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Was Islam spread by the sword?

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Freedom Of Mind
Can you elaborate on this a little?

Arabs were weak in the age of ignorance,at that era there were 2 superpowers, the Romans in the west and the Persians in the east.

The prophet with the message of Islam converted those Arabs to be the superpower and to reach Europe while it was still in the dark ages.

The Lost Kingdom Al-Andalus

The prophet foretold that Arabs will fall down at end of time and as mentioned in the quran that the Jews will gather from all over the world to Palestine and they will be powerful and the Arabs will be weak and back to the age of ignorance.

Hadith: Return of the Khilafah - YouTube
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Premium Member
Didn't you ever heard about civil wars ?

What that to do with Islam ? are they forcing the others to convert to Islam,all groups are muslims. so it has nothing to do with spreading Islam.so it is so stupid to bring this issue here and even to give it of any value for discussion.

Once a thing some people don't like is done by anyone that happens to be a Muslim, all fingers point at Islam and Muslims :facepalm:

It is unfortunate how some people allow hatred and animosity to blind their hearts and negatively affect their intelligence :areyoucra

Hatred and animosity only make their holders miserable and eat them inside out :shrug:

Why such negativity? Why can't they mind their own business and simply state their opinions and thoughts with out showing hate?

Some people also only search for the hiccups of others and make blind eyes and deaf ears on the good claiming that "oh I know everything about Islam and Muslims, I'm better than you". Indonesia alone has over 200 million Muslim thanks to Muslims traders' peaceful efforts. Oh wait, there comes so nonsensical assumptions against that!

Some other members and I kept trying to resonate with such people that kept hiding poison in their posts. I can't believe they finally managed me to make me say in this post what I said in such a tone!
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Veteran Member
Islam has spread in every nook and corner of the planet Earth; peacefully of course.

Spread of Islam in Mongolia:

Islam in Mongolia is practiced by approximately 5% of the population.[1] It is practised by the ethnic Kazakhs of Bayan-Ölgii Province (88.7% of total aimag population) and Khovd Province (11.5% of total aimag population, living primarily in the Khovd city, Khovd sum and Buyant sum) aimag in western Mongolia. In addition, a number of small Kazakh communities can be found in various cities and towns spread throughout the country.

The earliest evidence of Islam in Mongolia is dated to 1254, when the Franciscan William of Rubruck visited the court of the great khan Mongka at Karakorum. He celebrated Easter at a Nestorian Christian church but also noted seven temples of the "idolators" (probably Buddhist and Taoist temples), and two mosques. Therefore, historians date the arrival of Islam to Mongolia to between 1222 and 1254. Islam also gained the notice of the Mongols, after Genghis Khan had conquered Afghanistan. In 1222 he, on his way back to Mongolia, visited Bukhara in Transoxiana. It was believed he inquired about Islam, and subsequently approved of Muslim tenets except the Hajj, considering it unnecessary. Nevertheless, he continued his worship of Tengri as his ancestors had done.

Genghis Khan's grandson Berke converted to Islam due to the efforts of Saif ud-Din Dervish, a dervish from Khorazm, thus Berke became one of the first Mongol rulers to convert. Other Mongol leaders owed their conversion to Islam due to the influence of a Muslim wife.[2] Later, it was the Mamluk ruler Baibars who played an important role in bringing many Golden Horde Mongols to Islam. Baibars developed strong ties with the Mongols of the Golden Horde and took steps for the Golden Horde Mongols to travel to Egypt. The arrival of the Golden Horde Mongols to Egypt resulted in a significant number of Mongols accepting Islam.[2] By AD 1330s three of the four major khanates of the Mongol Empire had become Muslim.[3]These were the Golden Horde, Hulagu's Ulus and Chagatai's Ulus. The Yuan Empire also embraced Muslim peoples such as the Persians.

Although the court of the Yuan Empire adopted Tibetan Buddhism as the official religion, the majority of the ordinaryMongols, especially those who continued living in Mongolia proper remained Shamanists. After the decline of the Yuan Dynasty, Shamanism once again became the dominant religion. To varying degrees, political and economic relations withMuslim nations such as Moghulistan continued.

