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Was Islam spread by the sword?

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The Lost One
Flankerl said:
lol this is just funny

"Funny" is not the word I would use for this load of copy-and-paste.

Try, tremendously BORING!!!!!! :sleep:

Or the famous Schulz's universal language - :facepalm: "GOOD GRIEF!"

Or "Someone, please shoot me!" :thud:

Flankerl said:
Hey dont disturb the monologue.

Oh god, Flankerl. Please, don't encourage him. :(


Well-Known Member
Have you actually read about the things you listed and the actual events which took place or you just found this list somewhere?
Yes. And I could go on with
- pogroms of Jews in Islamic Spain in the Middle Ages
- destruction of the Afghan Hindus in the 1890s
- the genocide of the Armenians
- current Islamic violence in the Philippines, Thailand, Iraq, etc
- Boko Haram
- "blasphemy" laws, prohibitions on people changing their religion, etc

Of course, it would be a waste of time because Muslims would (metaphorically) have their fingers in their ears and the rest already know all too well what Islam is like.
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Sahih Muslim Book 008, Hadith Number 3371.

Abu Sirma said to Abu Sa'id al Khadri (Allah he pleased with him): O Abu Sa'id, did you hear Allah's Messenger (May peace be upon him) mentioning al-'azl? He said: Yes, and added: We went out with Allah's Messenger (May peace be upon him) on the expedition to the Bi'l-Mustaliq and took captive some excellent Arab women; and we desired them, for we were suffering from the absence of our wives, (but at the same time) we also desired ransom for them. So we decided to have sexual intercourse with them but by observing 'azl (Withdrawing the male sexual organ before emission of semen to avoid conception). But we said: We are doing an act whereas Allah's Messenger is amongst us; why not ask him? So we asked Allah's Messenger (May peace be upon him), and he said: It does not matter if you do not do it, for every soul that is to be born up to the Day of Resurrection will be born.


Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?

No, Islam spread in the world peacefully.
For example

Spread of Islam in Botswana:

Islam is a minority religion in Botswana, where most people follow Christianity and indigenous beliefs. Islam came to the country through Muslim immigrants from South Asia, who settled in the area during the British colonial rule. According to the 2001 census, there are around 5,000 Muslims in Botswana,[1] which is less than 1 percent of the population. The relations between the different religious groups remain peaceful and friendly despite rising inter-religious tensions in the other parts of Africa.

Islam in Botswana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Bodhisattva in Recovery
Spread of Islam in Botswana:

Islam is a minority religion in Botswana, where most people follow Christianity and indigenous beliefs. Islam came to the country through Muslim immigrants from South Asia, who settled in the area during the British colonial rule. According to the 2001 census, there are around 5,000 Muslims in Botswana,[1] which is less than 1 percent of the population. The relations between the different religious groups remain peaceful and friendly despite rising inter-religious tensions in the other parts of Africa.

Why, exactly, would anyone find this impressive, parrsurrey?


Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?

No, Islam spread in the world peacefully.
For example

Spread of Islam in Benin:

According to the 2002 census, 27.1 percent of the population of Benin is Roman Catholic, 24.4 percent Muslim (mainlySunni), 17.3 percent Vodun, 5 percent Celestial Christian, 3.2 percent Methodist, 7.5 percent other Christiandenominations, 6 percent other African Traditional Religion groups, 1.9 percent other religious groups, and 6.5 percent claim no religious affiliation.[2]

There are Christians, Muslims, and adherents of African Traditional Religion throughout the country.[2] However, most adherents of the traditional Yoruba religious group are in the south, while other African Traditional Religion beliefs are followed in the north.[2]

Muslims are represented most heavily in the north and southeast.[2] Christians are prevalent in the south, particularly in Cotonou, the economic capital.[2] It is not unusual for members of the same family to practice Christianity, Islam, African Traditional Religion, or a combination of all of these.[2]

Religion in Benin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Active Member
Don't you pay tax to your government? All citizens pay tax. Do you want non-Muslims to be exempt in a Muslim state?

Jizya is an EXTRA tax applicable ONLY FOR THE NON-MUSLIMS. Some sugarcoat the system by saying that it is for their protection/protection for places of worship. But don't the Muslims need protection for themselves/mosques? Others say that it is a substitute for tithing. Maybe the Hadith writers forgot that even atheists involve themselves in charitable activities! And if I don't want to tithe why force me? What about "no compulsion in religion"? And who is forcing the Muslims to tithe by imposing taxes on them?

By the way the Quran states that jizya must be taken to humiliate the non-Muslims. After such blunt expression of purpose I don't think that we can be fooled into thinking that jizya= normal tax.
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Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?

