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Was Islam spread by the sword?

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Bodhisattva in Recovery
Quran makes this point very clear, in scores of times or one may say innumerable times, that the believers have to:

1. Abide by its prime teachings.
2. Do good deeds at appropriate time and suited to the occasion.

If somebody does not do that; then he is just a non-believer and would suffer for the wrongs he commits in the name of Quran/Islam/Muhammad.

There is a whole chapter in Quran to this affect:

The Holy Quran : Chapter 103: Al-`Asr

[103:1] In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.
[103:2] By the fleeting Time,
[103:3] Surely, man is in a state of loss,
[103:4] Except those who believe and do good works, and exhort one another to accept truth, and exhort one another to be steadfast.

The Holy Quran Arabic text with Translation in English text and Search Engine - Al Islam Online

The wrong doer radicals/extremists are suffering losses in this world and suffer more in the hereafter as per the above one of the prime teachings.

There's the rub though, Paarsurrey, I'm confident saying that the extreme radicals believe that they are exemplifying this prime teaching. It's all in the interpretation.


Freedom Of Mind
You mean, other than Islam's incredibly violent history? Yeah, if we ignore all the bad stuff, I suppose it was pretty peaceful. Similarly, if you ignore all the bad things that happened in Stalin's Russia, Stalin was a fairly good leader.

Do you wish your leader to be similar to Stalin or do you think the Russians wish the days of Stalin to be back, i don't think any one wishes so.

Ask any muslim if he wishes the sincere Islamic leaders to be back such as Umar Ibn Al khattab or Saladin.

As the hadith of the prophet regarding the end of time stated that the Islamic leaders will be only tyrants against their own people while their nation will be among the weakest on earth.

Last edited:


Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?


For example:

Spread of Islam in Mozambique:[2]

Colonial history

Islam faced serious challenges in Mozambique during the colonial era. During the Estado Novo period (1926–1974), Roman Catholicism became the dominant religion following a formal alliance (Concordat) between the Church and the government. Only with the start of the War of Liberation did the state lower its opposition to Islam and try to coopt the religion, in order to avoid an alliance between Muslims and the dissident liberation movement.

Modern Mozambique

Since the end of the socialist period (1989 onwards), Muslims have been able to proselytise freely and build new mosques. Muslims have also made their way into the parliament. Several South African, Kuwaiti and other Muslim agencies are active in Mozambique, with one important one being the African Muslim Agency. An Islamic University has been set up in Nampula, with a branch inInhambane. Mozambique is also an active member of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

Rather than relying on the culturally loaded notions of a "chief" of régulo, the FRELIMO government has preferred to use the term "traditional authorities" to indicate a group of chiefs and their entourage of subordinate chiefs and healers. Realizing the social importance of this group, FRELIMO gradually reinstated "traditional authority."[1]

While the Muslim leadership in northern Mozambique seems to have recovered the "traditional" side of their authority and power with legal reforms, they are still largely associated with chiefship and African culture rather than Islam. Because of this they are barely able to access benefits or gain socio-political influence through Islamic platforms or organizations. This situation has been the source of their continual frustration and resistance to the alleged racial and cultural discrimination perpetrated by FRELIMO allied with southern Wahhabis, Afro-Indians, and Indians.[1]

Whereas Sudan, for instance, has made sharia the law of the land, Mozambique has made attempts to recognize both traditional and religious marriages.[3]

Islam in Mozambique - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't see any sword in spread of Islam in Mozambique.

Do you see any? Please


mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
It seems that the dialogue has become a futile dialogue
We are looking at the beginning of the spread of Islam \ this away from him and the Muslims
Every day, remember the state where the spread of Islam
And trying to obscure the origin Thread
Muslim friend
Do you think that Islam spread peacefully in Mecca and Medina and Persia
I want a clear-response
As for Islam, and in African countries
It is another form of Islam
TheseDo not know Islam, but because it allows them Ptadeddalzojat and dreaming of paradise where the Apostle Allbeckra and sexual pleasure
And also is no different from pagan beliefs
What is the change in Tlcalmojtmat
Are you able to change Islam from those communities for the better

