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Was Islam spread by the sword?

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Dragon Worshipper
Just because you or many others disagree with them doesn't make them non-Muslim...

I have to admit , though, many of the acts they have committed would have been unheard of in even the harsh, first dynasties of the Islamic empire. I doubt even the Ummayads(who followed a policy of Arab racial supremacy) and the Rashidun(Who engaged in all manner of controversial actions to defend their faith) would have crucified their fellow Arabs and Muslims. ISIS seems to be using Islam to justify the worship of violence for it's own sake.


Well-Known Member
I have to admit , though, many of the acts they have committed would have been unheard of in even the harsh, first dynasties of the Islamic empire. I doubt even the Ummayads(who followed a policy of Arab racial supremacy) and the Rashidun(Who engaged in all manner of controversial actions to defend their faith) would have crucified their fellow Arabs and Muslims. ISIS seems to be using Islam to justify the worship of violence for it's own sake.
That's a good point to make, but just because they are extremely brutal doesn't make them non-Muslims. You can identify as Muslim/Jew/Christian/Hindu/Buddhist/etc and be a horrible person.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
1 robn write ---You need to start at the beginning.
yes that is important to understand--
the beginning spread of islam is by the sword--
and in africa islam spread by mony to that people --
the arab saudea by the mony --
and in other country is spread by tradation --
same andonesea
and there is an important point -
all nation people faith in islame
because the islam is same his old religion
islame in six maters is --not differ his old reiligion
in islame you able to marriage four woman in same time
it good to any people
it is easy religion
islame not chinning any think in that comment--
y be my english is not strong
there fore i am write--the idea in arabic us the net to translation this idea please please
انتشر الاسلام في بعض الدول بسبب مهم انه لايختلف عن الاديان الوثنية وخاصة في مسالة الجنس لانه يشجع على الزواج وامتلاك اربعة نساء في وقت واحد وهذا السبب هو مهم لانه لم يغير من اخلاق تلك المجتمعات ولم يرتقي بها كما تفعل المسيحية
وايضا الاموال السعودية في العصر الحديث
وايضا استخدام التقية
ومن يريد معرفة معنى النقية عليه مراجعة قواميس العرب
التقية تعني ان تكذب
وهناك حديث نبوي مشهور
فيهذا الاتجاه
اذن اغلب تلك الشعوب التي اعتنقت الاسلام لاتفهم جوهر الاسلام
لان شعبا مثل الفراعنة والاشوريين واالرومان واليونان كانت لديهم حضارات رفضوا الاسلام ولم يعتنقوه بالرغم من استخدام القو والسيف
لانهم شعوب كانت لديها حضارات
بينما محمد اتى من جزير العرب من صحراء معذرة لتلك الشعوب
هي لاتعرف انها تعبد حجرا في مكة
i want from any one to translate this idea
and i will thank him

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
any one read the beginning of islam know the all battle of mohamad
and after mohamed
the blood
in all islam history until this day
you see what islam do in negerea and abo seaf
and indonesaea
and iraq
and syrea
and and any nation refused islam
mohmad say
i am have an ordere from god
the ordered is fathing the pople even they say no god just all and mohamed is massage from god
if they say that i am not killing him
this famose hadith of mohamed
this hadith from bokare and sheh muslem
the fithing is the specel basice in islam called
al -jehad

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
your singrut picthure
you not love isreal man
why you want to killing him
why you anamy to him
isreal want peace
in thistime
the islam killing his nation people in mousle ciy in irag
i think isreal not do same that -


Well-Known Member
Just because you or many others disagree with them doesn't make them non-Muslim...

Yeah and just because all Muslims disagree doesn't make them non Muslim too.

Islam is not something you say you are or something you are born into. Islam is about actions.


Well-Known Member
your singrut picthure
you not love isreal man
why you want to killing him
why you anamy to him
isreal want peace
in thistime
the islam killing his nation people in mousle ciy in irag
i think isreal not do same that -

