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Vaccination and Religious Beliefs


Well-Known Member
Then it's clear that you don't know what scientific research is.

Enlighten me as to what scientific research is if you say that I do not know. You already brought up how the scientific method is not important to you, just the science itself.
Enlighten me on how scientific research, and conflict of interest works.
Enlighten me on why just about all of the vaccine research is not available to the worldwide scientific community and only performed by the ones with immense conflict of interest.

Scientific medicine is gravely different than just about every other science. I believe you are duped into believing it is on equal terms.

I'd also love to know why if you are genuinely concerned about the life and health of others.... why it is so shaming to you if natural and methods not deemed science cures/heals/and helps many. What business is it to you what works for others? I already know you'll bring up herd mentality, and protecting the immune deficient. Which is already a lie, as a vaccinated person gets the disease just as easily, spreads the disease just as easily, and actually receives life virus's of a disease from some... so please give answers not related to those lies.
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Well-Known Member
People who advocate for mass vaccinations do indeed care for others. People such as myself would like to see as many people as possible living long, healthy lives. Relying on psuedoscience and misinformation won't get us there though. Never has, never will.

We need better education here in North America so that people can actually understand how science works and know how to read and understand scientific materials in order to be better educated and better informed.

Right, parents are stupid, irresponsible , dangerous, uneducated for not wanting to/are skeptical of injecting their child with:
Varicella virus/ human diploid lung cells, Embryonic Guinea pig cell cultures, Beef heart infusion/ fetal bovine serum, Ammonium Sulfate, Glutamate, Neomycin, Diphtheria, Tetanus Toxoids, & Acellular pertussis endotoxin, beef heart infusion/fetal bovine serum, aluminum, formaldehyde, Thimerosal (mercury derivative), phenol/phenoxyethanol, polysorbate 80 (Tween 80), dry natural latex rubber, Hepatitis B virus gene / yeast protein, Aluminum, Formaldehyde, Thimerosal (mercury derivative), Diphtheria Toxoid, Tetanus Toxoid, Haemophilus influenza type b antigen, Neisseria meningitides serogroup B, Ammonia Sulfate, Aluminum, Thimerosal (Mercury derivative), Dry natural latex rubber, Hepatitis B virus gene / yeast protein, Haemophilus influenza type b antigen, Neisseria meningitides serogroup B, Aluminum, Formaldehyde, Mumps virus / chick embryo culture, Rubella virus / human diploid lung cells, Beef heart infusion / fetal bovine serum, Human albumin, Sorbitol/sucrose, Glutamate, Neomycin, Diphtheria toxoid, Streptococcus pneumonia/ soy peptone broth/ yeast, Ammonium Sulfate, Glutamate, Neomycin, Polio virus/ monkey kidney cell, beef heart infusion/fetal bovine serum, formaldehyde, phenol/phenoxyethanol, dry natural latex rubber, neomycin, and all of the other ingredients they admit may not be listed.

In which we are in infant stages of research of child neurological and body development with infinite unknowns.
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I haven't posted as yet on this thread... There's no position against vaccinations among Baha'is and generally the advices of the medical profession are heeded:

"Whatever the competent physicians or surgeons prescribe for a patient should be accepted and compiled with." (Baha'u'llah, cited UHJ:1984, 1)

"It is incumbent upon everyone to seek medical treatment and to follow the doctor's instructions, for this is in compliance with the divine ordinance, but, in reality, He Who giveth healing is God."

('Abdu'l-Baha, SWAB: 156)


Active Member
Again in this thread I have to ask, who are "they?" I haven't seen any answer as of yet on that one.

Kill us gradually? How come we're living longer than ever before then? How come the population of the world has exploded? That doesn't make much sense.

I don't want to live in a third world country where superstition rules over facts and evidence, where scientific evidence is ignored, and where children are injured or die from preventable illnesses, as occurred in the western world in the not to distant past, and as continues to occur in many parts of the world to this day. I'm not sure why anyone else would want that either. But that's actually what is being advocated for when one encourages people not to vaccinate. I'm not interested in traveling back in time to when human beings were worse off than they are now.

