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Was Islam spread by the sword?

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Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?


For example:

Spread of Islam in Malaysia: [3]

Malaysia is a multiconfessional country with Islam being the largest practiced religion, comprising approximately 61.3% Muslim adherents, or around 19.5 million people, as of 2013.[1] Sunni Islam of Shafi'i school of jurisprudence is the dominant branch of Islam in the country.[2]


Islamic sects

Sunni Islam[edit]

The Sunni Islam of the Shafi'i school of thought is the official, and legal form in Malaysia, although syncretist Islam with elements of Shamanism is still common in rural areas. Mosques are an ordinary scene throughout the country and adhan(call to prayer) from minarets are heard five times a day.

Government bodies and banking institutions are closed for two hours every Friday so Muslim workers can conduct Friday prayer in mosques. However, in certain states such as Kelantan,Terengganu and Johor, the weekends fall on Friday and Saturday instead of Saturday and Sunday. The Malaysian authorities have strict policies against other Islamic sects including Shia Islam.[14] A notable sect that has been outlawed is Al-Arqam.[15]

Ahmadiyya Islam[edit]

Muslims who believe Mirza Ghulam Ahmad to be the fulfilment of the Islamic prophecies concerning the return of Jesus, the Ahmadiyya are also present. There are approximately 2000 Ahmadis in the country.[16] Though small in number, they face state sanctioned persecution in Malaysia.[17]


Muslims who reject the authority of hadith, known as Quranists, Quraniyoon, or Ahl al-Quran, are also present in Malaysia. The most notable Malaysian Quranist is the scholar Kassim Ahmad.[18]

Political Issues

UMNO's committee in mosque[edit]

Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, the 14th chief minister of the state of Selangor said, "We want mosques to carry out more activities for the Muslims. Unfortunately, UMNO (political party) only want to put their men in the administration of mosques. This is absurd." He said he wants to replace mosque committees to reduce political interference. "We must remember, the Sultan of Selangor in his every speech has stressed against using mosques for political purposes and His Highness has been consistent in stating his views".[22]

Islam in Malaysia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't see any sword in spread of Islam in Malaysia.

Please correct me if I am wrong.



Was Islam only spread by the sword? No

Was Islam supposed to be spread by the sword? No

Was Islam spread by the sword? Muhammad only fought defensive wars. No war was fought by him for conversion to Islam. Islam was rich in reasonable and rational arguments. Why should he wage wars for forcible conversion? He never needed wars. It were the Meccans who opted for wars.


Muhammad was around for 2% of the Islamic timeline. During Muhammad's lifetime pagan temples were destroyed and people slain yet you won't accept it unless the Qur'an states outright. Preaching is hardly the only source of Islamic growth/spread - non-Muslims will not accept it in the same fashion you deny non-Quranic sources.


Was Islam only spread by the sword? No

Was Islam supposed to be spread by the sword? No

Was Islam spread by the sword? Muhammad only fought defensive wars. No war was fought by him for conversion to Islam. Islam was rich in reasonable and rational arguments. Why should he wage wars for forcible conversion? He never needed wars. It were the Meccans who opted for wars.

That's historical nonsense and you know it. Muhammad's first battles were raids on caravans for pity's sake. His companions specifically asked if the order came from Allah or Muhammad and he responded Muhammad. In fact caravan raiding was an Arab tradition but the reason Muhammad picked it up was because he was told that the caravans were especially heavy laden that year. I have offered to discuss Muhammad's first few battles and you have either not been willing to or instead diverted attention form them onto something else. That is what someone does who knows they are not all defensive but will not admit it.

Battle number one (aborted). Muhammad set out to ambush a caravan. When he saw they we guarded he instead sent someone to negotiate and eventually gave it up and went home. You have two and only tow choices here.

1. Allah ordered it and Muhammad chickened out. Muhammad is not sinless.
2. Allah did not order it and Muhammad chickened out. Muhammad is not sinless.

Battle number two. The battle of Badr. Muhammad having been told the caravans were rich that year set out to kill anyone between him and this one, not by an attack but by an ambush. His companions asked him who orders it, Allah or Muhammad. He responded saying Muhammad ordered it. One of the caravans prominent members was killed and only much later was it revealed that Allah had actually wanted him dead. How convenient. There aren't any choices here.

