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Was Islam spread by the sword?

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Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?

Definitely not; it is a wrong premise and a weird of a thinking.

For example:

Spread of Islam in the Democratic Republic of the Congo:

Islam has been present in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo since the 18th century, when Arab traders from East Africa pushed into the interior for ivory trade purposes. According to the CIA world factbook, they make up 10% of the population.[1] However, a more realistic estimate is recorded by the Pew Research Project as 1.5%.[2]

The vast majority of Muslims in the country identify themselves as Sunni, following the Maliki school of jurisprudence, 10% areShia and 6% are Ahmadi.[3]

Islam in the Democratic Republic of the Congo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Islam/Quran/Muhammad never needed any sword for spreading. Islam spreads very naturally and peacefully.



Muslim conquests on the Indian subcontinent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"4.Conversion was a combination, initially by violence, threat or other pressure against the person followed by a genuine change of heart.[1]"

"An estimate of the number of people killed remains unknown. Based on the Muslim chronicles and demographic calculations, an estimate was done by K.S. Lal in his book Growth of Muslim Population in Medieval India, who claimed that between 1000 CE and 1500 CE, the population of Hindus decreased by 80 million. Although this estimate was disputed by Simon Digby in (School of Oriental and African Studies), Digby suggested that estimate lacks accurate data in pre-census times. In particular the records kept by al-Utbi, Mahmud al-Ghazni's secretary, in the Tarikh-i-Yamini document several episodes of bloody military campaigns.[3] Hindus who converted to Islam however were not completely immune to persecution due to the caste system among Muslims in India established by Ziauddin al-Barani in the Fatawa-i Jahandari,[4] where they were regarded as an "Ajlaf" caste and subjected to discrimination by the "Ashraf" castes.[5]


If an American for instance did horrible things like killing or terrorist attacks, then when questioned replied saying he has done it for being a patriot, does that make the American constitution evil?
That would depend on whether he accurately understood the constitution. If he did it would be evil, if he was wrong it might still be but not in connection with his statement. I have a question. Why is the Quran (written by God) so easily mistaken for commanding terrorism? Why are there tens of thousands who read it sincerely and take away that they are commanded to fight the unbelievers wherever they find them if in fact it did not mean that? In contrast the bible does not make a single open ended command to violence any where. The NT does not contain a single verse authorizing violence for any reason, and the OT only authorizes it for specific places and times and never suggest anything generally. The Quran is full of open ended commands to fight and only other texts and interpretations impose any limits.


Muslim conquests on the Indian subcontinent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"4.Conversion was a combination, initially by violence, threat or other pressure against the person followed by a genuine change of heart.[1]"

"An estimate of the number of people killed remains unknown. Based on the Muslim chronicles and demographic calculations, an estimate was done by K.S. Lal in his book Growth of Muslim Population in Medieval India, who claimed that between 1000 CE and 1500 CE, the population of Hindus decreased by 80 million. Although this estimate was disputed by Simon Digby in (School of Oriental and African Studies), Digby suggested that estimate lacks accurate data in pre-census times. In particular the records kept by al-Utbi, Mahmud al-Ghazni's secretary, in the Tarikh-i-Yamini document several episodes of bloody military campaigns.[3] Hindus who converted to Islam however were not completely immune to persecution due to the caste system among Muslims in India established by Ziauddin al-Barani in the Fatawa-i Jahandari,[4] where they were regarded as an "Ajlaf" caste and subjected to discrimination by the "Ashraf" castes.[5]

I think you are describing the worst genocide in human history. What Islam did in India has no parallel.


Muslim conquests on the Indian subcontinent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"4.Conversion was a combination, initially by violence, threat or other pressure against the person followed by a genuine change of heart.[1]"

"An estimate of the number of people killed remains unknown. Based on the Muslim chronicles and demographic calculations, an estimate was done by K.S. Lal in his book Growth of Muslim Population in Medieval India, who claimed that between 1000 CE and 1500 CE, the population of Hindus decreased by 80 million. Although this estimate was disputed by Simon Digby in (School of Oriental and African Studies), Digby suggested that estimate lacks accurate data in pre-census times. In particular the records kept by al-Utbi, Mahmud al-Ghazni's secretary, in the Tarikh-i-Yamini document several episodes of bloody military campaigns.[3] Hindus who converted to Islam however were not completely immune to persecution due to the caste system among Muslims in India established by Ziauddin al-Barani in the Fatawa-i Jahandari,[4] where they were regarded as an "Ajlaf" caste and subjected to discrimination by the "Ashraf" castes.[5]

