@ mahasn ebn sawresho: Post#
The Meccans believed in G-d but associated with Him human intercessors as partners.
Quran/Islam/Muhammad have given a Kalima (or motto/slogan) to Muslims:
A Muslim has to testify both the above items to become a Muslim from the day one Muhammad was given a message for the whole mankind and appointed prophet/messenger by Allah (the One-True-God).What is this talk
Hey friend, a Muslim
What do you mean, despite everyone's nose
Is it an intellectual terrorism
In any case, this intellectual dialogue
Do you have to speak in this way
I told you that Mohammed did not declare himself the Messenger
In the Meccan verses
And you'll see the Koran
Mohammed said he was a missionary for himself and Nazir
It is the only verse that refers to his mission in Mecca
You read books Ckikh Bukhari
From old editions
Because after these editions became revision
And deletions because Muslims felt Bouktorhh Bedalkellmat
In these books the Islamic heritage
For example of the first item I quote here
Quran : Chapter 112: Al-Ikhlas الإخلاص
Meccan (Wikipedia):
[112:1] Bismillāhi -r-Raḥmāni -r-Raḥīm
[112:2] Qul huwa Allāhu aḥad
[112:3] Allahu -ṣ-ṣamad
[112:4] Lam yalid wa lam yūlad
[112:5] Wa lam yaku(n)l lahu kufuwan aḥad
[112:1] In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.
[112:2] Say, He is Allah, the One;
[112:3] Allah, the Independent and Besought of all.
[112:4] He begets not, nor is He begotten;
[112:5] And there is none like unto Him.
The Holy Quran Arabic text with Translation in English text and Search Engine - Al Islam Online
This chapter revealed at Mecca corrected, rectified and reformed concepts of Meccans, Christians and Jews at one go.
Muhammad was a straightforward person; he told exactly what was revealed on him by Allah in the teeth of the opposition whoever they might be; Meccans, Christians and or Jews.
Please correct yourself. The message was clear and the messenger was straightforward; yet peaceful for everybody.