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Waltz family members are supporting Trump.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Good grief.

I'm talking about you answering a question I asked you like 3 pages ago.

"So, to ask again, for a third time, what do you think this says about Tim Walz, exactly? You said it said something about him."




"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
Wish Democrats actually had actual recordings and videos of Trump rather than hearing things like, "This person heard that through another person who heard that , and this guy says he saw Trump do this and say that ..and it must be true"..blah blah blah.
This is probably going to come as a shock to you, but Trump has bellowed his own lunacy loud and clear for the whole world to see and hear ever since coming down his stupid golden escalator. Yes, he did say bleach, and yes he did say UV light and various other nonsensensical things about COVID-19. Right there in the WH Press Room. Yes, he did wander off into whether dying by sharks or electrocution is better, at his own rally.

But why bother? There's so much -- way too much to even begin trying to catalogue it all here. But of course, either you would never hear such things, or you would repress memory of them if you did.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Good grief.

I'm talking about you answering a question I asked you like 3 pages ago.

"So, to ask again, for a third time, what do you think this says about Tim Walz, exactly? You said it said something about him."

Let me paint another picture for ya...



Well-Known Member
So TF what? Is Tim Walz obliged to run on a platform of "I'll do whatever my brother says?" Then let the bloody brother run!

And for the record, because his brother disagrees with him doesn't make his brother right and Tim wrong. This is usually not a hard thing for most people to understand.
Heck, look at the Kennedy's How many near relations got together and said sorry, please don't blame us. This is a Republican talking point? Wow.


Veteran Member
You have yet to give the sources for your inflammatory and gaslighting statements.
What that means is that you don’t use reputable media.

So what are you?
I am an advocate for reproductive freedom for women . I want voting to be easier for all citizens. I want representative districts of every state to be drawn by AI that is instructed to be fair. I want the president to be decided by popular vote. I want the wealthy to pay more in taxes mainly by eliminating loopholes. I want there to be universal healthcare with prestige access for the rich. I want critical thinking skills taught in all schools as a requirement. I want higher science standards for public schools. I want a national sport and fitness program for all kids, mostly for the poor.

I can go on. I don’t have a label to define myself.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
This is probably going to come as a shock to you, but Trump has bellowed his own lunacy loud and clear for the whole world to see and hear ever since coming down his stupid golden escalator. Yes, he did say bleach, and yes he did say UV light and various other nonsensensical things about COVID-19. Right there in the WH Press Room. Yes, he did wander off into whether dying by sharks or electrocution is better, at his own rally.

But why bother? There's so much -- way too much to even begin trying to catalogue it all here. But of course, either you would never hear such things, or you would repress memory of them if you did.
Of course there's the other side, where one just likes to blow completely out of proportion all one he or she hears and sees.

It can be quite entertaining to say at the least.

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
And we know that you guys ignore Trump's sexual assault and felony convictions every single time they're brought up.
It's more telling than you seem to know. And extremely off-putting and alarming.
He was not convicted of sexual assault. He was found liable for sexual abuse in a civil court. He was found liable by the testimony of one person who couldn't remember when it happened and has accused many other people in the past. We don't believe she is credible.

His felony conviction was for a business related matter that no one has ever been charged with in the way he was. So yeah, we don't care about that felony conviction.

We Never Know

No Slack
He was not convicted of sexual assault. He was found liable for sexual abuse in a civil court. He was found liable by the testimony of one person who couldn't remember when it happened and has accused many other people in the past. We don't believe she is credible.

Civil court is easier.
Winning doesn't mean one is innocent same as losing doesn't mean one is guilty.
His felony conviction was for a business related matter that no one has ever been charged with in the way he was. So yeah, we don't care about that felony conviction.
You mean the one(s) where the statute of limitations had expired for a misdemeanor so the charges were contorted to make them a felony so Trump could be charged?

Yeah I don't fully agree with that happening either. But it had nothing to do with politics right :rolleyes:

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Oh okay!

Well, nevermind then!
What a great point!


Pretty sure he's being sentenced next week sometime.
You go on supporting a dude who's been found civilly liable for sexual abuse. Good plan!

