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What about the 7-day creation story?


Well-Known Member
Hi, AJ! :)

I'd say the creation story and Christ are entirely separate and really have nothing to do directly with each other, though both play significant roles in religious and human history (Christ more so than the creation story).

One big advantage we Baha'is have is that our scriptures explain a number of traditionally troubling or confusing concepts from earlier religious Revelations, this being a good example! (This definitely does help us concentrate more on the here-and-now.)

Best regards, :)



Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Hi, Bruce
I'd say the creation story and Christ are entirely separate and really have nothing to do directly with each other, though both play significant roles in religious and human history (Christ more so than the creation story).>>>Bruce

One could see it that way.
But my view has to do with only one God. Which I know you will agree upon the one God also.

God the creator (Yah) created all there is and explained it to us in a 7-day creation story.
The consequences of the creation of mankind (flesh) was death.

Which is a normal situation due to the marriage of the Spirit Adam and the flesh Eve.

Then Knowledge gained to make them as gods, was the fall, also death, but to the spirit end of it.

Now, God the creator predestined all of us to be with Him by making alive the death spirit that existed in mankind due to the knowledge gained.

I'm assuming you understand what I'm talking about? (Tree of knowledge)

There can only be one God and no other.

Therefore God Himself has to eliminate all other gods and provide Himself as the vehicle for us to enter heaven.

Jesus then comes into the picture to provide that body for one day, "as God", literally, to die on the cross, go to hell and rescue all humanity that was held captive there awaiting Gods rescue.

Of course, God doesn't die, but the physical body of Jesus does.

It states in the bible that there is no other name in heaven, on earth or under the sea by which mankind could be saved, save the name of Jesus.

The name Jesus is the name God's salvation. Yah-shua.

All that I said fits perfectly and in harmony with the bible as a whole.

By my having that understanding, I see all humanity predestined to be saved, therefore, to me there is no distinction o what people wish to believe.

What is important to the mature individual spiritually, is that He live by the two greatest commandments.

Love God and neighbor.



Well-Known Member
There might be something to numbers, 4 and 40 seem to be numbers for the length of a trail, and seven may be completeness with eight being a new beginning. There are seven candles on a manurah and seven spirits of God, there are seven days and the next is a new week, also seven notes in a major or minor scale and the next one is an octave. But since the Bible doesn't specifically say the numbers matter all that much I don't really worry about it to much, although it's kind of interesting.


Well-Known Member
Hi, AJ! :)

I'd say the creation story and Christ are entirely separate and really have nothing to do directly with each other, though both play significant roles in religious and human history (Christ more so than the creation story).

One big advantage we Baha'is have is that our scriptures explain a number of traditionally troubling or confusing concepts from earlier religious Revelations, this being a good example! (This definitely does help us concentrate more on the here-and-now.)

Best regards, :)

Creation has a pretty big part in human history, since humans were one of the things created. Also it shows we were brand new from God instead of hand me downs from some dirty apes. (that was our planet!noooooooo!)


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
There might be something to numbers, 4 and 40 seem to be numbers for the length of a trail, and seven may be completeness with eight being a new beginning. There are seven candles on a manurah and seven spirits of God, there are seven days and the next is a new week, also seven notes in a major or minor scale and the next one is an octave. But since the Bible doesn't specifically say the numbers matter all that much I don't really worry about it to much, although it's kind of interesting.

Not only interesting, but educational as well.
Christ goes through all 7 days of the creation in order to make Him the
end of the beginning, and then of the beginning without no end.

Isa 46:10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:

If Jesus was to be the name of all names by which mankind should be saved, then Jesus hat to begin with the beginning of creation, fulfill that, and begin a new creation of grace.

Rev 1:8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.



Well-Known Member
I'm assuming you understand what I'm talking about? (Tree of knowledge)

Hi again! :)

The "tree of knowledge" is part of the literal interpretation which we aren't into; unsurprisingly, we believe the explanation I posted.

We do stipulate the Oneness of God, yes! :)

As to the "no other name" thing, that was very true FOR THAT AGE!

But Christ Himself said He had more to tell us (for which we weren't then ready) and so promised to send the Spirit of Truth to lead us to all truth! We see Baha'u'llah, our Founder, as this Spirit of Truth.

And the Bible itself (both Jewish and Christian scriptures) states that the Spirit will have a new name!

A New Age has indeed come, and with it the new name!

