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We die because of Adam and Eve?: How crazy!


Assyrian Devil
there is a God but there is no God that interferes with the laws of the universe or interferes in our world,never has been. God let the chips fall,but it is foolish to assume God speaks to people personally but ignores everything else such as suffering,a God that did would be cruel


Is not going to save you.
Why didn't God give each and every one of us the same test? I would have obeyed God, from a simple logic standpoint: Since he was the one who created us, it would be wise to obey him.

No you wouldn't. You wouldn't have the knowldge that you have now. In reality all you would know is: God created you, he told you to watch over the animals in the garden and not to eat of the tree of good and evil.
The serpent would have tricked you just like Eve.


No its not crazy we die because they have sin. eve listen to the serpet( the devil) and adam listen to eve and since they both disobeyed him and got kicked out the garden of eve they had to learn how to grow their on food, and deliver a baby with no medication and even though we have better technology than they did which means we do have medication we still do be in pain and now people get sick and some die earlier than others

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
Why didn't God give each and every one of us the same test? I would have obeyed God, from a simple logic standpoint: Since he was the one who created us, it would be wise to obey him.

Nobody back then when they wrote the Bible ever thought, with this Adam and Eve 'story', and the reason for why we die, we would ever question such an account ? They never thought that people would never question why not only man dies, but everything organic, that does not even understand good and evil, also dies? That they really thought we would believe that if we did not sin, we would never die and could not be killed - even if an asteroid came and hit us on the head?

The Adam and Eve story really doesn't make much sense when you examine it from a literal perspective does it? You must question the nature of a god who would create his children into the circumstance enabling their fall, for which he would then curse them with sin.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
No its not crazy we die because they have sin. eve listen to the serpet( the devil) and adam listen to eve and since they both disobeyed him and got kicked out the garden of eve they had to learn how to grow their on food, and deliver a baby with no medication and even though we have better technology than they did which means we do have medication we still do be in pain and now people get sick and some die earlier than others

Why does death need an explination? Would it be so hard to just believe that death is a part of life? Naturally some fear death, so they must go about making up explinations as to why we die.


Miss Independent
Why die because of adam and eve. THATS CRAZY! ???

No worries if its unfair that all die because of adam then it aint fair that any can live because of Christ either.

Seems to have worked itself out in the end.


Premium Member
Why didn't God give each and every one of us the same test? I would have obeyed God, from a simple logic standpoint: Since he was the one who created us, it would be wise to obey him.

Nobody back then when they wrote the Bible ever thought, with this Adam and Eve 'story', and the reason for why we die, we would ever question such an account ? They never thought that people would never question why not only man dies, but everything organic, that does not even understand good and evil, also dies? That they really thought we would believe that if we did not sin, we would never die and could not be killed - even if an asteroid came and hit us on the head?

For me Adam and Eve is symbolic and no you would and do choose to eat the fruit of knowledge everyday.

God gave you everything and all he wants is you to put your trust completely in him and you will live forever. You always choose knowledge for proof you have a computer and are seeking knowledge on this forum from other humans that also seek knowledge.


Active Member
The idea of all God's children being punished for the actions of two mythical fruit eating ingrates called Adam and Eve is utterly obscene. God I believe does not punish people for the sins of their ancestors. Punishment is to be the done for the purpose of correction and not for punishment sake. Punishment for punishment sake is torture. Technically it should only be Adam and Eve punished for taking the fruit. According to the Biblical narrative and this myth, Adam and Eve didn't have any moral awareness until they partook the fruit of the tree of knowledge and good and evil. In light of this, they weren't responsible because they didn't have a moral awareness.


Ironic Idealist
I, though I'm an atheist, interpret the tale of Adam and Eve as indicating that people will most likely do wrong at least a few times in their lives.

I'm pretty sure we've all told that lie that didn't have to be told, we've done something out of self-interest that harmed someone else even indirectly... I think it's a stretch of the imagination to say that anyone is completely innocent of any sort of wrongdoing.

