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Vaccination and Religious Beliefs


Veteran Member
Actually, anyone with a whole brain will know that we ingest mercury whenever we eat fish. This is unavoidable. But, yet, how could ingesting mercury be good at all because eating fish is known to be part of a goo diet? Well, the answer, as with your sodium chloride, resides in the amount that is consumed. Most people will never eat enough fish to have to worry about mercury poisoning. People who live in coastal regions, this is more of a concern because sea food is more plentiful, but you don't exactly see a bunch of people dropping dead from mercury poisoning now, do you?
Not all fish have mercury, I avoid the fish that do, as I avoid vaccines, the thing is if you have a whole brain you just would make sure you don't ingest what is harmful to our body, simple as that.


Veteran Member
Now you are goalpost shifting.

The remark above is made in reference to your statement that one can simply "believe" that vaccinations are harmful; and that's that. My statement was that "belief" has absolutely nothing to do with facts. Either vaccinations are harmful, or they are not. Evidence will show whether or not vaccinations are harmful. One can "believe" all they want, contrary to evidence.

Ridiculous. One can "believe" that sexual abuse of children, when no physical harm is perpetrated, does not harm a child. That sick "belief" does not change the fact, supported by evidence, that sexual abuse of children, even with the lack of physical violence (or threats thereof) certainly DOES harm children. About every nation on the face of this earth seeks to prevent the sexual abuse of children, and does so by force. They are not nazis by doing so. They are moral by doing so. Following your train of thought, the government has no right to punish molesters of children; because hay, everyone has the right to their own beliefs, dontchaknow.

Present evidence. That's all we ask and that's what you continue to fail to do; present evidence that can withstand basic scrutiny.
Na, your just being silly now, your trying an emotion tactic, (sexual abuse of children), your on your own there, I wont play your game.


High Priest of Cynicism
Probably, we all have our own tactics.
So you're agreeing that your "tactic" is to assume without doing any kind of checking whatsoever that anything which proves you wrong has to be fraudulent, thus allowing you to maintain your belief?

..as a way of keeping your conscience clear to spout untruths which can be shown to be harmful to the vulnerable... while you choose to believe in harm that doesn't exist, and ignore that which does

I'm not sure I've ever come across such a fundamental, total lack of integrity before. Except possibly in young Earth creationists.


Veteran Member
We're not talking about religion or philosophy or economics or politics. We're talking about verifiable facts; what is and what is not. Either plaque causes tooth decay or it does not. This has nothing to do with Nazism or thought control or "what people agree with". It simply is. Either vaccinations are dangerous or they are not. It is not open for opinion. It is not open to belief. Either it is or it is not. If it is, evidence will show that it is. Evidence does not show that it is. If evidence does not show that it is, then it is not. No amount of belief will change that.
Yes! And if you don't believe that plaque causes tooth decay, you're just wrong.


Veteran Member
Well independent studies don't have the billions of dollars that the FDA and all their other friends have, so that's probably why you see pop ups there.
Nonsense. I see pop ups there because the people who run the website want to sell me some untested, unproven "natural remedies."


Veteran Member
Oh yea I can agree with that, I don't have the ability to convince or manipulate others to my way of thinking, and I don't want to be like that, as I said I am happy with what I do believe, and again I don't have to prove anything to anyone, I am only here to share what I do feel is true as you are also.
You are actually supposed to be able to prove something if you are asserting it as fact. We're not really talking about personal beliefs here. Some things are factual and some aren't. The claims you are making are not factually verifiable.


Veteran Member
Now you are goalpost shifting.

The remark above is made in reference to your statement that one can simply "believe" that vaccinations are harmful; and that's that. My statement was that "belief" has absolutely nothing to do with facts. Either vaccinations are harmful, or they are not. Evidence will show whether or not vaccinations are harmful. One can "believe" all they want, contrary to evidence.