The latest in Gaza:
1865 killed: 429 are kids, 243 are women and 70 are elderly.
Almost 10,000 injuries: 2877 are kids, 1853 are women and 374 are elderly.
Some more on the human Crisis below:
Israeli official calls for concentration camps in Gaza.
Israeli official calls for concentration camps in Gaza | Palestine | Worldbulletin News
Citizens of Israel Charge Israel with Genocide | boycottisrael.info
How Much does Israel Cost the Average American?
How Much does Israel Cost the Average American? | Veterans Today
Bolivia declares Israel a terrorist state
Bolivia declares Israel a terrorist state
U.S. Jewish Leader Henry Siegman to Israel: Stop Killing Palestinians and End the Occupation
U.S. Jewish Leader Henry Siegman to Israel: Stop Killing Palestinians and End the Occupation | Democracy Now!
Jewish Voice for Peace Holds “Not in Our Name”
Gaza war prompts Latin America to break ties with Israel Novaes
Gaza war prompts Latin America to break ties with Israel - Channel 4 News
“Concentrate” and “exterminate”: Israel parliament deputy speaker’s Gaza genocide plan
“Concentrate” and “exterminate”: Israel parliament deputy speaker's Gaza genocide plan | The Electronic Intifada
62% of British public says Israel committing war crimes
Music Legend Brian Eno: Funding Israel Is Like ‘Sending Money To The KKK’
– Music Legend Brian Eno: Funding Israel Is Like ‘Sending Money To The KKK’
Why evangelicals should think twice about equating modern Israel with Israel of the Bible
Why evangelicals should think twice about equating modern Israel with Israel of the Bible | Ben Irwin
Video: If you voted for Hamas, Israel has a right to kill you, says president of NY Board of Rabbis
Video: If you voted for Hamas, Israel has a right to kill you, says president of NY Board of Rabbis | Mondoweiss
Four Children Killed In Attack On Gaza Beach Witnessed By Dozens Of Journalists
Gaza's Christians and Muslims grow closer in defiance of Israeli attacks
Gaza's Christians and Muslims grow closer in defiance of Israeli attacks | Middle East Eye
Debunking Israel's 11 Main Myths About Gaza, Hamas and War Crimes
Debunking Israel's 11 Main Myths About Gaza, Hamas and War Crimes | Mehdi Hasan
#Jewish son of an israeli General comes out to speak the truth


any one read the beginning of islam know the all battle of mohamad
and after mohamed
the blood
in all islam history until this day
you see what islam do in negerea and abo seaf
and indonesaea
and iraq
and syrea
and and any nation refused islam
mohmad say
i am have an ordere from god
the ordered is fathing the pople even they say no god just all and mohamed is massage from god
if they say that i am not killing him
this famose hadith of mohamed
this hadith from bokare and sheh muslem
the fithing is the specel basice in islam called
al -jehad
Hello - jehad. Your English is very rough but it is my native language and I am no expert either, so I find no fault. However your response has a lot of non-linguistic problems.

You only speak in generalities that have little application in the real world. Not every Muslim knows their history. In fact most do not. I gave you real historical records from Muslims at the time and you replied with platitudes. Islam languished with almost no one converting until the exact moment Muhammad was given guns and men in Medina. Then it exploded. I will give you several claims and I hope you will respond to specifically not with general wishful thinking.

1. Muhammad had less than 250 followers in it's first dozen years before Islam turned violent. They exploded to 100,000 after Muhammad started raiding caravans, distributing power, and taking revenge upon anyone (women or man) that had offended him. Explain how that was peaceful evangelism.

2. Christianity exploded instantly in a country hostile to it in an empire hostile to it without firing a shot. How is that not peaceful evangelism?

3. Islam's first battle was to be a raid on a caravan that when Muhammad found he did not outnumber he called off. Was he told to attack by Allah and disobeyed? or was he acting on greed and got scared?

4. The actual first battle was Badr in which he was asked if Allah or he ordered the attack. He replied it was his idea not Allah's. How is he sinless?

5. The motivation for the attack in Muslim records was because that years caravans were especially rich. How is that peaceful evangelism?

6. In the first dozen battles the historical records show either greed, revenge, or power as the motivation. How was that Holy?

7. Muhammad killed even women simply for writing unflatteringly about him, Christ forgave those who murdered him. Which is better or more peaceful?

8. Islam almost committed suicide by killing themselves off before being forcibly united and turned on north Africa and Constantinople. Their policy was convert, pay the Jizya, or die. They only stopped enslaving and killing once they ran into some real soldiers in Spain. How is that peaceful?

9. Fast forward passed the hijackings, suicide attacks, mass shooting, etc.... Just today Isus said of the Christian civilians they have surrounded, convert or die. Why does Allah value forced conversions? This is not just immoral it is insane. Why would a God want faith that is forced?

Instead of giving me slogans or mantras please respond in detail to the events I mentioned please.
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Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?


For example:

Spread of Islam in Islam in Guinea-Bissau:

Islam in Guinea-Bissau is the predominant religion of the country, numbering an estimated 50%[1] of its roughly 1.4 million citizens as followers. The vast majority are Sunni of Maliki school of jurisprudence, with Sufi influences. Approximately 6% Shiaand 2% Ahmadiyya are also present.[2]

I don't see any sword in spread of Guinea-Bissau.



Was Islam spread by the sword?


