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Was Islam spread by the sword?

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Well-Known Member
Yeah and just because all Muslims disagree doesn't make them non Muslim too.
Really? ALL Muslims agree that ISIS is not Islamic whatsoever? Do you have proof for such a bold claim?

Islam is not something you say you are or something you are born into. Islam is about actions.
Pretty convenient that you can disown people who are bad PR for your faith.


Well-Known Member
Really? ALL Muslims agree that ISIS is not Islamic whatsoever? Do you have proof for such a bold claim?

Pretty convenient that you can disown people who are bad PR for your faith.

I encounter muslims everyday and we discuss such things. I watch youtube videos for some scholars in Arabic. And mostly I read Quraan and know what Isalm and what muslims are supposed to be


Well-Known Member
I encounter muslims everyday and we discuss such things.
I'm sure out of the 1.2-1.5 billion Muslims, there are people who sympathize with ISIS. They wouldn't be able to gain fighters and territory without it.

I watch youtube videos for some scholars in Arabic. And mostly I read Quraan and know what Isalm and what muslims are supposed to be
1) Muslims, the same as any other people, can do horrible things, regardless of their religion. It doesn't matter what their supposed to do, what matters is what people actually do. Again, I'm not saying all Muslims are bad, but it's fictitious to say that all Muslims are perfect or good.

2) Not all Muslims agree what Islam is supposed to be to a limited extent. Have you ever seen some of the horrible actions and rhetoric some Sunni, Shia, Ahmadis, Alawites, etc do and say against each other?
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Christians/Christendom treated Jews worst in the history; now they have off-loaded their burden on Arabs.
There would be no Israel if not for the Christian west. We conquered that land, we gave it to them, we helped them defend it. No other group on earth has helped Israel more than Christians. Now that that is straightened out your comments through me off because your English is broken in he same way as the Muslim posters is and that got me confused.

If they had sympathy with Jews, they should have settled them in Europe or other Christian countries.
They did. There are Jews in just about every Christian nation on earth. That is why so many were in Germany to start with when Hitler started rounding them up.

Arab Jews have a case to live in Arabia; non-Arab Jews have no ethical/moral/spiritual case to live in Jewish state of Israel.
I agree. Arabs were offered their own homeland which they did not have any right to what so ever but turned it down. Now they try and steal what they were offered for free by Israel. I was in the Navy but only a petty officer. If I was the president I would end the Arab nonsense over there for good.

Your English was broken in the same way the Muslim guys was which threw me off. I thought you were him and talking to me. My mistake.



Mahasn has the same opinion as yours about Islam and he defends Israel as well.
His post was a reply to one-answer and not to you.

His English is great and that what cause misunderstanding.
Yeah his English is broken in the same way the Muslim guy's is. Threw me off. Thanks for the info, have not heard from you in a while. When the rockets started flying again I thought you would show up to defend them eventually. Welcome back.
Do you have any reply to my earlier posts. Here lately Muslims respond but do not account for a single claim I make. They just ignore them and make random claims about little known events in minor countries and disregard the general facts of history.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member

Mahasn has the same opinion as yours about Islam and he defends Israel as well.
His post was a reply to one-answer and not to you.

His English is great and that what cause misunderstanding.

yes--i am defended israel nation
what problem in that
do you see what happned in iraq agnsit christian
isreal want peace

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
islam spread in some countries for the following reasons
1it is the region polygamy and this dose not contradict with the believe of those societies in which the spread peacefully
2 rejected polyamy in christianthy becaus it is an insut to the woman
it is like any ----???? after setting in the body and spreads it difficut therapoetic dantcher in those counties because they are tribat societies but this did not conflict with islam 3- arab oil mony saudi arabia in particular wich are used to spread

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
4- mostof thoses who do not know the essenceof islam teaching
5- islame use al --taqea to spread in any new countries
there are some of the reason for spread of islame in some communtiese peacefully
--in all the communities in which the spread of islam in which there are no accept intellectual freedom
6- exploiting islam tolerance for thosecommunities in matters of religion and this happeninning now in somme parts of europ throug the marriage people and find a new bread this proplem threatns europtoday

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
I'm sure out of the 1.2-1.5 billion Muslims, there are people who sympathize with ISIS. They wouldn't be able to gain fighters and territory without it.

