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Waltz family members are supporting Trump.

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
Yes, I know. As if that's so much better. Judge and jury found him liable.
I never said it was better.
He was found liable in a court of law. That's good enough for me. And for everyone else. Unless it's Trump, then suddenly we have to pretend that laws don't matter anymore and rulings by judges and juries are meaningless. Because it makes MAGA sad that Dear Leader is being held accountable for his disgusting crimes.
No, I doubt you agree with every court ruling ever.
Explain it away all you want (though I have no idea why you'd even try). Them's the facts. The man sexually assaulted a woman and was found liable for it. He even bragged about doing it on tape a number of years back, but you guys don't take that seriously either, even when it's corroborated in a court of law, because .... it's Trump.
Nope, wrong again.
So you don't care about the felony conviction or the civilly liable sexual assault convictions because ... it's Trump. And it makes you guys mad. Waaah. You should tell the guy to stop committing crimes then.
Nope, again I never said that. So why do you need to misrepresent what I said?

We Never Know

No Slack
Yes, I know. As if that's so much better. Judge and jury found him liable.

He was found liable in a court of law. That's good enough for me. And for everyone else. Unless it's Trump, then suddenly we have to pretend that laws don't matter anymore and rulings by judges and juries are meaningless. Because it makes MAGA sad that Dear Leader is being held accountable for his disgusting crimes.

Explain it away all you want (though I have no idea why you'd even try). Them's the facts. The man sexually assaulted a woman and was found liable for it. He even bragged about doing it on tape a number of years back, but you guys don't take that seriously either, even when it's corroborated in a court of law, because .... it's Trump.

That's not true and I know for a fact that several posters have posted evidence refuting that all over this board already.

So you don't care about the felony conviction or the civilly liable sexual assault convictions because ... it's Trump. And it makes you guys mad. Waaah. You should tell the guy to stop committing crimes then.

Being found guilty or liable by a court of law doesn't mean they are actually guilty.
One example...

Oklahoma man who spent 30 years in prison for rape and burglary was cleared by DNA.

"An Oklahoma judge on Tuesday exonerated a man who spent 30 years in prison for a 1987 rape and burglary, after post-conviction DNA testing from a rape kit showed he did not commit the crime"



Veteran Member
Because it's just not that convincing an argument. I am OK with her having her day however. She won the jackpot, and now that's the end of it. She can live her opulent existence now.
Wow, there’s no jackpot in being sexually assaulted. And defamed twice by the disturbed criminal candidate. She sued him because he keeps lying and breaking the law. Trump is an idiot with exceptionally poor judgement. The man has serious mental issues and is in no way fit to be president.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Wow, there’s no jackpot in being sexually assaulted. And defamed twice by the disturbed criminal candidate. She sued him because he keeps lying and breaking the law. Trump is an idiot with exceptionally poor judgement. The man has serious mental issues and is in no way fit to be president.
There certainly is a jackpot involved and we all saw it being eagerly awarded.

We Never Know

No Slack
Wow, there’s no jackpot in being sexually assaulted. And defamed twice by the disturbed criminal candidate. She sued him because he keeps lying and breaking the law. Trump is an idiot with exceptionally poor judgement. The man has serious mental issues and is in no way fit to be president.
How do you know Trump wasn't wrongfully found liable?
Truth is you don't.


Veteran Member
Yeah winning lawsuits so you can hit the jackpot. Clearly we know the intent and im willing to bet if Trump never ran for president this fiasco would have never happened.

We know what the real goals are.
This was in response to, "Yeah and all she had to do was be sexually assaulted by a dude who brags about sexually assaulting people. Sweet deal, eh?

Whatever you have to tell yourself to continue supporting Dear Leader.

Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting."

Your response? Double down on the disgustingness. Add some misogynistic "she's only in it for the money" crap that misogynists have been claiming about rape victims for ages. It's just a way to shut us up and shame us when the person that should be shamed is the SEXUAL ASSAULTER.

Oh, and on top of that, you cut out the part of my post where I talked about not remembering the date and location I was raped, which was written in response to your silly accusation that E. Jean Carroll didn't remember the day she was raped so she must have made it up and someone convinced a judge and jury that it was real because .... money.

Disgusting. Way to perpetuate deeply misogynistic tropes.


