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Was Islam spread by the sword?

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England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Well, I know plenty of educated and awesome muslims who im constantly around, who pray like 5-6-7 times a day in the backroom, who laugh at their extremists and half the muslim world. They laugh constantly. They aren't laughing at the unfortunate or educated, son! Who they laughing at?

They were taught one way or another, but they turned out the same. Wonder why.

IK i deviated. Forgive me =(

OK that's different,perhaps if you added that in the first place my response would have been different.:)


Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?


For example:

Spread of Islam in Hong Kong: [3]

Islam is practised in Hong Kong by about 250,000 Muslims.[1] About 20,000[2] of the Muslim families in Hong Kong are 'local boy' families, Muslims of mixed Chinese and South Asian ancestry descended from early Muslim South Asian immigrants who took local Chinese wives and brought their children up as Muslims.[3][4]



Hong Kong Islamic Youth Association[edit]

The Hong Kong Islamic Youth Association (HKIYA; Chinese: 香港伊斯蘭青年協會) is a charitable organisation founded in 1973. It has been organising recreational and educational activities for local Muslim youth. The association started the Online Video Channel (OVC) on its Youtube channel (HKIYA1973) in 2012 which provides Da'wah (Islamic preaching) programs in Cantonese updated every week. The first locally developed smart phone App – "IslamHK" was launched on 21 August 2012 by HKIYA and this marked the milestone of modern Islamic preaching. The association is also based at the Ammar Mosque.[7]


IFSA Quranic Competition Hong Kong Contact Mr. Pervez Akhter Tel: 852 98227549 The IFSA is the first to organise Quranic competitions between Hong Kong boys and girls, and made Quranic awareness between Muslim youth as well as the whole community.

United Welfare Union Hong Kong Limited[edit]

United Welfare Union Hong Kong Limited is manages the Ibrahim Mosque in Ya Ma Tei and two other centres at present. Based in Hong Kong and are registered as Charitable Organization by the Hong Kong Government.

• Chinese Muslim Cultural and Fraternal Association
• Hong Kong Chinese Islamic Federation
• Hong Kong Muslim Women Association
• International Islamic Society
• Khatme-Nubuwwat Movement Hong Kong
• Pakistan Welfare Islamic Union of Hong Kong
• Pakistan Traders Association (Hong Kong)
• Pakistani Students Association Hong Kong
• United Muslims Association of Hong Kong[14]

Muslim cemeteries[edit]

There are three Muslim cemeteries in Hong Kong, which are:
• Cape Collinson Muslim Cemetery in Cape Collinson
• Chai Wan Muslim Cemetery in Chai Wan
• Happy Valley Muslim Cemetery in Happy Valley


Maulana Qari Muhammad Tayaib Qasmi is an Islamic scholar who has lived in Hong Kong since 1989. He served as a ChiefImam and Khatib of Kowloon Mosque. He is currently running seven large Islamic Centres throughout Hong Kong, under the name of Khatme Nubuwwat Islamic Council, giving free after-school Quranic education to over 1,500 students, including adult students and young boys and girls, who study full-time in local schools in Hong Kong.

Islam in Hong Kong - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't see any sword in spread of Islam in Hong Kong.



Veteran Member
If I said the west killed more what difference would it make,ww1&2 were not about religious expansion.

Quran/Islam has no teaching to wage war for religious conversions or for religious expansions.
There could be Muslims having done/ or doing such things for political or other motives though.
Thant has to be analysed deeply for every conflict.



Quran/Islam has no teaching to wage war for religious conversions or for religious expansions.
There could be Muslims having done/ or doing such things for political or other motives though.
Thant has to be analysed deeply for every conflict.


NO credible historian states islam was not spread by the sword.

great documentaries all claim it was.

guess why? It was :facepalm:


Veteran Member
Not only that the USA was jumping in saving millions of lives, due to the axis of evil committing genocide.

Pretty much can stand proud after those two.

maybe he could dig up the Indian wars if he wanted to try and embarrass us. But that does not negate the evil islam is doing in this modern age at all.

modern age[/COLOR]

Do you mean Indian wars, World War-I and Word War- II were not done in the modern age[/COLOR], it happened in the pre-historic period???!!!!



The Lost One
paarsurrey said:
Do you mean Indian wars, World War-I and Word War- II were not done in the modern age, it happened in the pre-historic period???!!!!

None of which, have anything to do with religion.

Can you show any of these (Indian wars, WW1, WW2) have to do with the spread of religion(s)?

With the wars against Native Americans, it has more to do with greeds for lands and their bigotry against ethnic Native Americans than with Christianity.

Or did you pick these 3 scenarios, to show the Americans involvement in these terrible wars?

In both of these World Wars, the U.S. didn't enter the war, until the 2nd stages of the wars. And in the 2nd WW, the US didn't get involved until they were attacked by the Japanese.