1) Muslims, the same as any other people, can do horrible things, regardless of their religion. It doesn't matter what their supposed to do, what matters is what people actually do. Again, I'm not saying all Muslims are bad, but it's fictitious to say that all Muslims are perfect or good.

2) Not all Muslims agree what Islam is supposed to be to a limited extent. Have you ever seen some of the horrible actions and rhetoric some Sunni, Shia, Ahmadis, Alawites, etc do and say against each other?

the problem not in people
the problem is in islam idea -
< islam --ideologue>
the ideologue --is not believe in peace or in love
it idea belive in power
and say the islame is best all idea
it is dectartorea idea


The Lost One
one-answer said:
Nope. You can see the opinions of all muslim members here.

Besides, I only said that about ISIS when you also mentioned hamas.

I'm neither Israeli, nor Palestinian. And I'm neither Jewish, nor Muslim.

The way I see it, the Hamas is a terrorist organisation. Always has been, always will be.

They used mortar attacks, hiding in school and residential buildings, to ensure that Israeli hit these area.

They have been known to use human shield in the past, and they haven't change. They want civilian casualties, especially children. They want media attention to focus on children death, because that how they find their recruitment in terrorism.

It is a typical tactics of terrorists and guerrilla warfare. They are bunch of cowards.

That you don't see the Hamas strategy and tactics for what they are, beggars belief. Do you, and other Muslims like yourself, always closed your eyes of the wrongdoings of Hamas?

I would like the Palestinians to have their own state or country, and living in peace with Israel as neighbour, but this will never happen while they (Hamas) continued to use these tactics and dirty politics.


Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?


For example:

Spread of Islam in Kenya:

Historical overview

Islamic arrival on the Swahili Coast

Pioneer Muslim traders arrived on the Swahili Coast around the eighth century. The tension surrounding the succession of Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, and the already established trade links between the Persian Gulf and the Swahili Coast were some of the factors leading to this development

Archaeological evidence attests to a thriving Muslim town on Manda Island by the Tenth Century AD.[4] The Moroccan Muslim traveller, Ibn Battuta, visiting the Swahili Coast in 1331 AD, reported a strong Muslim presence. Ibn Battuta said: The inhabitants are pious, honourable, and upright, and they have well-built wooden mosques.[5]

On arrival, the Muslims settled along the coast, engaging in trade. The Shirazi intermarried with the local Bantu people resulting in the Swahili people, most of who converted to Islam. Swahili, structurally a Bantu Language with heavy borrowings from Arabic, was born.[6]

Primarily, Islam spread through the assimilation of individuals, with the Arab Muslims who had settled in small groups maintaining their culture, and religious practices. Despite encountering local communities, Islam was not ‘indigenized’ along the patterns of the local Bantu communities. Nevertheless, Islam grew through absorption of individuals into the newly established Afro-Arabic Muslim communities. This resulted in more ‘Swahilization’ than Islamization.[7]

There was strong resistance toward Islam by the majority of communities living in the interior. The resistance was because conversion was an individual act, leading to detribalization and integration into the Muslim community going against the socially acceptable communal life.[7]

Islam on the Swahili Coast was different from the rest of Africa. Unlike West Africa where Islam was integrated to the local communities, the local Islam was ‘foreign’; the Arab-Muslims lived as if they were in the Middle East

The primary concern for the early Muslims was trade with a few interested in propagating Islam. The arrival of the Portuguese in the 15th Century interrupted the small work in progress. On the other hand, the interstate quarrels that ensued meant that much effort was now directed towards restoring normality and not Islamization.[8]

Islam in Kenya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't see any sword in spread of Islam in Kenya.

Do you? Please



Was Islam spread by the sword?


