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Was Islam spread by the sword?

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Veteran Member
#2 is isolated within a single context so is a non-factor after the event. It was about conversion to Islam not deconversion from Islam

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
was not, once of time in history , Christainity spread by sword ?

don't not blame me that i am stuck in relative with your avatar to "Christainity spread by sword"

in the past , which one is spread by sword more than the other , the Islam or Christianity ?

This is not true
Christianity did not use the sword or force deployment
The disciples were martyred for their faith and did not lift a sword
In Europe was spreading Christianity using swords
Is the word of God before the full European choice
Cannot justify war Gospel
And you can't use any words from the Bible to justify war
While Mohamed asnkhedm sword and kill the assassin
And the successors of Muhammad asthadmwa sword and were combatants
You are not you speak right


in the past , which one is spread by sword more than the other , the Islam or Christianity ?

Your religion started violent and it will probably end violent.

Christianity factually started peaceful. It has not always been peaceful though.

Sometimes Christianity was spread by sword.

But the violence is night and day different


Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?


For example:

Spread of Islam in Cambodia: [2]

Islam is the religion of a majority of the Cham (also called Khmer Islam) and Malay minorities in Cambodia. According to Po Dharma, there were 150,000 to 200,000 Muslims in Cambodia as late as 1975

Community life

The Cham have their own mosques. In 1962 there were about 100 mosques in the country. At the end of the nineteenth century, the Muslims in Cambodia formed a unified community under the authority of four religious dignitaries—mupti, tuk kalih, raja kalik, and tvan pake. A council of notables in Cham villages consisted of one hakem and several katip, bilal, and labi.

The four high dignitaries and the hakem were exempt from personal taxes, and they were invited to take part in major national ceremonies at the royal court. When Cambodia became independent, the Islamic community was placed under the control of a five-member council that represented the community in official functions and in contacts with other Islamic communities. Each Muslim community has a hakem who leads the community and the mosque, an imam who leads the prayers, and a bilal who calls the faithful to the daily prayers.

The peninsula of Chrouy Changvar near Phnom Penh is considered the spiritual center of the Cham, and several high Muslim officials reside there. Each year some of the Cham go to study the Qur'an at Kelantan in Malaysia, and some go on to study in, or make a pilgrimage to, Mecca. According to figures from the late 1950s, about 7 percent of the Cham had completed the pilgrimage and could wear the fez or turban as a sign of their accomplishment.

The traditional Cham retain many ancient Muslim or pre-Muslim traditions and rites. They consider Allah as the all-powerful God, but they also recognize other non-Islamic practices. They are closer, in many respects, to the Cham of coastal Vietnam than they are to other Muslims. The religious dignitaries of the traditional Cham (and of the Cham in Vietnam) dress completely in white, and they shave their heads and faces. These Cham believe in the power of magic and sorcery, and they attach great importance to magical practices in order to avoid sickness or slow or violent death. They believe in many supernatural powers. Although they show little interest in the pilgrimage to Mecca and in the five daily prayers, the traditional Cham do celebrate many Muslim festivals and rituals.

The orthodox Cham have adopted a more conformist religion largely because of their close contacts with, and intermarriages with, the Malay community. In fact, the orthodox Cham have adopted Malay customs and family organization, and many speak the Malay language. They send pilgrims to Mecca, and they attend international Islamic conferences. Conflicts between the traditional and the orthodox Cham increased between 1954 and 1975. For example, the two groups polarized the population of one village, and each group eventually had its own mosque and separate religious organization.

Islam in Cambodia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't see any sword in spread of Islam in Cambodia.



Veteran Member
I think Islams time of spreading by the sword ended with their defeat at Poitiers by Charles Martel,it failed to work then just as it fails now,this depends on atwhich Islam you follow though,even the other ways aren't doing too well other than to procreate where it is spreading without doubt,Islam isn't alone in this though.

This is one of the peaceful methods; one cannot deny it.

Thanks and regards

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
This is one of the peaceful methods; one cannot deny it.