This topic is about religion being spread through wars, invasions or conquests. Christianity have being spread wars as well as through personal free choices, in past history, but not by your examples of Indian wars, and WW1 and WW2.

Islam have being spread through personal free will (voluntary), and as well as through intimidations and armed forces.


Veteran Member
None of which, have anything to do with religion.

Can you show any of these (Indian wars, WW1, WW2) have to do with the spread of religion(s)?

With the wars against Native Americans, it has more to do with greeds for lands and their bigotry against ethnic Native Americans than with Christianity.

Or did you pick these 3 scenarios, to show the Americans involvement in these terrible wars?

In both of these World Wars, the U.S. didn't enter the war, until the 2nd stages of the wars. And in the 2nd WW, the US didn't get involved until they were attacked by the Japanese.

This topic is about religion being spread through wars, invasions or conquests. Christianity have being spread wars as well as through personal free choices, in past history, but not by your examples of Indian wars, and WW1 and WW2.

Islam have being spread through personal free will (voluntary), and as well as through intimidations and armed forces.

America was involved in both world wars via economic treaties and stances. They were hardly isolationist. In both cases American took steps which put it's people in harms way in order to cause an incident. However as you said and I agree with neither of these wars were about religion. Religion like nationalism or patriotism were useful rallying cries but not the cause
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The Lost One
I wasn't saying that the U.S. was isolationist; what I was saying that they didn't join either World Wars till later.

Paarsurrey listed these 3 examples of wars in which all 3 had in common with Americans. Perhaps a large part of the U.S. demographics were Christians, but none of these 3 wars involved Christianity (religion) as the cause of the wars.

I do understand that wars can involve both political/economical and religious issues, but not from paarsurrey's examples.

I am questioning the validity of paarsurrey bringing up these 3 examples, as religion being spread by wars/conquests. So I would like an answer from him as to why these 3 examples?


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
What Quran/Islam/Muhammad has to do with the doings of the Pakistan? They simply are not representative of Quran/Islam/Muhammad.


paarsurrey, We are accumulating quite a list of Muslims who - for the last 1400 years - were doing it wrong. It seems to me that all of the Islamic conquerors of the last 1400 years were actually "doing it right". Not that I'm agreeing with what they did, but that they were doing what the Quran and the example of Muhammad's life told them to do.

Islam's message is: "go conquer stuff", and that's what Muslims have been doing for 1400 years - right up to and including 2014.


Veteran Member
None of which, have anything to do with religion.

Can you show any of these (Indian wars, WW1, WW2) have to do with the spread of religion(s)?

With the wars against Native Americans, it has more to do with greeds for lands and their bigotry against ethnic Native Americans than with Christianity.

Or did you pick these 3 scenarios, to show the Americans involvement in these terrible wars?

In both of these World Wars, the U.S. didn't enter the war, until the 2nd stages of the wars. And in the 2nd WW, the US didn't get involved until they were attacked by the Japanese.

This topic is about religion being spread through wars, invasions or conquests. Christianity have being spread wars as well as through personal free choices, in past history, but not by your examples of Indian wars, and WW1 and WW2.

Islam have being spread through personal free will (voluntary), and as well as through intimidations and armed forces.

Do you mean wars for not spreading religion are legitimate???!!!



The Lost One
paarsurrey said:
Do you mean wars for not spreading religion are legitimate???!!!

Do you remember the topic's OP?

It is about war and religion, more specifically Islam. Zoogirl put forward the question if Islam has been spread through military conquests.

Talking of the US or Americans and their past history (about wars), is nothing more than distraction or you deliberately trying to side-track the thread on other topics, which have nothing to do with religions and wars.

You are talking about wars, granted, but the World Wars and the Indian wars had nothing to do with any religion, let alone Christianity.

If you want to talk about the evil of (non-religious) wars, or about the WWs or Indian wars, then start a new topic (or two). Otherwise, stay on the topic.


Freedom Of Mind
I think the Hindus should be more vocal about the genocides they faced. Their silence is puzzling. Millions of Hindus were killed in a genocide by the Pakistani army during the Bangladesh war of independence, that is something which happened only 40 years ago.

And was that war for gaining territories or for spreading of Islam ?


The Lost One
feargod said:
And was that war for gaining territories or for spreading of Islam ?

Have you ever considered that it could be both?

There are never just one motive for conquest.


Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?


For example:

Spread of Islam in Macau:

Islam in Macau is a minority religion in the region. Currently there are around more than 400 Muslims in Macau in which they call themselves as The Macau Islamic Society.[1] According to the Islamic Union of Hong Kong, together with all of the foreign Muslim workers combined (such as from Bangladesh, India, Indonesia and Pakistan), Muslims in Macau accounted for around 5,000 people.[2]


First migration[edit]

Islam has been present in Macau since the Yuan Dynasty. It is generally accepted that Islam were brought to Macau by traders from Middle East and Persia during that time until Qing Dynasty era.[3] Some of this evidence can be found at the Muslim Cemetery nearby Macau Mosque where some of the tombs dated back to hundreds of years ago.[4][5]

Second migration[edit]

During the Portuguese rule of Macau, many Muslims came from South Asia with the Portuguese Army. They founded the Macau Mosque for their prayer place.

