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Ukraine has become a dictatorship, it's official


Skanky Old Mongrel!
The presidential elections were scheduled for March 31st, but they will not be held.
And please, spare me the martial law thing: a wartime can even last twenty years. That would make twenty years of martial law.
And by the way, martial law is itself, dictatorship, because there is no democratic vote.
I expect that Ukrainians have more pressing needs just now.

Look at Russia. They are at war, but they still held elections.
Oh dear! Do you really think that the Russian election showed any kind of democracy?

Mr Putin is a dictator!

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
I find it hard to believe you don’t understand the difference between a country prosecuting a war and a country under invasion.
Germany officially was under occupation of four powers, USA, Russia, France and Britain, and yet it held elections.

Just saying.


Well-Known Member
Germany officially was under occupation of four powers, USA, Russia, France and Britain, and yet it held elections.

Just saying.
Just saying what? That you think the situation of a country engaged in trying to repel invaders is somehow the same as Germany in 1949? I don’t know if you are being deliberately facetious or if you just can’t be bothered to check your information before posting. Either way, it’s a bit immature.

A lot of German soldiers were interviewed by the allies after WW2, in an attempt to understand why they had been willing to engage in such atrocity. One soldier said that he had joined the SS because it meant he could abdicate any responsibility for himself. Giving his will and person over to the demands of a ‘strong leader’ was the easiest and most appealing thing to do. Although most will never develop that kind of honest self-awareness, it is for the same reason that people swallow the nonsense that comes out of the Kremlin without the slightest thought. Weakness, inadequacy, fear - these are the things that fuel dictators' fantasies.
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Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Just saying what? That you think the situation of a country engaged in trying to repel invaders is somehow the same as Germany in 1949? I don’t know if you are being deliberately facetious or if you just can’t be bothered to check your information before posting. Either way, it’s a bit immature.
I am just tired...with all due respect.
Tired, because people don't believe me. People don't trust me.
I speak Russian and I can assure you that Donbas people are the victims of Ukrainians, not of Russians.
So the American propaganda is turning the perpetrators, the Kiev regime into victims.
It's utterly disgusting.
It's the Kieve regime that doesn't respect the right to independence of a people: Donbas people.
They want to be with Russia. They feel disgust towards the regime of Kiev,
A lot of German soldiers were interviewed by the allies after WW2, in an attempt to understand why they had been willing to engage in such atrocity. One soldier said that he had joined the SS because it meant he could abdicate any responsibility for himself. Giving his will and person over to the demands of a ‘strong leader’ was the easiest and most appealing thing to do. Although most will never develop that kind of honest self-awareness, it is for the same reason that people swallow the nonsense that comes out of the Kremlin without the slightest thought. Weakness, inadequacy, fear - these are the things that fuel dictator’s fantasies.
It was to make you understand that sometimes the invaders are saviors.
We Italians were invaded (yes it was an invasion) too by Americans, but they were also saviors.


Well-Known Member
I am just tired...with all due respect.
Tired, because people don't believe me. People don't trust me.
I speak Russian and I can assure you that Donbas people are the victims of Ukrainians, not of Russians.
So the American propaganda is turning the perpetrators, the Kiev regime into victims.
It's utterly disgusting.
It's the Kieve regime that doesn't respect the right to independence of a people: Donbas people.
They want to be with Russia. They feel disgust towards the regime of Kiev,

It was to make you understand that sometimes the invaders are saviors.
We Italians were invaded (yes it was an invasion) too by Americans, but they were also saviors.
Your information is simply false, if all a knowledge of Russia has got you is how to understand propaganda, it hasn’t been much help.

All states use propaganda, of course. But the Russian state is built on it, the whole edifice is just another Potemkin village writ large. A sham judicial system, a crude and brutish military, the whole thing has one purpose - to maintain a small group of people in power. As they say, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. The west as has been said has the worst form of nationhood - apart from all the others. It’s pretty astonishing how so many people look past the mind-numbing level of bull**** and hypocrisy that underpins Putin’s whole worldview to pick whatever holes they can in western govts. It’s like diving into a cesspool because you don’t like the toilet paper in the bathroom.

Unfortunately (or not) understanding the situation in Ukraine requires a lot more than filling up your head with propaganda. I recently came back from spending a couple of months there, and I’m going back later this month. The situation is of course messy and complicated, but what I can tell you is that it certainly doesn’t correspond with the Kremlin’s propaganda offensive. If you really want to understand the conflict, the best place to start would be to read enough around the origins and development of the modern state of Ukraine so see how absurd Russian claims that it is simply an extension of their country are. You could look into why every post-soviet state, without exception, has made every effort to get out from under Russia’s brutish influence. Ukraine is not an exception, as you can easily find out: Ukraine’s Struggle for Independence in Russia’s Shadow

More immediately though you should invest some time in understanding the complex ethnic mix of Ukraine and the various difficulties this has led to. As in Serbia before Milosevic, there was no Ukrainian-Russian speaking tension in the Donbas - that is pure myth - until Putin and his cronies started to stir things up prior to the first invasion in 2014. Another example of how easy it is to manipulate people through fear and suspicion. Look into the kinds of people Putin used for this - what would you think if some politician from another state used the crudest, lowest-level mafiosos to stir up divisions in your country, based on some warped version of Italian history? The whole notion that anything approaching even a large minority in the Donbas wanted to stay with Russia is a total fabrication. If you genuinely believe that the recent ‘referendum’ - carried out door to door, at gunpoint - has any validity, you need to spend some time reflecting on how you became so credulous.

