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Waltz family members are supporting Trump.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
The constitution can be changed. Didn't you take a civics class?

You can add amendments… It takes a Convention of States to change it.
And still no retraction of your assertion that a popular vote is Marxist? Do you still believe that?

It is the beginning of it. We are working towards it.

Sorry, no. There are civil rights. You Christian conservatives might want slavery back, but ALL humans have rights, including migrants. Interesting you bring up wanting slavery as it is condoned by your God. DDo you oppose slavery even though your God condones it? Or do you think slavery is OK?

Fake news, inflammatory and gaslighting.

When? Do you accept evolution? Climate change being contributed by human behavior?

Moving goal posts?

It seems like quite a few people resort to these tactics.

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
So, do you plan to overturn the legal system? Because, you see, it doesn't matter in the least who you consider "credible." It matters what 12 jurors who are presented with all the evidence court find credible.
Ok, I can disagree right? Or do you think I have to agree with every court ruling of all time.
And once again, what does it matter that no has ever been charged that way before? What matters is what the law says, and how the jury finds when presented with evidence that someone has broken the law.

Donald Trump, in all of his trials, has been given every possible benefit of the law -- and more than most people would, at that. And that is as it should be. If you would change your entire legal system just so that you can have your way, you are on a fast march to tyranny -- because that's just how it works.
I never said anything about changing the legal system.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
Ok, I can disagree right? Or do you think I have to agree with every court ruling of all time.

I never said anything about changing the legal system.
Actually, yes you did. You just didn't use those words. What you said was:

"He was not convicted of sexual assault. He was found liable for sexual abuse in a civil court. He was found liable by the testimony of one person who couldn't remember when it happened and has accused many other people in the past. We don't believe she is credible.​
"His felony conviction was for a business related matter that no one has ever been charged with in the way he was. So yeah, we don't care about that felony conviction."​

In both cases, you imply that the legal systems of the United States do not apply in this case in which you have an interest, and that you can therefore safely ignore those systems, and pretend that they have no bearing. They do, you know.

And no, you don't have to agree with every court ruling. But unless you are prepared to appeal them, you are bound by your civic duty to accept them.

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
Actually, yes you did. You just didn't use those words. What you said was:

"He was not convicted of sexual assault. He was found liable for sexual abuse in a civil court. He was found liable by the testimony of one person who couldn't remember when it happened and has accused many other people in the past. We don't believe she is credible.​
"His felony conviction was for a business related matter that no one has ever been charged with in the way he was. So yeah, we don't care about that felony conviction."​

In both cases, you imply that the legal systems of the United States do not apply in this case in which you have an interest, and that you can therefore safely ignore those systems, and pretend that they have no bearing. They do, you know.
Nope I never implied such a thing. I said straight out that I disagreed with the first case results and don't care about the second one.
And no, you don't have to agree with every court ruling. But unless you are prepared to appeal them, you are bound by your civic duty to accept them.
That is all I am saying. I disagree with the rulings. Do you agree with the Dred scott decision or Creative LLC v Elenis? And when the justice systems becomes corrupt, you would just say you have to go along with it because it is the government. So no, it is not my civic duty to accept all court rulings. It is my civic duty to accept all just court rulings.


Skanky Old Mongrel!

Shows not all of them are drinking the Kool aid. They know the country is in dire straits.
Question:- What do your distant relatives think of you? ............ and either or any way, do you care? ;)


Veteran Member
Let me paint another picture for ya...

Get better sources. (How many times have I implored you to do that?)

"The video is unrelated to COVID-19. It shows officers enforcing a curfew imposed by Walz during the George Floyd protests in 2020. There's no evidence the officers were carrying out a governor's order to shoot residents with paint rounds. The National Guard and Minneapolis police both said the men were not associated with them."