Third migration[edit]

During the World War II, many Hui people escaped to then-Portuguese Macau from the Republic of China to avoid the devastation from the war. Many of them are from Zhaoqing in Kwangtung province. However, many of them moved to Hong Kong after the end of world war.[6] Some Muslim also came to Macau from Northwest China after the end of Chinese Civil War in 1949.[7]


Macau currently has one mosque, which is the Macau Mosque, located at 4 Ramal Dos Moros in Our Lady of Fatima Parish. The mosque was built in the 1980s by the Muslim people from the second wave of generation during the Portuguese-ruled of Macau. This mosque is specially crowded during Sunday where most of the employees are having their work break days.

Muslim cemetery[edit]

Macau has one Muslim cemetery, located within the same area as Macau Mosque. Some of their style are of Persian origin. Some of the tombs dated hundreds of years ago.

Muslim food[edit]

There are some Halal restaurants and shops selling Halal food in Macau, both in Macau Peninsula and Taipa.[8][9][10] Macau's first Halal restaurant was launched in 2012, which is called the Taste of India at Macau Fisherman's Wharf, serving Halal Indian and Portuguese cuisines. It took them 3 years to obtain the Halal certification.[11]

Muslim name[edit]

Macau Muslim people usually have typical name such as Fatimah, Soraya, Umar etc.

Muslim majority or Islamic-related organizations in Macau[edit]

Islamic Association of Macau[edit]

The Islamic Association of Macau (IAM; Chinese: 澳門伊斯蘭會; Portuguese: Associação Islâmica de Macau) is an Islamic organization in Macau founded in 1935.[12] The headquarters of the organization is at the Macau Mosque.[13] The Islamic Union of Hong Kong in Hong Kong provides annual budget and subsidy to the IAM so that the association can continue to look after the interests of Muslims in Macau and to propagate Islam in the region.[14] The current President of IAM is Ahmed Din Khan and the Vice President is Fazal Dad.

Peduli Indonesian Migrant Workers Concern Group[edit]

The Peduli Indonesian Migrant Workers Concern Group was established in 2009 in Macau. The group assists the Indonesianworkers in Macau, such as explaining about Macau immigration law, employment documents translation etc. The group currently has around 350 members. It offers English classes, computer courses and holds many activities, such as visits to elderly homes, AIDS campaigns, hip-hop competitions etc.[2]

Contemporary issues[edit]

Muslims in Macau are often faced with time availability to pray, because most of them time they have only one break during their working period, which is not enough to hold two daily prayers. Some Muslim women workers also sometimes face difficulties to keep wearing their veil during working time, although this has never been a major issues in Macau.[2]

Islam in Macau - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't see any sword in spread of Islam in Macau.



And was that war for gaining territories or for spreading of Islam ?

It was a war of independance of Bangladesh from Pakistan. However millions of people were killed by the Pakistani army and the majority were Hindu.

You tell me now, why is that? Either it was some unlikely coincidence or it's the fact that the group think of religion (Islam in this particular case) predisposed those soldiers to predominantly attack non-Muslims over Muslims. While all religions are to blame for this sense of group think, the Abrahamic ones are the most notorious for practicing and promoting it. Christianity has been tamed more or less by the enlightenment and the atheist movements, it's clout as a religion over political matters lessens with each generation. Islam's trajectory is the opposite.

The American wars are for oil and in the name of 'democracy', not Christianity.


Response: One of the miracles of the Qur'an is the very question being asked. Rather than quoting sources to support whether Islam was spread by the sword or not, one can find out the truth by doing it yourself. In other words, neither you nor anyone one person can out wrestle just 5 people by force without being subdued. That alone dismantles the idea that one man conquered a nation by force. So when one ask was Islam spread by the sword, the answer is clear that the sword was involved. However, not by force.
Israel outfights other nations outnumbered 80 - 1. Cortex defeated a nation that outnumbered him by at least 1000 - 1. Foreman knocked out five guys in one night.

Muhammad did not conquer squat in his peaceful years. Only after given armed mobs which he was to use to settle tribal disputes but instead turned into looters of caravans, did he get any where.
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If muslims are not all following fanaticism

Why are terrorist recruiting and converting good muslims with 50$ and a cell phone?

They are becoming terrorist for 50$ and a cell phone
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......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
It was a war of independance of Bangladesh from Pakistan. However millions of people were killed by the Pakistani army and the majority were Hindu.

I'm not sure we're talking about the same "war". I'm talking about the Islamic conquests that started happening many hundreds of years ago and lasted for several hundred years, as conquering Muslims invaded the regions that are now Pakistan and west India. Over the course of these several hundred years it's estimated that 80 million Hindus were killed.
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