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We are all guilty for our governments crimes against God and mankind.


Jehovah our God is One
According to the laws of man, when you assist in a crime, you are guilty of that crime. Our governments, as in ALL governments, are guilty of some very serious crimes against mankind and against God. Our governments get their power from us, we the people give them our power. How can we ask or expect forgiveness from God, when we do so little to stop these crimes?

Let me give you an example. The World Health Organization was caught red handed sterilizing young girls against their will. They actually made a special vaccine to sterilize people against their will. Such a crime is far worse than raping children. Imagine standing in front of God, and trying to explain why you allowed the forced sterilization of young girls. Crimes like that are probably where the concept of Hell comes from, because it takes something that severe to imagine that anyone would be tortured for eternity. Only in a crime that bad, does it seem justified to torture someone for eternity.

We are all responsible for those sterilizations, and also, if we do nothing about it, they will start doing those sterilizations to our own children. In fact, where my children are in school, they attempted to force vaccinations which are designed to sterilize the females. They say the vaccinations are for some other purpose, obviously, but when you look into the fine print you find out that they sterilize 30% of them or so.

This is just one example. As you can see, the WHO thinks they are doing the right thing. They are forcing their own belief/religion on people. Their belief is in sterilization. These people want to do the right thing, but they are totally wrong in their method and in their belief of what exactly is right.

One simple thing would have prevented them from doing such a crime. That is the simple concept of not forcing their belief/religion on others. The simple concept of not forcing their way. That is where it becomes our responsibility to stop them. We the people, must not allow the use of force, to violate people.

The point of this, is that we all share the guilt for these offenses, unless we do everything we can to stop them. When we do nothing to stop them, it builds up and eventually they start doing the same things to us and our children.

Judgment Day is not the day that God judges us. Rather, Judgment Day is the day that our out judgment catches up with us. The day that all these nasty offenses we allowed our governments to do, and did little or nothing to stop, comes back to bite us. The day that we destroy ourselves.


do like us and don't vote.


pro scapegoat
Abott isn't despotic??? Oh sorry I didn't realize.
Abbott is a great example. He is unpopular, and so will be voted out. Voting is important, if you do not vote you are diminishing the democracy that sustains you.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
When you try to get an alcoholic or drug addict off of drugs, the first thing you need to do is get them to admit that they have a problem. They are to blame. They are the only ones who can fix their problem.

The same is true here.

Who has a problem?


Premium Member
I've always been taught that people are responsible for their own actions. I make enough mistakes of my own to worry about the mistakes others make, including that of my government. Since I can't, on my own, change all the messed up laws in the world, I just have to try and find the best politician to vote for (which is pretty damned hard).


Jehovah our God is One
Abbott is a great example. He is unpopular, and so will be voted out. Voting is important, if you do not vote you are diminishing the democracy that sustains you.
Democracy gives the illusion that you have some control of your government.... but it's just an illusion and those who keep voting deserve to be fooled over and over again.

I make a choice not to vote for people because I don't see anyone worthy. My vote is for God's kingdom with Jesus Christ as its ruler.... that is a sure thing.


Working to save mankind
I don't vote. Voting tends to make people think that they have done something, when they really haven't done anything. Worse yet, it divides the people and makes them hate each other and fight among themselves. I think it also contributes to the strong desire people have to control/force their way on other people.

I mentioned earlier that that population control is forced on people. Population control is a religion to some people, a false god, and a very bad one.

When Jesus was asked how to know when the end is near, he said "when they say peace and safety, then sudden destruction shall come upon them".

The first chapter of the charter for the UN says "peace and security". Security is another word for safety. The treaty of NATO also says "peace and security".

If you watched the news in the last 20 years, you should know that both the UN and NATO are used to make wars. NATO especially is a war machine.

Suggest peace and safety to a politician, and you will almost always get the same responce... War. War is all they know. See, the root foundation of a politician, indeed the whole government system, is force. Forcing others to do as they desire. So, the method that they think of to accomplish any task, is to force that task, and that means war.

The concept of love is completely foreign to them. Yet, love is the only way to get peace.

The US spent $2,000 billion dollars ($2 trillion) on the war in Iraq. That could rise to $4 trillion, from post war expenses. The US spends around $20 to $30 billion on foreign aid, most of which is probably used to line certain people's pockets.

So the focus of the US is hatred. We spend many times as much on hatred, than we do on love. We spend many times as much killing people, as we do helping people.

If we are to make World Peace happen, we need to educate the people in the basic concept that we can prevent wars with love. I plan to make a video about this, and if anyone wants to help, there's plenty of research to be done on it.

There are two paths. Two guiding principals. One, often called the Devil, the path of hatred and death. The other, often called the true God, is the path of love and life. We, as in all of mankind, are on the path leading to hatred and death. That path is likely to kill us all, unless we can get mankind off of that path.

If you tell yourself you are not to blame, it is not your responsibility, than you are likely to do little or nothing.

If you pay your taxes, you are spending about 1% of your income on hatred. How much do we need to spend on love, to compensate for that? Obviously we can not spend enough, unless we are extremely efficient about it.



Active Member
And what mumbo-jumbo would that be?