Why in the world did you choose the Congo? You need to start at the beginning. After Muhammad died the sword of Islam spread from the middle east through the Mediterranean world like a plague. It was convert, pay the Jizya and consent to second or third class existence, or die from Arabia to Spain. In fact lets go back even further. Do you know what Muhammad's first battle was and why it occurred? Actually the first battle never occurred. Muhammad set out to attack a caravan. He found out they were ready for him and like a good opportunist he decided not to fight where he did not outnumber his opponent. Now I ask you this did Muhammad order the attack himself (then how was he sinless?) or did he disobey he order to attack from Allah (how was he sinless?). But lets get back to the first battle. It was the battle of Badr. This one is interesting because a lot of information is available from period Muslims. In their words, not mine or an anti-Islamic site the reason for the attack was that Muhammad was told the Caravans that year were rich in goods. Not a moral reason, he was not attacked, he was not defending anything, he wanted loot. He was even asked by one of his companions who had ordered the attack, him or Allah. He replied the former not the latter. Anyway if you wan to know how Islam grew you need to go step by step not cherry pick stuff randomly.

In Islam's first dozen peaceful years (before Muhammad was given armed associates from Medina warlords) Islam consisted of about 250 of Muhammad's family and friends. After Muhammad was given soldiers to quell tribal disputes he instead raided caravans with them. In the next bloody and very violent dozen years when Muhammad had loot, power, and influence to offer Islam grew to 100,000. If peace sells Islam wasn't buying.


The Lost One
The assassinations of Ka'b ibn al-Ashraf (Banu Nadir tribe), Abu 'Afak Arwan ('Amr b. 'Awf tribe), Asma bint Marwan (Aws Manat tribe), doesn't show the Muslims were peaceful. It showed Muhummah approving murders, whether he order it himself or the assassins committed on their own initiatives, amounts to same thing - Muhammad can condone murders when it suits him.

That no one were arrested and tried for their murders, only showed that Muhammad had no interested in following law with regards to murder, that he himself instituted, if (assassinations) done in his name or in that of his new religion, just show that the law has double standard.

This is hardly a prophet for peace.
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Satyameva Jayate
Premium Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?

Definitely not; it is a wrong premise and a weird of a thinking.

For example:

Spread of Islam in the Democratic Republic of the Congo:

Islam has been present in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo since the 18th century, when Arab traders from East Africa pushed into the interior for ivory trade purposes. According to the CIA world factbook, they make up 10% of the population.[1] However, a more realistic estimate is recorded by the Pew Research Project as 1.5%.[2]

The vast majority of Muslims in the country identify themselves as Sunni, following the Maliki school of jurisprudence, 10% areShia and 6% are Ahmadi.[3]

Islam in the Democratic Republic of the Congo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Islam/Quran/Muhammad never needed any sword for spreading. Islam spreads very naturally and peacefully.



I was almost sent to the region due to work related activity, I am talking about the entire region following the Congo River etc., and actually will probably still have to go later this year.

The entire region has militias of various religious bent, killing each other. While the group related to Kony and his "angel" cult gets a lot of news, the Islamic based militias and terrorists are worse and I know that for a fact. CAR, DCR, Congo, Angola, Uganda - may cross vast spans but along the Congo River which is full of the worse and most dangerous viruses in the world including of course ebola, and surroundings beyond to the East, there are all sorts of horrors happening including in Nigeria by Islamic extremists. And none of this is "new", the same crap has been going on for a long time.

A lot of Americans do not know, but Obama has probably about 3,000 to 6,000 U.S. military troops in the "triangle" even though the media (rarely) reports 300 or so and the government is telling lie after lie. The idiocy of this is, they are there to kill Christian militias but do nothing about the Islamic militias which are by far worse. Much worse, and they take more children into "child army" then Kony ever did or will, and even governments there who are "fighting the child kidnappings" are themselves doing the same.

I had been trying to warn about this for four years now minimum, and about the "troop creep" into the area by Obama, it is only a matter of time I was saying ebola will be transferred to our troops. With the recent outbreak, we see a couple of Americans (working as aides, nursing, etc.) now flying home to be treated, but the troops face much worse. And for what? This only helps the Islamic extremists, Obama is a madman in my opinion.