Come out and discussed in Thread


Veteran Member
It seems that the dialogue has become a futile dialogue
We are looking at the beginning of the spread of Islam \ this away from him and the Muslims
Every day, remember the state where the spread of Islam
And trying to obscure the origin Thread
Muslim friend
Do you think that Islam spread peacefully in Mecca and Medina and Persia
I want a clear-response
As for Islam, and in African countries
It is another form of Islam
TheseDo not know Islam, but because it allows them Ptadeddalzojat and dreaming of paradise where the Apostle Allbeckra and sexual pleasure
And also is no different from pagan beliefs
What is the change in Tlcalmojtmat
Are you able to change Islam from those communities for the better

Come out and discussed in Thread

We are looking at the beginning of the spread of Islam

Beginning of Islam started at Mecca; no sword was used to spread it.

Spread of Islam in Mecca:

Muhammad in Mecca

The Islamic prophet Muhammad was born and lived in Mecca for the first 52 years of his life (570–622). Orphaned early in life, he became known as a prominent merchant, and as an impartial and trustworthy arbiter of disputes. He married his first wife, the 40-year-old widow Khadijah bint Khuwaylid at age 25. He would not take other wives during her lifetime.

According to the Muslim tradition, Muhammad began receiving revelations at the age of 40. The key themes of his messages in Mecca were the oneness of God and the rejection of polytheism, generosity towards the poor and the needy, kind treatment and emancipation of slaves, and the equality between men and women before God.

Some of his peers respected his words and became his followers. Many others, including tribal leaders, opposed, ridiculed and eventually boycotted his clan, and Muhammad and his followers were harassed, assaulted, tortured and forced into exile. Several attempts were made on his life.[1][2] When his uncle and chief protector, Abu Talib, who was the head of the clan of Banu Hashim died, Muhammad migrated to Medina in 622, where he had many followers who agreed to help and assist him.

Muhammad in Mecca - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



The Lost One
paarsurrey said:
We are looking at the beginning of the spread of Islam
Beginning of Islam started at Mecca; no sword was used to spread it.

Spread of Islam in Mecca:

Muhammad in Mecca

The Islamic prophet Muhammad was born and lived in Mecca for the first 52 years of his life (570–622). Orphaned early in life, he became known as a prominent merchant, and as an impartial and trustworthy arbiter of disputes. He married his first wife, the 40-year-old widow Khadijah bint Khuwaylid at age 25. He would not take other wives during her lifetime.

According to the Muslim tradition, Muhammad began receiving revelations at the age of 40. The key themes of his messages in Mecca were the oneness of God and the rejection of polytheism, generosity towards the poor and the needy, kind treatment and emancipation of slaves, and the equality between men and women before God.

Some of his peers respected his words and became his followers. Many others, including tribal leaders, opposed, ridiculed and eventually boycotted his clan, and Muhammad and his followers were harassed, assaulted, tortured and forced into exile. Several attempts were made on his life.[1][2] When his uncle and chief protector, Abu Talib, who was the head of the clan of Banu Hashim died, Muhammad migrated to Medina in 622, where he had many followers who agreed to help and assist him.

Muhammad in Mecca - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


You are deliberately ignoring that while Muhammad was living in Medina, A) he and his companions began raiding Meccan caravans, B) and later still began fighting battles against Meccan armed forces.

C) And when he did return to Mecca, he had not return alone; he came back with a large army. Though, Mecca surrendered to him, it is still coming with an army of warriors.

All three (A, B & C) can be seen as being spreading Islam with sword, whether there were actual fighting or not (not, in the case of c).

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Beginning of Islam started at Mecca; no sword was used to spread it.

Spread of Islam in Mecca:

Muhammad in Mecca

The Islamic prophet Muhammad was born and lived in Mecca for the first 52 years of his life (570–622). Orphaned early in life, he became known as a prominent merchant, and as an impartial and trustworthy arbiter of disputes. He married his first wife, the 40-year-old widow Khadijah bint Khuwaylid at age 25. He would not take other wives during her lifetime.

According to the Muslim tradition, Muhammad began receiving revelations at the age of 40. The key themes of his messages in Mecca were the oneness of God and the rejection of polytheism, generosity towards the poor and the needy, kind treatment and emancipation of slaves, and the equality between men and women before God.

