Was Islam spread by the sword?
For example:
Spread of Islam in
Bulgaria : [3]
The 15th-century
Banya Bashi Mosque, in capital
Islam is the largest minority religion in
Bulgaria. According to the 2011 Census, the total number of Muslims in the country stood at 577,139,
[1] corresponding to 7.8% of the population.
[2] The
Muslim population of Bulgaria, which is made up of
Bulgarians and
Gypsies, lives mainly in parts of northeastern Bulgaria (mainly in
Shumen and
Silistra Provinces) and in the
Rhodope Mountains (mainly in
Kardzhali Province).
Distribution of the ethnic groups by municipalities according to the 2011 census:
Bulgarian ethnic group
Pomak ethnic group
Like the practitioners of other beliefs including
Orthodox Christians, Muslims suffered under the restriction of
religious freedom by the
Marxist-LeninistZhivkov regime which instituted
state atheism and suppressed religious communities. The
Bulgarian communist regimes declared traditional Muslim beliefs to be diametrically opposed to
secular communist ideology.[
citation needed] In 1989,
[13] 310,000 Turks fled Bulgaria as a result of the
communistZhivkov regime's assimilation campaign. That program, which began in 1984, forced all Turks and other Muslims in Bulgaria to adopt
Bulgarian names and renounce all Muslim customs. The motivation of the 1984 assimilation campaign was unclear; however, many experts believed that the disproportion between the birth rates of the Turks and the Bulgarians was a major factor.
[14] After the breakdown of communism, Muslims in Bulgaria again enjoyed greater religious freedom. Some villages organized
Qur'an study courses for young people (study of the Qur'an had been completely forbidden under Zhivkov).[
citation needed]Muslims also began publishing their own newspaper, Musulmani, in both
Bulgarian and
In 2011, the first study in 25 years found that 48.6 percent of its 850 Muslim respondents described themselves as devoutly religious, 28.5 percent of which very. Some 41 percent never went to the mosque and 59.3 percent did not pray at home.
[15] 0.5 percent believed that disputes should be resolved using Islamic Sharia law and 79.6 percent said that wearing a veil in school was "unacceptable."
[15] 88 percent of respondents said they circumcised their boys and 96 percent observed Muslim burial practices for their relatives.
[15] More than half of the respondents said cohabitation without marriage was "acceptable", 39.8 percent ate pork and 43.3 percent drank alcohol.
Ottoman era textile canopy from Bulgaria: Imaret Mosque Built 1444:Bulgarian Muslim drinking bowl.
Muslim population 2010 Pew Report
Muslim percentage (%) of total population 2010 Pew Report
[1] : 13.4
Percentage (%) of World Muslim population 2010 Pew Report
[1] : 0.1
Muslim population Other sources : 577,139 (official census)
Muslim percentage (%)Other sources: 10%
I don't see any sword in spread of Islam in
Bulgaria . Do you see any?
Please correct me if I am wrong.