But, as I predicted in my "predictions of 2014" regarding disease outbreak in the areas of human putrid death in most of the regions where the Islamic jihadees have gone bezerker and stinking death and pools of disease ready to break out and will so in ISIS controlled areas (it is only a matter of time), ebola is going to take down the Islamic sword in Africa with the greatest mover of history of all which isn't armies nor a Napoleon or Hitler of Islamic terrorism, but disease. You have no idea what is coming.

Islamic extremism by the way is destined for total failure. In time, they have zero chance of their goals being achieved. They worship death. A cult of death. And death is coming, but it will be them in the end.

Om Namah Sivaya
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Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?

Definitely not; it is a wrong premise and a weird thinking.

For example:

Spread of Islam in Ivory Coast:

Muslims make up about 38.6% of the population of Ivory Coast.[1] In Ivory Coast, Muslims pray, fast, and give alms as required by tenets of Islam, and many perform the hajj being made compulsory.

Most Ivoirian Muslims are Sunni, following the Maliki version of Islamic law.[2][3][4] Sufism, involving the organization of mystical brotherhoods (tariqa) for the purification and spread of Islam, is also widespread, laced with indigenous beliefs and practices.
The four major Sufi brotherhoods are all represented in Ivory Coast, although the Qadiriya, founded in the eleventh century, and the Tidjaniya, founded in the eighteenth century, are most popular. The Qadiriya is prevalent in the west, and the Tidjaniya, in the east.

The other two major Islamic brotherhoods have few adherents in Ivory Coast. The Senoussiya is identified with Libya, where its influence is substantial. Ahmadiyya movement is also present in Ivory Coast.

The significant religious authority is the marabout. He is believed to be a miracle worker, a physician, and a mystic, who exercises both magical and moral authority. He is also respected as a dispenser of amulets, which protect the wearer—Muslim or non-Muslim—against evil.

The influence of marabouts has produced a number of reactions in Ivoirian society, among them a series of reformist movements. These reform movements often condemn Sufism and marabouts as un-Islamic, but the poor see that marabouts often speak out on behalf of the downtrodden.

Hamallism began as an Islamic reform movement in the French Sudan early in the twentieth century and has provided a channel for expressing political and religious discontent. Its founder, Hamallah, was exiled from the French Sudan to Ivory Coast during the 1930s. He preached Islamic reform tempered by tolerance of many local practices, but he condemned many aspects of Sufism.

Orthodox brotherhoods were able to convince the French authorities in Ivory Coast that Hamallah had been responsible for earlier political uprisings in the French Sudan. Authorities then expelled Hamallah from Ivory Coast and banned his teachings.

The massive immigration of Muslims from the Muslim majority countries Burkina Faso and Mali helped to increase the number of Muslims substantially.

Islam in Ivory Coast - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?

Definitely not; it is a wrong premise and a weird thinking.

For example:

Spread of Islam in Equatorial Guinea:

According to the U.S. State Department International Religious Freedom Report 2006, practitioners of Islam comprised less than 1 percent of the population of Equatorial Guinea.[1] Adherents.com, however, estimates that Muslims make up anywhere from 1% to 25% of the population.[2] Many Indians in the country are also Muslims. There is one Ahmadiyya mosque in the country.

Islam in Equatorial Guinea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Why? you have a problem with *colored* people?
What are you talking about? I am a registered Native American Indian, not that my post had anything to do with racial issues. Would you please stop paraphrasing my posts into something they have nothing to do with. I questioned the Congo because it is a footnote in Islamic history which bypasses 99% of it's history.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
What are you talking about? I am a registered Native American Indian, not that my post had anything to do with racial issues. Would you please stop paraphrasing my posts into something they have nothing to do with. I questioned the Congo because it is a footnote in Islamic history which bypasses 99% of it's history.

Forget about Congo, how about the other countries?


Forget about Congo, how about the other countries?
Well the most logical place to start is Arabia in Muhammad's day. I have posted quite extensively on it. I could use the Quran alone to prove it was concert, be subdued, or die but lets take another tack. I will post again a tiny excerpt of the information I have posted in exhaustive detail before to get started.

