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Was Islam spread by the sword?

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Peace be upon you.
lol this is just funny

Peace be on you
Could you plz read this German newspaper:
"35.000 Muslime wollen in Karlsruhe Friedenszeichen setzen

Rheinstetten (dpa/lsw) - Muslime müssen offensiv gegen das Image des Islams als gewaltbereite Religion angehen. Das hat der Vorsitzende der Muslimvereinigung Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat (AMJ), Abdullah Wagishauser, am Freitag in Rheinstetten bei Karlsruhe gefordert."

source;Islam in Karlsruhe

It is about recent Ahmadiyya Muslim Convention held in Karlsruhe Germany.
There was no sword used by Ahmadiyya Khalifah and faithful but many indigenous Germans and High officials happily attended the Jalsa. Truth Shines.


Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?

No, it is wrong. Islam spread peacefully.

Spread of Islam in Sweden:

"Islam has, as of 2009, 106,327 officially registered adherents among citizens and residents of Sweden. Other sources set the figure at roughly 450,000 to 500,000, which accounts for around 5% of the total Swedish population, including people who would not really regard themselves as Muslims.[1] Of the first-generation Muslims, 255,000 are thought to be Sunni, 5,000 Shi’ites, no more than 1,000 Ahmadiya, Alevi and other groups and probably no more than 5,000 converts – mainly women married to Muslim men.


The first registered Muslim groups in Sweden were Finnish Tatars who emigrated from Finland and Estonia in the 1940s. Islam began to have a noticeable presence in Sweden with immigration from the Middle East beginning in the 1970s.

Most Muslims in Sweden are either immigrants or descendants of immigrants. The majority are from the Middle East, in particular Iraq and Iran. However, 5 out of 6 Iranians in Sweden consider themselves secular rather than Muslim and are in strong opposition to the Islamic Republic regime in their ancestral home. Most Iranians and Iraqis fled as refugees to Sweden during the Iran-Iraq war from 1980-1988.

The second-largest Muslim group consists of immigrants or refugees from former Yugoslavia, most of them are Bosniaks, who number 12,000. There is also a sizeable community of Somalis, who constitute the largest immigrant group during recent years, 40 165 had moved to Sweden by 2011. They have contributed the largest share of immigrants in recent years.[citation needed]

Sweden has a number of mosques providing the Muslim communities in Sweden places of worship.[2] The Malmö Mosque, built in 1984, was followed by the Uppsala Mosque in 1995. More mosques were built during the 2000s, including the Stockholm Mosque (2000), the Umeå Mosque(2006) and the Fittja Mosque (completed 2007), among others. The governments of Saudi Arabia and Libya have financially supported the constructions of some of the largest Mosques in Sweden.[3][4]

As of the year 2000, an estimated 300,000 to 350,000 people of Muslim background lived in Sweden, or 3.5% of total population;[5] thereby included is anyone who fits the broad definition of someone who "belongs to a Muslim people by birth, has Muslim origin, has a name that belongs in the Muslim tradition, etc." regardless of personal religious convictions.[6]), of whom about 100,000 were second-generation immigrants (born in Sweden or immigrated as children).[7]

In Sweden registration by personal belief is not common and is normally against the law, thus only figures of practising Muslims belonging to an Islamic community can be reported. In 2009, the Muslim Council of Sweden reported 106,327 registered members.[1]"

Islam in Sweden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?

No, it is wrong. Islam spread peacefully.

Spread of Islam in Ghana:

The introduction of Islam into ancient Ghana, was mainly the result of the commercial activities of North African Berber traders. Islam made its entry into the northern territories of modern Ghana around the fifteenth century.

Majority of Muslims in Ghana are followers of Sunni Islam belonging to Maliki school ofjurisprudence, with approximately 10% belonging to the Ahmadiyya movement and approximately 6% belonging to Shia Islam.[1] Sufism is not widespread in Ghana; the Tijaniyah and the Qadiriyah brotherhoods, however, are represented.

Despite tensions in the Middle East and North Africa since the mid-1970s, Muslims and Christians in Ghana have had excellent relations. Guided by the authority of the Muslim Representative Council, religious, social, and economic matters affecting Muslims have often been redressed through negotiations and the Muslim Council has also been responsible for arranging pilgrimages to Mecca for believers who can afford the journey.[1]

In northern Ghana some metropolitan areas and cities, especially in areas with a significant Muslim population, there are now Islamic or Arabic schools offering primary, junior secondary and senior secondary education. The official Ghana census reports 34.6% as being Muslims.[2]

Islam in Ghana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?

No, it is wrong. Islam spread peacefully.

Spread of Islam in the Gambia:

Islam is the majority religion of the Gambia, with around 95.3% of the population being Muslims.[1] The other religious societies being Christians, Catholics, Methodist, Baptist and Traditional African religion. Islam in the Gambia is characterized by its unique coexistence with other religions.

The majority of its Muslims are Sunni belonging to Maliki school ofjurisprudence, influenced with Sufism. Ahmadiyya movement is also present.[2] However, some popular religious/tribal practices diverge from mainstream Islam, with a system of marabout societies being very common.