No, Islam spread in the world peacefully.
For example

Spread of Islam in Burundi:

About 5 percent of the population of Burundi are Muslim.[1] The vast majority of Muslimsare Sunni, with a small minority being Shia.[2] Burundi is by constitution a secular state, although Eid ul-Fitr is among several national holidays.[3]

Islam in Burundi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Burundi celebrates Muslim holiday

This is the first time a public holiday has been granted for Eid al-Fitr
Post-war Burundi has declared the Muslim festival of Eid al-Fitr a public holiday for the first time.

Information Minister Karenga Ramadhani told the BBC the government wanted to redress an injustice against the minority Muslim community.
He said it was initially thought only 1% of the population was Muslim, but Muslim groups had conducted a census to discover it was between 8% to 10%.

The new government has some prominent Muslims in it, including Mr Ramadhani.

President Pierre Nkurunziza, who was elected in August, is a born-again Christian and more than 90% of the population is Christian.
The new constitution - approved in March - ensures a balance of power between the ethnic groups and stipulates that Burundi should be a secular state

BBC NEWS | Africa | Burundi celebrates Muslim holiday



Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?

No, Islam spread in the world peacefully.
For example

Spread of Islam in Cameroon:

Muslims comprise roughly 24 percent of the 21 million inhabitants in the African country of Cameroon.[1] Approximately 27% identify themselves as Sunni, 12% Ahmadi and 3% Shia while the majority of the rest do not associate themselves with a particular group.[2] The Fulani, a pastoral nomadic group, spread Islam in early 19th century West Africa largely through commercial activity and Sufi brotherhoods (Qadiri and Tijani).

In the northern provinces, the locally dominant Fulani overwhelmingly is Muslim. Other ethnic groups, known collectively as the Kirdi, generally practice some form of Islam. TheBamoun ethnic group of the West Province is also largely Muslim.

Islam in German Cameroon 1884-2008[edit]

In the rush to claim African territories Germany first entered Cameroon in 1884 and established rule in northern Cameroon by 1902. Throughout the German colonial period, the Adamawa and Lake Chad regions were governed by combining heavy military presence with indirect rule.

The local Muslim rulers, called Lamido in Adamawa and Sultan in the far north, remained in power, although their influence was much more limited than during the nineteenth century, owing their legitimacy to the Germans and not to the Emir in Yola, the Caliph in Sokoto or the Shehu in Kuka.

Existing political and legal institutions, together with Muslim and native law and customs, were kept intact. Contrary to British rule in Northern Nigeria, German indirect rule did not involve immediate taxes or land reforms before 1913, when such reforms were proposed but, due to the war, never implemented.

Islam in Cameroon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



The Lost One
I'm bored.... :sleep:

This thread has become a honey-pot...or perhaps "sinkhole"...for copy-and-paste-abuse of Wikipedia articles, from one person.


I'm bored.... :sleep:

This thread has become a honey-pot...or perhaps "sinkhole"...for copy-and-paste-abuse of Wikipedia articles, from one person.

Stinkhole might be better :D

From one person who refuses to apply the same methodology he uses on others beliefs.

[can dish it out, but cannot take it]


Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?

Definitely not.

Islam spread in the world peacefully and naturally.

For example

Spread of Islam in Cape Verde:

Islam in Cape Verde is a minority religion with a small but growing community.[1] Most Muslims are immigrants from Senegal and other neighboring countries, and are active in small-scale commerce and souvenir trade.

Islam in Cape Verde - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Where did anybody use sword for spread of Islam in Cape Verde?

Please therefore correct your concept.



Islam and violence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Muslim protest, Sydney, Australia

Islam's doctrines and texts have in many cases been associated with violence.

Fight against those who
(1) believe not in Allah,(2) nor in the Last Day,(3) nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger(4) and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (i.e. Islam) among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. [29]


Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?

Definitely not; it is a wrong premise.

Islam spread in the world peacefully and naturally.

For example:

Spread of Islam in Chad:

"The earliest presence of Islam in Chad can be traced back to the legendary Uqba ibn Nafi, whose descendants can be found settled in the Lake Chad region to this day.[1] By the time Arab migrants began arriving from the east in the fourteenth century in sizeable numbers, the creed was already well established.

Islamization in Chad was gradual, the effect of the slow spread of Islamic civilization beyond its political frontiers.[2] Today the majority of Chadians are Muslims (55.7%), the vast majority of whom are Sunni of Maliki madhhab.[3]

Islam in Chad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Islam did not spread in Chad by sword at all.



Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?