For example:

Spread of Islam in Islam in Guinea-Bissau:

Islam in Guinea-Bissau is the predominant religion of the country, numbering an estimated 50%[1] of its roughly 1.4 million citizens as followers. The vast majority are Sunni of Maliki school of jurisprudence, with Sufi influences. Approximately 6% Shiaand 2% Ahmadiyya are also present.[2]

I don't see any sword in spread of Guinea-Bissau.

Apparently any random claim will do even if it does not touch the previous claims to the exact opposite so I will see your Guinea-Bissel (whatever that is) and raise you:

The Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. – Will Durant, as quoted on Daniel Pipes site. Conservative estimates place the number at 80 million dead Indians.According to some calculations, the Indian (subcontinent) population decreased by 80 million between 1000 (conquest of Afghanistan) and 1525 (end of Delhi Sultanate). – Koenrad Elst as quoted on Daniel Pipes site 80 Million?! The conquistadors’ crimes pale into insignificance at that number. No wonder Hitler admired Islam as a fighting religion. He stood in awe of Islam, whose butchery even he did not surpass.

...a minumum of 28 Million African were enslaved in the Muslim Middle East. Since, at least, 80 percent of those captured by Muslim slave traders were calculated to have died before reaching the slave market, it is believed that the death toll from 1400 years of Arab and Muslim slave raids into Africa could have been as high as 112 Millions.

When added to the number of those sold in the slave markets, the total number of African victims of the trans-Saharan and East African slave trade could be significantly higher than 140 Million people. – John Allembillah Azumah, author of The Legacy of Arab-Islam in Africa: A Quest for Inter-religious Dialogue

Add just those two numbers alone together, and Islam has surpassed the victims of 20th-century totalitarianism. However, it does not end there. Add the millions who died at the hand of Muslims in the Sudan in our lifetime.

Much of Islamic slavery was sexual in nature, with a preference for women. Those men who were captured were castrated. The mulatto children of the women were often killed, which explains why Islam was not demographically shifted towards the black race, unlike slaves in the West, who bore children to breed a mestizo class. Add in those dead children; and we arrive at well over 200 million.

Remember that in the 7th century, North Africa was almost totally Christian. What happened to them?

By the year 750, a hundred years after the conquest of Jerusalem, at least 50 percent of the world’s Christians found themselves under Muslim hegemony… Today there is no indigenous Christianity in the region [of Northwest Africa], no communities of Christians whose history can be traced to antiquity.– “Christianity Face to Face with Islam,” CERC

What happened to those Christian millions? Some converted. The rest? Lost to history.

Over one million Europeans enslaved or killed by Islam

We know that over 1 million Europeans were enslaved by Barbary Pirates. How many died is anybody’s guess.

…for the 250 years between 1530 and 1780, the figure could easily have been as high as 1,250,000 - BBC

In the Middle Ages…

…many slaves were passed through Armenia and were castrated there to fill the Muslim demand for eunuchs. – Slavery in Early Medieval Europe.

Golden Age of Islam in Spain?

The same practice ran through Islamic Spain. North Europeans captured from raids up to Iceland, or purchased, were butchered in the castratoriums of Iberia. Many died from the operations that ran for centuries.

Southern Europe - In the millions

The number of dead from the Muslim conquest of the Balkans and Southern Italy is unknown, but again the numbers add up, surely into the millions over the centuries.

Don’t forget the 1.5 million Armenian Christians killed by the Turks during WWI.

We do know that over five centuries, vast numbers of Christian boys were kidnapped to become Islamic Janissary mercenaries for the Turks. Add those in, too.

Muslims prized blonde women for their harems; and so enslaved Slavic women were purchased in the bazaars of the Crimean Caliphate.

In Muslim Spain, an annual tribute of 100 Visigothic [blonde] women was required from Spain’s Cantabrian coast.

For decades, 100 virgins per year were required by the Muslim rulers of Spain from the conquered population. The tribute was only stopped when the Spaniards began fighting back – Jihad: Islam’s 1,300 Year War Against Western Civilisation

Add in the death toll from the Reconquista and the numbers climb higher.
Otters and Science News: THE GREATEST GENOCIDES IN HISTORY - ISLAM - It is estimated that Islam has killed at least 250 million non-Muslims throughout history, and victimized many more

