Salsa..(blended roma tomatos, de-seeded raw jalepenias ,couple garlic cloves...tad bit of salt ...quite a few pinches of cilantra(probabably 8 pincnes or 20 depending).....squeeze of lime..)Just stick it in the blender..(dont worry about the foam it settles)..
Then you eat that like you are starving to death..on some can probably eat about 1/2 gallon of it in one siting.. :yes:
THEN wake up at about ......4 oclock in the morining with SEVERE stomach cramps..Liek the lower down stomach area..
Turn on the bathtub water and the fan just to drown out the noise to reduce embarrsement factor and have a can of Febreeze ready on hand..Put a mouth piece in (have one ready ) for the grinding clinching of the teeth in order not to chip any of them..From the seering gut wrenching pain of the "exit " of this delicious salsa!
Thats what I ate..Im having some more tonight.