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What are your opinions on Anti-Theism?


رسول الآلهة
Nothing per se. But the irrational hatred of those who don't agree with your ideology is a problem.
Who said I hate anybody?

Going out of your way to start fights about religion when it's only tenuously relevant to begin with is also very annoying.

This is not antitheism it is being a brat.

I can deal with the fact that some there are people who actively oppose theistic thought. But the people who go into attack whenever they come across the mere suggestion of theistic or religious thought are not rational people despite their endless appeals to being so.

You do not understand anti-theism then


Spiritually confused Jew
Premium Member
I am an anti-theist and just curious on the overall opinions of anti-theism by theists and nontheists

Childish, embodying the worst straw man stereotypes of non-theism, and completely ignoring/oversimplifying the diverse complexity that is religious & spiritual belief.

Basically, just reiterating what Alceste pretty much had said.
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Active Member
I would, if they were... well, if they were respectful and sane.

Many are, but you are talking about the more radical ones, of which there are plenty, I must state plainly that they have not earned a lot of respect. Then again, it takes a radical to actually find a problem with atheism in the first place.

I can agree with the last sentence. As long as an atheist doesn't prevent me from following my beliefs I see no problem with them.

More to the point, anti-atheists / radical theists (not completely different groups at that) are not challenged nearly as often as they should, and in fact end up drawing a lot of attention from the press and political parties. Questioning the sense of that is a matter of civical duty, IMO.

I agree, radical groups should be questioned more.

How different is it from capitalists and socialists disagreeing between them, for instance?

Well for one those are political groups which are concerned with spreading their policies nation wide/ world wide. This is not the case for every religion as there are theistic groups which really just want to be left a lone to practice their beliefs.

I don't believe you can really make a comparison between the two. For one political groups don't practice as religious groups do (unless you count them pushing for reform as practice). Political ideals more or less exist to be put in place by a government whether it is local or national. Politics is the art of governing while religion (or lack of religion) is a way to live by.

However I digress, I see the point you're making.

I can't make witness of what I don't know. Do you want examples of harmful theism that I know about?

Sure, but it'd be like me saying Joseph Stalin is an example of violent atheism / anti-theism. Generally, when it comes down to it, violent theism is the event of greedy power hungry institutions warping the words of scripture to suit their needs, those who follow these institutions generally don't know any better.

It is not, until and unless it drives you away from more constructive and healthy situations. Which I freely admit having no reason to believe to be the case. I simply don't know you nearly well enough to even have an opinion.

Understandable and respectable. There are far too many people who judge people on face things (i.e if they're atheist/theist, democrat/republican, ect.)

I have no duty to automatically approve of theism, though. More to the point, I have the full right to advise against theism in general, and I feel I have good reason to.

You are not alone. Many people don't even realize that there are subtler dangers in theism.

Excluding radical outliers what do you believe to be the subtler dangers in theism? What danger would theism pose to someone who is sane and has a decent degree of intelligence?

Thanks for sharing. :)

Same to you!


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
From what I've watched of your posting here, Philotech, you don't strike me as an anti-theist. Then again, neither does LuisDantas, who also identifies as one. Nope, the people who are anti-theist will get banned from this site because all they do is whine about how irrational, stupid, and senseless theists are and that we should all embrace reason and sense. They're some of the most negative, pejorative, arrogant speakers I see. They're the foil to the negative, pejorative, arrogant theist who thinks if you don't worship the right god you're irrational, stupid and senseless.


Active Member
From what I've watched of your posting here, Philotech, you don't strike me as an anti-theist. Then again, neither does LuisDantas, who also identifies as one. Nope, the people who are anti-theist will get banned from this site because all they do is whine about how irrational, stupid, and senseless theists are and that we should all embrace reason and sense. They're some of the most negative, pejorative, arrogant speakers I see. They're the foil to the negative, pejorative, arrogant theist who thinks if you don't worship the right god you're irrational, stupid and senseless.

I agree with this as well.


Spiritually confused Jew
Premium Member
From what I've watched of your posting here, Philotech, you don't strike me as an anti-theist. Then again, neither does LuisDantas, who also identifies as one. Nope, the people who are anti-theist will get banned from this site because all they do is whine about how irrational, stupid, and senseless theists are and that we should all embrace reason and sense. They're some of the most negative, pejorative, arrogant speakers I see. They're the foil to the negative, pejorative, arrogant theist who thinks if you don't worship the right god you're irrational, stupid and senseless.

^ This as well. :yes:


Denizen of Niflheim
Philotech said:
Who said I hate anybody?

No one. But if you are amongst those who call for the annihilation of religion because you dislike it, then that is ideological intolerance.

Philotech said:
This is not antitheism it is being a brat.

Those are mutuality exclusive? I often find them to go hand in hand.

