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Was Islam spread by the sword?

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Premium Member
He is mocking with your name by insisting of typing gay instead of guy,brother Scimitar had already informed him that it is immoral to say gay, but he isn't stopping of bashing Islam and Muslims altogether.

We used to think that اضربوهن means to strike them, but have a look to the word and its position in the sentence وَاهْجُرُوهُنَّ فِي الْمَضَاجِعِ وَاضْرِبُوهُنَّ so how leaving them and forsaking them can be associated with striking them, how you strike someone while not staying with him الهجر (forsaking)

It is okay, let us give him/her the benefit of the doubt for the difficulty in English he/she is having. We all make mistakes and some times repeat them!

That is another peaceful interpretation. Mine could be wrong after all!


Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?

Islam did not spread by sword. In fact sword is a hindrance in the way of spread of Islam.

Peaceful spread of Islam in Brunei

Islam is Brunei's official religion, 64 percent of the population is Muslim.[1][2][3] mostlySunnis of Malay origin who follow the Shafi school of Islamic law. Most of the other Muslim groups are Kedayans (converts from indigenous tribal groups) and Chinese converts.[4]

Islam was adopted in the 15th century when a Malay Muslim was installed as sultan. The sultan traditionally was responsible for upholding Islamic traditions, although the responsibility was usually delegated to appointed officials.
Since the 1930s sultans have used rising oil revenues to provide an extensive social welfare system and promote Islam, including subsidizing the Hajj, building mosques, and expanding the Department of Religious Affairs.

Islam in Brunei - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
It is okay, let us give him/her the benefit of the doubt for the difficulty in English he/she is having. We all make mistakes and some times repeat them!

That is another peaceful interpretation. Mine could be wrong after all!
oh ----my god ----
you must teching this to osama bn ladn
i think he love you ---
my friend ---
are you asking tru --
no beating to woman ---
you big mutage . التقية
but you far awy and not able to ask to my qusntion --


Peace be upon you.
to paarsurr
who teching islame as method al -taqea ---
you must read al taeqea-

Peace be on everyone.

"......The Holy Quran stresses the need for truth so repeatedly and so forcefully and we see this in the life of the Holy Prophet so brilliantly illustrated that there can be no doubt in any one’s mind that the so-called philosophy of taqiyya or anything like it could be taught by Islam, the Holy Quran or the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa).

Hypocrisy is so vehemently condemned in the Holy Quran that it is one of the earliest things talked about and then repeatedly stressed again and again,......"

Reply to allegation that in Islam lying is permissible for spreading faith and is called taqiyya


Freedom Of Mind
oh ----my god ----
you must teching this to osama bn ladn
i think he love you ---
my friend ---
are you asking tru --
no beating to woman ---
you big mutage . التقية
but you far awy and not able to ask to my qusntion --

Debate instead of saying absurd words.

Why the word (strike) can't means to break off sexual relationship as means of objection which اhave been even explained also by "forsaking them" which also means breaking off relationship.

The word (strike) in Arabic similar to English means 2 things, one thing is beating and the other thing is stop doing something as means of objection.

It make sense, but that will annoy you due to your willful ignorance and your silly propaganda.
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the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
to feargod
Interpretation of knowledge
Are you kidding me --- or kidding on the air
I offer you a free service to read verses of the Koran from Arabic and Avsrh you clearly full ---
But you shut your ears ----
Something really sad ---
The teaching of the Koran --- as I have learned -
and to smart-gay
you are arbic man from saudi
are the Interpretation to beati and witness is correctly --
i think you god judj here

don't you know
what's mean " GAY " ?
I doubt that was you intentionally
type " A" instead of "u ".

anyway the actions talking about
the personality .


Premium Member
don't you know
what's mean " GAY " ?
I doubt that was you intentionally
type " A" instead of "u ".

anyway the actions talking about
the personality .

It is okay my friend. Typos happen all the time and we are humans and make mistakes :)

sorry ---i am writing directely and send in same time --
may be i am worrng when i am write to name my loving friends ---
so --smart--
so i say sorry ---

No problem man :)


Peace be upon you.
Hi everyone. Some people say that Islam was spread by the sword. Others say that it was not. The Koran says that there is to be no compulsion in religion so it would seem that Islam's sacred text would condone religious freedom. But was this really the case historically? Here is the reference from the Koran which I am referring to.

Peace be on you. Which sword converted early blessed companions: Hazrat [Khadijah, Abu Bakr, Ali, Zaid...]....In fact there were open swords to behead those who wanted to accept Islam.

13 years of persection then Muslims migrated to Madina.

Even then infidels kept coming to annihilate Muslims that is why all wars were fought near Madina -- the place refuge.

World was not blind, they were watching what was happening. The day came when infidels lost and there was fast influx of new comers -- again NO Sword was Used.

Then neighboring states started to feel political fear and waged war over new state.

Down the road things became political.

But true fragrance of Islam kept alive and and continued to win hearts.

Swords can not win hearts.
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Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?

Islam did not spread by sword. In fact sword is a hindrance in the way of spread of Islam. Quran has preserved its pristine teachings that it provides both commandments and the gist of wisdom of the same; this peculiarity is not retained by book of any other revealed religion.

Peaceful spread of Islam in Azerbaijan.

