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Turning to G-d does not stall progress of science. Does it ?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Even if we allow eyewitness accounts and photographs, EVP is still laughable.
Which has been the emphasis on the quality of evidence. Whether evidence exists or not is one issue, the quality of the evidence is an entirely different issue. This is how we can say that evidence presented based on "i saw this person do that action" is at minimum needs subjected to high degrees of scrutinity. It could be good and accurate. Or, it may not be because we aren't that good at memory recall.


Veteran Member
Depends what you mean by "great religions", Ahmadiyya teaches homeopathy1. Here is an Ahmadi website attacking the view that humans evolved from apes2 3,
In 2015 Ahmadis were urged to take out kids from school and send them to mosques in protest of the 2015 HPE Curriculum for sex education, Mirza Masroor Ahmad says being gay is a curable illness and that eating pork causes homosexuality4

1 Alislam View -
2 Evolution | Claims of the Promised Messiah
3 https://www.alislam.org/topics/quran/QURANIC CONCEPT OF EVOLUTION.pdf
Some religions and some religious people are even more backward than others.

Ahmadiyya is apparently way out there.


Veteran Member
Depends what you mean by "great religions", Ahmadiyya teaches homeopathy1. Here is an Ahmadi website attacking the view that humans evolved from apes2 3,
In 2015 Ahmadis were urged to take out kids from school and send them to mosques in protest of the 2015 HPE Curriculum for sex education, Mirza Masroor Ahmad says being gay is a curable illness and that eating pork causes homosexuality4

1 Alislam View -
2 Evolution | Claims of the Promised Messiah
3 https://www.alislam.org/topics/quran/QURANIC CONCEPT OF EVOLUTION.pdf

Ahmadiyya is not name of any Religion, please?

One might mention that Islam used to be the worlds leader in science until it turned its back on science to face God.

It's not particularly accurate to call the Golden Age 'Islamic', and definitely not accurate to put the decline down to 'turning to face God'. More like turning to face imperial fragmentation and instability, the Mongols, the Turks, changing patterns of world trade and worsening economic fortunes, a resurgent Europe, etc. over several centuries.


Veteran Member
While making utmost endeavors to find a vaccine for the Corona-virus, it won't stall if they also turn to G-d.

It would if it means that they can spend less time actually being productive.

If it doesn't, then it won't make any difference either way.
It would be as helpfull as watching some entertainment on TV, reading a novel, or cooking pasta.

That is my understanding, please?

Well, assuming it doesn't stand in the way of actual work time, you would technically be correct.
But it wouldn't help either. it wouldn't make any difference.


Veteran Member
Sure, that is an evidence that the truthful religion does not stall progress of science. Right, please?

Only in terms of how those specific people practice and experience their specific religion.

I think you just exposed an extreme shortcoming of your OP statement. There are MANY forms of religious practice / experience. Among them, there are those that stall progress of science. There are also those that don't, obviously.


Veteran Member
How much science has helped against Corona-Virus, please?


It is estimated that so far, it saved about 2 million lives worldwide already by giving advice on how to implement measures and contain the desease.

It looks like we'll pull through with under 1 million deaths.
Otherwise, it could have gone over as much as 50 million.


Veteran Member
There is no spirituality without spirit. It is just superstition. Right,please?

No. Spirituality has multiple meanings and doesn't necessarily include supernatural ghosts that hide in bodies.

Instead, it has to do with the human psych. Things like meditation and stuff. Or things like thai chi, yoga or listening to music or making music or... arts and things. The appreciation of a sunset.

None of that requires belief in magical beings.


Veteran Member
There is no compulsion to believe that.


If it were relevant, then its relevancy should be demonstrable.
So the hypothesis that it is not relevant, predicts that the results of any study on the effects of prayer should be consistent with averages and / placebo statistics.

And the collection of studies that have been done, show exactly that: consistent with averages or placebo's.
If it were relevant, it would show a clear signal in the statistics. But it doesn't.
If it were irrelevant, the stats should be consistent with averages or placebo's. And they are.

