quite interesting how bold President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy was in demanding money from Biden. What did he know that made him think he would be so bold? He would have been knowledgeable, either way, since Ukraine was and is known as a country of quid pro quo and influence peddling.

Below is a picture of the Russian Invasion which made good use of Crimea. What was the plan from step one?

None of this happed under Trump, which makes you wonder why he was not included; not part of the Swamp ploy. Putin may have been waiting out the clock to get back with his buddies who were offering the offset after the reset. Notice above the blue line seems to include Crimea as part of the invasion plan; Azov Sea and access to the Black Sea.
Are you trying to sugar-coat the warlike Kingdom of Obama and Hillary?
Their administration destroyed Libya and Syria, so they are anything but pacifists.

As for Ukraine...there was this elitist cabal of warmongers, whom I consider Satanic people who went to Ukraine in early 2010s to colonize it, and to spread anti-Russian hatred.
So it's them who started it, sir.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
From the Washington Post:

Carlson spent most of the interview in silence, or looking confounded.​
He did not ask a single question about Russia’s attacks on civilian areas or critical infrastructure in Ukraine, which have killed thousands. There was no mention of the war crime allegations facing the Russian leader or the forced deportation of Ukrainian children. Absent too were questions on Russia’s sweeping political crackdowns on Putin’s critics or the long jail sentences meted out to ordinary Russians staging antiwar protests.​
Instead, Carlson posed increasingly esoteric questions — including whether any world leader could be a true Christian — and at times appeared to goad Putin into alleging a U.S. deep state and promote other conspiracy theories.​

Carlson, a leading white nationalist mouthpiece for great replacement theory shares his megaphone to the man trying to replace Ukraine ...

... and a small handful of RF's MAGA cohort cheer lovingly. It's disgraceful.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Are you trying to sugar-coat the warlike Kingdom of Obama and Hillary?
Their administration destroyed Libya and Syria, so they are anything but pacifists.
Nothing that either Hillary or Obama has done washes the blood off of Putin's hands.
As for Ukraine...there was this elitist cabal of warmongers, whom I consider Satanic people who went to Ukraine in early 2010s to colonize it, and to spread anti-Russian hatred.
So it's them who started it, sir.
Real life isn't some cheesy 80's Hollywood horror "B" movie, nor is it the collective imagination of an addled religious fundamentalists. If there was Russian hatred, it was justified by the unprovoked invasion and subsequent war crimes and human rights violations against innocent Ukrainians. Don't try to distract from the reality by babbling about ghosts and goblins.