Christianity founded modern science. Most of the actual fields themselves were founded by Christians, and Jews. If you subtracted Jews and Christian contributions from science there would no longer be any shoulders for the most modern scientists to stand upon. If Galileo, keeper, Newton, Pascal and a thousand others just as vital had not done science what would modern science be built upon?
Japanese and Persian/central Asian principles? Remember, just because socio-economic circumstances don't allow some people in a culture to flourish, it doesn't mean that there aren't brilliant people in that culture. I see your Gallileo and raise you an Ulugh Beg.
Anyway, the main reasons that Christians made those advances has to do with the fact that Europe and later America was rich and thriving. It hasn't anything to do with their religion making them intellectually superior to others.
Why weren't major scientific advances, such as those made in Europe, made in other Christian regions, like Ethiopia? Simple, it has to do with material wealth and a lucky combination of socio-economic circumstances. Ethiopia was poor and offered less opportunity to the brilliant people living there. I reiterate, a person having the "right" religion does NOT make that person smarter. There are incredibly smart people everywhere, it is just seldom that circumstances allow for them to reach their potential.
Also, "modern science", which builds on empirical evidence, became a standard way of doing things during the Abbasid Caliphate and was, in fact, not founded by Christians.
Moving on, "Most of the actual fields themselves were founded by Christians, and Jews." You do realize that even if a non-western culture were to found one of the fields, it would not have been recognized, as the West was very Euro-centric and, wouldn't have accepted that a Chinese Confucian or Arab Muslim could have made an advancement before a western Christian. And, ultimately, it was the west that had the final call, rising to power at an opportune time, right as industrialization began. This allowing them(Christians, btw) to subjugate and oppress the vast majority of people who had a different religion. And, as the Mongol rule of China shows, people don't advance much technologically or scientifically under the boot of a foreign culture that has no respect for and doesn't care for your people.
Furthermore, many scientific advances and discoveries (many of which the west didn't know of until after WW2 and mostly having to do with technologies with combat applications), were made by post-Meiji restoration Japan, a nation as far from christian as possible. This was because the economic circumstances of Japan at the time allowed for advancement. Even today Japan is at the forefront of technological and scientific advancement, not because of their religion, but because their economic resources allow for it.