BTW how is first threatening a Jewish tribe with death unless they signed a treaty then tying them up and beheading them until he was exhausted because they did not live up to it a defensive battle. Open a book or something.


"The Demolition of Dhul Khalasa[1] occurred in April and May 632 AD, in 10AH of the Islamic Calendar. Dhul Khalasa is referred to both as an idol and a temple, and was known by some as the Ka'ba of Yemen, built and worshipped by pagan tribes,[2] Muhammad sent a party of his followers to destroy it.[3][4][5][6]

Jarir ibn Abdullah al-Bajali, came to Muhammad with 150 men to submit to Islam.

Dhul Khalasa was known as the southern Ka’ba, to rival the Ka’ba at Mecca, so Muhammad ordered its demolition.[3] Jarir ibn Abdullah al-Bajali was sent to demolish it. The Temple of Dhul Khalasa resided at Tabala, and was worshipped by the Bajila and Khatham tribes.

The term Dhul Khalasa is usually taken as the name of the temple, it was referred to as the Yemenite Ka’ba by the tribes who worshipped it. But old accounts say that it was the name of a God who was worshipped there.[2] It was reportedly worshipped under the name “God of Redemption”.[3]

Muhammad sent 500 horsemen (or 150 according to Sahih al-Bukhari[7]) to Dhul Khalasa[1] to destroy the “Yemenite Ka’ba”.[4]

Hisham Ibn Al-Kalbi mentions when Jarir ibn Abdullah proceeded to Dhul Khalasa, he was met with resistance. The Muslims led by him, fought and killed 100 men “of the Bahilah, its custodians, and many of the Khath'am” and another 200 men of the “Banu-Qubafah” tribes. He then demolished the building and set it on fire.[6][8][9]"

Demolition of Dhul Khalasa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Repetition for the sake of the children :shrug:

paarsurrey, are any of your 100+ Wikipedia quotes and citations more viable than this? Not to mention if we can only judge Islamic history and tradition by what the Qur'an says - we have less information than a small town Sunday newspaper to piece together.


You started the color commentary not me. Put it aside? I wish you had never put it here to require to be set aside.

lol, dude, take a breath and... exhale. ok?

Did you notice that he was said to be JEWISH NOT a practitioner of JUDAISM. However Einstein's beliefs on God depended on what day you asked him.

1. On one day you get - I want to know how God created this world. I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know His thoughts; the rest are details.
Albert Einstein Quotes on Spirituality
2. The next day you get this: The word god is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honorable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this.
Albert Einstein's Lack of Belief in a Personal God

What we never get is that Einstein considered Allah at all.

I will add what to do with Einstein and others below.

He also wrote this: 6.The scientists’ religious feeling takes the form of a rapturous amazement at the harmony of natural law, which reveals an intelligence of such superiority that, compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection.

and this

When the solution is simple, God is answering.
God does not play dice with the universe.
God is subtle but he is not malicious
Albert Einstein Quotes on Spirituality

So you've once again proved my point, that Einstein didn't follow any religious code yet believed in God - fail much?

I am going to ask you AGAIN - why do you do this to yourself?

the rest isn't even worth me spending time over - you've clearly compromised your own premise here bud... dismantling your posts will only serve to put you in a corner, I'm not here for that :)

Good day to you.



Veteran Member
Muhammad was around for 2% of the Islamic timeline. During Muhammad's lifetime pagan temples were destroyed and people slain yet you won't accept it unless the Qur'an states outright. Preaching is hardly the only source of Islamic growth/spread - non-Muslims will not accept it in the same fashion you deny non-Quranic sources.

Please give unbiased reliable sources dated within the life span of Muhammad.



Veteran Member
That's historical nonsense and you know it. Muhammad's first battles were raids on caravans for pity's sake. His companions specifically asked if the order came from Allah or Muhammad and he responded Muhammad. In fact caravan raiding was an Arab tradition but the reason Muhammad picked it up was because he was told that the caravans were especially heavy laden that year. I have offered to discuss Muhammad's first few battles and you have either not been willing to or instead diverted attention form them onto something else. That is what someone does who knows they are not all defensive but will not admit it.

Battle number one (aborted). Muhammad set out to ambush a caravan. When he saw they we guarded he instead sent someone to negotiate and eventually gave it up and went home. You have two and only tow choices here.