Gambia's Muslim population grew largely because of the efforts of 19th-century Muslim proselytizers and the peaceful period during Britishcolonization. The religious freedom that the Gambia enjoys[citation needed] is largely the work of leadership, past and present, that has decided to build on the colonial legacy of religious pluralism.

Islam in the Gambia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?

No, it is wrong. Islam spread peacefully.


Spread of Islam in the United States:

Islam in the United States is a minority religion, the 3rd largest faith in America, after Christianity and Judaism, representing 0.8% of the population.[2][3] While an estimated 10%[4] of the slaves brought to colonial America from Africa arrived as Muslims,[5] Islam was stringently suppressed on plantations.[6]

From the 1880s to 1914, several thousand Muslims immigrated to the United States from the former territories of the Ottoman Empire and the Mughal Empire.[7]

American Muslims come from various backgrounds, and are one of the most racially diverse religious groups in the United States according to a 2009 Gallup poll.[8] Native-born American Muslims are mainly African Americans who make up about a quarter of the total Muslim population.

Many of these have converted to Islam during the last seventy years. Conversion to Islam in large urban areas[9] has also contributed to its growth over the years.

The Muslim population of the U.S. increased dramatically in the 20th century, with much of the growth driven by a comparatively high birth rate and immigrant communities of mainly Arab and South Asian descent.

About 72% of American Muslims are immigrants or "second generation".[10][11] In 2005, more people from Islamic countries became legal permanent United States residents — nearly 96,000 — than in any year in the previous two decades.[12][13] In 2009, more than 115,000 Muslims became legal residents of the United States.[14]

Islam in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?

No, it is wrong. Islam spread peacefully.


Spread of Islam in Burkina Faso:

"Islam in Burkina Faso (Upper Volta) has a long and varied history. According to the 2006 census, the population of the country is 60.53% Muslim.[1] Although the vast majority of Muslims are Sunni belonging to Maliki madhhab, Shia Islam andAhmadiyya movement also have some following.[2]

Until the end of the 19th century, the Upper Volta was dominated by the Mossi kingdom, who are believed to have come from central or eastern Africa sometime in the 11th century.

The Mossi initially defended their religious beliefs and social structure against Islamic influences from Muslims from the northwest. In the 15th century the Upper Volta region attracted Muslim merchants and settlements by the opening of the Akan gold fields, and the opportunity to trade in gold, kola nuts, and salt. Some of these merchants were Soninke-speaking peoples from Timbuktu and Djenné who later adopted Malinke dialect and became known as Dyula.

They settled in the towns of Bobo-Dyulasso, Kong, Bunduku, and other places leading to the goldfields. Other traders came from Kanem, Bornu, and the Hausa city-states and moved into Gonja, Dagomba, and other parts of the Volta region.

Muslims married local women and raised families, which were tied to the Muslim community through the father and to the local pagan community through the mother. The offspring of these marriages often inherited chieftainships and brought about the conversion of local peoples.

They organized festivals, offered prayers and divination at local courts, distributed talismans, and participated in anti-witchcraft rituals. As a result, Muslims in the region were not a distinct language group but regarded themselves as part of the Mossi kingdom."

Islam in Burkina Faso - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



I have said several times now that Islam was spread by the sword and by peaceful means. How much clearer can I be? Is saying, what is so abundantly obvious, mean or somehow hateful? One of the few reasons I continue in this dreary little thread is because several Muslim posters are in abject denial about reality.


Their denial, does not change the history we all were left with.


Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?

No, it is wrong. Islam spread peacefully.


Spread of Islam in Djibouti:

Islam in Djibouti has a long history, first appearing in the Horn of Africa during the lifetime of Muhammad. Today, 94 percent of Djibouti's 490,000 people are Sunni Muslims, primarily adhering to the Shafi'i legal tradition.

After independence, the nascent republic constructed a legal system based in part on Islamic law.

Islam in Djibouti - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?

No, it is wrong. Islam spread peacefully.


Spread of Islam in Angola despite restrictions:

"Islam in Angola is a minority religion. Most sources estimate the population at 90,000,[1] although some give a higher figure. Most Muslims in the country are Sunni. Most Muslims are foreign migrants from West Africa and the Middle East, although some are local converts.

There exist several Islamic organizations that run mosques, schools and community centers. The Association of the Development of Islam in Angola is the primary proselytizing organization.

Muslim Angolans are represented by the Supreme Council of Angolan Muslims of Luanda.[2] As of late 2013, the Angolan government does not legally recognize any Muslim organizations; as a result, mosques in the country have faced restrictions and most have been shut down by the government.[3]

Islam in Angola - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?

No, Islam spread in the world peacefully.
For example.

