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Ukraine has become a dictatorship, it's official

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
I don't claim and I have never claimed I am a reliable authoritative voice on American politics.
I barely understand it.

Americans do claim they know Putin better than anyone else.
But you claim to know Putin better than many Russians do, and many of whom have left Russia because it is not safe to even criticise this dip****.


Well-Known Member
Are you an American, right?
How can you be so sure that you possess the truth, since you live under a glass dome, that is the American media?
American media who creates pre-packaged truths, that the consumer-reader believes because they are US news.

I am a European who speaks German, French, Italian, Spanish and Russian. And who verifies the news in all these languages before judging.
And since I know Europe very well...I know how Europe is made up, and how Europeans think.

The lie about Putin being a bad guy is beyond laughable. It was constructed by the elitist cabal of warmongers that Americans are happy to serve.
No, I’m not American. Americans may be a bit tribal but they are, unlike Russians, able to freely access to whatever media they want to partake of. I speak several languages - although I don’t see what that has to do with it.

Think about what you’re saying. You have no facts, nothing remotely specific, just vague allusions to vague fantasies about things poorly understood. It’s always the same, it’s as if there is a factory somewhere that churns out ready-made notions about the world for extremist view punters on both sides of an issue, with the same childish good and evil each narratives doled out to both. If you have anything factual to add, there could be a discussion of that. If you’re just going to continue throwing out your side's version of the ‘but but but they’re all an evil cabal’ then I don’t see the point.
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Well-Known Member
And who verifies the news in all these languages before judging
Everything you have said so far demonstrates exceptionally poor judgement.

What is it you are referring to? Please provide your sources to demonstrate ethnic conflict in Ukraine prior to Putin’s fomenting of it in the early 2010s, or that explains why 92% of the Ukrainian population voted to be independent of Russia, or pick another starting point you have some basis for believing you have judged well, and post your sources for that.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
But tbh Russia is kinda like a Chinese puppet ngl.. Just saying.
If you want you can share your opinion on this please do
I don't see Russia as anyone's puppet.
It's relationship with China is about self
interest of both, ie, expanding empires.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
But you claim to know Putin better than many Russians do, and many of whom have left Russia because it is not safe to even criticise this dip****.
Russians have elected Putin last month...
I mean... do I need to say more?
So I guess most Russians agree with me.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Everything you have said so far demonstrates exceptionally poor judgement.

What is it you are referring to? Please provide your sources to demonstrate ethnic conflict in Ukraine prior to Putin’s fomenting of it in the early 2010s, or that explains why 92% of the Ukrainian population voted to be independent of Russia, or pick another starting point you have some basis for believing you have judged well, and post your sources for that.
Countless. Really countless pieces of evidence.
As for you, tell me what he meant by this sentence.

I will tell you since you will probably plead the fifth and refuse to answer.
He meant that in 2014 the separatists of Donbas, patriots who wanted to join the Russian Federation were attacked by the Poroshenko regime.
So, legitimate patriots who wanted to be independent from Kiev were massacred.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Russians have elected Putin last month...
I mean... do I need to say more?
So I guess most Russians agree with me.
The idea that Russians voted overwhelmingly
for Putin in a free election is even worse than
the election being a sham election of a dictator.

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
Russians have elected Putin last month...
I mean... do I need to say more?
So I guess most Russians agree with me.
:D :D :D

If this is your idea of democracy, no wonder you are so screwed up. He is a thug, and one that is desperate to regain what was lost when the USSR fell apart. Possibly because he just wants to be remembered as the great man who achieved this - but where he will not and will be remembered as the one who brought more disaster on Russia. I wonder why all the ex-Soviet states just don't want to rejoin - apart from those infiltrated by Putin cronies. He set his path on dictatorship long ago so don't even mention democracy and Putin in the same breath. :eek:

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
The idea that Russians voted overwhelmingly
for Putin in a free election is even worse than
the election being a sham election of a dictator.
Putin should kiss the feet of the CIA.
Because it's the CIA that declared a war on the socialism and the anti-liberism that Russia believes in.
By turning the land of the Kievan Rus into a Sorosian stronghold.