"They" is the collective pronoun standing for the global conspiracy of Big Pharma and the shadow government. They destroy the immune system since the child is born. Do you have any basic knowledge of human physiology? Here are your facts:

1) A newborn's immune system is not developed. The baby gets antibodies with mother's milk. Mother produces antibodies only to the viruses and bacterias that have contact with HER body.
2) It is completely unnatural to inject virus directly into the bloodstream (bypassing our natural immune barriers: skin, saliva, gastric juices)
3) The attached pdf shows that major declines in life-threatening infectious diseases occurred historically either without, or far in advance of public immunization efforts for specific diseases.

BTW, people live longer now thanks to higiene, not vaccination.


  • ImmunizationGraphs-RO2009.pdf
    1.4 MB · Views: 141


Veteran Member
The FDA recommends a maximum of 4.225 mg of aluminum the first "1 YEAR" of life. Currently, the vaccination schedule offers 4.4 mg of aluminum the first "6 MONTHS" of life.
They say that breastfed babies receive 7mg of aluminum, 38mg from formula, and 138mg from soy milk. What is misleading is the absorption rate which has been thoroughly researched and is about 0.3%. In reality, children are receiving 0.021 mg from breastfeeding, 0.114 mg from formula, and 0.351 mg from soy milk. So my question is, why vaccinate more than the max amount of 1 year allowed, alone in 6 months on top of the actual needed absorption rates and inevitable environmental factors? Needless to mention, this is the current. A few years ago, the aluminum rate was immensely higher from vaccines. To their credit, they have made the effort to reduce and remove some of the harmful poison. But nevertheless millions of children were already given the immense exceeding and exposed to currently unknown early neurological developments.

If you want to talk about mercuries, the unknowns about all of the other substances... let's do it.

You keep bringing up science this science that, science research yet have failed to provide the research that the immunology of the human is complete, the biology of the human is complete, that neurology is all known, that neurology of developing children is all known, all the near-mid-long term effects of vaccinations are completely known. You can provide biased charts with no sources all you want and if you think that is scientific research, so be it. You have also failed to provide research that neurological development in children is complete, that pumping all of these:
Into the developing bodies and brains of children is safe. Any research you provide is pseudoscience on terms of immense conflict of interest. Please provide sound science that is available and allowed to be researched by the entire scientific community.

You have failed to address all the cancers and diseases caused to test animals, why they are given to humans, and why you believe the human isn't an animal. Please provide sound research that we aren't evolved animals.

You have failed to provide research on how the natural immune system is incapable of easily fighting off these diseases, how the vast majority who developed diseases survived them easily and became life-long immune to the real thing, how this translates to passing down genetically.

Millions of children are, and have been messed up all around the world for over a century now. That is a demonstrable fact. One disease is allegedly eradicated by vaccines, thousands of more diseases arrive. As they say: "a cure for cancer or many other diseases would never be allowed, it would crumble and cripple the financial healthcare, government, and pharmaceutical system."

You keep saying "vaccines did it" to everything yet provide nothing. Saying so doesn't make it so. In fairness, you have replied to everything but with no sound research.

You still failed to provide research as to why it's okay for over 100 people to die from a measles vac and only 1 has died from measles(who was vaccinated for measles) and how it was listed as drug abuse and unhealth for contributing factors in her death. Whereas the rare cases of measles humans have got in developed countries are easily fought whether vaccinated or not. I will wait on research on why the public should fear measles should be so fearful and terrifying.

I am also waiting on research from the amount of "cases" you have used for statistics. Cases and diagnoses are very different. A common rash is reported to the CDC as a "case" of measles yet never diagnosed as measles. I'm waiting on why those massive amounts of inflated numbers exist as cases and not diagnoses. I will keep waiting for your sound, unbiased research available to the entire worldwide scientific community.

You bring up how a link "fails to mention" while never mentioning anything the CDC "fails to mention" which is an astronomical amount of "failing to mentions."
I'll respond to the bulk of this later this weekend when I have more time.

I just wanted to point out that the sources for the charts and studies I keep linking you to are SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS and academic/scientific sites which cite studies from scientific journals. So for you to claim that I post "biased"
charts with no sources is a disingenuous claim, to say the least. I will further point out that its pretty interesting (and strange) to see you quoting the CDC as an authority when you have continuously and repeatedly stated that they are untrustworthy.

