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What came before the Big Bang?


Just old
Premium Member
hey GNG,
Well.....that consciousness that you sense sounds like inward gnosis recognition.
That awareness of the magik within all of us, that is unexplainable to most people that occupy the living humanity on the earth,
is probably the same as the knowing of the the 'all' that surrounds us every day of our lives, and the wealth of it that's buried within us.
Maybe if this is the consciousness of which you speak, I will agree. But....it was there before the BB and still is.
Getting ready to fire up windows 8 any minute now, as soon as I can muster up the nerve, wish me luck.
I might be out shopping for a new monster tomorrow, may your consciousness be with me.


Rogue Theologian
hey GNG,
Well.....that consciousness that you sense sounds like inward gnosis recognition.
That awareness of the magik within all of us, that is unexplainable to most people that occupy the living humanity on the earth,
is probably the same as the knowing of the the 'all' that surrounds us every day of our lives, and the wealth of it that's buried within us.
Maybe if this is the consciousness of which you speak, I will agree. But....it was there before the BB and still is.
Getting ready to fire up windows 8 any minute now, as soon as I can muster up the nerve, wish me luck.
I might be out shopping for a new monster tomorrow, may your consciousness be with me.

Good luck!
My new laptop came with 8.1
it sucks


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Dear metis, Because when you discover that Jesus IS the Light of the first Day, the only Image of the invisible God, that when you've seen Jesus, you've seen the invisible Father which NO man has ever seen....you will realize that Jesus Christ IS God incarnate, physically, bodily, the ONLY God you will EVER see.

Jesus is YHWH of the Old Testament, the Almighty God, and He is the ALPHA and the OMEGA, the beginning and the end. IF you don't know Jesus, be prepared to stand before Him, for He is the Judge at the Judgment, and when you stand before a Being BRIGHTER than the Sun, your knees, like every mans will bow, before God. God Bless you.

In Love,

You didn't answer my questions, so there's no reason for me to move this discussion forward.

Take care.


Veteran Member
What came before the Big Bang?

Big Bang came after when the One-True-God commanded it to happen; and it started happening as per His design.
Then life started evolving.



Bible Believer
Genesis opens with:

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

A universe is everything, which would include heaven, earth and everything else, including space. You are using the word 'heavens' as synonymous with 'multiverse', but a multiverse or universe would contain heaven. So the Bible cannot have meant 'multiverse' as you claim. Besides, it is a stretch, as are the rest of your points.

Dear godnotgod, You are confused since the first firmament or "heaven" as God called it, was made on the SECOND Day. Gen 1:8 You are speaking of the creation elements which would be used for building worlds. In the beginning God created the heaven (Heb-air) and the earth (Heb-ground) and the ground was without form and empty or void and darkness or death was upon the deep (Water which came from the Air) and everything God has just brought into physical form. The first Earth was NOT made until the THIRD Day. Gen 1:10

Gen 2:4 states:
These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens,

Notice that this verse is NO longer speaking of God (Elohim), but of Lord God.(YHWH/Jesus), making the Earth on the 3rd Day, Gen 1:9-10 AND making at least two other HeavenS or boundaries of Universes within the Multiverse.

which would mean that God would have created the Big Bang when the universe already was existing, which is impossible.

God made the FIRST Heaven or firmament on the SECOND Day. Gen 1:6-8 God DID cause the Big Bang of our Cosmos, and it did NOT happen until the THIRD Day, as one of the other HeavenS. The THIRD Heaven was also made. It's where all Christians will live AFTER the present 2nd Heaven is burned. ll Peter 3:10 God Bless you.

In Love,


Thou art That
What came before the Big Bang?

Big Bang came after when the One-True-God commanded it to happen; and it started happening as per His design.
Then life started evolving.


Story goes that, when God was contemplating which attributes to assign to man, one of the angels shouted up:

"Don't bother. Just toss in a little chimp DNA and let it go at that!" :angel2:


Thou art That
Dear godnotgod, You are confused since the first firmament or "heaven" as God called it, was made on the SECOND Day. Gen 1:8 You are speaking of the creation elements which would be used for building worlds. In the beginning God created the heaven (Heb-air) and the earth (Heb-ground) and the ground was without form and empty or void and darkness or death was upon the deep (Water which came from the Air) and everything God has just brought into physical form. The first Earth was NOT made until the THIRD Day. Gen 1:10

Gen 2:4 states:
These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens,

Notice that this verse is NO longer speaking of God (Elohim), but of Lord God.(YHWH/Jesus), making the Earth on the 3rd Day, Gen 1:9-10 AND making at least two other HeavenS or boundaries of Universes within the Multiverse.

God made the FIRST Heaven or firmament on the SECOND Day. Gen 1:6-8 God DID cause the Big Bang of our Cosmos, and it did NOT happen until the THIRD Day, as one of the other HeavenS. The THIRD Heaven was also made. It's where all Christians will live AFTER the present 2nd Heaven is burned. ll Peter 3:10 God Bless you.

In Love,

Nope. Genesis 1 clearly states that the Earth was created on the first day. It is not saying anything about creation 'elements':

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Genesis then goes on to say that the Earth was empty, meaning it had no life-forms upon it as yet; that there was yet no Sun; that water was already present on its surface. That means that the Earth as a planet was already created:

Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

Your translation says that
'the ground was without form and empty or void ' on the first day, further indicating that the Earth was already formed, but that life-forms were not yet present upon its surface.