1. Allah ordered it and Muhammad chickened out. Muhammad is not sinless.
2. Allah did not order it and Muhammad chickened out. Muhammad is not sinless.

Battle number two. The battle of Badr. Muhammad having been told the caravans were rich that year set out to kill anyone between him and this one, not by an attack but by an ambush. His companions asked him who orders it, Allah or Muhammad. He responded saying Muhammad ordered it. One of the caravans prominent members was killed and only much later was it revealed that Allah had actually wanted him dead. How convenient. There aren't any choices here.

BTW how is first threatening a Jewish tribe with death unless they signed a treaty then tying them up and beheading them until he was exhausted because they did not live up to it a defensive battle. Open a book or something.

When Muhammad was in Mecca, for the long period of 13 years of his 23 years ministry , after being appointed a Prophet by G-d, it were the Meccans who persecuted Muslims; why do you forget that period? Please



Veteran Member
Muhammad in Mecca

610 Qur'anic revelation begins in the Cave of Hiraon the Jabaal an Nur the " Mountain of Light" near Mecca
610 Prophethood begins at 40 years old: Angel Jebreel (Gabriel) said to appear to him on the mountain and call him: The Prophet of Allah
610 Begins in secret to gather followers inMecca

c. 613 Begins spreading message of Islam publicly to all Meccans
c. 614 Heavy persecution of Muslims begins
c. 615 Emigration of a group of Muslims to Ethiopia

616 Banu Hashim clan boycott begins
619 The year of sorrows: Khadija (his wife) andAbu Talib (his uncle) die
619 Banu Hashim clan boycott ends
c. 620 Isra and Mi'raj (reported ascension to heaven to meet God)
622 Hijra, emigration to Medina (called Yathrib)

Muhammad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Everyone is welcome to research and to peruse these events intently.


mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
ة أم قرفة‬ ‫. وبابن مسعدة‬ http://sirah.al-islam.com/Page.aspx?pageid=204&BookID=160&TOCID=773Biography of the Prophet, Ibn Ishaq p.665Umm Qirfa Fatima d. Rabia b. Badr was taken prisoner. She was a very oldwoman, wife of Malik. Her daughter and Abdullah b. Masada were also taken.Zayd ordered Qays b. al-Musahhar to kill Umm Qirfa and he killed her cruelly (T.by putting a rope to her two legs and to two camels and driving them until they renther in two). Then they brought Umm Qirfas daughter and Masadas son to theapostle.Umm Qirfa Fatima d. Rabia b. Badr a été capturée. Elle était une très vieillefemme, épouse de Malik. Sa fille et Abdullah b. Masada ont également étécapturés. Zayd a ordonné Qays b. al-Musahhar de tuer Umm Qirfa et il la tuéecruellement (T. en attachant une corde à ses deux jambes et à deux chameaux et lesconduisant jusquà ce quelle fut déchirée en deux). Puis ils ont amené la filledUmm Qirfa et le fils de Masada à lapôtre.‫رابط التحميل‬http://www.archive.org/details/IbnIshaq-SiratRasulAllah-translatorA.Guillaume 2/90 ‫الطبقات الكبرى لنبن سعد‬

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
http://www.almeshkat.net/books/open.php?cat=23&book=238She (Um Kerfa) was a very old lady, and he killed her violently: he tied a ropebetween her feet then he tied her between two camels, then he hit the camels so theycut her.Elle (Um Kerfa) était une très vieille dame, et il la tuée violemment: il a attaché unecorde entre ses pieds, puis il lattacha entre deux chameaux, ensuite il a frappé leschameaux alors ils lont coupée. 2/127 ‫تاريخ الرسل و الملوك للطبرى‬‫وأسر أم قرفة وهي فاطمة بنت ربيعة بن بدر وكانت عند

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
This is science in Islam
Muhammad and his followers were mmlo'in to lice
And there are no Qur'an talks about lice
I don't know of any religion that your

My Internet pages are a relentless battles, using texts of Islamic heritage. Displays some of the conversations that the Prophet Muhammad was plagued by lice, it faces some defence, believing that the presence of lice is one evidence of poor health care. Others agreed that conversations offensive, because it's not talk of his community and the sages over the humans in their belief. Today we know that the presence of lice by filth, nothing in particular, lice can exist in all categories and classes, it seeks to reach, and able to resist hygiene has become problem suffered by schools in Europe today.