It is well known in the scientific community that oftentimes studies on lab animals don't turn out the same when carried out on humans. Your examples may have something to do with that.

Millions of children have been saved by vaccines all over the world for well over a century now. To deny that is to deny reality. For example, in the year 2000 there were over half of a million measles-related deaths in the world. Thanks to mass vaccination programs, that number is now around 146,000. in the year 1980 before mass vaccinations, 2.6 million people died from the measles worldwide. Today, that number has been reduced by 1,781%. So you see, to deny that vaccines work is to deny reality.


You still failed to provide research as to why it's okay for over 100 people to die from a measles vac and only 1 has died from measles(who was vaccinated for measles) and how it was listed as drug abuse and unhealth for contributing factors in her death. Whereas the rare cases of measles humans have got in developed countries are easily fought whether vaccinated or not. I will wait on research on why the public should fear measles should be so fearful and terrifying.
I already addressed this by pointing out that it's a fallacious claim.


Veteran Member
You care for massive conflict of interest pseudoscience, you care for spreading lies on how complete this so-called research is, you care for condescending the healthy who don't vaccinate by calling them dangerous and irresponsible. You care for the well being of your own who are immune deficient yet not the well being of other children who are immune deficient. You care for the harm of many for the alleged greater good. You care for spreading the great unknown. You care for stripping human's of freedom and choice. You care for the unjust and enethical trials of malnutritioned human Guinea pigs in Africa and India. You care for the psychological fear imposed on society.

If you don't care for these things, elaborate on why and it's correlation to vaccines. Thanks.
I'm not convinced that you known what pseudoscience is, given that you seem to think that actual science is pseudoscience.

And yes, I will keep repeating how irresponsible and dangerous it is to not vaccinate your children because you put all kinds of other people at risk in doing so.

I care for all people and I am advocating for practices which ensure the greatest good for everyone who inhabits planet earth. The only one spreading lies and conspiracy theories is you.


Veteran Member
Enlighten me as to what scientific research is if you say that I do not know. You already brought up how the scientific method is not important to you, just the science itself.
Where do you come up with this stuff? I said no such thing. In fact, I pointed out that the methodology used in scientific research is paramount.

Enlighten me on how scientific research, and conflict of interest works.
Enlighten me on why just about all of the vaccine research is not available to the worldwide scientific community and only performed by the ones with immense conflict of interest.
Why do you think this? Have I not shared all kinds of scientific research with you?

Scientific medicine is gravely different than just about every other science. I believe you are duped into believing it is on equal terms.
If anything, it's more rigorous.

May I ask how many scientific papers you have written?

I'd also love to know why if you are genuinely concerned about the life and health of others.... why it is so shaming to you if natural and methods not deemed science cures/heals/and helps many. What business is it to you what works for others? I already know you'll bring up herd mentality, and protecting the immune deficient. Which is already a lie, as a vaccinated person gets the disease just as easily, spreads the disease just as easily, and actually receives life virus's of a disease from some... so please give answers not related to those lies.
Because said natural methods don't work, for the most part. And demonstrably so.

What business is it of mine if people don't vaccine their kids, and instead drink lemon juice or something? Well, I think I already explained that one to you.

Herd immunity is not a lie. Read some science for Pete's sake and stop spreading misinformation.


Veteran Member
"They" is the collective pronoun standing for the global conspiracy of Big Pharma and the shadow government. They destroy the immune system since the child is born. Do you have any basic knowledge of human physiology? Here are your facts:

1) A newborn's immune system is not developed. The baby gets antibodies with mother's milk. Mother produces antibodies only to the viruses and bacterias that have contact with HER body.
2) It is completely unnatural to inject virus directly into the bloodstream (bypassing our natural immune barriers: skin, saliva, gastric juices)
3) The attached pdf shows that major declines in life-threatening infectious diseases occurred historically either without, or far in advance of public immunization efforts for specific diseases.