Then Genesis 1:9 states:

And God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.” And it was so. 10 God called the dry ground “land,” and the gathered waters he called “seas.”

This is supposed to have occurred on the third day. The writer of Genesis is confused. How can there be ground on the first day but does not 'appear' until the thrid?

Basically, Genesis describes a watery world appearing first, and then land appears secondarily. That contradicts science, which tells us that the Earth was a spin-off from the Sun, meaning that the primary condition would have been a world of fire, not water:

Gradually the sun grew in size and the dusty disc cooled. Over millions of years the dust clustered into grains, then lumps, boulders and eventually planetesimals - chunks of rock big enough to have their own gravitational field. Some of these planetesimals became the embryonic forms of the planets in our solar system today.

Slowly these rocky planets began to organise themselves, settling at a comfortable distance from the sun and finding their own orbit. Earth found its path as third planet from the sun. In the early days rocky pile-ups were still common, leaving craters on the surface of all of the planets.

Early Earth was a very different place to the planet we inhabit today. Initially the planet didn't have a crust, mantle and core, and instead all the elements were evenly mixed. There were no oceans nor continents and no atmosphere. Meteorite collisions, radioactive decay and planetary compression made Earth become hotter and hotter. After a few hundred million years the temperature of Earth reached 2,000C - the melting point of iron - and Earth's core was formed.

At this point much of the Earth was molten and there may have been a magma ocean at the surface. Gradually the Earth cooled and the planet settled out into a core, mantle and crust. This layering of the planet helped to trigger plate tectonics at the surface, and the Earth began to look a little more like the planet we know today.
Most geologists think Earth's atmosphere and oceans arrived about 4bn years ago - the product of multiple volcanic burps. Alternatively, they may have come from comets colliding with Earth and releasing water and gases at the surface.

How did our planet form? | Science | The Guardian

Get that? Atmosphere and oceans did not arrive until about 4 billion years ago, not 3 days! The temperature was around 2000 degrees after a few hundred million years, when the earth was still molten magma. So no vegetation; no life forms yet, as Genesis describes as having appeared within the first seven days. It took millions of years for the planets, including Earth, to form, not in an instant, as Genesis describes.

Genesis, as well as most of the rest of the Christian account, is a child's simplistic fantasy story, the product of the writer's colorful imagination.


Thou art That
Gen 2:4 states:
These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens,

Notice that this verse is NO longer speaking of God (Elohim), but of Lord God.(YHWH/Jesus), making the Earth on the 3rd Day, Gen 1:9-10 AND making at least two other HeavenS or boundaries of Universes within the Multiverse.

I am afraid you are not only quite confused, but are making things up as well.

All through Genesis 1, it is God that is referred to as 'creator'. Gen 2:4 is just a recap of all that went before. 'Lord God' is referring simply to God, not Jesus. The Book of Genesis does not even mention 'Jesus'.


Thou art That
hey GNG,
Well.....that consciousness that you sense sounds like inward gnosis recognition.
That awareness of the magik within all of us, that is unexplainable to most people that occupy the living humanity on the earth,
is probably the same as the knowing of the the 'all' that surrounds us every day of our lives, and the wealth of it that's buried within us.
Maybe if this is the consciousness of which you speak, I will agree. But....it was there before the BB and still is.

As Alan Watts tells us:

"...the real world is magical and wonderful in the sense that we cannot pin it down, that we do not understand it because it understands us."


Premium Member
As Alan Watts tells us:

"...the real world is magical and wonderful in the sense that we cannot pin it down, that we do not understand it because it understands us."

Uh that "because" doesn't really follow but a pretty word salad anyway, very yummy.


Rogue Theologian
You gotta wait for the update to get the normal functionality back. It ain't out yet?

Apparently not.
Drag and drop is not what it used to be.
Color options (like changing text color) don't work...
and other details.

I think it was brought on by a demand to stop people from using drag and drop at will.
You could keep a copy of anything.


back to topic?


Rogue Theologian
Uh that "because" doesn't really follow but a pretty word salad anyway, very yummy.

And some of what is said in this thread is just that.
But I lean to sorting out what I will believe.

I don't nod my head just cause someone playing authority said so.


Rogue Theologian
Story goes that, when God was contemplating which attributes to assign to man, one of the angels shouted up:

"Don't bother. Just toss in a little chimp DNA and let it go at that!" :angel2:

Man would be that blend between substance and spirit.
Any form could do....some are just better than others.
So, that ape like creature seemed to be doing well enough.
Social tendencies already in play.

But that form would have overrun the planet as did other forms before it.
Over population leans to extinction.
Any form that does so will not achieve that spiritual quality needed to survive the last breath.

So....Chapter Two.
A deliberate manipulation.
A 'tweak' in the scheme of evolution.
Last edited:


pro scapegoat
So the universe is greater than you. It encompasses all that you are, and then some, yes?

Really? Yes mate, a room is a subset of a house. The house is greater than the room which is included in it.

I am a subset of the universe, I am a part of the universe - a lesser part than the whole.