The Muslim Kazakhs began to settle in the Jungaria and Altai regions since the late nineteenth century. The majority of these Kazakhs were the Kerei and Naiman clans, many of them escaping persecution from Czarist Russia. When Bogdo Khanassumed power in Mongolia on December 29, 1911, the Kazakhs in Xinjian and Altai regions sought patronage of the restored Khanate. The Government of Bogdo Khan admitted them and allowed them to settle in the western region of Mongolia's Kobdo territory.

Islam in Mongolia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One could see that even the rulers accepted Islam for its simple and reasonable teachings.



Active Member
Once a thing some people don't like is done by anyone that happens to be a Muslim, all fingers point at Islam and Muslims :facepalm:

It is unfortunate how some people allow hatred and animosity to blind their hearts and negatively affect their intelligence :areyoucra

Hatred and animosity only make their holders miserable and eat them inside out :shrug:

Why such negativity? Why can't they mind their own business and simply state their opinions and thoughts with out showing hate?

Some people also only search for the hiccups of others and make blind eyes and deaf ears on the good claiming that "oh I know everything about Islam and Muslims, I'm better than you". Indonesia alone has over 200 million Muslim thanks to Muslims traders' peaceful efforts. Oh wait, there comes so nonsensical assumptions against that!

Some other members and I kept trying to resonate with such people that kept hiding poison in their posts. I can't believe they finally managed me to make me say in this post what I said in such a tone!
If you call constructive criticism hate, then perhaps you should think again. There is no hate being expressed here, you are just hearing opinions from people on the outside, from people who aren't Muslim, and perhaps this is something you aren't used to. I'm assuming there is very little serious self questioning and self critical examinations of their own faith in Muslim communities. That was also the case for Christians too for many years , maybe you guys just need to catch up. All religions have their biases, issues, imperfections and blind spots. Instead of interpreting these differing opinions as hate, rather take them as friendly challenges to go deeper. The standard apologist spin isn't going to work on non Muslims, that means you have to think harder and be more authentic.


Premium Member
If you call constructive criticism hate, then perhaps you should think again. There is no hate being expressed here, you are just hearing opinions from people on the outside, from people who aren't Muslim, and perhaps this is something you aren't used to. I'm assuming there is very little serious self questioning and self critical examinations of their own faith in Muslim communities. That was also the case for Christians too for many years , maybe you guys just need to catch up. All religions have their biases, issues, imperfections and blind spots. Instead of interpreting these differing opinions as hate, rather take them as friendly challenges to go deeper. The standard apologist spin isn't going to work on non Muslims, that means you have to think harder and be more authentic.

Please read my previous posts to see if I can take others' opinions and thoughts or not. All I see is destructive criticism implied by sarcasm and irony made against Muslims and Islam that only provokes even the nicest of people. I never said that Spreading Islam was 100% peaceful, yet the other side says that it is 100% not peaceful, not to mention the inappropriate interpretations and misunderstandings of Islamic teaching that all I've been doing is interpreting them correctly to those bringing it up. Go back in this thread and read the so called constructive criticism about Islam and Muslims. That last post of mine was an exception because I lost it after that!

Is anyone here following the spread of peace in Iraq at the moment?

Don't worry, its all very peaceful of course.

I don't see anything in your posts above but sarcasm!

Smart gay?

I believe that was an unintentional typo only!

It is okay, let us give him/her the benefit of the doubt for the difficulty in English he/she is having. We all make mistakes and some times repeat them!

I don't blame the West or you for anything. They have their own culture and I respect that. Prostitution or not, it is allowed there. I also don't generalize anything against the West, nor I bash them, I to the contrary take what I see they do good and learn from it.

A selfish request: please consider taking the kind ones as an example to judge Islam and Muslims, instead taking the delusional ones, even if they are less. At least for the sake of those you admitted they are sweet and kind, and to have a neutral judgment (I won't even say good) instead of a negative one. It is not fair for them to carry the burden of the bad of the delusional ones!