Some of his peers respected his words and became his followers. Many others, including tribal leaders, opposed, ridiculed and eventually boycotted his clan, and Muhammad and his followers were harassed, assaulted, tortured and forced into exile. Several attempts were made on his life.[1][2] When his uncle and chief protector, Abu Talib, who was the head of the clan of Banu Hashim died, Muhammad migrated to Medina in 622, where he had many followers who agreed to help and assist him.

Muhammad in Mecca - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Well done to answer the first part
But why did not complete answer to the second part
Stage Medina
Wait for you to answer the second part, a bloody stage in Medina
And also
How many people follow Muhammad in Mecca
As for the verses revealed in Mecca that the mostly copied -
Do you know of copies
In the Koran
Verses which was revealed in Medina Almudbna copied orphans which was revealed in Mecca

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Did you know that Muhammad in Mecca did not declare himself the Messenger
Read Meccan verses
They were Mohammed Bashir and Nazir
Now that the teachings of Muhammad in Mecca calls for oneness
I'll tell you
That Muhammad was transported from the book was found in his hands
There was aware of and trained Muhammad
And that person was a cousin and son Nofal paper
Pastor Christian
Do you know the importance of Khadija in Islam
Yes Muhammad did not marry a second wife
* After Khadija died
Because the contract was announced that the Rev. Christian paper son Nofal
And if they do not believe me Sahahalboukhara Read in one of the old copies

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Do you know, O Muslim symptoms that had come to Muhammad in the cave of Hira
Do you know the period that stops by the revelation also declares the Koran and the Prophet's biography books
In the Koran refers to the state of a break Revelation
He wrote Biography
For that reason Atcherh
But Read the following statement from Sahih Bukhari
Soon paper that died after revelation
The job sheet son Nofal Hatorgomh copy of the Gospel and the Pseudo-called gospel Alvekan publicFor more Read Book pastor and prophet
It is a wonderful book
Looking at Nchaeh Islam
Do you know the Islam of equality between men and Alemraep
Talk to him worthless without proof
Muslim friend
In Alterh Meccan Mohammed did not announce fighting
Did not announce Jihad
But after his emigration to Abyssinia
And his return to the city of Medina from the era of the sword
Which is a constant to this day, but the sword became a gun and became a suicide bomber
The slaughter has become a people's necks with a knife under the banner of God and the largest

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
There Quranic verse from the Medina period copied and canceled more than 200 state of the Federated States of Mecca
Those are the verse that says Fight those who do not believe in the God of the Jews and Christians until they pay tribute out of hand and are utterly subdued
State bloody
And any declaration of war
Christians, Jews and all other religions
Even among Muslims
Do you know how to kill Hassan and Hussein
Descendants of Muhammad
Of killing
Are Americans killed
* Um Zionism
They killed Muslims with swordsMuslim friend call you to tell the truth with yourself
Before that declared us
Do you know why the killing of Faraj Foda Egyptian writer
Because he said that Islamic history is the history of wars and blood
He announced the truth
Killed in Egypt
He was also a Muslim and died a Muslim
Intellectual terrorism is one of the hardest types of terrorism
When you kill a man because of the idea say it
And Hnakkatebbannana another Juha
Excuse me forget his first name with the greatest of respect to himYou do not know the history of the wars of apostasy after the death of Muhammad
And how the Arabs kill Arabs, however,
What are the blood that spilled blood
It was the cornerstone in the construction of the Islamic religion
* So the spread of Islam by the sword undeniable fact that can not be
It says the contrary, wants to spread the idea of ​​void
It is the duty of every cultured secular to say right here or in the street
Or even in small debates

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
As Christianity
Did you know that Christianity spread strongly words
Christianity does not lift up sword
Christ's apostles were martyred in parts of the ground in Rome and India, Iraq, Syria
To Mervawa sword
He managed to squint to Kovadis novel will know the greatness of the word in Christian
Christian to follow you saying that you Halal sexual pleasures
Nevertheless espoused nations and peoples of upscale
United reached the highest stages of urbanization, including the Amty fighting machine afflictions Sorry ????
Kuldo Assyrians
And also the Jews
Who did not change their characters from the Torah
And to this day the Muslim wants to kill Jewish
And to this day aspires to see the peace of Europe is under the authority and the succession along the lines of the Ottoman Empire
The last day Daash Mozh of Mozat sword Islamic greetings