Islam in Azerbaijan

Approximately 99.2 percent of the population of Azerbaijan is Muslim according to a 2009 Pew Research center report.[1] The rest of the population adheres to other faiths or are non-religious, although they are not officially represented. Among the Muslim majority, religious observance varies and Muslim identity tends to be based more on culture and ethnicity rather than religion; however, many imams[who?] reported increased attendance at mosques during 2003. The Muslim population is approximately 85% Shi'a and 15% Sunni; differences traditionally have not been defined sharply.[2]
Most Shias are adherents of orthodox Ithna Ashari school of Shi'a Islam. Other traditional religions or beliefs that are followed by many in the country are the orthodox Sunni Islam, the Armenian Apostolic Church (in Nagorno-Karabakh), the Russian Orthodox Church, the Georgian Orthodox Church, and various Christian sects. Traditionally villages around Baku and Lenkoran region are considered stronghold of Shi'ism. In some northern regions, populated by Sunni Dagestani (Lezghian) people, theSalafi movement gained great following. Folk Islam is widely practiced but there is little evidence of an organized Sufimovement.
There are fairly sizable expatriate Christian and Muslim communities in the capital city of Baku; authorities generally permit these groups to worship freely.
Islam arrived in Azerbaijan with Arabs in the seventh century, gradually supplanting Christianity and pagan cults.
In the sixteenth century, the first shah of the Safavid Dynasty, Ismail I (r. 1486-1524), established Shi'a Islam as the state religion, although a portion of people remained Sunni. As elsewhere in the Muslim world, the two branches of Islam came into conflict in Azerbaijan. Enforcement of Shi'a Islam as the state religion brought contention between the Safavid rulers of Azerbaijan and the ruling Sunnis of the neighboring Ottoman Empire.
In the nineteenth century, many Sunni Muslims emigrated from Russian-controlled Azerbaijan because of Russia's series of wars with their coreligionists in the Ottoman Empire. Thus, by the late nineteenth century, the Shi'a population was in the majority in Russian Azerbaijan. Antagonism between the Sunnis and the Shi'a diminished in the late nineteenth century as Azerbaijani nationalism began to emphasize a common Turkic heritage and opposition toIranian religious influences.
There is also a small Jewish community in Azerbaijan. There are three synagogues in Baku and a few in the provinces.Sheikh-ul-Islam Allahshukur Pashazade has donated US$40,000 for construction of Jewish House in Baku in 2000.
Azerbaijan is a secular country.[3] A survey estimated the proportion of ardent believers in Azerbaijan at close to 7 percent, slightly more than the number of declared atheists — almost 4 percent — with the largest numbers falling into the category of those who consider Islam above all as a way of life, without strict observance of prohibitions and requirements, or as a fundamental part of national identity.[4]

Islam in Azerbaijan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


RF's pet cat
So if I get this right, paarsurrey, you're saying that people never got forced to convert and there was no conquests by the name of Islam? Is this correct?


Freedom Of Mind
So if I get this right, paarsurrey, you're saying that people never got forced to convert and there was no conquests by the name of Islam? Is this correct?

paarsurrey's point is that if Islam was spread by sword then how you could explain its spread in a places which weren't part of the Islamic Empire.

Do you have an explanation for it ?

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I don't know enough about ancient armor to say, but what I see in England my lionheart's avatar is a "Christian soldier" Crusading to rescue the holy land from Muslims. Ironic, if true.


Lol,its just a picture otherwise there really is a flying spaghetti monster :p


RF's pet cat
paarsurrey's point is that if Islam was spread by sword then how you could explain its spread in a places which weren't part of the Islamic Empire.

Do you have an explanation for it ?

Well, actually it's quite simple. A lot of people seem to assume it's either one or the other; spread by the sword OR spread by more peaceful means... What if it's this AND that?

There's nothing that prevents something to spread by both means... And perhaps ways that aren't discussed on this thread.

That's a possible explanation to it not necessarily what I think. I just think it's weird that people think that if it's happened in a certain way, it eliminates the other possibilities. That's not how the world works - Christianity for example has spread in many different ways, not just one way.

That goes for both sides of the debate, btw. I'm not attacking Islam, I think people should consider that it has spread in places by means of culture, trade and religious leaders spreading the religion peacefully. But it's also possible that in some places it might have spread in more violent manners.

I don't know enough to judge. That's why I was asking paarsurrey what he meant. The fact he stated one country (or even if he stated many countries) doesn't eliminate other possibilities in other regions.

:sorry1: Sorry about the long post, I was trying to be as clear as possible. Hopefully it's easy to understand.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
A lot of conversions are because a girl falls for a Muslim guy and life is much easier if she converts than if she stays a non-Muslim. Even if it's not a requirement for her to convert, it's not easy to remain a non-Muslim in an extended Muslim family. Muslims also have larger families and if a non-Muslim man falls for a Muslim woman, he has to convert or he will lose her.

Just sayin'.


Well-Known Member
A lot of conversions are because a girl falls for a Muslim guy and life is much easier if she converts than if she stays a non-Muslim. Even if it's not a requirement for her to convert, it's not easy to remain a non-Muslim in an extended Muslim family. Muslims also have larger families and if a non-Muslim man falls for a Muslim woman, he has to convert or he will lose her.

Just sayin'.

I strongly disagree :)
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