I don't really mind if you have bad impression about Muslims and Islam. It is your opinion and I respect that. All I ask is to leave us alone in peace and not slap us on the face and let it go over to affect the good part in Islam and Muslims.

Do I seem like what you're accusing me off?
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Active Member
Well sure has been a little sarcasm, which I admit to being guilty of, but I haven't seen any hateful posts. I apologize for my sarcasm, I can only speak for myself but I meant no harm. I just see a disconnect from where I'm sitting and I pointed it out, again my apologies.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I never said that Spreading Islam was 100% peaceful, yet the other side says that it is 100% not peaceful, not to mention the inappropriate interpretations and misunderstandings of Islamic teaching that all I've been doing is interpreting them correctly to those bringing it up. Go back in this thread and read the so called constructive criticism about Islam and Muslims. That last post of mine was an exception because I lost it after that!
I have said several times now that Islam was spread by the sword and by peaceful means. How much clearer can I be? Is saying, what is so abundantly obvious, mean or somehow hateful? One of the few reasons I continue in this dreary little thread is because several Muslim posters are in abject denial about reality.


Active Member
I have said several times now that Islam was spread by the sword and by peaceful means. How much clearer can I be? Is saying, what is so abundantly obvious, mean or somehow hateful? One of the few reasons I continue in this dreary little thread is because several Muslim posters are in abject denial about reality.
My sentiments exactly. Apparently any outside criticism is being interpreted as hate speech. I was going to make a right wing political joke about what that reminds me of but never mind.


Premium Member
Well sure has been a little sarcasm, which I admit to being guilty of, but I haven't seen any hateful posts. I apologize for my sarcasm, I can only speak for myself but I meant no harm. I just see a disconnect from where I'm sitting and I pointed it out, again my apologies.

Look, the time you posted your last post before this one you seemed that you had it in your mind that you were criticizing constructively with good intentions. That alone I appreciate and sincerely thank you for it, and also means that there is nothing for you to apologize for. We all make mistakes and sometimes it comes unintentionally. My post before the last was never really my style, I just snapped that time. Really sorry that it bothered you!

As for the hateful posts; if you say you don't see any after making your post quoted above, then I believe you and I in return apologize for accusing you of it. I reported some posts by the way and they were deleted. I remember one of them said that Islam is a religion of war and hatred and stated it as a fact. Another one in another thread compared Islam to a sh** soup!

Please believe me when I say that I respect all opinions, thoughts, cultures and beliefs. I might only disagree with some, but I keep it to myself and if I state my opinions about them I do it with complete respect having in mind not to say anything that could even poke the feelings of the readers. Yet I sometimes fail and do it wrong, specially when I feel the other side has ulterior motives!

You seem to be a nice person. I feel bad for questioning your intentions :(

I have said several times now that Islam was spread by the sword and by peaceful means. How much clearer can I be? Is saying, what is so abundantly obvious, mean or somehow hateful? One of the few reasons I continue in this dreary little thread is because several Muslim posters are in abject denial about reality.

Actually, this:
Almost like a cancer...
is part of what made me say what I said!

I believe you don't like your beliefs to be related to such a thing!

Please try to avoid such expressions!


Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?

Yes, Islam has spread in every nook and corner of the planet Earth peacefully.

Like Spread of Islam in Belarus, in spite of restriction:

Islam in Belarus has long history. It was introduced into the lands which now constitute Belarus by Lipka Tatars in the 14th -16th centuries. Today Muslim immigrants contribute to Islam in the country.

Modern times[edit]

In 1994, the First All-Belarusian Congress of Muslims was held. As a result, the Muslim Religious Community of the Republic of Belarus was founded. Ever since it has been headed by Dr. Ismail Aleksandrovich.

In 1997 there were 23 communities including 19 of those in the Western regions of Belarus.

