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Was Islam spread by the sword?

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I am becoming increasingly aware of this fact. I think it is time I stopped wasting my time. All the best.

It is like debating the facts of evolution with a YEC.

No amount of reality will sink in no matter how patient you are and how credible the information is.

The barriers of fanaticism and fundamentalism will not be broken with reason and logic, because they have factually avoided both their whole lives.

They did not reason themselves into belief, so you will not reason someone out of any kind of faith. It is a stain on humanity


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
I said before,you cant tell a book by its cover,Islam verses Chtistianity in how many deaths of people and ideas they caused would be an interesting contest,the thing is they both did at certain points in their history.

I remember your said :)
but most of time you can tell a book by it's cover :p

indeed it'.s would be an interesting contest and debate .

it's probably , Muslims vs Christians crimes/abuses cross the history .

how about Muslims and Westerns (include the christians ) ?

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I remember your said :)
but most of time you can tell a book by it's cover :p

indeed it'.s would be an interesting contest and debate .

it's probably , Muslims vs Christians crimes/abuses cross the history .

how about Muslims and Westerns (include the christians ) ?

Expand on the "westerns" but all inclusions even the Simpsons are worth considering :p

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I remember your said :)
but most of time you can tell a book by it's cover :p

indeed it'.s would be an interesting contest and debate .

it's probably , Muslims vs Christians crimes/abuses cross the history .

how about Muslims and Westerns (include the christians ) ?

How about Muslims (include the Easterns),you could then have Vlad the impaler,pol pot,chairman Mao,Stalin and the sons of the rising sun Japan,in hindsight adding east or west doesn't work so lets just stick to Islam versus Christianity;).


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
How about the fact muslims kill more muslims then anyone else?

The sectarianism is pathetic and barbaric.

Tribal people describes so much

how about the fact the westerns killed more westerns more than muslims killed muslims ?


Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?


For example:

Spread of Islam in Burma: [1]

Islam is a minority religion in Burma,[1] practiced by 4% of the population, according to the Myanmar official statistics.[2]


The first Muslims arrived on the Arakan coast and moved into the upward hinterland to Maungdaw. The time when the Muslims arrived in Burma and in Arakan and Maungdaw is uncertain. Then the Muslims arrived in Burma's Ayeyarwady River delta, on the Tanintharyi coast and in Rakhine in the 9th century, prior to the establishment of the first Burmese empire in 1055 AD by King Anawrahta of Bagan.[3][4][5][6][7][8]

These early Muslim settlements and the propagation of Islam weredocumented by Arab, Persian, European and Chinese travelers of the 9th century.[3][9] Burmese Muslims are the descendants of Muslim peoples who settled andintermarried with the local Burmese ethnic groups.[10][11] Muslims arrived in Burma as traders or settlers,[12] military personnel,[13] and prisoners of war,[13] refugees,[3]and as victims of slavery.[14] However, many early Muslims also as saying goes held positions of status as royal advisers, royal administrators, port authorities,mayors, and traditional medicine men.[15]

Persian Muslims arrived in northern Burma on the border with the Chinese region of Yunnan as recorded in the Chronicles of China in 860 AD.[3][16] Burmese Muslims were sometimes called Pathi,[17] a name believed to be derived from Persian. Many settlements in the southern region near present day Thailand were noted for the Muslim populations, in which Muslims often outnumbered the local Buddhists. In one record, Pathein was said to be populated with Pathis,[17] and was ruled by three Indian Muslim Kings in the 13th century.[18][19][20] Arab merchants also arrived in Martaban, Mergui, and there were Arab settlements in the present Myeik archipelago's mid-western quarters.[21]

The first Muslims had landed in Myanmar (Burma's) Ayeyarwady River delta, Tanintharyi coast and Rakhine as seamen in 9th century, prior to the establishment of the first Myanmar (Burmese) empire in 1055 AD by King Anawrahta of Bagan or Pagan.[22][23][24][25] The dawn of the Muslim settlements and the propagation of Islam was widely documented by the Arab,Persian, European and Chinese travelers of 9th century.[26][27]

The current population of Myanmar Muslims are the descendants of Arabs, Persians, Turks, Moors, Indian-Muslims, sheikhs, Pakistanis, Pathans, Bengalis, Chinese Muslims and Malays who settled and intermarried with local Burmese and many ethnic Myanmar groups such as, Rakhine, Shan, Karen, Mon etc.[28][29]

Islam in Burma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't see any sword in spread of Islam in Burma.


England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I expand it to westerns because many of the Christians leaved their religions .

btw i don't mean by "westerns" , the cowboys :p

Many of the Christian didn't have a lot of choice to be one in the first place,sound familiar,the west was and still is a little wild so cowboys isn't too far away:D


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
I don't think that is true.

Muslim on muslim violence is a major problem.

USA is fighting terrorism, not islam
it's true

i am not talking about just now/the present , i am talking about all cross the history.

Yes , Muslim on muslims is big problem .

just for note , remember your sandbox exemple (reply) .