Thanks and regards

Islam spreads these days because even any sex
The embrace of Islam don't consider him difficult
Because religion is great in letting the man have sex legally
Because of divorce and marriage
This is no different from the non-religious
The spread of Islam today is caused by pornography
If I know I will give you the types of marriage in Islam
1. marriage of four at one time
2. sex with female slaves
3. fun girl
4 misyaar marriage
5. the marriage of a child
The marriage of POI friend better than strength or misyaar marriage
Greetings to you
Not true, history proves you wrong, One example is the scientist Muhammad Ibn Zakaria Razi, he wrote against the prophet and the quran and still respected till our days for his achievements in science regardless of his religious thoughts.


You are only ignorant about Islam, read some books if you want to know the truth, if not then you can keep in searching for the anti Islam websites.

You should stop calling people ignorant simply because they hold a view different to your own about Islam – I do not need to be a Moslem to understand this faith thank you.

Now, you think because you have cited an example of a ‘Moslem’ who, having been less than favourable about Islam’s power to inspire, was not put to the sword allows you to conclusively say that Islam allows for blasphemy? Is this a serious argument?

So, the idea of blasphemy as a criminal act within Islam is an idea I have just pulled out of thin air is it? Well, for your proposal to stand you will have to explain why Sharia law stipulates this and indeed many countries with Sharia law as the penal code evoke the death penalty for blasphemy against Islam, or at the least make it a crime – think Saudi Arabia, Iran, Jordan, Afghanistan, Egypt, Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Algeria, Sudan etc etc.

You will have to explain why many Islamic jurists throughout history and to the present day believe that death for blasphemy is an Islamic precept. You will have to explain why the OIC, the largest voting block at the UN and which is composed of 57 member states all majority Moslem, recently tried to get the UN to pass laws which made blasphemy a crime. You will have to explain to the families of the thousands of people who have been killed in accordance with these laws and the many who await execution for it that punishment for blasphemy is made up. You have to also explain why studies repeatedly show that when polled about Islam and blasphemy many Moslems say that they think those who speak out against the prophet should be punished. I believe 3 of the 4 schools of Islamic jurisprudence also see blasphemy as a criminal act.

Hoepfully I have now convinced you that blasphemy as a crime in Islam does exist, and has much support, so now we must consider where this idea comes from and so if we look to your holy scripture we see that there is much textual basis for such an injunction. You see, we have verses in the Koran which clearly put forth the idea of punishment or death for speaking ill against Islam such as Koran verse 5:33. We have the murder of the Jewish poet Ka'b bin al-Ashraf, sanctioned by Muhammad for speaking out against him. Verse 9:61 of the Koran, and some translations of 9:64, also point out those who make fun of Islam should be punished. Verse 33:57 clearly says that Allah has cursed those who are disrespectful to Islam. We have Sahih hadith such as Bukhari 3:106 which puts forth the idea that those who speak ‘mistruths’ about Allah (i.e. simply don’t believe in his teachings so therefore by default are liars!) will be punished. If we turn to commentaries by Ibn Ishaq (674 – 676) we see Muhammad call out for the death of another poet, Asma bint Marwan, and this is duly carried out by one of Muhammad’s whilst she slept with her children – her crime being that she wrote a poem chastising those who followed him. What happened to Islam’s allowance for freedom of thought I do ask?

So you see, there is a plausible scriptural basis for blasphemy in Islam and this idea has been taken up by many Moslems and Islamic states so please do not accuse me of being ignorant about your faith. That there are many Moslems that may disagree with this view of Islam is great but there are many who do not and this is more than self evident.
Not true, history proves you wrong, One example is the scientist Muhammad Ibn Zakaria Razi, he wrote against the prophet and the quran and still respected till our days for his achievements in science regardless of his religious thoughts.


No, not true, his messages was a peaceful ones.

Holy Prophet Muhammad’s Letters to various Kings | The Muslim Times

Nope. There is considerable literature which points to the following as being the letter Muhammad sent to the Romans – one which he had sent many times previous.

In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

This letter is from Muhammad the slave of God and His Messenger to Heraclius, the ruler of the Byzantines.

Peace be upon him who follows the right path.

I am writing this invitation to call you to Islam. If you become a Moslem you will be safe - and God will double your reward, but if you reject this invitation of Islam then you will bear the sins of having misguided your subjects. Thus do I urge you to heed the following:

“O People of the Scriptures! Come to a word common to you and us that we worship none but Allah and that we associate nothing in worship with Him, and that none of us shall take others as Lords beside Allah. Then if they turn away, say: Bear witness that we are Muoslems.”