Belarus is the only country in Europe to have jailed a newspaper editor for publishing the Danish cartoons of the IslamicProphet Muhammad. On January 18, 2008, Alexander Sdvizhkov was jailed for three years for 'incitement of religious hatred'.[1]

There are approximately 30 members belonging to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, a sect banned in Belarus among 19 other religious traditions.[2]

Islam in Belarus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Freedom of religion in Belarus

The Constitution provides for freedom of religion; however, the Government restricted this right in practice.

Respect for religious freedom has recently worsened. The Government continued to restrict religious freedom in accordance with the provisions of a 2002 law on religion and a 2003 concordat with the Belarusian Orthodox Church(BOC), a branch of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) and the only officially recognized Orthodox denomination. Although there is no state religion, the concordat grants the BOC privileged status.

Protestants in particular attracted negative attention, presumably for their perceived links with the United States. Numerous anti-Semitic acts and attacks on religious monuments, buildings, and cemeteries occurred with little discernible response from the Government. Authorities kept many religious communities waiting as long as several years for decisions about property registration or restitution.

Authorities also harassed and fined members of certain religious groups, especially those that the authorities appeared to regard as bearers of foreign cultural influence or as having a political agenda. Foreign missionaries, clergy, and humanitarian workers affiliated with churches faced many government-imposed obstacles, including deportation and visa refusal or cancellation.

While some members of society took positive actions to promote religious freedom, instances of societal abuses and discrimination occurred, including numerous acts of vandalism and arson of religious sites, buildings, and memorials.

Freedom of religion in Belarus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?

Islam has spread in every nook and corner of the planet Earth peacefully.

Like Spread of Islam in Austria:

Islam is a minority religion in Austria with 4.22% of the population in the 2001 census. In 2010, it is estimated to be around 400,000 to 500,000 Muslims in Austria, or up to about 6% of the total population.[1] Most Muslims came to Austria during the 1960s as migrant workers from Turkey and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

There are also communities of Arab and Pakistaniorigin.
The westernmost Bundesland Vorarlberg with its industrial small towns and villages has the highest share of Muslims in the country with 8.36% (it resembles the neighboring north-eastern parts of Switzerland in this respect). It is followed by the capital Vienna with 7.82%.

The central Bundesländer Salzburg, Upper Austria, Tyrol and Lower Austria follow with the share of Muslim population at around the average. South-eastern states of Styria, Carinthia as well as Burgenland in the east have fewer Muslims whose numbers are below the national average. Of the 300 Ahmadi Muslims in Austria, about one third reside in Vienna.[2]

Austria is unique among Western European countries insofar as it has granted Muslims the status of a recognized religious community. This dates back to the times following the Austro-Hungarian occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1878. Austria has regulated the religious freedoms of the Muslim community with the so-called "Anerkennungsgesetz" ("Act of Recognition") in 1912 and was the first western european country to do so.

This law was of no relevance after the breakdown of the austro-hungarian Monarchy in 1918 until when the Community of Muslim believers in Austria (Islamische Glaubensgemeinschaft in Österreich) was founded in 1979. This organization is entitled to give lessons of religious education in state schools.

It is also allowed to collect "church tax" but so far it has not exercised this privilege and does not build, finance or administer mosques in Austria. In 2013 Austria has granted the status of a recognized religious community to Alevism.[3]

Parallel structures exist within the Islamic religious group. The religious life takes place in mosques belonging to organisations that represent one of the currents of Turkish, Bosnian and Arab Muslims. Among the Turkish organisations the "Federation of Turkish-Islamic Associations" is controlled by the Directorate for Religious Affairs, whereas the other groups, such as the Süleymancıs and Milli Görüş, may be considered as branches of the pan-European organisation centered in Germany.

Islam in Austria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Well-Known Member
The westernmost Bundesland Vorarlberg with its industrial small towns and villages has the highest share of Muslims in the country with 8.36% (it resembles the neighboring north-eastern parts of Switzerland in this respect). It is followed by the capital Vienna with 7.82%.