Ridiculous. One can "believe" that sexual abuse of children, when no physical harm is perpetrated, does not harm a child. That sick "belief" does not change the fact, supported by evidence, that sexual abuse of children, even with the lack of physical violence (or threats thereof) certainly DOES harm children. About every nation on the face of this earth seeks to prevent the sexual abuse of children, and does so by force. They are not nazis by doing so. They are moral by doing so. Following your train of thought, the government has no right to punish molesters of children; because hay, everyone has the right to their own beliefs, dontchaknow.

Present evidence. That's all we ask and that's what you continue to fail to do; present evidence that can withstand basic scrutiny.
A thousand likes for this!


Veteran Member
Na, your just being silly now, your trying an emotion tactic, (sexual abuse of children), your on your own there, I wont play your game.
Uh huh. As opposed to your "hey look at this youtube video! Don't you care about those kids!?" emotion tactics. :rolleyes:

He makes a great point that you should actually try to grasp.


Veteran Member
Not all fish have mercury, I avoid the fish that do, as I avoid vaccines, the thing is if you have a whole brain you just would make sure you don't ingest what is harmful to our body, simple as that.
As already pointed out, in high doses water can be harmful to your body as well. Practically anything can be, if the dosage is high enough.
My grandmother once drank so much water that she collapsed and had to be rushed to the hospital because she had flushed all the sodium out of her body. But you don't see me running around telling everybody that water is poisonous, do you?


Veteran Member
So you're agreeing that your "tactic" is to assume without doing any kind of checking whatsoever that anything which proves you wrong has to be fraudulent, thus allowing you to maintain your belief?

..as a way of keeping your conscience clear to spout untruths which can be shown to be harmful to the vulnerable... while you choose to believe in harm that doesn't exist, and ignore that which does

I'm not sure I've ever come across such a fundamental, total lack of integrity before. Except possibly in young Earth creationists.
Yea I have done a lot of checking and I am satisfied with my conclusion, also based on my own experience with the downside of the polio vaccine, I am in total agreement that vaccines can be dangerous.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Yea I have done a lot of checking and I am satisfied with my conclusion, also based on my own experience with the downside of the polio vaccine, I am in total agreement that vaccines can be dangerous.
Eat store bought food much?
Drive/ride in a car much?


Veteran Member
Nonsense. I see pop ups there because the people who run the website want to sell me some untested, unproven "natural remedies."
It doesn't mean they don't work just because its not tested by the big money makers, after all they can't make big dollars from herbs or anything that they cannot own the rights for.


Veteran Member
Uh huh. As opposed to your "hey look at this youtube video! Don't you care about those kids!?" emotion tactics. :rolleyes:

He makes a great point that you should actually try to grasp.
Yea Yea, emotional tactics again, I am thinking of the children, they are the main ones being hurt by this crap.


Veteran Member
As already pointed out, in high doses water can be harmful to your body as well. Practically anything can be, if the dosage is high enough.
My grandmother once drank so much water that she collapsed and had to be rushed to the hospital because she had flushed all the sodium out of her body. But you don't see me running around telling everybody that water is poisonous, do you?
Well in many parts of the world the water can be dangerous, such as the sodium fluoride, its up to each one of us to make sure we drink clean water without these additives.


Veteran Member
What fish are you eating that doesn't contain mercury?
Yes I know that there are some fish that have a high level of mercury, and that most fish have very low levels of mercury, I myself will very rarely eat fish because I am a vegetarian, the thing is because we know there is mercury in fish we don't eat a lot of it or if any, again we have to make our own minds up, and when you think of it, maybe little children shouldn't eat fish, at least until their immune system is fully developed, we have to take our life into our own hands and not just let someone else decide for us.


Veteran Member
Eat store bought food much?
Drive/ride in a car much?
Now your nit picking, were talking about very young children here being forced by the Nazi establishment, children who are too young to make their own minds up, Oh no, I'm using the emotional tactic myself lol.