Historically, the lice of human history since ancient times, even before the emergence of human kind. It arrived to the emergence of specialized human lice. The ancient Egyptians, including the Pharaohs themselves and the Greeks and Romans, with lice. Therefore it is not strange that Muhammad suffered as well, and did not find a cure, and the evidence for that many and Tarifa.

In Al-saheehayn it is narrated Ka'b bin tubercle said my injury was my head, carried to the Messenger of Allah and lice scattered on my face and said I see effort has reached your passer-by in novel, ordered him to shave his head and to feed a difference between six to guide sheep or fast for three days
In the whole right of Bukhari from Anas Ibn maalik said: the nation was the Prophet entered on or haraam girl are urgent, feed him, and the mother is forbidden under the cult of bin silent, it entered the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, she fed him and his lies, he made Vietnam the Prophet then woke up and laughing, she said: I said to : And laugh, o Messenger of Allaah? He said: (the people of my nation, offered the Raiders for God, riding the Sea Kings on the Eurasian scops owl family, such as Kings of the family). Doubt, Isaac, said: I said: o Messenger of God, the God that makes me leave them, called them the Messenger of Allah (PBUH), then put his head and wake up with a laugh, I said: what is laugh o Messenger of God? He said: (the people of my nation, offered the Raiders for God). As said in the first, she said: I said o Messenger of Allaah, let God make me them, he said: (you are from the first two). It installed in Zaman mu'aawiyah Ibn ABI sufyan, the felled on her Sumpter while emerging from the sea, were destroyed.
Correct intercourse, number 2788 (WordPress in the same book, with no. 7001, 1912, 3080, 2491, 129/4, 729, 3171)

The (Sunan Abi Dawood Al-sijistani, vol. 3, p. 179) and (Sunan Al-bayhaqi, Grand, vol. 6, p. 156) and (mosque of Ibn Al-athir c 9, p. 625) and other "on the Zainab was, lies, head of the Messenger of Allah and Othman bin affan woman.." according to (the great lexicon lltabrani c 23, p. 321) "from Umm Salamah was a Messenger of God, lies, Zaynab came Abdullah bin Masood, speak and talk has made, and optical, it said lower your standards to your flea comb you don't you speak to her with your eyes" came In (detection problem, from the hadeeth of Ibn Al-jawzi correct c 4 p. 468) "the Prophet was discharged at the House of his uncle Anas bin Malik, the Messenger God, lies. Narrated Abu Omar bin Abd al-Barr said in the book of Ibn wahb: boot it or haraam was discharged and then sleeping in her lap, And his "lies in (Durr Al-manthoor to Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti c 8, p. 74)" on the Akrama that silent worship bin brother woman came to the Messenger of God complaining about her husband and the woman lies top of the Messenger of Allah, the Messenger of God, lifted look to the sky, said the woman, lies my brother Ben silent worship and khawla Bint alopecia, khawla but you silence the Trinh looks to heaven "

According to the book (layers of Ibn Sa 'd, vol. 2, p. 208) "from Abu Sa'eed Al-khudri said: the Prophet came, if it folded across fever as almost one hand it recognizes the severity of the virus, we swim, we said the Messenger of Allah is not one of the greatest scourge of prophets and. .. The Prophet of the prophets of God sheds him lice even slay him.. "Tells the ibid. (layers of Ibn Sa 'd, part 5, p. 109), the story of a man who died because of lice said:" Abu Hamza said: I saw the lice scattering of Mohammed bin Ali as we spent our asceticisms back to town, he stayed for three months and then died "

In other words in musnad Ahmad: the rest of the rich pads, and Abu Sa'eed Al-khudri told us that Abdul Razak told us moamer on Zayd Ibn Aslam from Abu Sa'eed Al-khudri man said a man's hand to the Prophet and said, God, what a bear to put my hands on you in may, the Prophet said, "I will bear our affliction as prophets doubles doubles we pay to the Prophet of prophets, plague, lice to kill him and that he was the Prophet of Prophets of the plague of poverty even takes the robe he cheated and that they were to be merry with calamity and rejoice in the prosperity

And recent calamities that befell the prophets with lice narrated by Ahmad and Al-bazzaar and Governor from the hadeeth of Abu Sa'eed Al-khudri and correct them by the villi and correct them Iraqi in takhreej Al-Ihya ' is located in a novel ruling and has correct them on condition Muslim and Al-dhahabi.