What author fails to mention is that Vorarlberg and Wien(seriously why translate it to Vienna but Vorarlberg stays Vorarlberg?) are the biggest ****holes the country has ever seen.

Kärnten/North Slovenia doesnt count because its a colony.

And the spread of Islam in Austria is mostly due to people seeking asylum during the wars in the Balkan. Same in Switzerland.


Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?

No, it is wrong. Islam spread peacefully.

Like Spread of Islam in Brazil:

The history of Muslims in Brazil begins with the importation of African slave labor to the country. Brazil obtained 37% of all African slaves traded, and more than 3 million slaves were sent to this one country.

Starting around 1550, the Portuguese began to trade African slaves to work the sugar plantations once the native Tupi people deteriorated. Scholars claim that Brazil received more enslaved Muslims than anywhere else in the Americas.[2]

During the days of the Barbary Wars, some native Brazilians came into interaction with Muslim lands. It was noted by Dr. Antonio Sosa, a Portuguese cleric held captive in North Africa in the 1570s, that the infamous port of Algiers maintained one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the world including Amerindians from Iberian colonies in the New World.[3] Barbary corsairs were known to attack shipping and take prisoners coming from the Americas. In 1673, 140 prisoners were taken from a Rio de Janeiro frota while a 1674 capture of a Brazilian ship contributed in the decision to increase naval protection.[4]

According to the Brazilian census of 2010[13] there were 35,167 Muslims living in the country, primarily concentrated in the states of São Paulo and Paraná. There are significant Muslim communities in the industrial suburbs of the city of São Pauloand in the port city of Santos, as well as in smaller communities in Paraná State in the coastal region and in Curitiba and Foz do Iguazu in the Argentina-Brazil-Paraguay triborder area.

The community is overwhelmingly Sunni; the Sunnis are almost completely assimilated into broader society. The recent Shi'ite immigrants gravitate to small insular communities in São Paulo, Curitiba, and Foz do Iguazu. There are 36 mosques, Islamic religious centers, and Islamic associations,[14] however the history of the Ahmadiyya community only began in the late 20th century, when the community was established in Brazil in 1986.[15]

A recent trend has been the increase in conversions to Islam among non-Arab citizens.[14] A recent Muslim source estimated that there are close to 10,000 Muslim converts living in Brazil.[11] During the past 30 years, Islam has become increasingly noticeable in Brazilian society by building not only mosques, but also libraries, arts centres, and schools and also by fundingnewspapers.[16]

The growth of Islam within Brazil is demonstrated in the fact that 2 of the 3 existing Portuguese translations of the Qur'an were created by Muslim translators in São Paulo.[11]

Islam in Brazil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?

No, it is wrong. Islam spread peacefully.

Spread of Islam in Argentina:

Islam in Argentina is represented by one of Latin America's largest Muslim minorities. Although accurate statistics on religion are not available (because the national census does not solicit religious data) the actual size of Argentina's Muslim community is estimated around 1% of the total population (400,000 to 500,000 members) according to the International Religious Freedom Report 2010.[1]

The Pew Research Centre estimates about 444,000 Muslims in Argentina.[2] The Association of Religion Data Archives however approximates that 1.9% of the population profess Islam as their faith.[3]
Early Muslim immigration[edit]

Because of the strong legacy left by Moorish Muslims on the Iberian peninsula, there were Muslims of Moorish and Moroccan North African descent who explored the Americas with Spanish and Portuguese explorers.[4]
The 20th century saw an influx of Arab migrants to the country, mostly from Syria and Lebanon.

It is estimated that today there are about 3.5 million Argentinians of Arab descent.[5] The majority of these Arab immigrants were Christians and Sephardic Jews, and though accurate information is unavailable, probably less than a quarter of Arab migrants were actually Muslim. The descendants of Arab Jews are more likely to identify themselves as Jewish rather than Arab today.

Members of the AhmadiyyaMuslim movement first entered the country in 1936.

Islam in Argentina - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?

No, it is wrong. Islam spread peacefully.