Definitely not; it is a wrong premise and a weird of a thinking.

Islam spread in the world peacefully and naturally.

For example:

Spread of Islam in Comoros:

"According to the 2006 estimate by the U.S. Department of State, roughly 98% of the population in the Comoros are Muslim. Virtually all Muslims in Comoros are Sunni belonging to Shafi school of jurisprudence.

Islam and its institutions have helped to integrate Comorian society and provide identification with a world beyond the islands' shores. Most adherents are Arab-Swahilior Persian, but there are also people of Indian descent.


Local legend claims Islam was brought to the islands during Muhammad’s lifetime, brought by two Comorian nobles, Fey Bedja Mwamba and Mtswa Mwandze, who visited Mecca.[1] Historical evidence suggests Arab merchants and exiled Sunni PersianShirazi princes first introduced the religion.

Islam has long played a central role in the Comoros. Ruling families learned Arabic, performed Hajj, and maintained ties with other Muslim communities, such as Kilwa, Zanzibar and Oman.

Several Sufi tariqa, including the Shadhili, the Qadiriya, and the Rifa'i, are also active.

Hassan ibn Issa, a 16th-century Shirazi chief who claimed descent from the Islamic prophet Muhammad, encouraged conversion and constructed numerousmasaajid. In the 19th century, Sheikh Abdalah Darwesh initiated the Shadiliya tariqa in the Comoros. Born in Grande Comore, Sheikh Darwesh traveled throughout the Middle East and later converted Said Muhammad Al-Maarouf (d. 1904), who became the Shadilya’s supreme guide.

Sheikh Al-Ami ibn Ali al-Mazruwi (d. 1949) was the first of the region's ulama to author Islamic literature in Swahili. Al-Habib Omar b. Ahmed Bin Sumeit (d. 1976) studied in Arab countries before serving as teacher and qadi in Madagascar, Zanzibar, and, after 1964, the Comoros.

Islam in Comoros - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you see any sword being used in Comoros for spread of Islam?



Persecution of Zoroastrians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"When the city of Estakhr in the south, a Zoroastrian religious center,[35][36] put up stiff resistance against the Arab invaders, 40,000 residents were slaughtered or hanged.[37]"

"Yazid-ibn-Mohalleb, a general under the Umayyads, was appointed the head of a great army to lead the Mazandaran expedition.[45] On the way to Mazandaran, the general ordered captives to be hanged at the two sides of the road so that the victorious Arab army pass through. Upon arrival, he massacred 12,000 civilians and took 6,000 as slaves."

"The accounts in Mino Khirad, written during the Savafid period, demonstrate that the Zoroastrians were subjected to harassment by the Shi'ite majority, their places of worship were under a constant threat of being destroyed.[70] By 1707, when Le Bruyn visited Isfahan, the Zoroastrians were no longer able practice their religion freely. He notes that the most deprived Zoroastrians had been brought to Isfahan, and had been forced to become Muslim three years earlier.[71] In 1821, Ker Porter visiting Isfahan notes that there were hardly any Zoroastrians left in Isfahan and Gabrabad was in ruins.[citation needed]"

"Later Safavid kings were not as tolerant as Shah Abbas. Muhammad Baqir Majlisi persuaded Sultan Husayn (1688–1728 CE) to decree the forcible conversion of Zoroastrians,[69] those who refused were killed"

" Zoroastrian massacres did not cease during the Qajar rule. The last two are recorded at the villages surrounding the city of Boarzjan and Turkabad near Yazd. Today, the village of Maul Seyyed Aul near Borazjan, among the local people is known as “killing site” (Ghatl-Gauh),[72] and Zoroastrian surnames of Turk, Turki, Turkian and Turkabadi reflect lineage to the survivors of Turkabad. In the 1850s, Comte de Gobineau, the French Ambassador to Iran wrote: "Only 6000 of them are left and just a miracle may save them from extinction. These are the descendants of the people who one day ruled the world."[85]"

That should put a damper on your propaganda nonsense.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Yes. And I could go on with
- pogroms of Jews in Islamic Spain in the Middle Ages
- destruction of the Afghan Hindus in the 1890s
- the genocide of the Armenians
- current Islamic violence in the Philippines, Thailand, Iraq, etc
- Boko Haram
- "blasphemy" laws, prohibitions on people changing their religion, etc

Of course, it would be a waste of time because Muslims would (metaphorically) have their fingers in their ears and the rest already know all too well what Islam is like.

If an American for instance did horrible things like killing or terrorist attacks, then when questioned replied saying he has done it for being a patriot, does that make the American constitution evil?
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