So there's every reason to believe it is irrelevant, and no reason at all to believe it is relevant.


Veteran Member
No. Spirituality has multiple meanings and doesn't necessarily include supernatural ghosts that hide in bodies.

Instead, it has to do with the human psych. Things like meditation and stuff. Or things like thai chi, yoga or listening to music or making music or... arts and things. The appreciation of a sunset.

None of that requires belief in magical beings.
I give the etymology of the natural words "spirit"(first paragraph, see full entry from the link) and spirituality:

spirit (n.)
mid-13c., "animating or vital principle in man and animals," from Anglo-French spirit, Old French espirit "spirit, soul" (12c., Modern French esprit) and directly from Latin spiritus "a breathing (respiration, and of the wind), breath; breath of a god," hence "inspiration; breath of life," hence "life;" also "disposition, character; high spirit, vigor, courage; pride, arrogance," related to spirare "to breathe," perhaps from PIE *(s)peis- "to blow" (source also of Old Church Slavonic pisto "to play on the flute"). But de Vaan says "Possibly an onomatopoeic formation imitating the sound of breathing. There are no direct cognates."
spirit | Origin and meaning of spirit by Online Etymology Dictionary

spirituality (n.)
early 15c., "the clergy," also "ecclesiastical property; things pertaining to the Church," from Middle French spiritualite, from Late Latin spiritualitatem (nominative spiritualitas), from Latin spiritualis (see spiritual). Meaning "quality of being spiritual" is from c. 1500; seldom-used sense of "fact or condition of being a spirit" is from 1680s. An earlier form was spiritualty (late 14c.).

spirituality | Origin and meaning of spirituality by Online Etymology Dictionary



Veteran Member
I give the etymology of the natural words "spirit"(first paragraph, see full entry from the link) and spirituality:

spirit (n.)
mid-13c., "animating or vital principle in man and animals," from Anglo-French spirit, Old French espirit "spirit, soul" (12c., Modern French esprit) and directly from Latin spiritus "a breathing (respiration, and of the wind), breath; breath of a god," hence "inspiration; breath of life," hence "life;" also "disposition, character; high spirit, vigor, courage; pride, arrogance," related to spirare "to breathe," perhaps from PIE *(s)peis- "to blow" (source also of Old Church Slavonic pisto "to play on the flute"). But de Vaan says "Possibly an onomatopoeic formation imitating the sound of breathing. There are no direct cognates."
spirit | Origin and meaning of spirit by Online Etymology Dictionary

spirituality (n.)
early 15c., "the clergy," also "ecclesiastical property; things pertaining to the Church," from Middle French spiritualite, from Late Latin spiritualitatem (nominative spiritualitas), from Latin spiritualis (see spiritual). Meaning "quality of being spiritual" is from c. 1500; seldom-used sense of "fact or condition of being a spirit" is from 1680s. An earlier form was spiritualty (late 14c.).

spirituality | Origin and meaning of spirituality by Online Etymology Dictionary

The etymology of a word tells you its history. Not what it means today.
None of this matters to the point I made.


Veteran Member
I don't see what the succes rate of science has to do with the succes rate of prayer.
I understand, the success rate of science is also because of the accepting of the prayer by G-d as per the truthful religion. Right, please?

[27:63]اَمَّنۡ یُّجِیۡبُ الۡمُضۡطَرَّ اِذَا دَعَاہُ وَ یَکۡشِفُ السُّوۡٓءَ وَ یَجۡعَلُکُمۡ خُلَفَآءَ الۡاَرۡضِ ؕ ءَ اِلٰہٌ مَّعَ اللّٰہِ ؕ قَلِیۡلًا مَّا تَذَکَّرُوۡنَ ﴿ؕ۶۳﴾
Or, Who answers the distressed person when he calls upon Him, and removes the evil, and makes you successors in the earth? Is there a God besides Allah? Little is it that you reflect.
The Holy Quran - Chapter: 27: An-Naml