Veteran Member
Well done to answer the first part
But why did not complete answer to the second part
Stage Medina
Wait for you to answer the second part, a bloody stage in Medina
And also
How many people follow Muhammad in Mecca
As for the verses revealed in Mecca that the mostly copied -
Do you know of copies
In the Koran
Verses which was revealed in Medina Almudbna copied orphans which was revealed in Mecca

Well done to answer the first part

How many people follow Muhammad in Mecca

Thanks for appreciating that Islam started at Mecca and many people from Mecca accepted him; all peacefully, with free will and without force and use of sword.

I give the account of the first converts to Islam who followed Muhammad in Mecca from a scholar:

First Converts of Muhammad​

“Waraqa evidently referred to the prophecy in Deuteronomy18 : 18. When the news reached Zaid, the Prophet's freed slave, now about thirty years of age, and his cousin 'Ali, about eleven, they both declared their faith in him.

Abu Bakr, friend of his childhood, was out of town. As he returned he began to hear of this new experience which the Prophet had had.
He was told that his friend had gone mad and had begun to say that angels brought him messages from God. Abu Bakr trusted the Prophet completely. He did not doubt for a minute that the Prophet must be right-he had known him to be both sane and sincere.

He knocked at the Prophet's door and on admission into his company asked him what had happened. The Prophet, fearing lest Abu Bakr should misunderstand, began a long explanation. Abu Bakr stopped the Prophet from doing so, and insisted that all he wanted to know was whether an angel had really descended upon him from God and had given him a Message. The Prophet wanted to explain again, but Abu Bakr said he wanted to hear no explanation.
He wanted only an answer to the question whether he had had a Message from God. The Prophet said, "Yes" and Abu Bakr at once declared his faith. Having declared his faith, he said, argument would have detracted from the value of his faith. He had known the Prophet long and intimately.

He could not doubt him, and he wanted no argument to be convinced of his truth. This small group of the Faithful then were the first believers of Islam : a woman full of years, an eleven-year-old boy, a freed slave living among strangers, a young friend and the Prophet himself. This was the party which made the silent resolve to spread the light of God all over the world.

When the people and their leaders heard of this, they laughed and declared that these men had gone mad. There was nothing to fear and nothing to worry about. But as time went on, the truth began to dawn and as the Prophet Isaiah (28 : 13) said long ago, precept upon precept, precept upon precept ; line upon line, line upon line ; here a little, and there a little ; began to descend upon the Prophet.” Unquote


One could see that there was no force or sword used for the conversion to Islam of all these. and many others also accepted Islam.

Was there any force or sword used? Please



Do you wish your leader to be similar to Stalin or do you think the Russians wish the days of Stalin to be back, i don't think any one wishes so.

Ask any muslim if he wishes the sincere Islamic leaders to be back such as Umar Ibn Al khattab or Saladin.

As the hadith of the prophet regarding the end of time stated that the Islamic leaders will be only tyrants against their own people while their nation will be among the weakest on earth.


Two things:

1. I wish Saladin would have formed Islam and led it for the past 1500 years, instead of the petty tyrants who did. He seems to be one of the few honorable and capable men in a sea of dishonorable and dishonest Islam leaders.

2. What prophecy in the Quran or Hadiths states Islam's leaders will be tyrants and Islamic nations will be week?


So the secret behind the golden age of Islam was the books which were among the collected booty which others kept it as remnants of ancient times.
I don't know how Islam came by the Greek and Roman knowledge they had. Probably from confiscating it from Constantinople and other places they conquered. but yes that is exactly what allowed them to have a golden age. The idiotic Catholic authorities of that time made Greek and Roman texts off limits to European science. However Christian scientists soon told the Catholics to take a hike, and they soon caught up with, and passed, to never look back, the Islamic scholars. They went on to actually establish almost all modern abstract science.