God has sent many Divine Messengers, and there will be more in the future.

Best regards, :)



Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Hi again! :)

The "tree of knowledge" is part of the literal interpretation which we aren't into; unsurprisingly, we believe the explanation I posted.

We do stipulate the Oneness of God, yes! :)

As to the "no other name" thing, that was very true FOR THAT AGE!

But Christ Himself said He had more to tell us (for which we weren't then ready) and so promised to send the Spirit of Truth to lead us to all truth! We see Baha'u'llah, our Founder, as this Spirit of Truth.

And the Bible itself (both Jewish and Christian scriptures) states that the Spirit will have a new name!

A New Age has indeed come, and with it the new name!

God has sent many Divine Messengers, and there will be more in the future.

Best regards, :)


You do take the bible as credible?
Act 4:10 Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole.
Act 4:11 This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner.
Act 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
Is Baha'u'llah, described as that corner stone; was he raised from the dead to stand in front of his people as witness to that fact, and is he the rock to break in pieces all the kingdoms of the world as dust and have the wind blow it away as mere nothing?

Can it be said of Baha'u'llah, "The rock of my salvation"?
Can it be said Baha'u'llah, liveth, was dead, and alive forever more?
Can it be said of Baha'u'llah that he holds the keys to heaven and death, literally?

Rev 1:18 I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.

I mean, Baha'u'llah may be a later termed prophet, but of Jesus is is said:
Heb 1:2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;

My understanding is that regardless of what prophets arise after Jesus, Jesus has spoken to all generations as the Son of God, sacrificed and rested bodily to change the face of death to life for all mankind, including: Baha'u'llah.

So, if you choose him over Jesus, Jesus already covered you with His blood, and considered your choices.



Well-Known Member
Premium Member
7 is Gods number, 777
6 is the devils number, 666
Hebrew letter number gemetria for Jesus is 888.
English is 444.
God doubles twice before He brings things to pass.

Gen 41:32 And for that the dream was doubled unto Pharaoh twice; it is because the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass.

Job 33:14 For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not.

6 first man Adam, brought the flesh and death
6 second man Adam, brought sacrifice and life
6 third time, resurrected Christ, grants salvation to all mankind.

7 is the number of completion.



Well-Known Member
Why is it that there are so many 7's in the bible?
Early Christians had a fondness for numbers.... symbology.....according to St. Augustine (Tract. cxxiii, in Joan.), the number seven represented the totality of the Christian world.... others had different opinions, but I really don't give it much thought personally.


Well-Known Member
Greetings! :)

You do take the bible as credible?

Most assuredly!

It's legitimate, God-sent scripture!

But much of it isn't literal and must therefore be interpreted symbolically in order to be fully understood.

Every Baha'i world wide also recognizes and reveres Jesus Christ!

But the passages about His name were for that Age. Now a new Age has come, as promised by Him, and as both the Jewish and Christian scriptures prophesied, the Spirit now has a new name!

Best, :)



Well-Known Member
Premium Member
There might be something to numbers, 4 and 40 seem to be numbers for the length of a trail, and seven may be completeness with eight being a new beginning. There are seven candles on a manurah and seven spirits of God, there are seven days and the next is a new week, also seven notes in a major or minor scale and the next one is an octave. But since the Bible doesn't specifically say the numbers matter all that much I don't really worry about it to much, although it's kind of interesting.

Well, numbers share a key roll in understanding the bible. At least that's how I was able to see what I now see.
Repetition in the bible is of key importance.(Hence the repetion of the #7)
The 7-day creation is key in understanding the mission of Christ.
He had to visit each of the days from the beginning, and gather them all up into His body for the sacrifice of them and all future souls not yet written in the book of life. (Meaning, not yet born)
God then recreates the 7-day creation into one whole day and a picture of that is represented by the 4 beasts with six wings, the two witnesses and the 24 Elders.



Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Greetings! :)

Most assuredly!

It's legitimate, God-sent scripture!

But much of it isn't literal and must therefore be interpreted symbolically in order to be fully understood.

Every Baha'i world wide also recognizes and reveres Jesus Christ!

But the passages about His name were for that Age. Now a new Age has come, as promised by Him, and as both the Jewish and Christian scriptures prophesied, the Spirit now has a new name!

Best, :)

Well, you answered one part of my post, and the rest of it?



Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Early Christians had a fondness for numbers.... symbology.....according to St. Augustine (Tract. cxxiii, in Joan.), the number seven represented the totality of the Christian world.... others had different opinions, but I really don't give it much thought personally.

That's fine, everybody has their own level of understandings.
But, I find the numbers extremely important in understanding a greater view of the sufferings of Jesus for throughout the whole bible, they speak of Him.

The story of Job is a similitude of Jesus, as is Abraham, Joseph, David and many many more.
We have to look at the bible not for the human story element, but to the spiritual works of God in humanity.
Jesus had to become all that mankind is, was, and would ever be in order to redeem mankind from the dilemma God had placed him in.

God is the creator and God is the redeemer of His own creation. The vessel (Us) can not tell the Potter, why did you make me thus?



Well-Known Member
Look, what I posted is intended as a complete answer.

Some parts of your original question may no longer be at issue given what I've already said in answer.




Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I understand Bruce, there is no way you could have answered in the positive the other part of that post quote:

Can it be said of Baha'u'llah, "The rock of my salvation"?
Can it be said Baha'u'llah, liveth, was dead, and alive forever more?
Can it be said of Baha'u'llah that he holds the keys to heaven and death, literally?

What I am trying to point out is that of all the prophets, none was like the Christ of God.
His coming was predicted long before by the prophets of old as well as mentioned in the story of creation.
There was a definite purpose for all time, not just that age, but for all time, onces and for all time, a single sacrifice for all of humanity.

Failing to see the purpose will render Jesus as just another prophet, and if that is the case, I would agree with you.
But, because I see the whole purpose of His coming, and understand it, then He is my God for all eternity.
After Him in the flesh are many good and Godly man, but not any of them were born of the spirit of God at birth like first man Adam.
There are two Adams mentioned in scripture.And Baha'u'llah, is not one of them.



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Premium Member
ISAIAH 30:26 Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the Lord bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound.

What day is that? And the light of the moon being as the light of the Sun?... 7 fold? ...As in 7 days?
Seems to me that there is more to all that than meets the eye, don't you all think?

Any body care to venture any guesses?



Well-Known Member
Yes, Look, outside the narrow, literal interpretation favored by some, the same sorts of attribute are all equally attributable to other Divine Messengers such as Baha'u'llah given that They are spiritually One and the same!

Taking too much literally easily leads to confusion.




Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Yes, Look, outside the narrow, literal interpretation favored by some, the same sorts of attribute are all equally attributable to other Divine Messengers such as Baha'u'llah given that They are spiritually One and the same!

Taking too much literally easily leads to confusion.



I respect your views. And understand how you are applying as you say "literal interpretations".
But prophecy pointed to only one individual and not many. One that had the power to forgive, the sins of the world, not merely individual selectee's but the whole world.
This individual is the center piece of the whole bible, not of the Koran, but of the bible.
From beginning to the cross, the plan for the salvation of the worlds is explained and brought to pass in a body prepared solely for that purpose.
Included in that plan are all the different religious beliefs in the world.
To understand why and how, Jesus has to be the deciding figure, the one in whom rests the weight of the sins on the world, and only of which He alone could bare.

Baha'u'llah, may have been a kind, loving and gentle figure, I don't know all the facts, but can not of his own power forgive sins, only to those who were around him at the time. But could not for the whole world then, now and for the future, pay for all their sins.

Being in the presence of God, a better term maybe than the word heaven to you, necessitated a ransom be paid in order for humanity to access that presence.

That ransom could no man pay........unless the creator Himself paid it.

He did! In a body prepare as a sacrifice, onces and for all time.



Well-Known Member
Can it be said of Baha'u'llah, "The rock of my salvation"?
Can it be said Baha'u'llah, liveth, was dead, and alive forever more?
Can it be said of Baha'u'llah that he holds the keys to heaven and death, literally?

Spiritually, though the words change each time, the same description applies to all the Divine Messengers God sends!

They're different human beings, but all share the same investiture of the Holy Spirit and as such are all spiritually One and the same!

The differences associated with Their various taachings are social laws intended to change over time as each new Messenger comes, to meet the current human needs and abilities at that time.

And contrary to your assertion, prophecy has also promised other Divine Messengers! In particular, I refer you to the site:
where you can find a detailed description of the prophecies fulfilled by the coming of Baha'u'llah (our Founder) and the Baha'i Faith in the Bible and elsewhere!

Cheers! :)


Best, :)