For example:

Spread of Islam in Kenya:

Historical overview

Islamic arrival on the Swahili Coast

Pioneer Muslim traders arrived on the Swahili Coast around the eighth century. The tension surrounding the succession of Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, and the already established trade links between the Persian Gulf and the Swahili Coast were some of the factors leading to this development

Archaeological evidence attests to a thriving Muslim town on Manda Island by the Tenth Century AD.[4] The Moroccan Muslim traveller, Ibn Battuta, visiting the Swahili Coast in 1331 AD, reported a strong Muslim presence. Ibn Battuta said: The inhabitants are pious, honourable, and upright, and they have well-built wooden mosques.[5]

On arrival, the Muslims settled along the coast, engaging in trade. The Shirazi intermarried with the local Bantu people resulting in the Swahili people, most of who converted to Islam. Swahili, structurally a Bantu Language with heavy borrowings from Arabic, was born.[6]

Primarily, Islam spread through the assimilation of individuals, with the Arab Muslims who had settled in small groups maintaining their culture, and religious practices. Despite encountering local communities, Islam was not ‘indigenized’ along the patterns of the local Bantu communities. Nevertheless, Islam grew through absorption of individuals into the newly established Afro-Arabic Muslim communities. This resulted in more ‘Swahilization’ than Islamization.[7]

There was strong resistance toward Islam by the majority of communities living in the interior. The resistance was because conversion was an individual act, leading to detribalization and integration into the Muslim community going against the socially acceptable communal life.[7]

Islam on the Swahili Coast was different from the rest of Africa. Unlike West Africa where Islam was integrated to the local communities, the local Islam was ‘foreign’; the Arab-Muslims lived as if they were in the Middle East

The primary concern for the early Muslims was trade with a few interested in propagating Islam. The arrival of the Portuguese in the 15th Century interrupted the small work in progress. On the other hand, the interstate quarrels that ensued meant that much effort was now directed towards restoring normality and not Islamization.[8]

Islam in Kenya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't see any sword in spread of Islam in Kenya.

Do you? Please


This is good stuff...do Michigan and New York next :D


Freedom Of Mind
Yeah his English is broken in the same way the Muslim guy's is. Threw me off. Thanks for the info, have not heard from you in a while. When the rockets started flying again I thought you would show up to defend them eventually. Welcome back.
Do you have any reply to my earlier posts. Here lately Muslims respond but do not account for a single claim I make. They just ignore them and make random claims about little known events in minor countries and disregard the general facts of history.

How rockets is related to spreading of Islam by sword ?

Do muslims spread Islam by rockets nowadays.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure out of the 1.2-1.5 billion Muslims, there are people who sympathize with ISIS. They wouldn't be able to gain fighters and territory without it.

1) Muslims, the same as any other people, can do horrible things, regardless of their religion. It doesn't matter what their supposed to do, what matters is what people actually do. Again, I'm not saying all Muslims are bad, but it's fictitious to say that all Muslims are perfect or good.

2) Not all Muslims agree what Islam is supposed to be to a limited extent. Have you ever seen some of the horrible actions and rhetoric some Sunni, Shia, Ahmadis, Alawites, etc do and say against each other?

Agree muslims may do horrible things LIKE ANY OTHER PEOPLE. however they don't do it because of Islam and Islam doesn't support what they are doing. It is completely against it


Well-Known Member
I'm neither Israeli, nor Palestinian. And I'm neither Jewish, nor Muslim.

The way I see it, the Hamas is a terrorist organisation. Always has been, always will be.

They used mortar attacks, hiding in school and residential buildings, to ensure that Israeli hit these area.

They have been known to use human shield in the past, and they haven't change. They want civilian casualties, especially children. They want media attention to focus on children death, because that how they find their recruitment in terrorism.

It is a typical tactics of terrorists and guerrilla warfare. They are bunch of cowards.

That you don't see the Hamas strategy and tactics for what they are, beggars belief. Do you, and other Muslims like yourself, always closed your eyes of the wrongdoings of Hamas?

I would like the Palestinians to have their own state or country, and living in peace with Israel as neighbour, but this will never happen while they (Hamas) continued to use these tactics and dirty politics.