There are some articles here that could get you started: https://www.researchgate.net/public...c_Conflict_and_Conflict_Resolution_in_Ukraine

And here:
Inter-Ethnic Relations in Transcarpathian UkraineETH Zürichhttps://www.files.ethz.ch › isn › report_04

Whether or not you can read those objectively will be a good measure of how deeply mired in propaganda and lies you are.

Simpler issues are things like the absurdity of Russia’s claims on Crimea - prior to Catherine the Great the number of ethnic Russians in Crimea was negligible. They simply took it, killed and tortured enough of the locals to make them shut up (and later simply deported most of them) and declared ‘this is now Russia. In fact, it always has been!”. And now they sing songs about Crimea’s Russianness. It is utterly insane.

A Russian guy I know once told me a joke that illustrated how even educated Russians, if asked about something crazy the press is saying the Kremlin might do will say ‘no, that will never happen’, then immediately after it does happen the same people will say ‘of course you could see that was going to happen, I’ve known for years it was inevitable’. The Russian state is a shambolic, brutish kleptocracy with a maudlin sense of its own ‘glorious’ history of brutal imperialism. It has no acceptable history, hence it has to fabricate its own, which is why so much time and money is invested in churning out propaganda to serve its purposes. Many Russians are so accustomed to this web of bull**** they are simply incapable of evaluating the truth of any of it.
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Well-Known Member
It was to make you understand that sometimes the invaders are saviors.
That was really your point?

When Russia began its invasion of Chechnya by randomly bombing civilian housing, they first denied that any bombing had happened at all. When they could no longer deny the destruction, they claimed - with straight faces - that locals had blown themselves and their homes up to make Russia look bad. Do you believe that too? US intelligence services warned Putin’s govt specifically about the recent terror attack - Putin claimed this information sharing was an attempt to destabilise Russia, and after the event tried to link it to Ukraine -do you also believe that? What are the limits of your credulity? Where do you draw the line, and why?
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Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
That was really your point?

When Russia began its invasion of Chechnya by randomly bombing civilian housing, they first denied that any bombing had happened at all. When they could no longer deny the destruction, they claimed - with straight faces - that locals had blown themselves and their homes up to make Russia look bad. Do you believe that too? US intelligence services warned Putin’s govt specifically about the recent terror attack - Putin claimed this information sharing was an attempt to destabilise Russia, and after the event tried to link it to Ukraine -do you also believe that? What are the limits of your credulity? Where do you draw the line, and why?
Russia is the victim in the case of Chechnya.
There are too many terrorists there...one of whom beheaded a teacher in France, Samuel Paty.


Well-Known Member
Russia is the victim in the case of Chechnya.
There are too many terrorists there...one of whom beheaded a teacher in France, Samuel Paty.
That hardly answers the question. This is the strangest thing about people who claim to know ‘the truth’ about Soros (or whatever) - they are incapable of defending their own views. Same every time, instead of engagement with the pertinent questions there’s always some series of tangents that somehow ‘proves’ that although they have their facts completely wrong (or have some other set of ‘facts’ that have nothing to do with the question posed), they are still somehow right.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
That hardly answers the question. This is the strangest thing about people who claim to know ‘the truth’ about Soros (or whatever) - they are incapable of defending their own views. Same every time, instead of engagement with the pertinent questions there’s always some series of tangents that somehow ‘proves’ that although they have their facts completely wrong (or have some other set of ‘facts’ that have nothing to do with the question posed), they are still somehow right.
Are you an American, right?
How can you be so sure that you possess the truth, since you live under a glass dome, that is the American media?
American media who creates pre-packaged truths, that the consumer-reader believes because they are US news.

I am a European who speaks German, French, Italian, Spanish and Russian. And who verifies the news in all these languages before judging.
And since I know Europe very well...I know how Europe is made up, and how Europeans think.

The lie about Putin being a bad guy is beyond laughable. It was constructed by the elitist cabal of warmongers that Americans are happy to serve.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Are you an American, right?
How can you be so sure that you possess the truth, since you live under a glass dome, that is the American media?
How can you claim authority?
Merely speaking the language of the propaganda
you consume is no guarantee of authority.
You speak English, yet your posts show major
misunderstanding of USA politics, economics,
& culture.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
But to be honest...
Most of the 'Elites' are in the US, Putin doesn't allow such things in Russia.
That's one thing I respect about Putin's regime.
Welcome aboard!
I see that we've another Putinophile in the forum.
This will be fun.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
How can you claim authority?
Merely speaking the language of the propaganda
you consume is no guarantee of authority.
You speak English, yet your posts show major
misunderstanding of USA politics, economics,
& culture.
I don't claim and I have never claimed I am a reliable authoritative voice on American politics.
I barely understand it.

Americans do claim they know Putin better than anyone else.