I live in a country with a lot of Muslims and what I see is that most times there is trouble and violence they are involved. When we look at the world map and pinpoint the countries where there are more wars and unrest, the majority is Muslim.
Since I came to France I find it impossible to believe that Muslims don't love violence. All Muslims? Of course not! Many of them are wonderful, peaceful people that I love and respect. But there are the others, the ones who would convert or kill of non-believers if they could and those are the ones who scare me.
If Muslims are against violence like they like to say, why are the violent Muslims not expelled when they start causing trouble? I see their leaders telling the media how sorry they are and how violent behavior doesn't reflect the Muslim mentality but I don't see them doing something about it.
I'm sorry but in France the muslims who may causes problems ( i guess you're talking about those in prison) are generally into : theft, drugs and things like that which have
nothing to do with religion .
Those kind of people are not really into religion, they are as muslims as mexicans drug dealers are christians in Juares.
You have many people who are criminals yet religious in many part of the world.
And as you talk about those who scare you because they would kill you for no beeing a muslim ... well they are not that much in France. Exept for Mohammed Merah, i don't remind anyone of that kind.
So don't know what you are talking about.
I was wondering... why so many Muslims claim not to understand what a moderate Muslim would be?
Is it due to actual lack of understanding, or is it instead a show of respect for other Muslims?
It's like saying we are not fully muslims.
Do you say a "moderate" bouddist, hindu ? That doesn't make sense for the majority of us : we are muslim or we are not.
There's of course extremists, like there is christian extremists but the "others" musn't be called "moderate" as an opposition.
Here is a list of core values that I believe in:
- Honor
- Freedom
- Arts
- Knowledge
- Friendship
- Logic
- Compassion
If you think of yourself as a moderate Muslim, do you hold these same values? If not, could you share your core values?
I don't call myself a "moderate" muslim, just an average muslim.
And of course i hold those values. Why i couldn't ?
You know what you must do ? Take your passport and travel to muslim countries (well don't go to Irak or Syria of course) and you'll see we are like you.
I understand you are an american and don't know many muslims, probably heard of us only 13 years ago, and almost only see violence and clichés about us. But the best thing to do after reading Quran and books is to see by yourself.
I've been in the USA some years ago, without any biased view concerning americans and i've found them very cool. The news and the political tensions are one thing, people are an other thing.
In reality we are just people who believe in God, and try to do our best.
We have unfortunately bad people in our ranks who may harm people for different reasons (of course bad reasons most of time) but that's not the majority.
People say muslims don't denounce terrorism, they say they are against it but that's it.
Not true, don't show us as people who are afraid of the extremists and don't want to criticize some muslims. Like i always see here and there in forums.
Just yesterday there was a debate about terrorism in Tunisia, so if you understand arabic here it is :
Ness Nessma News du Lundi 17 Février 2014 - YouTube
Sorry for the long post.