Get the facts first before you speak.

Once I read someone saying that we can forgive palestines for everything but we can't forgive them for making us kill their children.

This is really ridiculous statement for one to say. You seem to be defending that statement from your reply.

Here are somethings you can enjoy reading.

1865 killed: 429 are kids, 243 are women and 70 are elderly.

Almost 10,000 injuries: 2877 are kids, 1853 are women and 374 are elderly.

Some more on the human Crisis below:

Israeli official calls for concentration camps in Gaza.
Israeli official calls for concentration camps in Gaza | Palestine | Worldbulletin News

Citizens of Israel Charge Israel with Genocide | boycottisrael.info

How Much does Israel Cost the Average American?

How Much does Israel Cost the Average American? | Veterans Today

Bolivia declares Israel a terrorist state

Bolivia declares Israel a terrorist state

U.S. Jewish Leader Henry Siegman to Israel: Stop Killing Palestinians and End the Occupation

U.S. Jewish Leader Henry Siegman to Israel: Stop Killing Palestinians and End the Occupation | Democracy Now!

Jewish Voice for Peace Holds “Not in Our Name”


Gaza war prompts Latin America to break ties with Israel Novaes

Gaza war prompts Latin America to break ties with Israel - Channel 4 News

“Concentrate” and “exterminate”: Israel parliament deputy speaker’s Gaza genocide plan

“Concentrate” and “exterminate”: Israel parliament deputy speaker's Gaza genocide plan | The Electronic Intifada

62% of British public says Israel committing war crimes


Music Legend Brian Eno: Funding Israel Is Like ‘Sending Money To The KKK’

– Music Legend Brian Eno: Funding Israel Is Like ‘Sending Money To The KKK’

Why evangelicals should think twice about equating modern Israel with Israel of the Bible

Why evangelicals should think twice about equating modern Israel with Israel of the Bible | Ben Irwin

Video: If you voted for Hamas, Israel has a right to kill you, says president of NY Board of Rabbis

Video: If you voted for Hamas, Israel has a right to kill you, says president of NY Board of Rabbis | Mondoweiss

Four Children Killed In Attack On Gaza Beach Witnessed By Dozens Of Journalists


Gaza's Christians and Muslims grow closer in defiance of Israeli attacks

Gaza's Christians and Muslims grow closer in defiance of Israeli attacks | Middle East Eye

Debunking Israel's 11 Main Myths About Gaza, Hamas and War Crimes

Debunking Israel's 11 Main Myths About Gaza, Hamas and War Crimes*|*Mehdi Hasan

#Jewish son of an israeli General comes out to speak the truth


Well-Known Member
Agree muslims may do horrible things LIKE ANY OTHER PEOPLE. however they don't do it because of Islam and Islam doesn't support what they are doing. It is completely against it
Yes, but going back to my original point they are Muslims nonetheless.


How rockets is related to spreading of Islam by sword ?

Do muslims spread Islam by rockets nowadays.
The great German military expert Von Clausewitz said military action was politics by other means and since unlike Christ's kingdom, Allah's is of this world and it's pathetic political institutions. Islam wants to rule over everything which is Islamic or not. They fight so abhorrently they can't get their way but what they are doing in Israel is a tiny version of killing the believers wherever you find them. Of course they are losing as usual but if they were even half way competent soldiers, because of their numbers they would militarily subdue Israel then in their case either force conversion or death. I don't think they would bother with the feel themselves subdued and pay the higher tax rates in Israel's case. However Israel has someone much bigger than Allah backing them up so that will not occur but it is what the lunatics are attempting to do, it is what they have been doing for 1500 years, even with each other.

Hey I got a serious question for you. The other day I heard ISUS smashed Jonah's tomb.

1. Why would anyone do that?
2. I thought Islam believed in OT prophets so again, why?
3. I do not believe Jonah's body was in the tomb nor do I venerate dead bodies anyway but it is one of the most senseless acts I have heard of. What if someone smashed Muhammad's tomb? It would result in a fatwa on everyone.