BTW, people live longer now thanks to higiene, not vaccination.
Um okay then. o_O

1) And? Newborns are at risk for contracting diseases from the unvaccinated. Newborns do not get vaccinated.
2) No it's not. Nothing is bypassed. Vaccines prepare the body to fight disease without actually exposing it to disease symptoms. This prepares our bodies to be able to produce antibodies when we come into contact with bacteria and viruses.
3) Nonsense. Those are known to be cherry picked and therefore an inaccurate representation of the data.
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Big Pharma and the shadow government. They destroy the immune system since the child is born. Do you have any basic knowledge of human physiology?
If someone's immune system is destroyed, they are extremely prone to infection and even a tiny poke or cut can kill them.
3) The attached pdf shows that major declines in life-threatening infectious diseases occurred historically either without, or far in advance of public immunization efforts for specific diseases.
It's called "evolution via natural selection." But we have advanced far beyond just having to let our bodies do all the work, and overall we've been living longer and healthier lives.


Well-Known Member
I'll respond to the bulk of this later this weekend when I have more time.

I just wanted to point out that the sources for the charts and studies I keep linking you to are SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS and academic/scientific sites which cite studies from scientific journals. So for you to claim that I post "biased"
charts with no sources is a disingenuous claim, to say the least. I will further point out that its pretty interesting (and strange) to see you quoting the CDC as an authority when you have continuously and repeatedly stated that they are untrustworthy.

It is well known in the scientific community that oftentimes studies on lab animals don't turn out the same when carried out on humans. Your examples may have something to do with that.

Millions of children have been saved by vaccines all over the world for well over a century now. To deny that is to deny reality. For example, in the year 2000 there were over half of a million measles-related deaths in the world. Thanks to mass vaccination programs, that number is now around 146,000. in the year 1980 before mass vaccinations, 2.6 million people died from the measles worldwide. Today, that number has been reduced by 1,781%. So you see, to deny that vaccines work is to deny reality.


I already addressed this by pointing out that it's a fallacious claim.

What is the point? Stuff assenuates over time. Millions of things are responsible for the decline. To say vaccines did it is the same as saying God did it. One can easily look up or request different vital and mortality statistics from country national statistics and see they were declining steadily from 1900 on before vaccines. Even your links state that.

Because, while cleverly written and omitting tons... one can use their own information against them if they can see through it.

With that logic, why are vaccines used to test on animals if they don't turn out the same on humans? Talk about poor methodology. That would be like testing a vaccine on a rock and saying that it didn't cause such on the rock so humans are safe.

Not a fallacious claim.


Well-Known Member
If someone's immune system is destroyed, they are extremely prone to infection and even a tiny poke or cut can kill them.

It's called "evolution via natural selection." But we have advanced far beyond just having to let our bodies do all the work, and overall we've been living longer and healthier lives.

More like unhealthier lives and suffering longer.


Well-Known Member
I'm not convinced that you known what pseudoscience is, given that you seem to think that actual science is pseudoscience.

And yes, I will keep repeating how irresponsible and dangerous it is to not vaccinate your children because you put all kinds of other people at risk in doing so.

I care for all people and I am advocating for practices which ensure the greatest good for everyone who inhabits planet earth. The only one spreading lies and conspiracy theories is you.

In other words, you are just as dangerous and irresponsible and put others at risk.


Well-Known Member
Where do you come up with this stuff? I said no such thing. In fact, I pointed out that the methodology used in scientific research is paramount.

Why do you think this? Have I not shared all kinds of scientific research with you?

If anything, it's more rigorous.

May I ask how many scientific papers you have written?

Because said natural methods don't work, for the most part. And demonstrably so.

What business is it of mine if people don't vaccine their kids, and instead drink lemon juice or something? Well, I think I already explained that one to you.

Herd immunity is not a lie. Read some science for Pete's sake and stop spreading misinformation.

Again, you're just as dangerous and irresponsible.

Herd immunity is a lie, read some science and stop spreading misinformation.


Well-Known Member
Um okay then. o_O

1) And? Newborns are at risk for contracting diseases from the unvaccinated. Newborns do not get vaccinated.
2) No it's not. Nothing is bypassed. Vaccines prepare the body to fight disease without actually exposing it to disease symptoms. This prepares our bodies to be able to produce antibodies when we come into contact with bacteria and viruses.
3) Nonsense. Those are known to be cherry picked and therefore an inaccurate representation of the data.

Your vaccines are worn off and have waned... you are the unvaccinated.


Well-Known Member
I'm not convinced that you known what pseudoscience is, given that you seem to think that actual science is pseudoscience.