Was Islam spread by the sword? Yes, without any doubt what so ever but many times they didn't bother with the Islam part and just brought the sword alone.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
to answer one
Israel want peace
why you want destroyed Israe
isreal have the right of life and have right to defense
is real us his rigth in lif agnast his arab and islam anmy


to answer one
Israel want peace
why you want destroyed Israe
isreal have the right of life and have right to defense
is real us his rigth in lif agnast his arab and islam anmy
Either your English or something else is killing me. I have done nothing but defend Israel. Why are you asking why I want destroyed Israel? I don't, never have, never suggested it, never hinted at it. What are you talking about? If the Arab's want peace then quit shooting rockets at women and children in a nation that could everyone in the middle east combined. Tell the Islamic terrorists to stop killing enslaved kids digging tunnels into Israel. Tell all the two bit tyrants over there to stop refusing to grant Israel even the right to exist and there would be no more war. Islam has instigated and lost every single war it ever fought with Israel since it became as nation again in 1948. If they stop sniping across the border intentionally targeting civilians everything would be peaceful and millions of Arabs would not have to die. Stop the bees from stinging the lion and the lion would be happy to ignore the bees.

Why did you ignore every comment in every post I made here, and come up with this instead?


Veteran Member
Either your English or something else is killing me. I have done nothing but defend Israel. Why are you asking why I want destroyed Israel? I don't, never have, never suggested it, never hinted at it. What are you talking about? If the Arab's want peace then quit shooting rockets at women and children in a nation that could everyone in the middle east combined. Tell the Islamic terrorists to stop killing enslaved kids digging tunnels into Israel. Tell all the two bit tyrants over there to stop refusing to grant Israel even the right to exist and there would be no more war. Islam has instigated and lost every single war it ever fought with Israel since it became as nation again in 1948. If they stop sniping across the border intentionally targeting civilians everything would be peaceful and millions of Arabs would not have to die. Stop the bees from stinging the lion and the lion would be happy to ignore the bees.

Why did you ignore every comment in every post I made here, and come up with this instead?

Christians/Christendom treated Jews worst in the history; now they have off-loaded their burden on Arabs.

If they had sympathy with Jews, they should have settled them in Europe or other Christian countries.

Arab Jews have a case to live in Arabia; non-Arab Jews have no ethical/moral/spiritual case to live in Jewish state of Israel.



Freedom Of Mind
Either your English or something else is killing me. I have done nothing but defend Israel. Why are you asking why I want destroyed Israel? I don't, never have, never suggested it, never hinted at it. What are you talking about? If the Arab's want peace then quit shooting rockets at women and children in a nation that could everyone in the middle east combined. Tell the Islamic terrorists to stop killing enslaved kids digging tunnels into Israel. Tell all the two bit tyrants over there to stop refusing to grant Israel even the right to exist and there would be no more war. Islam has instigated and lost every single war it ever fought with Israel since it became as nation again in 1948. If they stop sniping across the border intentionally targeting civilians everything would be peaceful and millions of Arabs would not have to die. Stop the bees from stinging the lion and the lion would be happy to ignore the bees.

Why did you ignore every comment in every post I made here, and come up with this instead?


Mahasn has the same opinion as yours about Islam and he defends Israel as well.
His post was a reply to one-answer and not to you.

His English is great and that what cause misunderstanding.


Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?


For example:

Spread of Islam in Kenya:


Islam is the religion of approximately 11.1 percent [1] of the Kenyan population, or approximately 4.3 million people. The Kenyan coast is mostly populated by Muslims. Nairobi has several mosques and a notable Muslim population.

The vast majority of Muslims in Kenya follow the Sunni Islam of Shafi school of jurisprudence. There are also sizeable populations of Shia and Ahmadi adherents.[2]

In large part, Shias are Ismailis descended from or influenced by oceanic traders from the Middle East and India. These Shia Muslims include the Dawoodi Bohra, who number some 6,000-8,000 in the country.[3]


I don't see any sword in spread of Islam in Kenya.

Do you?

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Well-Known Member
Either your English or something else is killing me. I have done nothing but defend Israel. Why are you asking why I want destroyed Israel? I don't, never have, never suggested it, never hinted at it. What are you talking about? If the Arab's want peace then quit shooting rockets at women and children in a nation that could everyone in the middle east combined. Tell the Islamic terrorists to stop killing enslaved kids digging tunnels into Israel. Tell all the two bit tyrants over there to stop refusing to grant Israel even the right to exist and there would be no more war. Islam has instigated and lost every single war it ever fought with Israel since it became as nation again in 1948. If they stop sniping across the border intentionally targeting civilians everything would be peaceful and millions of Arabs would not have to die. Stop the bees from stinging the lion and the lion would be happy to ignore the bees.

Why did you ignore every comment in every post I made here, and come up with this instead?

Lol. Not the answer I intended to give but thanks for the effort. What you answered was directed to me :D

Mahasn here only attacks Islam and questions muslim.

Am sure he wasted not a single reply or post on something else
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