Spread of Islam in Canada:

According to Canada's 2011 National Household Survey, there were 1,053,945 Muslims in Canada or about 3.2% [1] of the population, making them the second largest religion after Christianity and the fastest growing religion in Canada.[2]In the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), 7.7% of the population is Muslim, making GTA the highest concentration of Muslims in any city in North America.[3]


Four years after Canada's founding in 1867, the 1871 Canadian Census found 13 European Muslims among the population.[15][16] A great number of Bosniaks (from Bosnia) came to American soil much like Christians from Europe; some came prior to First World War. The first Canadian mosque was constructed in Edmonton in 1938, when there were approximately 700 European Muslims in the country.[17] This building is now part of the museum at Fort Edmonton Park.

The years after World War II saw a small increase in the Muslim population. However Muslims were still a distinct minority. It was only after the removal of European immigration preferences in the late 1960s early 1970's that Muslims began to arrive in significant numbers.

Bosniaks were the initiators and one of the main participants in founding of all first mosques in Toronto. First masjid, out of which the three oldest mosques in Toronto came were founded by Bosniaks and Albanians in 1968.

The first masjid in Toronto was named Jami Mosque (56 Boustead Ave. Toronto). Later, with the action of Dr Qadeer Baig r.a. (a professor of University of Toronto), it was purchased by Asian Muslims, while Albanians and Bosniaks later founded their own mosques: Albanian Muslim Society of Toronto on 564 Annette St. and Bosanska džamija(Bosnian Mosque) at Bosnian Islamic Centre. According to the Canadian Census of 1971 there were 33,000 Muslims in Canada.[18]

The oldest mosque in Toronto, with the oldest minaret in Ontario, built in Osmanic style is the one in Etobicoke, that is part of the Bosnian Islamic Centre,[19] whose readjustment into masjid (originally an old Catholic school building) was over on June 23, 1973. Mosque (an old Catholic school, bought for 75 000 CAD) was readjusted for the Bosniaks, with the support of the local Christians. In the 1970s large-scale non-European immigration to Canada began. This was reflected in the growth of the Muslim community in Canada.

In 1981, the Census listed 98,000 Muslims.[20] The 1991 Census indicated 253,265 Muslims.[21] By 2001, the Islamic community in Canada had grown to more than 579,000.[22] Estimates for the Census 2006 pointed to a figure of 800,000.[23] As of May 2013, Muslims account for 3.2% of the total population, with a total of over a million, and Islam has become the fastest growing religion in Canada.[2][24]

The Muslim community in Canada is just one among many ethnic, religious, racial and cultural communities that together make up Canada. Canadian Muslims may be classified as Muslims for official governmental statistical and policy-making purposes.

Islam in Canada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?

No, it is wrong. Islam spread peacefully.

Spread of Islam in Australia:


Islamic contact with the Aboriginal population may be older than its contact with Christianity, which had a more profound impact. The first contacts between Aborigines and Muslims include some of the oldest contacts Aborigines had with the outside world itself.[4][5]

Macassan trepangers and Bugis traders from Sulawesi (formerly Celebes) visited the coast of northern Australia for hundreds of years prior to arrival of Europeans in Australia to fish for trepang (also known as sea cucumber or "sandfish"), a marine invertebrate prized for its culinary and medicinal values in Chinese markets. Radiocarbon dating suggests the Macassan traders may go back as far as the 1500s.[6]
During the voyages the Macassans left their mark on the people of northern

Australia — in language, art, economy and even genetics in the descendants of both Macassan and Indigenous Australian ancestors that are now found on both sides of theArafura and Banda Seas.[7][8]

Early fleets of settlers used Muslims from coastal Africa and the islands and territories under the British Empire, for labour and as navigators.[citation needed]

Between 1860 and the 1890s a number of Central Asians came to Australia to work as "Afghan" camel drivers. Camels were first imported into Australia in 1840, initially for exploring the arid interior (see Australian camel), and later for the camel trains that were uniquely suited to the demands of Australia's vast deserts.