And yes, I will keep repeating how irresponsible and dangerous it is to not vaccinate your children because you put all kinds of other people at risk in doing so.

I care for all people and I am advocating for practices which ensure the greatest good for everyone who inhabits planet earth. The only one spreading lies and conspiracy theories is you.

Sounds science is wonderful, pseudoscience not so.

To be honest bud, your fear and guilt doctrine and condescending only works on the herd.


Well-Known Member
Um okay then. o_O

1) And? Newborns are at risk for contracting diseases from the unvaccinated. Newborns do not get vaccinated.
2) No it's not. Nothing is bypassed. Vaccines prepare the body to fight disease without actually exposing it to disease symptoms. This prepares our bodies to be able to produce antibodies when we come into contact with bacteria and viruses.
3) Nonsense. Those are known to be cherry picked and therefore an inaccurate representation of the data.

1) newborns are just as easily at risk to catch something from the vaccinated so why is the guilt and fear necessary?
2) so does natural immunity and so many real life people today who caught measles, ate chicken noodle soup, stayed at home for a week and developed lifelong immunity from the real deal.
3) known by whom? The intellectually lazy who are only capable of seeing one extreme side due to herd mentality of indoctrination through fear and guilt? Mental slavery can be anguishing, what are you so afraid of that you have to try to make others feel guilty and proselytize a saving grace of vaccines?
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
1) newborns are just as easily at risk to catch something from the vaccinated so why is the guilt and fear necessary?
The vaccinated produce anti-bodies that have been "programmed" to eradicate the disease they have been vaccinated against. The vaccinated, who lack this supplemented immunity, are at a much higher risk of spreading those diseases than the vaccinated.
2) so does natural immunity and so many real life people today who caught measles, ate chicken noodle soup, stayed at home for a week and developed lifelong immunity from the real deal.
Or just get a shot and risk none of that, or worse.
3) known by whom? The intellectually lazy who are only capable of seeing one extreme side due to herd mentality of indoctrination through fear and guilt? Mental slavery can be anguishing, what are you so afraid of that you have to try to make others feel guilty and proselytize a saving grace of vaccines?
The thing with science is it's not for the intellectually lazy. Ideally, research gets repeated and replicated. With vaccines and the link between autism, it has been very thoroughly studied. It's possibly one of the most researched and studied topics there is. The consencus is widely and nearly almost unanimous that vaccines do not cause autism and they come with an extremely low risk of side effects, and the benefits greatly outweigh those risks. Quiet literally, driving a car is far more dangerous and deadly than getting vaccinated.
And, for another time, autism isn't that bad. It can be severe and debilitating, but that is very rare. People with autism may struggle socially, but they often easily grasp things such as logic and mathematics. Some people can perform in the Olympics, some can paint masterpieces. Everyone excels in some areas and struggles with others. Personally, I stand with many of my fellow aspies and even many clinicians in that it's not even a mental disorder but rather just an alternative cognitive form that humans come in. After all, Thomas Jefferson, who ran the nation, would probably be at least examined for Asperger's given he did have an intense obsession with French culture and did greet foreign diplomats in his bed robe (two things that would be typical Aspie behavior).
As for me, even if my vaccines did give me autism, so what? I graduated from college with honors, I have a genius level IQ, I am very creative, and I'm generally well liked and respected among my peers, and I'm known for being an excellent problem solver.


Well-Known Member
The vaccinated produce anti-bodies that have been "programmed" to eradicate the disease they have been vaccinated against. The vaccinated, who lack this supplemented immunity, are at a much higher risk of spreading those diseases than the vaccinated.

Or just get a shot and risk none of that, or worse.

The thing with science is it's not for the intellectually lazy. Ideally, research gets repeated and replicated. With vaccines and the link between autism, it has been very thoroughly studied. It's possibly one of the most researched and studied topics there is. The consencus is widely and nearly almost unanimous that vaccines do not cause autism and they come with an extremely low risk of side effects, and the benefits greatly outweigh those risks. Quiet literally, driving a car is far more dangerous and deadly than getting vaccinated.
And, for another time, autism isn't that bad. It can be severe and debilitating, but that is very rare. People with autism may struggle socially, but they often easily grasp things such as logic and mathematics. Some people can perform in the Olympics, some can paint masterpieces. Everyone excels in some areas and struggles with others. Personally, I stand with many of my fellow aspies and even many clinicians in that it's not even a mental disorder but rather just an alternative cognitive form that humans come in. After all, Thomas Jefferson, who ran the nation, would probably be at least examined for Asperger's given he did have an intense obsession with French culture and did greet foreign diplomats in his bed robe (two things that would be typical Aspie behavior).
As for me, even if my vaccines did give me autism, so what? I graduated from college with honors, I have a genius level IQ, I am very creative, and I'm generally well liked and respected among my peers, and I'm known for being an excellent problem solver.

