Monk Of Reason
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So you are telling me that in the Islamic world there is no repercussion for being homosexual and acting on their homosexuality? That their families treat them with respect and quote the Koran with love and dignity to their sodomite of a child? Or does something different usually occur?God doesn't ask muslims to do the punishment for homosexuality as the quran shows that such a attitude is diffused among unfaithful nations and God is the only one who may punish one nation by erasing it from existence as he did with people of Lot.
Women were buried alive before Islam and treated badly.
Wars were a military ones,warriors against warriors,the message of Islam was a peaceful one as to stop oppression and wrong attitudes among people but the disbelievers tried to stop the message by force and God sent the permission to Mohammed to fight back and God said that even though that fighting is a bad choice but if needed then it will be the best choice.
Emotional This Made Our Prophet Cry! YouTube - YouTube
The last sermon of the prophet which have been witnessed by more than a hundred thousand person (men and women)
The Prophet Muhammad's Last Sermon - YouTube
I don't care if women were treated badly prior or after him. I want to know if he promoted a patriarchal viewpoint that viewed women as financially or spiritually weaker than men. In my view it seems overwhelmingly obvious he was. Again you can say "look at the time" and in reality I can't blame him for being sexist back in those days. But I can say that it is a glaring flaw if we was to be a perfect man according to Allah.
War is war. Based on religion. He kills to make peace. There is not a good record of this in history. The religion of Islam in its early days was spread with blood not peace. Though the same is said of Christianity. I'm not playing the game of "lets blame the Muslim" but simply pointing out where I feel that Muhammad was flawed. Though by my morality I feel Allah himself is flawed and immoral. So there may in root be part of the problem.