-maybe it's suprise you , that i posted today , this in other thread (in ME politic DIR) :

thanks for share

For my opinion , fighting the these groups is become a muslim duty .

btw , if i am working military , it's my doctrine duty to eliminate ALL terrorists to save one single non-muslims innocents .

whatever his religion, and whatever his nationality (Hindu,Christians ,Jew,Athiest ...etc)


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Then asking when islam ever put the sword down is a better question

you answser to my question , by new question !!!

to avoid to compare between who kill each other more , the westerns or muslims cross the history ?

ah , the history is not important right now !!! because it's about condemning the western history .:slap:

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
to---hev Chelios

The ideas that are great ideas-.
Islam does not mean terrorism only physical
Is intellectual terrorism
The idea of infidelity is human
I'm a creature of God
I am free to faith
I believe in the existence of God or does not believe
These freedoms
You offer me your book
When I debate you full freedom
It is my right to say that your book of defects 1, 2 and 3
But that's nothing in Islam Islam is very briefly against intellectual freedom
He was also an intellectual terrorism
This is the most serious of physical terrorism
Yes the Quran by killing non-breath as if killing all people
But this verse copied in the verses of the fighting
As the fighting became obligatory
The logic of the Qur'an does not fit with logic brain free


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
yes I favor history over your required mythology, fanaticism and fundamentalism. :facepalm:

ok forget the mythology ...etc

stay just in your favor( history ) and answser to this very simle history question , how many western killed by western in WW1 and WW2 ?


Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?


For example:

Spread of Islam in Burma: [2]

Islam is a minority religion in Burma,[1] practiced by 4% of the population, according to the Myanmar official statistics.[2]


Muslim diaspora[edit]

The population of the Muslims increased during the British rule of Burma because of new waves of Indian Muslim Immigration.[30]This sharply declined in the years following 1941 as a result of the Indo-Burman Immigration agreement,[31] and was officially stopped following Burma's (Myanmar) independence on 4 January 1948.

Muslims arrived in Burma as travelers, adventurers, pioneers, sailors, traders,[32] Military Personals (voluntary and mercenary),[33] and a number of them as prisoners of wars.[34] Some were reported to have taken refuge from wars, Monsoon storms and weather, shipwreck [35] and for a number of other circumstances. Some are victims of forced slavery [36] but many of them are professionals and skilled personals such as advisors to the kings and at various ranks of administration whilst others are port-authorities and mayors and traditional medicine men.[37]

Pathi and Panthays[edit]

See also: Panlong Subtownship
Indian Muslims traveled over land, in search of China, and arrived northern Burma at Yunnan (China) border. Their colonies were recorded in Chronicles of China in 860 AD.[38][39] Myanmar Muslims were sometimes called Pathi, and Chinese Muslims are called Panthay.[40] It is widely believed that those names derived from Parsi (Persian). Bago Pegu), Dala, Thanlyin (Syriam), Taninthayi (Tenasserim), Mottama (Martaban), Myeik (Mergui) and Pathein (Bassein) were full of Burmese Muslim settlers and they outnumbered the local Burmese by many times.

In one record, Pathein was said to be populated with Pathis. Perhaps Pathein comes from Pathi.[41]And coincidentally, Pathein is still famous for Pathein halawa, a traditional Myanmar Muslim food inherited from northern Indian Muslim. In Kawzar 583 (13th Century), Bassein or Pathein was known as Pathi town under the three Indian Hindu Kings.[42][43][44] Arab merchants arrived Martaban, Margue. Arab settlement in the present Meik's mid-western quarters.[45]

Bagan (Pagan) period[edit]
Byat Wi and Byat Ta[edit]

The first evidence of Muslims landing in Burma's chronicle was recorded in the era of the first Burmese Empire of Pagan (Bagan) 1044 AD. Two Indian Muslim sailors of BYAT family, Byat Wi and Byat Ta, arrived Burmese shores, near Thaton.[46] There are people in Iraq, Arabia and some Surthi Northern Indian Muslim with the same sir name even at present. They took refuge and stayed at the monastery of the monk in Thaton. They were said to be tall, fair, swift, brave and very strong.

According to a chronicle of Burma related to the Indian Muslim brothers, they were said to have strength of the full-grown elephant after eating the magical meat of a (Zaw Gyi) or Fakir, a meal originally prepared for the monk who saved them. As a consequence, Thaton king became afraid of them and killed the elder brother while he was sleeping in his wife's house. The younger brother managed to escape to Bagan and took refuge to king Anawratha. He was kept near the king. He had to fetch flowers, ten times a day, from the Mont Popa, few dozens of miles away from Bagan. He married a girl from Popa and got two sons, Shwe Byin brothers.[47]

The semi-historical account of Burmese history, Glass Palace Chronicle, records the first Muslims in Burma in the first Burmese empire, circa 1050 AD. Two IndianMuslim brothers, Byat Wi and Byat Ta, arrived in Thaton.[3][7] When the Thaton king learned of them, he became afraid of their strength and killed Byat Wi.[48] Byat Ta managed to escape to Bagan and took refuge with King Anawratha.[48] He married a girl from Popa with whom he had two sons, the Shwe Byin brothers.[48]

Islam in Burma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't see any sword in spread of Islam in Burma.



ok forget the mythology ...etc

stay just in your favor( history ) and answser to this very simle history question , how many western killed by western in WW1 and WW2 ?

How many millions did the Germans and Japanese murder in cold blood?

before we went in and bailed the world out?
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