So, in my interpretation of the story, Adam and Eve simply represent all of humanity doing that one thing that they regret later on.

As a literal story though I think it's ridiculous. Why does God need a forbidden tree? He doesn't... placing it there can be one thing and one thing only: entrapment. Furthermore, in the literal story Adam and Eve were innocent; they ostensibly had no knowledge to differentiate good from evil.

Well, "deception" is evil. A person who can't tell good from evil doesn't know what "deception" is. This is much like a small child doesn't know that when a stranger says to get in the car with him that he's "deceiving" them until you TEACH the child what deception is in order to protect them.

Ostensibly, in the literal story, Adam and Eve were deceived by a serpent and had no means by which to understand that when the serpent said they could eat the fruit that such was a deception. Being without the means to understand it was deception, OF COURSE they're going to eat the fruit: if you lie to a person who doesn't understand lies, then in their mind what you say to them must be true because you said it. (Has anyone ever seen Galaxy Quest? There's a race of aliens that don't know what lies are, which the antagonist uses to his advantage by lying to them and they inevitably always believe his lies as true).

Some argue, "But God said clearly not to eat from the tree." That doesn't matter though. The serpent saying they *can* eat from the tree -- to a person who doesn't understand lies -- overrides the original command. It's just like if you tell your children it's not okay to get into a stranger's car, but they don't know what a lie is, and a stranger tells them "I know your parents said not to get into a stranger's car but I'm telling you it's okay." Some kids will believe that if they aren't familiar with what deception is.

So, long winded rant over... creating beings ignorant of lies and then allowing a liar to manipulate them knowingly (omnisciently) is worse than entrapment, it's a setup. The one thing Adam and Eve required to protect themselves against deception was the one thing that they were forbidden to do. That is, I believe, a true catch-22. It definitely raises a lot of questions about the literal interpretation of the Genesis story.

Very interesting take on this story, MM. Never thought of it that way before.

We need to die, because we need a probationary state. This life we make mistakes and learn - we die so we can have a fresh start.

Adam and Eve ate the fruit so that they could have children. They were unable to have children in their perfect form. They had a choice: either don't eat the fruit, never know good/evil, never have children.... or eat the fruit and progress, have children.

How does eating a piece of fruit suddenly turn a perfect human being into becoming sexually active? Perhaps the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil was laced with aphrodisiacs or something like that...

WHY so much thought into this fable?????????????????????????????????????????

with homo sapiens being on the planet for 200,000 years I think this old myth can be put to rest [in my opinion]

and if you do believe then you will have to dig deep into fiction to explain why adam and eve are supposed to be white and theres afro americans. did afro americans evolve from white people?. Im pretty sure its the other way around.

I used to think the Genesis story of the Fall was literal, but not so much anymore, after I began rationally thinking about it

I remember in a Social Cultural Anthropology textbook I read last year proposed a theory claiming that prehistoric man a evolved a gene inhibiting the production of melanin in the skin due to he/she moving north to higher latitudes; lighter skin means more sunlight absorption, which means more absorption of Vitamin D. If this is correct, the earliest men started out with darker skin, not white. I found this quite fascinating.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
The idea of all God's children being punished for the actions of two mythical fruit eating ingrates called Adam and Eve is utterly obscene. God I believe does not punish people for the sins of their ancestors. Punishment is to be the done for the purpose of correction and not for punishment sake. Punishment for punishment sake is torture. Technically it should only be Adam and Eve punished for taking the fruit. According to the Biblical narrative and this myth, Adam and Eve didn't have any moral awareness until they partook the fruit of the tree of knowledge and good and evil. In light of this, they weren't responsible because they didn't have a moral awareness.

This is the god the Bible puts forth many times, a god who loves torture and destruction. I'd have to believe like the Gnostics that the god of Christianity is not even the same god as in the OT to be able to justify worship of this god in my mind and conscience.