He,he,he,he' Do you know what quotation marks are ? Apparently not. Think, I know you can, in a rudimentary way, at least
. Wait, maybe I am wrong, I have my doubts now. Your job, if you decide to accept it surly ocean boy, is to learn why those quotation marks were used, lol. goodness I must have put some turpentine on that weak and inadequate ego of yours, do you think that has anything to do with your current confusion ? I made no argument, I asked a two questions and made a statement. I have seen your photo, is English not your first language ? That would certainly explain much. Like a case of herpes, which I am told, keeps on giving, you pop up again. To your ad hominem pee wee, "misinformation and lies"<<<< HINT QUOTATION MARKS, Well, you don't understand simple relativity, time/space dilation, else why would you condemn it as misinformation ? Dr Schroeder has a DOUBLE PhD, in earth sciences and nuclear physics, people with double doctorates can write their name Dr. Surly Ocean Boy PhD, though most do not, including Dr. Schroeder. Since English is not your strong suit, let me explain, a SINGLE PhD can only write his name, Dr. Blowhard Ocean Boy, or Muhammed Maninwetsuit, PhD. Now you, being the instant internet intellectual, ought to look this up, I bet there is confirmation, that you can find within your short attention span So, that leaves my "lies and misinformation" to be stating that Dr. Schroeder was at MIT for 7 years, instead of 5. I read 7 from a preface in one of his books, if I am wrong, then mea culpa