Philotech said:
You do not understand anti-theism then

I do. It an ideology mostly but not exclusively adhered to by late adolescent to early thirties first-word males with an overblown sense of their own intelligence and rationality, always incapable of appreciating their own irony as they all spout the same identical rhetoric and talking points with unquestioned orthodoxy.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
I am not sure why someone can be against such a broad group.

Probably cognitive heuristics. When we create mental maps or constructs of things, we simplify. In particular, we often will create a construct that allows us to contrast things with each other and this produces an exaggerated sense of differences. When we make a construct of a group we consider to be "not us" we also have a tendency to regard it as more homogenous than it actually is. I remember studying all of this in undergraduate psychology, but that has been quite a few years ago for me now. XD

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Staff member
Premium Member
Probably cognitive heuristics. When we create mental maps or constructs of things, we simplify. In particular, we often will create a construct that allows us to contrast things with each other and this produces an exaggerated sense of differences. When we make a construct of a group we consider to be "not us" we also have a tendency to regard it as more homogenous than it actually is. I remember studying all of this in undergraduate psychology, but that has been quite a few years ago for me now. XD

Interesting. But is it a logical thing to do?


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Sorry to disappoint you, but I am definitely an anti-theist. I guess I don't fit your expectations of what one should be.


رسول الآلهة
In India, this is definitely the case. Hinduism is a part of India, whether any atheist or secularist likes it or not. For some reason, secularists are intent on separating India from Hinduism in all ways possible. To lose Hinduism would be to lose India's heritage IMHO.

Vinayak Damodar Savarkar would very much disagree. This is one thing I dispise about Hindus to some extent. They do not understand culture.

Savarkar mentioned numerous times of the nature of Hinduism and culture yet he was a staunch atheist and noticeable secularist. He could easily be labelled as an anti-theist in every sense of the word.

Savarkar said:
A society that chains itself to one religious scripture will necessarily remain as backward as the age of that scripture. Gone are the days of organizing society on the basis of religious scriptures! Fortunately, Hindu philosophy does not imprison the mind but allows its free expression. In fact, this is our crowning glory! It is sufficient to consider the Vedas, Upanishads, Gita and such scriptures as being worthy of reverence and respect. By no means should they be considered infallible.

Savarkar said:
Man turns to God in times of difficulty and desperation. While he does this for his own satisfaction, it would be incorrect to assume that God will help him. Man may pray to God for the satisfaction he may derive from doing so!


رسول الآلهة
No one. But if you are amongst those who call for the annihilation of religion because you dislike it, then that is ideological intolerance.

This is where I laugh because I do so when I hear ignorance.

Anti-theism does not imply anti-religion. There is a difference. Also anti-theis do not call for the annihilation because we dislike it.
We refute(not attack) theism for what it is, harmful.

Those are mutuality exclusive? I often find them to go hand in hand.

Just like thought I no longer believe you are ignorant but deliberately unwise.

I do. It an ideology mostly but not exclusively adhered to by late adolescent to early thirties first-word males with an overblown sense of their own intelligence and rationality, always incapable of appreciating their own irony as they all spout the same identical rhetoric and talking points with unquestioned orthodoxy.

:yes: just my point. Unwise in ever since of the word.

Un = Without
Wise = Wisdom

Now everybody knows why I am an anti-theist. Most likely your lack of wisdom is correlated to your theism and possibly your religion which personally I find to be the most hateful next to Islam. It is no different than a cult or terrorist ideology. Except it is mostly cognitive.

...Meow :)
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رسول الآلهة
I am not sure why someone can be against such a broad group.

Communism is a broad group. Marxism, Maoism, Lennism etc. Have I mentioned that no communist has even fulfilled the original conception of Communism by forming a stateless and self ruled government.

Is it harmful to hate a broad group like murders?

You have murders who do so for sex, like raping before murdering, some who like doing cooky rituals. Lets not forget the various ethnicities of murders as well.
Is it bad to dislike such a broad group and deem them unable to benefit to humanity?

...I am not trying to compare theists to murderers by the way :D. Religious people can be since religion has an ideology although theism does not


رسول الآلهة
From what I've watched of your posting here, Philotech, you don't strike me as an anti-theist.

On multiple occasions I have called Christianity a scourge or I have compared it to a cognitive disease. I could be getting my blog posting mixed with my forum posting though so don't take my word for it. I try being nicer on the forums by the way obviously.

Just because I am a philosophical animist and kowtow to stars, planets and the atom does not make me "spiritual", "theistic" or "religious" as I am entirely against all 3 things(religion not so much).

Then again, neither does LuisDantas, who also identifies as one. Nope, the people who are anti-theist will get banned from this site because all they do is whine about how irrational, stupid, and senseless theists are and that we should all embrace reason and sense.
That is not anti-theism. That is complaining. To be an anti-theist means to oppose theism not complain about it. Atheists complain about theism and religion while anti-theist actually refute it.

There is a difference.