Japanese and Persian/central Asian principles? Remember, just because socio-economic circumstances don't allow some people in a culture to flourish, it doesn't mean that there aren't brilliant people in that culture. I see your Gallileo and raise you an Ulugh Beg.
I did not say anything about what group was the smartest. I said what group founded the vast majority of modern abstract science. What was done in the Easy was mainly engineering (or technological) not what we recognize as modern science. Modern science is a very unique subject. The invention of paper or gunpowder is not it. Modern science is abstract and conceptual. I have a degree in mathematics, in doing so you are taught to high pints of math history and the key players. Not a single Indian, Asian, or Muslim is needed to get from arithmetic to Boolean differential calculus. No doubt smart men did wonderful things in other cultures but the explosion in modern science is about 80% and 15% Jewish.

It is kind of silly to have a name contest but what the heck, match these names with some most would have heard of.

Copernicus, Galileo, Descartes, Pascal, Boyle, Newton, Leibniz, Di Vinci, Lavoisier, Faraday, Ampere, Boole, Babbage, Chevalier, Riemann, Joule, Hertz, Pasteur, Eddington, Maxwell, Planck, Heisenburg... X a thousand including 50 winners of the Nobel.

Try and match that list with scientists of the same caliber. As you can see most of them have measurements named after them, founded fields of science, or built the foundations modern science stands on. This is just for fun as lists of names are not good arguments.

Anyway, the main reasons that Christians made those advances has to do with the fact that Europe and later America was rich and thriving. It hasn't anything to do with their religion making them intellectually superior to others.
That is perfectly wrong. Most of these advancements were made before the dark ages ended. I'm am not talking about the latest American surgical laser. I am talking about the foundation of abstract science.
It's invention by Christian revolutionary thinkers is what ended the dark ages and produced the later wealth. Even the Atheist who wrote the most authoritative work on modern sciences ascension attributed it to Christian faith. They believe God would make a rational universe and set out to prove it.

Why weren't major scientific advances, such as those made in Europe, made in other Christian regions, like Ethiopia? Simple, it has to do with material wealth and a lucky combination of socio-economic circumstances. Ethiopia was poor and offered less opportunity to the brilliant people living there. I reiterate, a person having the "right" religion does NOT make that person smarter. There are incredibly smart people everywhere, it is just seldom that circumstances allow for them to reach their potential.
Because of the abundance of previous work, and the proximity to other thinkers in a small geographical area. Transmission of information is one of (if not the) most important factors in knowledge advancement. I never said their brains were bigger or more developed. I said their faith let naturally to search for rationality in the universe, and perhaps God blessed them with insight. I can't prove God gave them knowledge but having a personal God who created the universe and desires to enlighten man would certainly be an advantage.

Also, "modern science", which builds on empirical evidence, became a standard way of doing things during the Abbasid Caliphate and was, in fact, not founded by Christians.
That is not what separates modern science from all other science. The abstract basis and methodology is.

Moving on, "Most of the actual fields themselves were founded by Christians, and Jews." You do realize that even if a non-western culture were to found one of the fields, it would not have been recognized, as the West was very Euro-centric and, wouldn't have accepted that a Chinese Confucian or Arab Muslim could have made an advancement before a western Christian. And, ultimately, it was the west that had the final call, rising to power at an opportune time, right as industrialization began. This allowing them(Christians, btw) to subjugate and oppress the vast majority of people who had a different religion. And, as the Mongol rule of China shows, people don't advance much technologically or scientifically under the boot of a foreign culture that has no respect for and doesn't care for your people.
I was formally educated in math. I had to know who produced each successive milestone in mathematics. Not a single one was Islamic. My university was secular and did not engage in any race favoring. I would mildly suffer technology wise if you were to remove non-Jewish and Islamic contributions but modern science would implode if you removed Christian and Jewish contributions. There is no conspiracy, no secret that only you know, no cultural bias in the history of science as taught in modern western universities. That is always the appeal of the ones who are not on top. The poor think the rich are biased and devious, the weak think the strong are tyrannical (whether they are or not, and the less advanced always think the more advanced got there by nefarious means.