Spread of Islam in Benin:

Religion in Benin

According to the 2002 census, 27.1 percent of the population of Benin is Roman Catholic, 24.4 percent Muslim (mainly Sunni), 17.3 percent Vodun, 5 percent Celestial Christian, 3.2 percent Methodist, 7.5 percent other Christian denominations, 6 percent other African Traditional Religion groups, 1.9 percent other religious groups, and 6.5 percent claim no religious affiliation.[2]

There are Christians, Muslims, and adherents of African Traditional Religion throughout the country.[2] However, most adherents of the traditional Yoruba religious group are in the south, while other African Traditional Religion beliefs are followed in the north.[2] Muslims are represented most heavily in the north and southeast.[2]

Christians are prevalent in the south, particularly in Cotonou, the economic capital.[2] It is not unusual for members of the same family to practice Christianity, Islam, African Traditional Religion, or a combination of all of these.[2]

Islam accounts more than 24.4% of the country's population. Islam was brought to Benin from the north by Hausa, and Songhai-Dendi traders. Nearly all Muslims adhere to the Sunni branch of Islam.[2] The few Shi'a Muslims are primarily Middle Eastern expatriates.[2]

Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is also present, who recently inaugurated a mosque in Benin, the Al Mahdi Mosque in 2006. Many nominal Muslims also practice traditional local religious beliefs.[2]

Religion in Benin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Veteran Member
Hey dont disturb the monologue.

This is just to refute the allegation that Islam was spread by the sword. Islam spread in peace and peaceful dialogue the most; this is evident from spread of Islam in all continents of the world with or without a concerted effort.

I like your innocent comments.



This is just to refute the allegation that Islam was spread by the sword. Islam spread in peace and peaceful dialogue the most; this is evident from spread of Islam in all continents of the world with or without a concerted effort.

I like your innocent comments.


I have to disagree with you here. Islam was spread by trade and by war.

A) Islam came into Persia via war. It was the defeat of the Sassanian empire which brought Islam to Persia (and India). The Arab Caliphs then brought about conversions. Some populations converted en mass voluntarily, others didn't. Hundreds of thousands were killed. Yet the Arabs left the general non muslim (aka Zoroastrian mostly) population relatively alone after a few centuries, once Islam established itself via the political processes as the dominant religion of the state. Until the 17th century, Iran was 30% Zoroastrian.

B) Continuing on with Iran, the Azeris brought a new dynasty known as the Safavids to Iran. They were fanatical in converting the entire population into Shia Islam. Hundreds of thousands to millions more were killed, mostly Sunnis and Zoroastrians so that Iran could become a Shia state. The Safavids destroyed Zoroastrianism more than any dynasty before them.

C) The Sikh faith. It is a DIRECT response to the atrocities the Mughals committed in India against Hindus. Sikhism as a faith is a testament to historical Mughal persecution. The Gurus of Sikhism are all spoken of and shown as resisting Mughal armies and emperors. There are pictures in Gurudwaras of Mughals decapitating Sikhs. That is not a fantasy.

D) Islam did spread peacefully to Bangladesh and other parts of India via trade routes of the Ganga river. I'm sure it spread peacefully in south east asia this way too. But Islam does have it's history of war and regions were put under the sword. Iran and North West India are two examples that come to mind, I haven't researched it thoroughly but I am absolutely certain that Islam did have violent expansions in Egypt, Iraq and Turkey as well.

I'm not saying it only spread through violence, but to deny that there was violence is an insult to all the regions and peoples which faced centuries of persecution under Islamic dynasties.
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Veteran Member
Thanks for your input.

I won't, presently, refute your analysis of the events of history.
I leave it to the readers to make their own viewpoint independently.
Spread by trade is peaceful; you will admit.



Aura of atheification
Premium Member
It has been said that both Muslim and Sikh accounts admit that there was oppression of Sikhism by Islam. What do you say to that?


Veteran Member
It has been said that both Muslim and Sikh accounts admit that there was oppression of Sikhism by Islam. What do you say to that?

The emperors and or rulers are not representatives of a religion; the founder prophet and the scriptures are.

If an emperor or ruler did any act against the teachings of Muhammad or Quran; that emperor or ruler is responsible for that wrong; not Quran/Islam/Muhammad.



Well-Known Member
The emperors and or rulers are not representatives of a religion; the founder prophet and the scriptures are.
Very true. And Muhammad
1. was a robber who attacked caravans (Battle of Badr)
2. attacked and conquered Mecca
3. forced the city of Taif to convert to Islam
4. expelled the Jews from Medina
5. attacked the Byzantines (Battle of Mutah)
and so on.

The truth is that the so-called Abrahamic religions — Judaism, Christianity, and Islam — have a miserable track record of violence, and the worst of the three is Islam.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Very true. And Muhammad
1. was a robber who attacked caravans (Battle of Badr)
2. attacked and conquered Mecca
3. forced the city of Taif to convert to Islam
4. expelled the Jews from Medina
5. attacked the Byzantines (Battle of Mutah)
and so on.

The truth is that the so-called Abrahamic religions — Judaism, Christianity, and Islam — have a miserable track record of violence, and the worst of the three is Islam.

Have you actually read about the things you listed and the actual events which took place or you just found this list somewhere?
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