They're some of the most negative, pejorative, arrogant speakers I see. They're the foil to the negative, pejorative, arrogant theist who thinks if you don't worship the right god you're irrational, stupid and senseless.

I could agree with this. I would easily state that theism is an anti-human and anti-rational ideal. I would also tell anybody with this belief as being very harmful but I will not treat them negatively.
My most favorite poster on this forum is a Muslim....from Saudi Arabia. Being irrational or stupid does not make you a bad person.

trying talking to me about politics, life or art and you will witness my own stupidity. Test me :D. The key though is that I never bring up these subjects so I do not let people know of my own stupidity ;)
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The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Staff member
Premium Member
Communism is a broad group. Marxism, Maoism, Lennism etc. Have I mentioned that no communist has even fulfilled the original conception of Communism by forming a stateless and self ruled government.

Is it harmful to hate a broad group like murders?

You have murders who do so for sex, like raping before murdering, some who like doing cooky rituals. Lets not forget the various ethnicities of murders as well.
Is it bad to dislike such a broad group and deem them unable to benefit to humanity?

...I am not trying to compare theists to murderers by the way :D. Religious people can be since religion has an ideology although theism does not

Communism is not nearly as broad as Theism. Theism is anyone who isn't an atheist, for the most part.

The thing is, I blame murderers for murders, rapists for rape. I don't look at their ethnicity. More specifically I dislike murderers who murder for reasons I personally don't find reasonable.

Everyone has their own judgement of groups of any size or individuals, but there are certain things we simply cannot judge for certain things. Those are groups that are so diverse that the thing we are judging becomes absurd because the overall score is unjust to begin with.

All in all, I respect your right to be an anti-theist. I am one of the few who believe in tolerating intolerance which is kept at the opinionative level.


رسول الآلهة
Communism is not nearly as broad as Theism. Theism is anyone who isn't an atheist, for the most part.

The thing is, I blame murderers for murders, rapists for rape. I don't look at their ethnicity. More specifically I dislike murderers who murder for reasons I personally don't find reasonable.

I do not look at the ethnicity or beliefs of theists. They are theists and no matter the theism it is the same and useless concept of some sort of supernatural being or entity.

Everyone has their own judgement of groups of any size or individuals, but there are certain things we simply cannot judge for certain things. Those are groups that are so diverse that the thing we are judging becomes absurd because the overall score is unjust to begin with.

All in all, I respect your right to be an anti-theist. I am one of the few who believe in tolerating intolerance which is kept at the opinionative level.

Describe intolerant. I am very tolerant "in every sense of the word" because I tolerate theism. I do not try to make theists life miserable or make them feel uncomfortable. I pity them and attacking them only makes me depressed because it is like attack a mentally disturbed person for being unable to comprehend the things around them. It is like hating a lesbian for liking women.

My own mother for example is an xtremely pitiful and hateful person. Lies and creates chaos yet I do not hate her for her stupidity and worthlessness(I.E.S.O.T.W) because anything she does has no effect on me.

...Meow. Also judging by your pics you are very cute :p.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
"Anti-theism" is a somewhat misleading name. It sounds like people are objecting to deity per se, but from what I've seen, anti-theists are more inclined to object to certain practices and behavior tendencies of people from various religious backgrounds -- especially from the world's fundamentalisms.


I am an anti-theist and just curious on the overall opinions of anti-theism by theists and nontheists

I don't know, I think I take Anti-Theism too personally. But knowing that someone wants to strip you of your beliefs, It's hard not to take it personally.

And generally they're the radical fundamentalists of Atheism, The ones who aren't happy with there being no God but feel the need to take God from everyone else.

A movement I hope dies a painful death :)

Besides, It's a much to a simplistic view of the world. Reminds me of racism and sexism in it's unbending intolerance.


رسول الآلهة
I don't know, I think I take Anti-Theism too personally. But knowing that someone wants to strip you of your beliefs, It's hard not to take it personally.

No surprise there :D

And generally they're the radical fundamentalists of Atheism, The ones who aren't happy with there being no God but feel the need to take God from everyone else.

Um no, you are just making things up here

A movement I hope dies a painful death :)

Yeah, Christianity is dying already http://www.wingia.com/web/files/news/14/file/14.pdf

It dies by 9% while non-theism rises by 3%. So again, don't worry because your faith is already dying with the liars and hateful fear mongers who wish only for the greatest calamities upon mankind.

Besides, It's a much to a simplistic view of the world. Reminds me of racism and sexism in it's unbending intolerance.

Not in the slightest. Theism kills, promotes falsehood, ruins the essence of morality and rids mankind of itself and the natural world.

Theism promotes bigotry. Through religion theism promotes the idea that infidels should be killed and others should be rid of their culture(religion) and denied hope.
Theists like to use Communism to refute this but a political ideology comprising of atheists is as irrelevant as pointing out the fact that many Christians are white or black. Through this logic you are stating that whiteness or blackness is the cause of Christianity.
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