Mat: 12:17 "Pay back Caesar"s things to Caesar's, and Gods things to God." If you do not understand that scripture, let me help you. We must obey mans laws. But if mans laws goes against God's laws...we must follow Gods laws. It makes it real easy for a Christian to know what to do.

Mumbo-jumbo being the stuff the original poster said in his original post, plus everything after. He continues on a tirade about government responsibility is individual responsibility and the actions of the government will be judged upon us.

...and thanks for writing out the scripture I cited, I guess I wasn't sure what it said??

Did you have a point at all, or do you enjoy reading what you write?


Active Member
Mumbo-jumbo being the stuff the original poster said in his original post, plus everything after. He continues on a tirade about government responsibility is individual responsibility and the actions of the government will be judged upon us.

...and thanks for writing out the scripture I cited, I guess I wasn't sure what it said??

Did you have a point at all, or do you enjoy reading what you write?

I have read all your post on this thread. I did not see where you posted MAtt 12:17. So what is your problem?


Active Member
I have read all your post on this thread. I did not see where you posted MAtt 12:17. So what is your problem?

Oh, you're right, I didn't cite Matthew. I cited Mark 12:13-17. You are misquoting Matthew, not me. Although the same teaching is seen in Matthew, chapter 22, verse 15 through 22.


Active Member
Oh, you're right, I didn't cite Matthew. I cited Mark 12:13-17. You are misquoting Matthew, not me. Although the same teaching is seen in Matthew, chapter 22, verse 15 through 22.

You are correct...I meant to say, Mark 12:17, not Matt.12:17. Old age is a *****.


Veteran Member
Well, lets look at some of your facts;

. There are more slaves in Africa today (2015) then were sold , or were born in America.
Segregation has gone away? Tell that to any black American.
Plagues: They died out...they did not go away do to mans efforts.
diseases. Every time one is cured, others seem to pop right up.
Hitler. There are always more waiting in the wings.
War. We have had a war ever since WW1
Doing a lot of good things. For every one of these, I can name ten bad one's.
All of the aforementioned things have been improved by man, at the very least. And, I never said that we cured the world of maniacs or war in general, just that specific incidents have been stopped by men working together. It seems ludicrous to discount these things as not having happened.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
According to the laws of man, when you assist in a crime, you are guilty of that crime. Our governments, as in ALL governments, are guilty of some very serious crimes against mankind and against God. Our governments get their power from us, we the people give them our power. How can we ask or expect forgiveness from God, when we do so little to stop these crimes?

Let me give you an example. The World Health Organization was caught red handed sterilizing young girls against their will. They actually made a special vaccine to sterilize people against their will. Such a crime is far worse than raping children. Imagine standing in front of God, and trying to explain why you allowed the forced sterilization of young girls. Crimes like that are probably where the concept of Hell comes from, because it takes something that severe to imagine that anyone would be tortured for eternity. Only in a crime that bad, does it seem justified to torture someone for eternity.

We are all responsible for those sterilizations, and also, if we do nothing about it, they will start doing those sterilizations to our own children. In fact, where my children are in school, they attempted to force vaccinations which are designed to sterilize the females. They say the vaccinations are for some other purpose, obviously, but when you look into the fine print you find out that they sterilize 30% of them or so.

This is just one example. As you can see, the WHO thinks they are doing the right thing. They are forcing their own belief/religion on people. Their belief is in sterilization. These people want to do the right thing, but they are totally wrong in their method and in their belief of what exactly is right.

One simple thing would have prevented them from doing such a crime. That is the simple concept of not forcing their belief/religion on others. The simple concept of not forcing their way. That is where it becomes our responsibility to stop them. We the people, must not allow the use of force, to violate people.

The point of this, is that we all share the guilt for these offenses, unless we do everything we can to stop them. When we do nothing to stop them, it builds up and eventually they start doing the same things to us and our children.

Judgment Day is not the day that God judges us. Rather, Judgment Day is the day that our out judgment catches up with us. The day that all these nasty offenses we allowed our governments to do, and did little or nothing to stop, comes back to bite us. The day that we destroy ourselves.


God reaction to this huge problem: zzzzzzzzz


- viole


Active Member
All of the aforementioned things have been improved by man, at the very least. And, I never said that we cured the world of maniacs or war in general, just that specific incidents have been stopped by men working together. It seems ludicrous to discount these things as not having happened.

I often hear older people talking about the good old days...happy days. The years between 1945-1950. The golden years after WW2. Yes they were...if you were free, white, and 21. I went through the south in those years. They weren't so good if you were black.

Yes men have stopped many incidents, only to be followed by other incidents. It seems there are always incidents. Why can't men stop incidents?


Veteran Member
I often hear older people talking about the good old days...happy days. The years between 1945-1950. The golden years after WW2. Yes they were...if you were free, white, and 21. I went through the south in those years. They weren't so good if you were black.

Yes men have stopped many incidents, only to be followed by other incidents. It seems there are always incidents. Why can't men stop incidents?
I don't think stopping "incidents" is a reasonable request of man. That would, in essence, be asking for a perfect world. There are too many competing interests among too many people in this world for anyone to expect any kind of perfection ... but, improvements in situations and the resolution of specific incidents certainly show some kind of "wins."