The first camel drivers arrived in Melbourne, Victoria, in June 1860, when eight Muslims and Hindus arrived with the camels for the Burke and Wills expedition. The next arrival of camel drivers was in 1866 when 31 men from Rajasthan and Baluchistan arrived in South Australia with camels for Thomas Elder. Although they came from several countries, they were usually known in Australia as 'Afghans' and they brought with them the first formal establishment of Islam in Australia.[9]

Cameleers settled in the areas near Alice Springs and other areas of the Northern Territory and inter-married with the Indigenous population. The Adelaide, South Australia to Darwin, Northern Territory, railway is named The Ghan (short for The Afghan) in their memory.[10]

The first mosque in Australia was built in 1861 at Marree, South Australia.[11] The Great Mosque of Adelaide was built in 1888 by the descendants of the Afghan cameleers.

During the 1870s, Muslim Malay divers were recruited through an agreement with the Dutch to work on Western Australian and Northern Territory pearling grounds. By 1875, there were 1800 Malay divers working in Western Australia. Most returned to their home countries.

Islam in Australia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
We spoke in the whereabouts of all Muslims in the world ---
Because of immigration and labor causes the spread of Islam, also -
But we are talking about the beginnings of the spread of Islam
However, the sword was Mohammed and his followers
Today, however, Islam is spreading because people do not know the truth of Islam ----
And do not know the teachings of Islam
It invites you to worship the teachings of black stone in Mecca


Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?

No, it is wrong. Islam spread peacefully.

Spread of Islam in Germany:

"Owing to labour migration in the 1960s and several waves of political refugees since the 1970s, Islam has become a visible religion in Germany.[1] According to a national census conducted in 2011, 1.9% of Germany's population (around 1.5m people) declared themselves as Muslim. However, this is likely to underestimate the true number, given that many respondents may have exercised their right not to state their religion.[2]

An estimate made in 2009 calculated that there are 4.3 million Muslims in Germany (5.4% of the population). Of these, 1.9 million are German citizens (2.4%).[3] As of 2006, about 15,000 converts are of German ancestry.[citation needed] According to the German statistical office 9.1% of all newborns in Germany had Muslim parents in 2005.[4]


Muslims first came to Germany as part of the diplomatic, military and economic relations between Germany and the Ottoman Empire in the 18th century.[7] Twenty Muslim soldiers served under Frederick William I of Prussia, at the beginning of the 18th century. In 1745, Frederick II of Prussia established a unit of Muslims in the Prussian army called the "Muslim Riders" and consisting mainly of Bosniaks, Albanians and Tatars. In 1760 a Bosniak corps was established with about 1,000 men.[8]

In 1798 a Muslim cemetery was established in Berlin. The cemetery, which moved in 1866, still exists today.[9]

The German section of the World Islamic Congress and the Islam Colloquium, the first German Muslim educational institution for children, were established in 1932. At this time there were 3,000 Muslims in Germany, 300 of whom were of German descent.

The rise of Nazism in the country did not target Muslims. Adolf Hitler repeatedly expressed the view that Islam would have been much more compatible to the "Germanic races" than "meek" and "feeble" Christianity:

“ Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers [...] then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies the heroism and which opens up the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world.[10]

The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini energetically recruited Muslims for the SS (Schutzstaffel), the Nazi Party’s elite military command.[11] He recruited Muslim volunteers for the German armed forces and was involved in the organization and recruitment of Muslims into several divisions of the Waffen SS and other units.

The Islamic Institut Ma’ahad-ul-Islam was founded in 1942, during World War II, and is now known under the name "Zentralinstitut Islam-Archiv-Deutschland" (Central Islamic Archive Institute).

After the West German Government invited foreign workers ("Gastarbeiter") in 1961, the figure sharply rose to currently 4.3 million within two decades (most of them Turkish from the rural region of Anatolia in southeast Turkey). They are sometimes called a parallel society within ethnic Germans.[12]

Islam in Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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