Furthermore, many scientific advances and discoveries (many of which the west didn't know of until after WW2 and mostly having to do with technologies with combat applications), were made by post-Meiji restoration Japan, a nation as far from christian as possible. This was because the economic circumstances of Japan at the time allowed for advancement. Even today Japan is at the forefront of technological and scientific advancement, not because of their religion, but because their economic resources allow for it.
I am not talking about technology nor even science created in the last century. I am talking about the foundations of modern abstract science themselves. But if I were talking about military advancement the Japanese were certainly not even in the ballpark. The fastest machine guns, the best tanks, atomic weapons, battlefield medicine, the biggest bombers, the best bomb sights, the heaviest artillery, overwhelming industrial capacity, azdic, ocean charting, self guided munitions, gyroscopic sights, and on and on, all western. The Japanese only excelled in brutality and devotion to a human God. The US produced more military equipment and more advanced equipment than the rest of the world combined. We were launching huge cargo ships at the rate of one per day. Our industrial and technological advances in WW2 were so vast they cannot even be comprehended.

I would not advice engaging me in a military debate and that was not the issue anyway.


Veteran Member
Japanese and Persian/central Asian principles? Remember, just because socio-economic circumstances don't allow some people in a culture to flourish, it doesn't mean that there aren't brilliant people in that culture. I see your Gallileo and raise you an Ulugh Beg.

Anyway, the main reasons that Christians made those advances has to do with the fact that Europe and later America was rich and thriving. It hasn't anything to do with their religion making them intellectually superior to others.

Why weren't major scientific advances, such as those made in Europe, made in other Christian regions, like Ethiopia? Simple, it has to do with material wealth and a lucky combination of socio-economic circumstances. Ethiopia was poor and offered less opportunity to the brilliant people living there. I reiterate, a person having the "right" religion does NOT make that person smarter. There are incredibly smart people everywhere, it is just seldom that circumstances allow for them to reach their potential.

Also, "modern science", which builds on empirical evidence, became a standard way of doing things during the Abbasid Caliphate and was, in fact, not founded by Christians.

Moving on, "Most of the actual fields themselves were founded by Christians, and Jews." You do realize that even if a non-western culture were to found one of the fields, it would not have been recognized, as the West was very Euro-centric and, wouldn't have accepted that a Chinese Confucian or Arab Muslim could have made an advancement before a western Christian. And, ultimately, it was the west that had the final call, rising to power at an opportune time, right as industrialization began. This allowing them(Christians, btw) to subjugate and oppress the vast majority of people who had a different religion. And, as the Mongol rule of China shows, people don't advance much technologically or scientifically under the boot of a foreign culture that has no respect for and doesn't care for your people.

Furthermore, many scientific advances and discoveries (many of which the west didn't know of until after WW2 and mostly having to do with technologies with combat applications), were made by post-Meiji restoration Japan, a nation as far from christian as possible. This was because the economic circumstances of Japan at the time allowed for advancement. Even today Japan is at the forefront of technological and scientific advancement, not because of their religion, but because their economic resources allow for it.

Anyway, the main reasons that Christians made those advances has to do with the fact that Europe and later America was rich and thriving. It hasn't anything to do with their religion making them intellectually superior to others.

Why weren't major scientific advances, such as those made in Europe, made in other Christian regions, like Ethiopia?

Very fine and reasonable points.

Thanks and regards


Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?


For example:

Spread of Islam in Namibia:

Islam is the third largest religion in Namibia after Christianity and indigenous beliefs.

Number of Muslims

Muslims in Namibia are almost exclusively Sunni.[1] The total number of Muslims in the country is in dispute; estimations range from less than 1%[2] to 3%.[3]

Growth of Namibia's Muslim community

Most of Namibia's Muslim community are members of the Namaqua ethnic group.[4] It is believed that this is mostly as a result of the efforts of a prominent politician among the Nama, Jacobs Salmaan Dhameer, who converted to Islam in 1980.[4] The firstmosque in the country, called the Soweto Islamic Centre, was established 1986 and is located in Katutura.