After Muhammad died the sword of Islam spread from the middle east through the Mediterranean world like a plague. It was convert, pay the Jizya and consent to second or third class existence, or die from Arabia to Spain. In fact lets go back even further. Do you know what Muhammad's first battle was and why it occurred? Actually the first battle never occurred. Muhammad set out to attack a caravan. He found out they were ready for him and like a good opportunist he decided not to fight where he did not outnumber his opponent. Now I ask you this did Muhammad order the attack himself (then how was he sinless?) or did he disobey he order to attack from Allah (how was he sinless?). But lets get back to the first battle. It was the battle of Badr. This one is interesting because a lot of information is available from period Muslims. In their words, not mine or an anti-Islamic site the reason for the attack was that Muhammad was told the Caravans that year were rich in goods. Not a moral reason, he was not attacked, he was not defending anything, he wanted loot. He was even asked by one of his companions who had ordered the attack, him or Allah. He replied the former not the latter. Anyway if you wan to know how Islam grew you need to go step by step not cherry pick stuff randomly.

In Islam's first dozen peaceful years (before Muhammad was given armed associates from Medina warlords) Islam consisted of about 250 of Muhammad's family and friends. After Muhammad was given soldiers to quell tribal disputes he instead raided caravans with them. In the next bloody and very violent dozen years when Muhammad had loot, power, and influence to offer, Islam grew to 100,000. If peace sells Islam wasn't buying. The country in question here is Saudi Arabia.


Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?


For example:

Spread of Islam in Gabon:

Approximately 12% of the population of Gabon practice Islam, of which 80 to 90 percent are foreigners.

Islamic, Catholic,and Protestant denominations operate primary and secondary schools in Gabon. These schools are required to register with the Ministry of Education, which is charged with ensuring that these religious schools meet the same standards required for public schools. The government does not contribute funds to private schools, whether religious or secular.

The Gabonese Government celebrates some Christian and Muslim holy days as national holidays. These include Easter Sunday and Monday, Ascension Day, Assumption Day, All Saints' Day, Christmas, Eid al-Kebir, and Eid al-Fitr.

The government television stations accorded free transmission time to the Catholic Church, some Protestant congregations, and Islamic mosques. Some Protestant denominations alleged that the government television station does not accord free airtime to minority religious groups. Protestants have alleged in the past that the armed forces favor Catholics and Muslims in hiring and promotion.[1]

Gabon's executive branch was controlled by a Muslim, Omar Bongo, from 1973 to 2009. Bongo converted to Islam in 1973 and changed his name from Albert-Bernard Bongo to its current form.

In 2004 a first national conference for the Muslims of Gabon was held in the capital city of the country, Libreville, on the theme ‘United for the sake of a flourishing and tolerant Islam’. During the conference, heads of some 34 Islamic societies of Gabon signed an agreement for undertaking coordinated Islamic works on the sidelines of the event. [2]

Islam in Gabon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
today in mousl city -north iraq
destroyed church old 1500 year killing chirstean man and woman
is best example
to islame
this is usd in bast time
islame starting in sowrd--


Was Islam spread by the sword?


For example:

Spread of Islam in Gabon:

Approximately 12% of the population of Gabon practice Islam, of which 80 to 90 percent are foreigners.

Islamic, Catholic,and Protestant denominations operate primary and secondary schools in Gabon. These schools are required to register with the Ministry of Education, which is charged with ensuring that these religious schools meet the same standards required for public schools. The government does not contribute funds to private schools, whether religious or secular.

The Gabonese Government celebrates some Christian and Muslim holy days as national holidays. These include Easter Sunday and Monday, Ascension Day, Assumption Day, All Saints' Day, Christmas, Eid al-Kebir, and Eid al-Fitr.

The government television stations accorded free transmission time to the Catholic Church, some Protestant congregations, and Islamic mosques. Some Protestant denominations alleged that the government television station does not accord free airtime to minority religious groups. Protestants have alleged in the past that the armed forces favor Catholics and Muslims in hiring and promotion.[1]

Gabon's executive branch was controlled by a Muslim, Omar Bongo, from 1973 to 2009. Bongo converted to Islam in 1973 and changed his name from Albert-Bernard Bongo to its current form.

In 2004 a first national conference for the Muslims of Gabon was held in the capital city of the country, Libreville, on the theme ‘United for the sake of a flourishing and tolerant Islam’. During the conference, heads of some 34 Islamic societies of Gabon signed an agreement for undertaking coordinated Islamic works on the sidelines of the event. [2]

Islam in Gabon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Disingenuous Parade has to end some time...
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