Veteran Member
Why do you assume the survivor is lying vs. the rapist? The guy literally brags about grabbing women by their genitals, which in itself is molestation. In your mind is the leap from molester to rapist a gap too far to cross? Trump has a long history of women who brought up his predatory behavior in the past
I mentioned this earlier too.

Oddly, TZ completely ignored that part.
Gee, I wonder why.

You're going to act like it's so out of left field?

According to all of the evidence brought forth in the trial, it only took 3 hours of deliberation for the jury to be convinced by that evidence. Some of those guys on the jury were even Trump supporters before they sat through that trial. Just so there's no confusion though, we are talking about rape

But the jurors' conclusion that Trump sexually abused Carroll "necessarily implies" that they did, in fact, believe he penetrated her with his fingers, Kaplan said.

Here was his reasoning:

Kaplan noted his instruction to the jury that, for Trump to have sexually abused Carroll, Trump needed to have touched her sexual or intimate parts. The only allegations from Carroll that could possibly fit that bill were forcible kissing, pulling down her tights, and vaginal penetration, he said.

How can you be ok with that?
How, indeed.


Veteran Member
I never said it was better.
No, I doubt you agree with every court ruling ever.
Who said anything about agreeing?

Facts are facts, regardless of your personal opinion about them.
Nope, wrong again.
So wrong that you couldn't even show where or explain how.
Nope, again I never said that. So why do you need to misrepresent what I said?
Sure you did. You just didn't use those exact words.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
This was in response to, "Yeah and all she had to do was be sexually assaulted by a dude who brags about sexually assaulting people. Sweet deal, eh?

Whatever you have to tell yourself to continue supporting Dear Leader.

Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting."

Your response? Double down on the disgustingness. Add some misogynistic "she's only in it for the money" crap that misogynists have been claiming about rape victims for ages. It's just a way to shut us up and shame us when the person that should be shamed is the SEXUAL ASSAULTER.

Oh, and on top of that, you cut out the part of my post where I talked about not remembering the date and location I was raped, which was written in response to your silly accusation that E. Jean Carroll didn't remember the day she was raped so she must have made it up and someone convinced a judge and jury that it was real because .... money.

Disgusting. Way to perpetuate deeply misogynistic tropes.

Of course that would lead to your version of what nondisgusting is , which essentially amounts to this....

I'm sure she is having a wonderful time. in fact the best time of her life with her jackpot money.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
She just had to live through Trump assaulting her and jamming his fingers inside her.

Easy peasy, amirite?

I hope to god nobody you love has ever been or will ever be sexually assaulted and have to go to you for help.
That's only your convictions. Now if there was actually proof that would be a different matter and i dont just fall for accusations without adequate proof.

I'm happy you're not serving on any jury if that is all you need to make a conclusion.


Veteran Member
Of course that would lead to your version of what nondisgusting is , which essentially amounts to this....

The fact that you think that is more disgusting than Trump sexually assaulting someone is .... I don't even have words for it.

Who cares what she does with her money?
I'm sure she is having a wonderful time. in fact the best time of her life with her jackpot money.
Yeah, trauma is super fun. I know from personal experience. Such a good time not being able to function in your own life. Good times.

This was in response to, "Your response? Double down on the disgustingness. Add some misogynistic "she's only in it for the money" crap that misogynists have been claiming about rape victims for ages. It's just a way to shut us up and shame us when the person that should be shamed is the SEXUAL ASSAULTER.

Oh, and on top of that, you cut out the part of my post where I talked about not remembering the date and location I was raped, which was written in response to your silly accusation that E. Jean Carroll didn't remember the day she was raped so she must have made it up and someone convinced a judge and jury that it was real because .... money.

Disgusting. Way to perpetuate deeply misogynistic tropes."

Your response: Double down on the victim shaming and misogyny. Cool beans, bro.


Veteran Member
That's only your convictions.
Nope. It's what the judge and jury found after considering the evidence.
Now if there was actually proof that would be a different matter and i dont just fall for accusations without adequate proof.

I'm happy you're not serving on any jury if that is all you need to make a conclusion.
Aaaaand here we are right back where we started. At the very same talking points you started with. You don't recognize court rulings when they're against Dear Leader Trump. Thanks for demonstrating that so clearly.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Nope. It's what the judge and jury found after considering the evidence.

Aaaaand here we are right back where we started. At the very same talking points you started with. You don't recognize court rulings when they're against Dear Leader Trump. Thanks for demonstrating that so clearly.
Well that's what appeals are for and the saga continues. Anything else you want to add?