I don't give a rat's *** about Trump's personal life as I'm only interested in the man's policy making that can help this country and that's what actually counts.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
He was not convicted of sexual assault. He was found liable for sexual abuse in a civil court. He was found liable by the testimony of one person who couldn't remember when it happened and has accused many other people in the past. We don't believe she is credible.
So, do you plan to overturn the legal system? Because, you see, it doesn't matter in the least who you consider "credible." It matters what 12 jurors who are presented with all the evidence court find credible.

His felony conviction was for a business related matter that no one has ever been charged with in the way he was. So yeah, we don't care about that felony conviction.
And once again, what does it matter that no has ever been charged that way before? What matters is what the law says, and how the jury finds when presented with evidence that someone has broken the law.

Donald Trump, in all of his trials, has been given every possible benefit of the law -- and more than most people would, at that. And that is as it should be. If you would change your entire legal system just so that you can have your way, you are on a fast march to tyranny -- because that's just how it works.

Listen to this short dialogue from "A Man for All Seasons" by Robert Bolt:
  • William Roper: So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law!
  • Sir Thomas More: Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?
  • William Roper: Yes, I'd cut down every law in England to do that!
  • Sir Thomas More: Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned 'round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man's laws, not God's! And if you cut them down, and you're just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake!


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
I don't give a rat's *** about Trump's personal life as I'm only interested in the man's policy making that can help this country and that's what actually counts.
And yet, when 16 eminent economists get together and agree that Trump's economic policies will hurt the nation, and when Goldman Sachs says that a Democratic sweep would give the country a boost --- you ignore it all because, of course, you are all-wise and all-knowing. No, you want Trump and you'll invent any fable to explain why.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
And yet, when 16 eminent economists get together and agree that Trump's economic policies will hurt the nation, and when Goldman Sachs says that a Democratic sweep would give the country a boost --- you ignore it all because, of course, you are all-wise and all-knowing. No, you want Trump and you'll invent any fable to explain why.
Trump has an economics degree and your clairvoyance into what people are thinking is quite impressive, and maybe you should go on George Noory and demonstrate your obviously spectacular gift of clairvoyance to the world.


Well-Known Member
What that means is that you don’t use reputable media.

I am an advocate for reproductive freedom for women . I want voting to be easier for all citizens. I want representative districts of every state to be drawn by AI that is instructed to be fair. I want the president to be decided by popular vote. I want the wealthy to pay more in taxes mainly by eliminating loopholes. I want there to be universal healthcare with prestige access for the rich. I want critical thinking skills taught in all schools as a requirement. I want higher science standards for public schools. I want a national sport and fitness program for all kids, mostly for the poor.

I can go on. I don’t have a label to define myself.
Rational in the sense of the Enlightenment that started several hundred years ago and was the inspiration for the founding fathers sounds reasonable.


Well-Known Member
Of course there's the other side, where one just likes to blow completely out of proportion all one he or she hears and sees.

It can be quite entertaining to say at the least.
At a 100 to 1 or more irrational, this is your chance to post some of Trumps actual statements that are rational proposals, not just complaints or statements that HE will make it better.
His tax cuts exploded the deficit and now he wants more. He made the country an international laughing stock so much that they even laughed at him in the UN when he gave a speech. His "wall" is easily breached with $200 tools from Home Depot and doesn't even address the fact that all these immigrants waiting to be processed under our laws are the major source of employees for low skilled jobs that Americans won't do saving us from a massive crisis of having to raise wages to get Americans to do them.
Come on, real and positive ideas from the Orange Mussolini?


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
Trump has an economics degree and your clairvoyance into what people are thinking is quite impressive, and maybe you should go on George Noory and demonstrate your obviously spectacular gift of clairvoyance to the world.
If he has an economics degree, he forgot what he was taught. Tarriffs are not taxes on other countries, they are taxes paid by Americans, just for example. Trump did say that tarriffs are "paid for mostly by China, by the way, not by us." And he forgets that other countries can as easily apply tarriffs to American goods in retaliation -- and have done so.

So, you can trust his "degree" as opposed to his obvious errors, or you could perhaps look a little deeper into the expertise of many people, with many such degrees who have been working in international finance for years.

As I said, you have betrayed your agenda repeatedly.

As to my "clairvoyance into what people are thinking,' well, that's just a matter of reading what they've actually written and said. You should try it someday. Can be quite enlightening.