And in the small mosque and narrated Aisha, Muawiya bin Saleh Rd., Yahya Bin said on the age she said: (the lively clothes, milking and serves the same)
Narrated by Al-bukhaari in placements of correct and Al-tirmidhi from the merits and Ahmad in Al-musnad Al-bazzaar novel

Narrated Ibn hessan in preliminary said Naim bin Hammad, from Ibn Al-Mubarak, the Al-fadhala, al-Hasan, the Prophet Muhammad "had killed lice in prayer or killing lice in prayer." Naim said: the first I heard of Ibn Al-Mubarak.

Al-mannaawi said in explaining the merits in the hadeeth mentioned: (the phenomenon that lice was hurt physically but I'm seven followed by some commentators that the healing of head lice because the light because of its origin (e.g. lice) it does not mildew mildew and most of the race and race well and said that in


Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?


For example:

Spread of Islam in Malaysia: [4]

Malaysia is a multiconfessional country with Islam being the largest practiced religion, comprising approximately 61.3% Muslim adherents, or around 19.5 million people, as of 2013.[1] Sunni Islam of Shafi'i school of jurisprudence is the dominant branch of Islam in the country.[2]

Ahmadiyya Islam[edit]

Muslims who believe Mirza Ghulam Ahmad to be the fulfilment of the Islamic prophecies concerning the return of Jesus, the Ahmadiyya are also present. There are approximately 2000 Ahmadis in the country.[16] Though small in number, they face state sanctioned persecution in Malaysia.[17]

Political Issues

Definition of Malay[edit]
Main article: Malaysian Malay

As defined by the constitution of Malaysia, Malays must be Muslim, regardless of their ethnic heritage; otherwise, legally, they are not Malay. Consequently, apostate Malays would have to forfeit all their constitutional privileges, including their Bumiputra status, which entitles them to affirmative action policies in university admissions, discounts on purchases of vehicles or real estate, etc. It is legally possible to become a Malay if a non-Malay citizen with a Malaysian parent converts to Islam and thus claim all the Bumiputra privileges granted by Article 153 of the Constitution and the New Economic Policy (NEP), etc.

However, the convert must "habitually speak the Malay language" and adhere to Malay culture. A textbook for tertiary Malaysian studies following the government-approved syllabus states: "This explains the fact that when a non-Malay embraces Islam, he is said to masuk Melayu (become a Malay). That person is automatically assumed to be fluent in the Malay language and to be living like a Malay as a result of his close association with the Malays."[23]

Islam in Malaysia is thus closely associated with the Malay people, something an Islamic scholar has criticised, saying that Malaysian Islam is "still clothed in communal garb; that Muslims in Malaysia have yet to understand what the universal spirit of Islam means in reality."[24]

Sharia legal system[edit]

Parallel to the civil courts, there are Sharia courts which conduct legal matters related to Muslim family sphere. Legal issues like Muslim divorce and Muslim apostasyare conducted in the Syariah Courts. However, there are cases whereby apostasy cases are tried in the Federal Courts. Non-Muslims are not bound by Shariah.

Islam in Malaysia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't see any sword in spread of Islam in Malaysia.

Please correct me if I am wrong.



lol, dude, take a breath and... exhale. ok?
This is just another example of what I said. You don't disprove something by doing it. You have laced every single post I have seen with meaningless personal quips.

So you've once again proved my point, that Einstein didn't follow any religious code yet believed in God - fail much?

I am going to ask you AGAIN - why do you do this to yourself?
That is it, since you were new to me I thought I would give you a chance to cut out the extra personal crap but it seems to be involuntary. I am out.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Why does everyone always get so butt-hurt?

This is the damn internet... The only thing real is the take away and hurt feelings that you choose to hold on to. Pick someone's ideas apart - hone your own when confronted with the ability to do so - and move on. All we're doing here is wasting time anyway.


Why does everyone always get so butt-hurt?

This is the damn internet... The only thing real is the take away and hurt feelings that you choose to hold on to. Pick someone's ideas apart - hone your own when confronted with the ability to do so - and move on. All we're doing here is wasting time anyway.
Hurt? What are you talking about? Since when is not wanting to waste time with personal commentaries where arguments are supposed to be, being sensitive?
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