It was on fire when I laid down on it.
The above video clip very clearly states that it's due to a curfew imposed by Walz for a BLM/George Floyd thingie, for the record, not anything to do with COVID.
From a scene: "Dozens of cops marched down a picturesque suburban Minneapolis street and assailed residents with paintballs after they were slow to heed orders to get back inside. The cops were there enforcing Gov. Tim Walz’s BLM riots curfew."

We Never Know

No Slack
Right, with so much progress going on the MAGAs don't think America is racist and extremist enough. They think the criminal candidate will fix it for them.

Deport brown people, millions of them. Limit voting access to brown people. Limit women's reproductive rights. Cut taxes without any plans to lower the deficit. Claim small govenrment as it claims it will lower consumer prices (how, they don't say).
"Limit women's reproductive rights"

Do you mean..

Limit people's reproductive rights.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Get better sources. (How many times have I implored you to do that?)

"The video is unrelated to COVID-19. It shows officers enforcing a curfew imposed by Walz during the George Floyd protests in 2020. There's no evidence the officers were carrying out a governor's order to shoot residents with paint rounds. The National Guard and Minneapolis police both said the men were not associated with them."

Are you even listening to what you are saying? Police patrolling homes and shooting paintball at people who are in their own porches?

You are fine with that?


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
There is no response to my question there.

I'm done with you and your merry-go-round. Just be honest and say you don't want to, or can't answers questions about your positions and just save us all some time. This is tiring with you.
As always, a two-step dance on your part. I do get tired of it and then really don’t take your posts seriously. To be honest, I’ve stopped even putting any effort on answering your posts


Veteran Member
He was not convicted of sexual assault. He was found liable for sexual abuse in a civil court.
Yes, I know. As if that's so much better. Judge and jury found him liable.
He was found liable by the testimony of one person who couldn't remember when it happened and has accused many other people in the past. We don't believe she is credible.
He was found liable in a court of law. That's good enough for me. And for everyone else. Unless it's Trump, then suddenly we have to pretend that laws don't matter anymore and rulings by judges and juries are meaningless. Because it makes MAGA sad that Dear Leader is being held accountable for his disgusting crimes.

Explain it away all you want (though I have no idea why you'd even try). Them's the facts. The man sexually assaulted a woman and was found liable for it. He even bragged about doing it on tape a number of years back, but you guys don't take that seriously either, even when it's corroborated in a court of law, because .... it's Trump.
His felony conviction was for a business related matter that no one has ever been charged with in the way he was. So yeah, we don't care about that felony conviction.
That's not true and I know for a fact that several posters have posted evidence refuting that all over this board already.

So you don't care about the felony conviction or the civilly liable sexual assault convictions because ... it's Trump. And it makes you guys mad. Waaah. You should tell the guy to stop committing crimes then.


Veteran Member
I don't give a rat's *** about Trump's personal life as I'm only interested in the man's policy making that can help this country and that's what actually counts.
Personal life? We're not talking about some relationship he had with a woman.

We're talking about SEXUAL ASSAULT.

And you're fine with that. MAGA is fine with that. Because it's "his personal life" ... ? Really?
But it's the rest of us that have TDS? Suuuuure.
How disgusting.


Veteran Member
Are you even listening to what you are saying? Police patrolling homes and shooting paintball at people who are in their own porches?

You are fine with that?
Yes, I told you to better vet your sources. Then I posted a source showing that your source is pushing fake news.

You've posted a video claiming it's something it's not. You've claimed it's something it's not.
Get better sources.


Veteran Member
As always, a two-step dance on your part. I do get tired of it and then really don’t take your posts seriously. To be honest, I’ve stopped even putting any effort on answering your posts
I don't think you've ever put any effort into responding to any of my posts. You certainly don't take the time to answer any questions posed to you, that would clarify your position. It doesn't seem as though you even read the sources you provide at all, given that they don't show what you've claimed most of the time. Like this one you've just given, for example.

Hence the endless merry-go-round ride with you that I keep pointing out every single time we interact.
Please go out in the world and learn how to answer a question.