This convinced the Russians to vote for Putin.
Putin was elected thanks to the hatred Russian people hate for certain banking élites. ;)


Well-Known Member
Countless. Really countless pieces of evidence.
As for you, tell me what he meant by this sentence.

I will tell you since you will probably plead the fifth and refuse to answer.
He meant that in 2014 the separatists of Donbas, patriots who wanted to join the Russian Federation were attacked by the Poroshenko regime.
So, legitimate patriots who wanted to be independent from Kiev were massacred.
Why on earth would I refuse to answer?

2014 marked Putin’s first invasion of Ukraine. Your version of it is a fantasy - again, sources please.


Well-Known Member
Countless. Really countless pieces of evidence.
As for you, tell me what he meant by this sentence.

I will tell you since you will probably plead the fifth and refuse to answer.
He meant that in 2014 the separatists of Donbas, patriots who wanted to join the Russian Federation were attacked by the Poroshenko regime.
So, legitimate patriots who wanted to be independent from Kiev were massacred.
Here’s a breakdown thorough but short enough to give you an idea of Russia’s typical MO in states it seeks to control: https://press.armywarcollege.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2944&context=parameters
Please counter that with something other than vague mumbo-jumbo. Sources, facts, figures, real things please.


Well-Known Member
Russians have elected Putin last month...
I mean... do I need to say more?
So I guess most Russians agree with me.
You don’t think it relevant that opposition politicians are routinely murdered, imprisoned or excluded from elections? That the Kremlin makes every effort to restrict access to anything but the state-sanctioned news? That Russian elections are rife with every manner of fraud?

While it may be true at the moment that, if free and open elections were actually possible in Russia, Putin might still have won the election by a narrow margin (a much narrower margin than the engineered vote last month) that is only because generations of Russians are used to the same imbecilic news sources and to trusting whatever the big man at the top tells them is true. Given a decade or so of freedom to make their own choices, express their opinions without fear of imprisonment and access whatever news services they choose without being visited by the security services, and Putin and his gang of kleptocrats would be luck to escape a public lynching in the grounds of one of their multi billion dollar residences.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Why on earth would I refuse to answer?

2014 marked Putin’s first invasion of Ukraine. Your version of it is a fantasy - again, sources please.
Source of a Russian invasion in Donbas?

I have a better source. Video.


Well-Known Member
Source of a Russian invasion in Donbas?

I have a better source. Video.
This is your source? Honestly, this is what you think proves your point? If you expect to be taken seriously, you’re going to have to do a bit better.

Please explain why you think this has anything to do with your claims. You could explain why you think 2 clips of Zelensky talking about people using Russian being a non-issue (it never was and issue, unlike Russia, which repeatedly took great pains to try and eradicate Ukrainian language and culture, as pointed out earlier, there were no ethnic tensions in the Donbas until created by Kremlin operatives, Ukraine as a state did not take issue with people using Russian as a first language, or as their only language), then about the war - started by Kremlin proxies - in Donbas. Why do you believe this supports anything you have said? Please explain. Please explain also why you think Ukraine should honour any agreement with Putin, who has disregarded and broken every agreement made to respect Ukraine’s territorial integrity, as defined to include now (not then) disputed territories at the time of agreement? Why any of this? I mean, even if this vid did suggest something like you are claiming, are you genuinely not aware that splicing together a few seconds of what someone said in different times should not generally be taken as a reliable means to understand anything?
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Well-Known Member
Can I ask you if you can speak Russian? Or Ukranian?
Why do you continually avoid any pertinent question? I can get by in Ukrainian, but that has zero relevance. There are no magical sources that somehow change the facts.

I am disappointed in your repeated avoidance of factual information, your unwillingness to engage in an adult manner with the sources I have provided you with. I had thought you might do a bit better at defending your claims, but I see that you aren’t even trying.