As of May 2009, there were twelve mosques in the country, six of which were in Windhoek.[5] Twenty-four Namibians are currently studying inSaudi Arabia while others have been sent for long term Islamic training in institutions in South Africa.[4] The Namibia Islamic Judicial Council is based on Ondobe, Ohangwena Region.[6] NIHA (Namibia Islamic Halaal Association) is Namibia's oldest and most well known Halaal Certifying body. Recognised by Halaal Certification body in South Africa and in many other Islamic states.

NIHA established in 2001 and before known as the Namibia Halaal Slaughterers Association. NIHA is under the leadership of Faroek Nazier the founder of the organisation. NIHA certifies majority of Food outlets and is highly trusted for its quality assurance to the Halaal consumer.

Islam in Namibia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't see any sword in spread of Islam in Namibia

Do you see any? Please



:facepalm: I came to this forum initially to show two very simplistic holes in Islamic ideology while offering Muslims a chance to defend it.....

But now you are forcing me to defend it by making commentary such as this. If you research Islamic history you will find numerous things that it brought to the world, especially in areas of math & science. I am being brief here but to say that they presently bring nothing of real value is to ignore the fact that the same could be said of the rest of the world as forms of entertainment expanded & discovery of meaningful knowledge stagnated
Why you came to the forum is not really relevant to me. I made that comment in response to some one else. I have also been discussing Islamic scientific advancement for a long long time in this thread. In none of them have I said they made no advancements at all. Everyone knows Islam had a moment in the sun when they did some good science, math, and medical work. The point I was making is that many cultures have that same zenith and many have it in far more abundance than Islam did. Islam merely held onto Greek and Roman learning and took the next steps. Not much ground breaking was done and the only reason even the advancement is notable is that Europe had stalled in it's tracks at that time.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Thanks for appreciating that Islam started at Mecca and many people from Mecca accepted him; all peacefully, with free will and without force and use of sword.

I give the account of the first converts to Islam who followed Muhammad in Mecca from a scholar:

First Converts of Muhammad​

“Waraqa evidently referred to the prophecy in Deuteronomy18 : 18. When the news reached Zaid, the Prophet's freed slave, now about thirty years of age, and his cousin 'Ali, about eleven, they both declared their faith in him.

Abu Bakr, friend of his childhood, was out of town. As he returned he began to hear of this new experience which the Prophet had had.
He was told that his friend had gone mad and had begun to say that angels brought him messages from God. Abu Bakr trusted the Prophet completely. He did not doubt for a minute that the Prophet must be right-he had known him to be both sane and sincere.

He knocked at the Prophet's door and on admission into his company asked him what had happened. The Prophet, fearing lest Abu Bakr should misunderstand, began a long explanation. Abu Bakr stopped the Prophet from doing so, and insisted that all he wanted to know was whether an angel had really descended upon him from God and had given him a Message. The Prophet wanted to explain again, but Abu Bakr said he wanted to hear no explanation.
He wanted only an answer to the question whether he had had a Message from God. The Prophet said, "Yes" and Abu Bakr at once declared his faith. Having declared his faith, he said, argument would have detracted from the value of his faith. He had known the Prophet long and intimately.

He could not doubt him, and he wanted no argument to be convinced of his truth. This small group of the Faithful then were the first believers of Islam : a woman full of years, an eleven-year-old boy, a freed slave living among strangers, a young friend and the Prophet himself. This was the party which made the silent resolve to spread the light of God all over the world.

When the people and their leaders heard of this, they laughed and declared that these men had gone mad. There was nothing to fear and nothing to worry about. But as time went on, the truth began to dawn and as the Prophet Isaiah (28 : 13) said long ago, precept upon precept, precept upon precept ; line upon line, line upon line ; here a little, and there a little ; began to descend upon the Prophet.” Unquote


One could see that there was no force or sword used for the conversion to Islam of all these. and many others also accepted Islam.

Was there any force or sword used? Please


Hey friend, a Muslim
Turning to the second point
Yes, in Mecca, Muhammad was a peaceful Djuh
Did not believe in it but few people
Ali bin them Abitalb cousin
And Abu Bakr friend who married two of the daughters of Muhammad
He is also the Abu Aisha, Muhammad's wife
Yes, I know this information
And Oaaraf that states differ from states Mecca Medina
Turning to the second part which is the subject of dialogue
Even the dialogue be useful
Tell the truth wherever it
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