Would you consider this science? Once rigorously tested as safe, effective, research upon research upon replication and given to millions of people: https://www.drugwatch.com/vioxx/recall/
The intellectual lazy takes whatever anyone tells them to and is safe. They are always thoroughly tested and proven safe UNTIL...
I mean, the science was SOUND. What happened, did science LIE? At what point can you call this stuff science where it preys on the great unknown. Plenty of science is known, at what point do you consider this garbage on the same terms as known science?

Many got the measles as children and adults and are lifelong immune to the real deal in which their natural immunity did its work just fine. I am happy that you admitted that the vaccinated are at much higher risk of spreading as their less than normal pathogens could lead to more dangerous pathogens and mutated strains, as well as actually having live virus's in them from some.

Risk none of that? Wishful thinking. You do not know the risks. You blindly accept and trust that there are no risks.

Driving a car is more dangerous than dying from or even getting an alleged vaccine preventable illness. So why the guilt and fear?

Once again, that is not considered sound science as it is a strong conflict of interest. All of those "thoroughly" studied cases were only allowed to be performed through strong conflict of interest and not the worldwide community. There have been about 10 studies all by the same entities with conflict of interest. Please cite where a child's neurological brain development as well as an adults is all known.

Yes, another time as it has nothing to do with the topic. Feel good stories are great and all for those not suffering the more serious effects of autistic characteristics (neurological deficiencies), it doesn't mean they are not loved or may be trying to overcome poison and live a normal life as much as possible.

"So what?" You ask followed a bunch of "I" this "me that's" as if your high functioning syndrome you both say and don't say you have is comparable to other spectrum's. I don't think you have asperger's for example in agreement with you. If you do, everyone does to some extent. I am more focused on neurological deficiencies that are prohibiting to many. I am more concerned without there being a cause to have to overcome anything. Call it aspergers, autism, whichever you wish. Anyone can find an aspie characteristic in anyone.

We can discuss the many diseases new to mankind since mass vaccinations but that would to the greatest cause of "magical coincidence:" vaccinations.
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Well-Known Member
The vaccinated produce anti-bodies that have been "programmed" to eradicate the disease they have been vaccinated against. The vaccinated, who lack this supplemented immunity, are at a much higher risk of spreading those diseases than the vaccinated.

Or just get a shot and risk none of that, or worse.

The thing with science is it's not for the intellectually lazy. Ideally, research gets repeated and replicated. With vaccines and the link between autism, it has been very thoroughly studied. It's possibly one of the most researched and studied topics there is. The consencus is widely and nearly almost unanimous that vaccines do not cause autism and they come with an extremely low risk of side effects, and the benefits greatly outweigh those risks. Quiet literally, driving a car is far more dangerous and deadly than getting vaccinated.
And, for another time, autism isn't that bad. It can be severe and debilitating, but that is very rare. People with autism may struggle socially, but they often easily grasp things such as logic and mathematics. Some people can perform in the Olympics, some can paint masterpieces. Everyone excels in some areas and struggles with others. Personally, I stand with many of my fellow aspies and even many clinicians in that it's not even a mental disorder but rather just an alternative cognitive form that humans come in. After all, Thomas Jefferson, who ran the nation, would probably be at least examined for Asperger's given he did have an intense obsession with French culture and did greet foreign diplomats in his bed robe (two things that would be typical Aspie behavior).
As for me, even if my vaccines did give me autism, so what? I graduated from college with honors, I have a genius level IQ, I am very creative, and I'm generally well liked and respected among my peers, and I'm known for being an excellent problem solver.

This is what you keep calling sound, replicated , and repeated science in the biotech industry:
