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Vaccination and Religious Beliefs


Veteran Member
Problem with anecdotal evidence is that it's by it's very nature biased. You cannot base everything off your own experiences, least of all public health and safety.

I recently served a customer who told me she frequently eats partially uncooked chicken and has never gotten food poisoning in her life. I even encountered a gentleman who admitted the same thing, though he did it rather infrequently. If I were to apply this "evidence" then should I follow basic food safety laws regarding chicken (I sometimes work in the Delicatessen)? I mean if this lady and this other bloke don't get salmonella poisoning from eating partially cooked chicken, surely that disproves the link between salmonella and one getting sick right? I shouldn't have to worry about changing gloves when I handle raw chicken and then I have to handle ham. I shouldn't have to ensure that cooked chickens are above a certain temperature before putting them out for sale. I shouldn't have to worry about wrapping up raw chicken in it's own separate Deli paper. I mean, I can chuck in everything they order in the one bag, ham, chicken, fish, beef etc and then just give them all the required barcodes. I mean, surely those two specific people I encountered even disproves the idea of food poisoning to begin with! So cross contamination when handling raw meat should be a non issue. I shouldn't even use the special form of bleach (we call it Break Up) to clean scales, benches or the slicer. Hell why even bother putting the meat away over night? I should just leave it out in the open. Because that man and lady didn't get sick from something we know causes sickness, then it should be a total non issue. No one else can possibly get food poisoning, right?

See it doesn't work like that, mate.


Yeah, no. When someone is vaccinated their body kills the virus they are vaccinating against (often the virus is dead, therefore can't even infect you anyway, others are neutered so again can't really infect you anyway.) It is literally impossible for a vaccine to properly infect you, much less have the time and opportunity to even mutate, which is what you incorrectly suggest.

Your entire comment reeks of the same desperate attempts anti vaxers make when they want to either shirk responsibility or claim people are being unfair to them or as you imply some nefarious (global) scheme against the populace.

In reality those "different strains" are caused by people not vaccinating because they become a host and it can then mutate. Well done guys, well done

Unvaccinating is not the cause:

Over the past few years, parents of unvaccinated children have been publicly blamed for increasing cases of B. pertussis whooping cough and deaths.

This despite the fact that even the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) admits that the rise in reported whooping cough cases cannot be blamed on unvaccinated children because "they are not the driving force behind the large scale outbreaks and epidemics."1"
Evolving Whooping Cough Bacteria Outsmarts Vaccines

"In addition, there are published studies demonstrating that people given live virus measles vaccine can be infected with vaccine strain measles virus and shed vaccine strain measles virus.64,65,66 Health officials do not conduct routine active surveillance of people getting live MMR vaccine to monitor for vaccine strain measles virus infection, shedding and the potential for transmission."
excerpts from :Measles in Disneyland: Third MMR Shot & Vaccine Exemption Ban

I said nothing about some global scheme, unfairness, nor made any attempt to shirk responsibility. I just stated, with supporting links, basically that the body's natural defense system produces life-long immunity which is not produced by vaccines, therefore this results in further out breaks from the vaccine. It is too bad you won't bother to read or do further research on the subject.


I find that a pretty scary mentality. What happens when some medical or health procedure you disagree with becomes mandatory?

"How long before this hysteria results in parents having their children taken away by the state? Or actually throwing parents in jail for trying to do what’s best for themselves and their children? Do we want to create a society of totalitarian medical rule where you don’t have a choice in anything that is dictated to you by the government and pharmaceutical companies? In the early 1900s compulsory vaccination laws were used as a justification for forced sterilization of the unfit based on a later-discredited science of eugenics. [38] Tens of thousands of people were forcibly sterilized in the United States, all based on this notion that the State has supreme rights to compel you to get vaccinated.' - The New Red Scare ~ by Roman Bystrianyk | International Medical Council on Vaccination


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Watch it, make your own mind up, there are other video's of him also, he is very good and seems to know what he is talking about.

I'm reminded of the argument "read the Bible and you'll understand".

I've already pointed to several red flags that indicate to me either a scam artist, or a person who knows how to sound well-learned on a subject without actually being so.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Where on earth did you get that ridiculous nugget of misinformation from? Somebody's been lying to you, please don't believe them and pass on what they're saying as fact.

..if you insist on quoting from mercola.com, I'm afraid you're going to get zero marks for credibility. Try using a source that knows what it's talking about, something peer-reviewed, perhaps?
I didn't write what your quote says I wrote.


Well-Known Member
This thread has so much in common with climate change denial. Take a small fraction of "scientists" who disagree and exploit it in an attempt to direct public opinion. The sad thing about being so medically advanced is that it breeds complacency. And complacency kills.


Veteran Member
I'm reminded of the argument "read the Bible and you'll understand".

I've already pointed to several red flags that indicate to me either a scam artist, or a person who knows how to sound well-learned on a subject without actually being so.
That's fine, that's your belief of the man, its not mine and a lot of other people also.


Jehovah our God is One
At some point we have to trust those who know what they are doing.

they know how to put a vaccine together... but they dont know how every individual will react to it. We are not all the same and some are adversely affected by vaccines.

Unfortunately the people who make these vaccines cannot give you a guarantee of their safety because until you have one, you dont know how your body will cope with it.


Well-Known Member
here we go, reversal guilt trip..........this is nothing to do with the Jews, don't manipulate what I am saying.
Nope. The guilt you feel is your own. Only nazis were nazis, only the holocaust was the olocaust and only slavery is slavery.