His words were, "Even when doctors commit injustices, I still trust doctors because overall the vast majority are good doctors.... and good policemen." The context is that bad cops, those who are conditioned as parts of a system of systemic racism, are "bad apples". This is then compared with a doctor "committing injustice". Injustice, that word right there points to that system of systemic racism. If the comparison is cops injustice towards blacks, and then you drag a doctor in with his "injustice". the comparison is direct.Where did @KenS suggest that differential treatment was OK with him? As for you, whatever happened to "Love, Light, and Life"?
What "Injustice" in doctors are you talking about? Denying blacks healthcare? Preferential treatment of whites? You see? The only "injustice" a doctor might do, is that. An injustice to his minority patients. If he meant "mistake", then he should have said that.
As far as my "religion" goes, I still hold those as the highest truths. This is why when I hear injustice, I say something. Love, Light, and Truth, does not mean a being a daffodil, with rainbows and unicorns. It means being clear about Truth.