Muhammad, the Messenger of God

Given the fact that Muhammad was laying waste to all and sundae and was now securing huge swathes of the Arabian peninsula his now burgeoning empire was right at the door of Byzantine. So, it stands to reason that Heraclius knew the imminent threat his civilisation now faced. This threat was very real. How can you dress this clear warning up as a polite invitation which should have been received in such spirit?
Where did i misquote my own book ?
Would you pls clarify ?

I have asked you on two different occasions to explain why you claim that the Koran tells Moslems that 'to take one life is like they have killed all of humanity'. In doing so you purposefully misquote your own book because when read in context we see that it is a commentary on a Jewish teaching. So I’d like to know why you did this please – if you cannot answer this then you have stripped yourself of any credibility.


Veteran Member
Islam spreads these days because even any sex
The embrace of Islam don't consider him difficult
Because religion is great in letting the man have sex legally
Because of divorce and marriage
This is no different from the non-religious
The spread of Islam today is caused by pornography
If I know I will give you the types of marriage in Islam
1. marriage of four at one time
2. sex with female slaves
3. fun girl
4 misyaar marriage
5. the marriage of a child
The marriage of POI friend better than strength or misyaar marriage
Greetings to you

Quran does not shun any natural instincts of man; rather channels them in appropriate legitimate limits.



Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?


For example:

Spread of Islam in Cambodia: [3]

Islam is the religion of a majority of the Cham (also called Khmer Islam) and Malay minorities in Cambodia. According to Po Dharma, there were 150,000 to 200,000 Muslims in Cambodia as late as 1975


Further information: Persecution of Muslims

Skulls of Khmer Rouge victims.
According to Cham sources, 132 mosques were destroyed during the Khmer Rouge era, many others were desecrated, and Muslims were not allowed to worship. Later, since the Vietnamese-installed PRK regime, Islam has been given the same freedom as Buddhism. Vickery believes that about 185,000 Cham lived in Cambodia in the mid-1980s and that the number of mosques was about the same then as it was before 1975. In early 1988, there were six mosques in the Phnom Penh area and a "good number" in the provinces, but Muslim dignitaries were thinly stretched; only 20 of the previous 113 most prominent Cham clergy in Cambodia survived the Khmer Rouge period.[3]


Today, Muslims are able to practice their religion normally and out in the open. This commenced in the People Republic of Kampuchea era where Islam was given the same freedom as that of Buddhism, the official religion practiced by the majority of Cambodians. The Chams also enjoy democratic rights like all Khmer citizens, with the right to vote and be elected as politicians.

Islam in Cambodia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't see any sword in spread of Islam in Cambodia.



Quran does not shun any natural instincts of man; rather channels them in appropriate legitimate limits.

Which limit suggests we should chop the heads of helpless prisoners until we are too exhausted to continue. Where did Muhammad find that limit?


Getting an honest straight answer out of any people that are required to be literalist, is impossible.

They just wont do it.
I can't even get them to respond to what I say in any way at all. The only thing I know will not be addressed is what I post.


I can't even get them to respond to what I say in any way at all. The only thing I know will not be addressed is what I post.

sadly, these are not extreme examples.

So far what I have learned is it is typical for all muslims.

Even if you set the question up as yes or no only answer.

raised from birth to avoid any real questions regarding reality, is my guess.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
was not, once of time in history , Christainity spread by sword ?

don't not blame me that i am stuck in relative with your avatar to "Christainity spread by sword"

in the past , which one is spread by sword more than the other , the Islam or Christianity ?

I said before,you cant tell a book by its cover,Islam verses Chtistianity in how many deaths of people and ideas they caused would be an interesting contest,the thing is they both did at certain points in their history.


Freedom Of Mind
Iraqi woman activist killed by Islamic State

BAGHDAD (AP) — Militants with the Islamic State group publicly killed a rights lawyer in the Iraqi city of Mosul after finding her guilty of apostasy in a self-styled Islamic court, the U.N. mission in Iraq said Thursday

Islam has never put down the sword.

And they won't success because of using the force, this Islamic state will fail as people don't accept their deeds, so saying Islam had spread by force is wrong since no one fight with these groups which most of them are foreigners mostly coming from the west.
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