Get the facts first before you speak.

Once I read someone saying that we can forgive palestines for everything but we can't forgive them for making us kill their children.

This is really ridiculous statement for one to say. You seem to be defending that statement from your reply.

Here are somethings you can enjoy reading.

1865 killed: 429 are kids, 243 are women and 70 are elderly.

Almost 10,000 injuries: 2877 are kids, 1853 are women and 374 are elderly.

Some more on the human Crisis below:

Israeli official calls for concentration camps in Gaza.
Israeli official calls for concentration camps in Gaza | Palestine | Worldbulletin News

Citizens of Israel Charge Israel with Genocide | boycottisrael.info

How Much does Israel Cost the Average American?

How Much does Israel Cost the Average American? | Veterans Today

Bolivia declares Israel a terrorist state

Bolivia declares Israel a terrorist state

U.S. Jewish Leader Henry Siegman to Israel: Stop Killing Palestinians and End the Occupation

U.S. Jewish Leader Henry Siegman to Israel: Stop Killing Palestinians and End the Occupation | Democracy Now!

Jewish Voice for Peace Holds “Not in Our Name”


Gaza war prompts Latin America to break ties with Israel Novaes

Gaza war prompts Latin America to break ties with Israel - Channel 4 News

“Concentrate” and “exterminate”: Israel parliament deputy speaker’s Gaza genocide plan

“Concentrate” and “exterminate”: Israel parliament deputy speaker's Gaza genocide plan | The Electronic Intifada

62% of British public says Israel committing war crimes


Music Legend Brian Eno: Funding Israel Is Like ‘Sending Money To The KKK’

– Music Legend Brian Eno: Funding Israel Is Like ‘Sending Money To The KKK’

Why evangelicals should think twice about equating modern Israel with Israel of the Bible

Why evangelicals should think twice about equating modern Israel with Israel of the Bible | Ben Irwin

Video: If you voted for Hamas, Israel has a right to kill you, says president of NY Board of Rabbis

Video: If you voted for Hamas, Israel has a right to kill you, says president of NY Board of Rabbis | Mondoweiss

Four Children Killed In Attack On Gaza Beach Witnessed By Dozens Of Journalists


Gaza's Christians and Muslims grow closer in defiance of Israeli attacks

Gaza's Christians and Muslims grow closer in defiance of Israeli attacks | Middle East Eye

Debunking Israel's 11 Main Myths About Gaza, Hamas and War Crimes

Debunking Israel's 11 Main Myths About Gaza, Hamas and War Crimes*|*Mehdi Hasan

#Jewish son of an israeli General comes out to speak the truth
I have been posting lists of facts from the beginning of Islam which are a whole order of magnitude more relevant than some singer named Brian Eno (whoever the heck that is) said about the KKK. BTW as a bonus did you know Islamic terrorist have killed on average more people in any given weak than the KKK did over the last 50 years combined. You did not seem to want to respond or even acknowledge by very relevant facts so I am not going to bother with what random celebrities said about nations I never heard of. If you ever decide to face the actual historical facts instead of cherry picking sound bites from irrelevant people start with post #432


Agree muslims may do horrible things LIKE ANY OTHER PEOPLE. however they don't do it because of Islam and Islam doesn't support what they are doing. It is completely against it
Is that why crowds numbering in the thousands of Muslims were chanting death to Israel and death to America in the cities of Islamic nations after 9/11? It that why hundreds of Muslims cheered dead bodies of American pilots drug through the street who were sent to Mogadishu to make sure food donated to Muslims got to them instead of the warlords. Is that why Mullahs bang their heads into the ground chanting Israel does not have the right to exist in the nation the UN voted was theirs and they have lived in for thousands of years? Is that why crowds in the of Muslims in the streets chanted to behead a Christina teacher in the Sudan who's class named their Teddy bear Muhammad? Is that why converting out of that backwards faith carries the death sentence in so many Islamic nations? Is that why Muslim leaders give death sentences to poets and writers of cartoons? I can go on forever but what is the point, truth is impotent against cognitive dissonance.
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